A group of experts speak on the challenges of inclusive education at Deusto Business School

A group of experts speak on the challenges of inclusive education at Deusto Business School

16 March 2017

Madrid Headquarters

Eight experts on different aspects of education met at Deusto Business School Madrid to attend a meeting called by the journal Ethic and the Repsol Foundation to discuss education and disability. The experts expressed their interest in having a diverse education system that can find the models needed to facilitate inclusion.

Under the premise that education is key to promoting equal opportunities and proper job integration, representatives of Ilunion, the Adecco Foundation, the Universia Foundation, the ONCE Foundation, the Chair in Family and Disability at the Pontifical University of Comillas in Madrid and the Tres Olivos School in Madrid agreed on the need to eradicate the stigma concerning disabled persons' talent.

The editor of Ethic, Pablo Blázquez, pointed out that universal inclusive education is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. The challenge is enormous: 90% of the world’s disabled children do not attend school. Although the figures could be improved, the experts noted that only 17.9% of the working age disabled people in Spain have university studies. However, this is three points higher than the European average (15.5%).