Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
izaskun.orue@deusto.esArticles in Scientific Journals
Parents' Self-Compassion as a Moderator Between Children's Emotional Regulation Difficulties and Parents' Depressive Symptoms / Mindfulness
Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 1868-8527 / Journal number: 15 / Start page: 2038 / End page: 2047 / Date: 2024
Family-centered profiles of mindful parenting: Longitudinal associations with negative parenting and youth emotional and behavioral problems / Family Process
Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0014-7370 / Date: 2024
Relationship between maternal anxiety and infants? temperament: The mediating role of mindful parenting / Infant Behavior and Development
Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0163-6383 / Date: 2024
The Association between Mindful Parenting, and Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Adolescence / Journal of Child and Family Studies
Royuela Cólomer, Estíbaliz; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Visu Petra, Laura; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria
ISBNAR: 1062-1024 / Volume: 33 / Start page: 1844 / End page: 1856 / Date: 2023
Social support, temperament and previous prenatal loss interact to predict depression and anxiety during pregnancy / Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
Echabe-Ecenarro, Oiana; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea
ISBNAR: 0264-6838 / Date: 2023
Bidirectional Relationships Between Cyberbystanders? Roles, Cyberbullying Perpetration, and Justification of Violence / Youth and Society
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Machimbarrena, Juan; González Cabrera, Joaquín; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0044-118X / Date: 2023
The Protective Role of Dispositional Dating Abuse: A 6-Month Longitudinal Study / Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; González-Cabrera, Joaquín; Machimbarrena, Juan; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0886-2605 / Volume: 15-16 / Journal number: 38 / Start page: 9086 / End page: 9104 / Date: 2023
The Mediating Role of Mindful Parenting in the Relationship Between Parental Anxiety and Youth?s Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties / Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0047-2891 / Volume: 52 / Start page: 1471 / End page: 1480 / Date: 2023
Bidirectional Relationships between Parental Anxiety, Internalizing Symptoms, and Peer Victimization and Aggression among Early Adolescents. / Journal of Early Adolescence
Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0272-4316 / Volume: 44 / Journal number: 1 / Start page: 96 / End page: 118 / Date: 2023
The Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale: Examining the Reliability and Validity in Spanish Parents / Mindfulness
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Royuela Cólomer, Estíbaliz; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 1868-8527 / Date: 2023
The Revised Child-to-Parent Aggressions Questionnaire: an Examination During the Covid-19 Pandemic. / Journal of Family Violence
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Jimenez Granado, Aitor; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0885-7482 / Date: 2022
Relationship Between Trait Mindfulness And The Roles Of Cyberbullying Bystanders Among Adolescents / Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual
Prieto Fidalgo, Ángel; Orue Sola, Izaskun; González-Cabrera, Joaquín; Machimbarrena, Jm; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 1132-9483 / Volume: 3 / Journal number: 30 / Start page: 663 / End page: 675 / Date: 2022
Interaction of Psychopathic Traits Dimensions in the Prediction of Psychological and Physical Child-to-Parent Violence in Adolescents / Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0882-2689 / Volume: 44 / Start page: 235 / End page: 244 / Date: 2022
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Thoughts and Behavior in Adolescents: Validation of SITBI-NSSI / Psicothema
Faura García, Juan; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0214-9915 / Volume: 34 / Journal number: 4 / Date: 2022
Predictive Associations of Dispositional Mindfulness Facets with Anxiety and Depression: a Meta-analytic Structural Equation Modeling Approach / Mindfulness
Prieto Fidalgo, Ángel; Gómez Odriozola, Joana; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Oñate Perez, Lucía; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Iraurgi Castillo, Ioseba; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 1868-8527 / Date: 2022
A growth mindset intervention to promote resilience against online peer victimization: A randomized controlled trial / Computers in Human Behavior
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria
ISBNAR: 0747-5632 / Date: 2022
Spanish Validation of The Experiences in Close Relationships-Relationship Structures Questionnaire for Pre-adolescents / Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes
Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 2340-8340 / Volume: 9 / Journal number: 2 / Start page: 57 / End page: 64 / Date: 2022
The Association between exposure to COVID-19, internalizing symptoms, and Dispositional Mindfulness in Adolescents: a longitudinal pre- and during-pandemic study / Child Psychiatry and Human Development
Royuela Cólomer, Estíbaliz; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0009-398X / Volume: 54 / Start page: 1521 / End page: 1533 / Date: 2022
Echezarraga, Ainara; Calvete, Esther; Orue, Izaskun; Las Hayas, Carlota; ,La resiliencia modera la asociación entre los episodios anímicos del trastorno bipolar y la salud mental,Clínica y Salud,33,2,83-90,2022,Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid / Clínica y Salud
Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Las Hayas Rodríguez, Carlota
ISBNAR: 1130-5274 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 33 / Start page: 83 / End page: 90 / Date: 2022
A Preventive Intervention to Reduce Risk of Online Grooming Among Adolescents. / Psychosocial Intervention
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gamez Guadix, Manuel
ISBNAR: 1132-0559 / Date: 2022
Effects of an incremental theory of the personality intervention on psychophysiological responses to social stress during the transition to college / Current Psychology
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Prieto Fidalgo, Ángel; Gómez Odriozola, Joana; Mueller, Sven; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Morea, Aida; Ruiz Alonso, Eneko; Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Little, Todd; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria
ISBNAR: 1046-1310 / Date: 2022
Resilience Moderates the Associations between Bipolar Disorder Mood Episodes and Mental Health / Clínica y Salud
Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Las Hayas, Carlota
ISBNAR: 1130-5274 / Date: 2022
Child-to-Parent Aggression and Dating Violence: Longitudinal Associations and the Predictive Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas / Journal of Family Violence
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Adrián, Lohitzune; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0885-7482 / Journal number: 37 / Start page: 181 / End page: 189 / Date: 2022
The Association Between Dispositional Mindfulness and Need Threat Following Ostracism in Spanish Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Age / Psicothema (Oviedo)
Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Ren, Dongning; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria
ISBNAR: 0214-9915 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 34 / Start page: 117 / End page: 125 / Date: 2022
El apoyo social como moderador de la relación entre victimización y sintomatología interiorizada en personas del colectivo LGTBIQ+ / Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual
Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1132-9483 / Volume: 29 / Journal number: 3 / Start page: 763 / End page: 780 / Date: 2021
Differential Susceptibility to the Benefits of Mindful Parenting Depending on Child Dispositional Mindfulness / Mindfulness
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Gómez Odriozola, Joana; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1868-8527 / Date: 2021
Moderating factors of the association between being sexually solicited by adults and active online sexual behaviors in adolescents / Computers in Human Behavior
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Morea, Aida; Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Machimbarrena, Jm; Gonzalez Cabrera, J.; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0747-5632 / Volume: 124 / Date: 2021
Non-suicidal self-injury: Conceptualization and clinical assessment in the spanish-speaking population / Papeles del Psicologo
Faura García, Juan; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0214-7823 / Date: 2021
Transphobic bullying: Relationships between attitudes, observation, and perpetration / Psychology in the Schools
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0033-3085 / Journal number: 58 / Start page: 1832 / End page: 1843 / Date: 2021
Cyberbullying victimization and nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescents: The role of maladaptive schemas and dispositional mindfulness / Child Abuse and Neglect
Faura García, Juan; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0145-2134 / Date: 2021
Longitudinal associations between internalizing symptoms, dispositional mindfulness, rumination and impulsivity in adolescents. / Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0047-2891 / Volume: 50 / Start page: 2067 / End page: 2078 / Date: 2021
Clinical assessment of non-suicidal self-injury: A systematic review of instruments / Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Faura García, Juan; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 1063-3995 / Date: 2021
