Facultad de Ingeniería
Computing, Electronics and Communication Technologies
carlos.quesada@deusto.esFollow me:
Carlos Quesada holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche and a PhD in Applied Mechanics from the University of Zaragoza. Throughout his research career, he has contributed to numerous Data Science and Artificial Intelligence projects at universities and research centers in Spain and France, addressing challenges such as the design of real-time surgical simulators, the prediction of microcapsule deformation, and the analysis of household electricity consumption patterns. Since 2020, he has been working at the University of Deusto as a researcher at DeustoTech, and since 2023, also as an assistant professor.
Articles in Scientific Journals
An electricity smart meter dataset of Spanish households: insights into consumption patterns / Nature Scientific Data
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Astigarraga, Leire; Merveille, Chris; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
ISBNAR: 2052-4463 / Volume: 11 / Journal number: 59 / Date: 2024
A Data-Driven Space-Time-Parameter Reduced-Order Model with Manifold Learning for Coupled Problems: Application to Deformable Capsules Flowing in Microchannels / Entropy
Boubehziz, Toufik; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Dupont, Claire; Villon, Pierre; De Vuyst, Florian; Salsac, Anne-Virginie
ISBNAR: 1099-4300 / Volume: 23 / Journal number: 1193 / Date: 2021
Real-time prediction of the deformation of microcapsules using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition / Journal of Fluids and Structures
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Villon, Pierre; Salsac, Anne-Virginie
ISBNAR: 0889-9746 / Journal number: 101 / Start page: 103193 / Date: 2020
Diffuse approximation for identification of the mechanical properties of microcapsules / Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Dupont, Claire; Villon, Pierre; Salsac, Anne-Virginie
ISBNAR: 1081-2865 / Volume: 26 / Journal number: 7 / Start page: 1018 / End page: 1028 / Date: 2020
Chapters of Books
Chapter 22 - Surgery simulators based on model-order reduction / Biomechanics of Living Organs
Quesada Granja, Carlos; González Ibáñez, David; Alfaro Ruiz, Icíar; Badías Herbera, Alberto; Chinesta, Francisco; Cueto Prendes, Elías
ISBNCO: 978-0-323-89967-3 / Start page: 435 / End page: 452 / Date: 2023
Cross-generational perceptions on climate change: resolutive insights from youth and elder
Divasson Jaureguibarria, Asier; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Cubillo, Iker; Aguayo Mendoza, Armando; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: Cross-generational perceptions on climate change: resolutive insights from youth and elder / ISBN: 978-84-9082-680-5 / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Cross-generational perceptions on climate change: resolutive insights from youth and elder / Start date: 2024/06/06 / End date: 2024/06/07
Quesada Granja, Carlos
Congress name: Introducción a la INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL (IA) / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Introducción a la INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL (IA) / Date: 2023/10/20
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - What it is and what it can do in Education
Quesada Granja, Carlos
Congress name: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - What it is and what it can do in Education / Country: España / Publication name: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - What it is and what it can do in Education / Date: 2023/05/19
Social impact of the energy transition on young people
Casado Mansilla, Diego; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Aguayo Mendoza, Armando; Astigarraga, Leire; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: Social impact of the energy transition on young people / Web: / Publication name: Social impact of the energy transition on young people / Start date: 2022/10/05 / End date: 2022/10/07
What are the most relevant factors that affect households? investment decisions on the energy transition?
Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Aguayo Mendoza, Armando; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Larrea Basterra, Macarena; Schibline, Amanda; Ceglarz, Andrzej
Congress name: What are the most relevant factors that affect households? investment decisions on the energy transition? / Web: / Publication name: What are the most relevant factors that affect households? investment decisions on the energy transition? / Start date: 2022/10/05 / End date: 2022/10/07
Nudge-based interventions to promote energy conservation and demand response among customers of an electricity retailer following the change of the electricity tariff in Spain
Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Aguayo Mendoza, Armando; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Carbajo García, Ruth; Astigarraga, Leire; Merveille, Chris
Congress name: Nudge-based interventions to promote energy conservation and demand response among customers of an electricity retailer following the change of the electricity tariff in Spain / Web: / Publication name: Nudge-based interventions to promote energy conservation and demand response among customers of an electricity retailer following the change of the electricity tariff in Spain / Start date: 2022/10/05 / End date: 2022/10/07
What are the most relevant factors that affect households' investment decisions on the energy transition?
