Deusto conmemorates March 8 with a concentration in Bilbao and San Sebastian

During the week, the university community participated in numerous activities to raise awareness, recognize and demand equality between men and women.

Imagen de la concentración del 8M del curso pasado

07 March 2025

Bilbao Campus San Sebastian Campus

Deusto conmemorates this week the 8th of March, International Women's Day, with various actions of awareness, training, recognition and vindication. These initiatives, which aim to reaffirm the commitment and conviction that the University can and must work for a more real and effective gender equality, were completed with a rally on March 7 in the cloister of the Paraninfo (Bilbao campus) and at the entrance of the Larramendi Building (San Sebastian campus).

Scheduled activities include the interactive game on Instagram “Myths and truths about feminism” and a participatory activity under the same title. The painting exhibition by Enara Elcano Rebollo and the photographic exhibition by Nora Iriondo Villate, both on the San Sebastian campus, have also been organized. In addition, the Equality Unit has held open days on both campuses and, within the framework of 8M, the special bulletin “Competitiveness and Gender” of Orkestra has been published.

One of the highlights was the presentation of the Benita Asas Manterola Awards, which recognize research with a gender perspective in Final Degree Projects, Master's Degree Projects and doctoral theses. In the doctoral thesis category, Maite Larrucea Iruretagoyena was recognized for her research entitled “Bidirectional relationships between parents and early adolescents' psychological symptoms: the role of mindful parenting, attachment, and parental self-compassion” and in the Master's Thesis category, Igor Cano Ares, for his work “Empowering Students for Gender Equality: A Script Creation Project in Secondary Education”.

On the other hand, the awarded Final Degree Projects (TFG) were those of Jone Alberdi Goya, entitled “Maitasuna, menpekotasuna eta boterea: Amatasuna eta zaintza euskal literatura garaikidean”; June Galardi Zapirain, entitled “Isildutako ahotsak: genero indarkeriaren biktima diren emakume errefuxiatuen borrokak; and Claudia Ariznavarreta Mocha, with the title “Desarrollo de una solución preventiva y educativa respecto al análisis íntegro del impacto del cáncer de mama en mujeres jóvenes”. 

The ceremony took place on March 7 at 12:30 in the Garate Hall, with the participation of historian María José Villa, author of the book “Benita Asas Manterola y los feminismos en España (1873-1968)” (Benita Asas Manterola and feminisms in Spain (1873-1968)). A ceremony that also served to launch the 4th call for the Benita Asas Manterola Awards, in honor of this teacher and feminist born in Donostia in 1873 who was co-founder of the newspaper El Pensamiento Femenino, president of the board of directors of the National Association of Spanish Women and participated in the suffragette movement for the right to vote for women. 

Femenist self-defense

The activities around 8M also include a feminist self-defense workshop on March 11 and 18, as well as the inauguration of the virtual exhibition RE-WIRING “extraORDINARY WOMEN: Women and work in Gipuzkoa”, on March 12 at the San Sebastian campus. This exhibition, part of the RE-WIRING research program funded by the European Union, highlights the key role of women in the economy of Gipuzkoa, highlighting pieces of handicraft and artistic value from Gordailua, San Telmo Museoa and Kutxa Fundazioa.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition will be held at 12:00 in the Tokiski Hall of the San Sebastian campus and will be attended by Xabier Riezu, vice rector of the San Sebastian campus and Language Policy of Deusto; Ainara Martin, curator of the exhibition and curator of digital content; Miren Gutiérrez, director of the exhibition; Lorena Fernández, director of Communication of Re-Wiring; and Dolores Morondo, principal investigator of Re-Wiring.