12 March 2025
San Sebastian Campus
On Wednesday, we celebrated the Closing Ceremony of the Family Business Immersion Program promoted by the Antonio Aranzábal Foundation, Rural Kutxa, and Deusto Business School to retain young talent and support family businesses in Gipuzkoa.
During the ceremony, the strategic projects of the companies where these students will undertake their internships were highlighted. We extend our gratitude to Ainhoa Sedano and Wendy Cerezo from InterAlloys, Maykel Alonso from STT Systems, Erik Monsalvo from Extinorte, Manu Egaña from Grupo Hine, Ismael Baranda from Transportes Insausti, Lander Lizarribar and Diego Sandino from Kelsen, Carolina Guiroy from Elektra, Edurne Berrospe from Pasaban, Maria Herrero from Herrekor, Eider Roa from Zenten, Bernhard Groten and Sergio Rivas from Echemar, Grupo Salva, and Agui for their participation and commitment to the program.
These companies will host the 14 ADE students selected for the program: Iñigo Aramburu Montabes, Santiago Gaytan de Ayala Peironcely, Iñigo Luis Fernández García, Alejandro Juarranz Navascues, Pablo Marcelino Colell, Alejandra Nin Ferreres, Marta Rebollo Pedreira, Aitor Morgado Gurruchaga, Martin Eizaguirre Alonso, Paule Lasa Barandiaran, Lorena Gabarain Hidalgo, Jon Baranda Mitxeo, Nora Dendategi Mariezcurrena, and Maider Alonso Gallardo. Over the four editions of the program, it has enabled 49 students to complete a total of 9,352 internship hours in 28 companies, receive 44 hours of training in family business management organized into 16 sessions with active participation from both students and companies.
Representatives from the program's promoters and sponsors, including Javier Martínez from Rural Kutxa, Jokin Aranzábal from the Antonio Aranzábal Foundation, and Asunción Ibáñez from Deusto Business School, explained that the program's purpose is to familiarize young people with family businesses and support these companies in attracting talent, encouraging young professionals to consider them as a viable career opportunity. Ultimately, this goal aims to strengthen the connection between young professionals and businesses, contributing to the overall well-being of Gipuzkoa.
In this regard, Cristina Aragón, the program's coordinator, highlighted that thanks to the Family Business Immersion Program, 100% of students change their perception of family businesses, and 88% find working in a family business appealing. However, it is not only students who benefit from the program. Family businesses also gain advantages such as improving their talent recruitment and onboarding processes and increasing the visibility of their business projects by participating in the program.
The session concluded with remarks from Unai Andueza, Director General of Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, who congratulated the program's promoters and expressed the Council's support for both family businesses in the region and the participating students. He encouraged students to take part in initiatives like the Family Business Immersion Program to seize the opportunities available within Gipuzkoa's business landscape.