Casado Mansilla, Diego; Larrea Basterra, Macarena; Aguayo Mendoza, Armando; Schibline, Amanda; Ceglarz, Andrzej; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: What are the most relevant factors that affect households' investment decisions on the energy transition? / Web: / Publication name: What are the most relevant factors that affect households' investment decisions on the energy transition? / Date: 2022/06/07
Panel: how these results could be reused in science and policy-making
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: Panel: how these results could be reused in science and policy-making / Web: / Publication name: Panel: how these results could be reused in science and policy-making / Date: 2022/06/07
How many types of energy consumers are there in Europe?
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Montero Manso, Pablo; Astigarraga, Leire; Merveille, Chris; Pflugradt, Noah; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: How many types of energy consumers are there in Europe? / Web: / Publication name: How many types of energy consumers are there in Europe? / Date: 2022/06/07
The "Time Series from Smart Meters" dataset
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: The "Time Series from Smart Meters" dataset / Web: / Publication name: The "Time Series from Smart Meters" dataset / Date: 2022/02/16
Clusterización de perfiles de consumo de grandes cantidades de consumidores residenciales
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Astigarraga, Leire; Montero Manso, Pablo; Merveille, Chris; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Pflugradt, Noah; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: Clusterización de perfiles de consumo de grandes cantidades de consumidores residenciales / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Clusterización de perfiles de consumo de grandes cantidades de consumidores residenciales / Start date: 2022/01/26 / End date: 2022/01/27
Los 40 principales: descripción de los principales perfiles de consumo residencial
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Astigarraga, Leire; Montero Manso, Pablo; Merveille, Chris; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Pflugradt, Noah; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: Los 40 principales: descripción de los principales perfiles de consumo residencial / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Los 40 principales: descripción de los principales perfiles de consumo residencial / Start date: 2022/01/26 / End date: 2022/01/27
Causal modeling of households investment decisions on the energy transition
Casado Mansilla, Diego; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Aguayo Mendoza, Armando
Congress name: Causal modeling of households investment decisions on the energy transition / Country: Alemania / Web: / Publication name: Causal modeling of households investment decisions on the energy transition / Start date: 2021/10/26 / End date: 2021/10/28
Assessment of regional differences of electrical load profiles
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Astigarraga, Leire; Montero Manso, Pablo; Merveille, Chris; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Pflugradt, Noah; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: Assessment of regional differences of electrical load profiles / Country: Alemania / Web: / Publication name: Assessment of regional differences of electrical load profiles / Start date: 2021/10/26 / End date: 2021/10/28
Skills Workshop 08: How to model citizens? behaviour?
Aguayo Mendoza, Armando; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Quesada Granja, Carlos
Congress name: Skills Workshop 08: How to model citizens? behaviour? / Country: Alemania / Web: / Publication name: Skills Workshop 08: How to model citizens? behaviour? / Start date: 2021/10/26 / End date: 2021/10/28
Looking for synergies on energy conservation interventions: combining tariff and nudge interventions
Casado Mansilla, Diego; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Aguayo Mendoza, Armando
Congress name: Looking for synergies on energy conservation interventions: combining tariff and nudge interventions / City: Siracussa / Country: Italia / Web: / Publication name: Looking for synergies on energy conservation interventions: combining tariff and nudge interventions / Start date: 2021/10/05 / End date: 2021/10/08
Influence of weather on the segmentation of electricity consumption patterns
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Montero Manso, Pablo; Pflugradt, Noah; Astigarraga, Leire; Merveille, Chris; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: Influence of weather on the segmentation of electricity consumption patterns / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: Influence of weather on the segmentation of electricity consumption patterns / Start date: 2021/09/16 / End date: 2021/09/17
Forecasting of load profiles by time series feature extraction
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Montero Manso, Pablo; Pflugradt, Noah; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: Forecasting of load profiles by time series feature extraction / Web: / Publication name: Forecasting of load profiles by time series feature extraction / Start date: 2021/06/27 / End date: 2021/06/30
How many different behaviours towards electricity are at households?
