Ignatian Week delves into the meaning of hope in our time and its connection to social justice

This space for meeting and reflection on Ignatian identity will be held from March 10 to 16.

Capilla Gótica

07 March 2025

Bilbao Campus San Sebastian Campus

From March 10-16, the University celebrates Ignatian Week with various activities organized to reflect on Ignatian identity and its commitment to faith and justice. This year, under the motto “Pilgrimage to Hope”, it aims to deepen the meaning of hope in our time and its connection with social justice.

The events will open on March 10, at 3:00 p.m., in the Romanesque Chapel, with Fco. José Ruiz Pérez, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, and his “Ignatian Kit for Reasonableness”. In addition, at 3:30 p.m. there will be an online meeting at Deusto Business School on the theme “Companies with soul. How to promote Humanist leadership”.

The day of March 11 will include the space for interiority “Praying in uncertainty”, a moment of silence and guided prayer, at 2:00 pm, in the Romanesque Chapel. Then, at 15:00, in the Barandiaran Hall, there will be a reflection with dialogue on the binomial faith-justice and its implications in our time, by professors Raquel Royo, María Jesús Pando and Galo Bilbao, from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences.

Ignatian Week continues on March 12 with various initiatives, including, in addition to a Eucharist at 8:30 am on the campus of San Sebastian to remember Brother Garate, the presentation at 10:00 am, in the Barandiaran Hall, of various testimonies on “Being a pilgrim today: Paths of faith and commitment” with experiences from Central America. Then, at 11:00, the Faculty of Health Sciences has organized a reading activity for the students of the 2nd year of Psychology entitled: “We had forgotten to suffer: Ignatian keys to approach the crisis of Covid-19”.

On the same day, at 2:00 pm, there will be a solidarity lunch to raise funds for an Ignatian social project (tickets to be collected at Deusto Campus Bilbao and San Sebastian) and at 3:30 pm, in the Digital Classroom of the San Sebastian campus, an online seminar by Elias Lopez SJ on “Reconciliation and Justice”. The day will be completed with the film forum “El Havre” (2011) to reflect on social justice and Ignatian inspiration. It will take place at 18:00 hours in the premises of Deusto Campus (Bilbao).

Engineering to transform the world

A new Eucharist at 11:00 a.m. in Bilbao will open the events of Thursday, March 13. At 13:00 hours, in the Barandiaran Hall, social initiatives from Engineering will be presented in the event “Engineering to transform the world”. And at 3:00 p.m., in the Aula Ingenio, the Faculty of Law is organizing the dialogue: “Desafíos éticos y jurídicos en torno a la migración”, a reflection on faith, justice and human rights.

The day of Friday, March 14, will include, at 11:00 a.m., an Ignatian journey in the University: stations for reflection on the pilgrimage in university life. And on March 15 and 16, the Javierada 2025,the pilgrimage to Javier, Navarra, will be held (Information and Registration hasta el miércoles 13).

In addition to all these initiatives, in the cloister of the Auditorium (Bilbao) the photographic exhibition Brother Oroz is on display and on the campuses of Bilbao (Aula Rafaela Ibarra) and San Sebastian (Larramendi Building) there is the “Map of Hope”, an installation on solidarity projects of the university community.