Strengthening participationAreas knowledge

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Participatory democracy, governance and socio-economic transformations

Citizen participation

Collaborative research and innovation, based on sound and engaging methodologies, channelling the participation of citizens and stakeholders to analyse socio-economic transformations, governance dynamics and future trends in participatory democracy.

The challenge is to understand and promote citizen participation in the science co-creation process.

Around 30 researchers from different fields of knowledge working together and in co-creation with civil society actors to foster civic participation at the multi-governance level and generate innovative initiatives for socio-economic developments.

Contact us

DIT - Deusto Research and Transfer

Avda. Universidades 24
48007 Bilbao

944 139 190

Strengthening Citizen Participation

What do we offer?


Interdisciplinary collaboration

Interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration that brings together DEUSTO researchers with local, regional and international partners


Networks of excellence

Active participation in networks of excellence and international networks of excellence and research projects


Communicating science

Communicating science throughout the research process


Strengthening the voice of excluded groups

Empowering and strengthening the voice of excluded groups in socially relevant knowledge production


Improving participatory research

Improving and strengthening participatory research, in particular research for territorial development and community-based research methods.


Open and citizen science

Improving the knowledge base of open and citizen science


Maximising the social impact of research

Maximising the social impact of research, co-generation of knowledge socially with citizens to address jointly defined challenges


Promoting responsible communication

Encouraging responsible communication of research, extending the learning process beyond the participants directly involved in the research process


Territorial development

Promote the contribution of civil society actors to territorial development.


UN Sustainable Development Goals

Contribute to the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the different strategies at European, national and local level