Quesada Granja, Carlos
Congress name: How many different behaviours towards electricity are at households? / Country: Alemania / Web: https:/ / Publication name: How many different behaviours towards electricity are at households? / Date: 2021/06/11
WHY: climbing the causality ladder to understand the energy demand on the residential sector
Quesada Granja, Carlos; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique
Congress name: WHY: climbing the causality ladder to understand the energy demand on the residential sector / Web: / Publication name: WHY: climbing the causality ladder to understand the energy demand on the residential sector / Start date: 2020/11/06 / End date: 2020/11/08
Transformación de la ingeniería de sistemas IA para mejorar la eficiencia y el impacto medioambiental a través de GREen COmputing
Pastor López, Iker; Boto Sanchez, Fernando; Chen, Lingfeng; Clar Duran, Violeta; Díez Blanco, Luis Enrique; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Gómez Larrakoetxea, Nerea; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Irene; Gude Prego, Juan Jose; Martinez-Ayo Iñurria, Iker; Pradera Escudero, Ane; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Ramon Diaz, Liang Hao; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Infraestructura de datos y servicios para el despliegue masivo de Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos en la red eléctrica
Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Aguayo Mendoza, Armando; Alonso De Carlos, Gonzalo; Alonso Vicario, Ainhoa; Carbajo García, Ruth; Castillo Calzadilla, Tony; Cubillo Eguizabal, Iker; Fierro Fonseca, Andrés Felipe; Legarda Macon, Jon; Loinaz Beloki, Asier; Macarulla Arenaza, Ana M; Otaduy Del Paso, Deitze; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; San Juan Tome, Ane; Siddique, Muhammad Talha
HAZITEK_2022. Soluciones para la descarbonización del sector transporte en entornos urbanos sostenibles mediante modelos causales de comportamiento.
Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Cantero Lopez, Xabier; Quesada Granja, Carlos
Abstract: FACTOR IDEAS INTEGRAL SERVICES, S.L.; SAITEC, S.A. / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
Desarrollo de evaluación continua de la fragilidad y la calidad muscular en sujetos mayores mediante ómicas multi-paramétricas basadas en ecografía y analítica de sangre.
Lopez De Ipiña Gonzalez De Artaza, Diego; Angulo Garay, Garazi; Arjona Aguilera, Laura; Coca Nuñez, Aitor; Dziabenko, Olga; García-Zapirain Soto, Begonya; Mendez Zorrilla, Amaia; Mínguez Alonso, Idoia; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Río De Frutos, Xabier; Saeteros Ortiz, Celida Morelva; Sanabria Martin, Sergio Jose
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Salud / Start date: 2021/09/01 / End date: 2023/12/31
Soluciones para la descarbonización del sector transporte en entornos urbanos sostenibles mediante modelos causales de comportamiento HAZITEK 2021
Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Egaña Aretxabaleta, Aimar; Quesada Granja, Carlos
Abstract: SAITEC, S.A.; FACTOR IDEAS INTEGRAL SERVICES, S.L. / Start date: 2021/01/01 / End date: 2021/12/31
2022 Climbing the causality ladder to understand the energy demand on the residential sector
Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Almazán Gómez, Adrián; Alonso Vicario, Ainhoa; Amador Cervera, Manuel; Bilbao Jayo, Aritz; Carbajo García, Ruth; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Egaña Aretxabaleta, Aimar; Garay Martinez, Roberto; Henry Moreno, Garbiñe; Irizar Arrieta, Ane; Korta Esnal, Mikel; Maño Archilla, Laura; Mínguez Alonso, Idoia; Otaduy Del Paso, Deitze; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Sasia Santos, Pedro Manuel; Serrano Olabarri, Leire; Vicente Barreras, Roberta
Abstract: Comisión Europea / Start date: 2020/09/01 / End date: 2024/01/31
Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Quesada Granja, Carlos
Abstract: SAITEC, S.A.; Factor C02 / Start date: 2020/07/01 / End date: 2020/12/31
Sexenio de investigación emitido por el Comité de Evaluación de UNIBASQ correspondiente al campo de la "CC DE LA COMPUTACIÓN E INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL" del periodo comprendido entre los años 2012-2017
Quesada Granja, Carlos
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2012/01/01 / End date: 2017/12/31
Sexenio de investigación emitido por el Comité Asesor de la Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora (CNEAI) correspondiente al campo número 6.2 "Ingenierías de la Comunicación, Computación y Electrónica" del periodo comprendido entre los años 2011-2016
Quesada Granja, Carlos
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2011/01/01 / End date: 2016/12/31