Validación de un cuestionario para evaluar el abuso en relaciones de pareja en adolescentes (CARPA), sus razones y las reacciones / Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Machimbarrena, Juan; Gonzalez Cabrera, Joaquin
ISBNAR: 2340-8340 / Volume: 8 / Journal number: 1 / Start page: 60 / End page: 69 / Date: 2021
Development of a Short Form of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire -Adolescents (FFMQ-A) for Children and Adolescents / Journal of Personality Assessment
Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0022-3891 / Volume: 102 / Journal number: 5 / Start page: 641 / End page: 652 / Date: 2020
Psychometric properties of the triangulated version of the European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire: Prevalence across seven roles / Psychology in the Schools
González Cabrera, Joaquín; Sánchez, Nicolás; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Leon Mejia, Ana; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Machimbarrena, Juan
ISBNAR: 0033-3085 / Volume: 57 / Start page: 78 / End page: 90 / Date: 2020
Multivariate models of child-to-mother violence and child-to-father violence among adolescents. / The European journal of psychology applied to legal context
Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gamez, Manuel; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 1889-1861 / Volume: 12 / Journal number: 1 / Start page: 11 / End page: 21 / Date: 2020
Developmental Moderators of a Single- Session Incremental Theory of Personality Intervention on Aggressive Behavior / Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Muga, Javier; Landa, Mikel
ISBNAR: 0886-2605 / Start page: 1 / End page: 26 / Date: 2020
Adolescent Dating Violence Stability and Mutuality: A 4-Year Longitudinal Study / Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0886-2605 / Volume: 9-10 / Journal number: 35 / Start page: 2012 / End page: 2032 / Date: 2020
A Spanish adaptation of the mindfulness in parenting questionnaire / Psicothema (Oviedo)
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Gomez Odriozola, Joana Maialen; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea
ISBNAR: 0214-9915 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 32 / Start page: 130 / End page: 137 / Date: 2020
Effects of a Brief Preventive Intervention in Cyberbullying and Grooming in Adolescents / Psychosocial Intervention
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Beranuy, Marta; León, Ana; González-Cabrera, Joaquín; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1132-0559 / Start page: 1 / End page: 10 / Date: 2020
Dispositional mindfulness profiles in adolescents and their associations with psychological functioning and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Hormones. Journal of Youth and Adolescence / Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0047-2891 / Journal number: 49 / Start page: 1406 / End page: 1419 / Date: 2020
Effects of an incremental theory of personality intervention on the reciprocity between bullying and cyberbullying victimization and perpetration in adolescents / PLoS ONE
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Prieto Fidalgo, Ángel
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Volume: 11 (e0224755) / Journal number: 14 / Start page: 1 / End page: 17 / Date: 2019
Psychopathic traits and moral disengagement interact to predict bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents. / Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0886-2605 / Date: 2019
Interaction of psychopathic traits in the prediction of cyberbullying behavior. / Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica
Lopez Larrañaga, Maria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1136-5420 / Date: 2019
The Effect of an Intervention Teaching Adolescents that People can Change on Depressive Symptoms, Cognitive Schemas, and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Hormones / Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Muga, Javier; Longa, Mikel; Yeager, David
ISBNAR: 0091-0627 / Date: 2019
El programa de mindfulness ?Aprendiendo a Respirar? en adolescentes haciendo la transición a la universidad: ensayo piloto controlado aleatorizado / Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes
Gómez Odriozola, Joana; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Prieto Fidalgo, Ángel
ISBNAR: 2340-8340 / Volume: 3 / Journal number: 6 / Start page: 32 / End page: 38 / Date: 2019
Early maladaptive schemas and social information processing in child to parent aggression / Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria
ISBNAR: 0886-2605 / Start page: 1 / End page: 25 / Date: 2019
Internet-Risk Classes of Adolescents, Dispositional Mindfulness and Health-Related Quality of Life: A Mediational Model / Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; González-Cabrera, Joaquín; Machimbarrena, Juan; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 2152-2715 / Volume: 8 / Journal number: 23 / Date: 2019
The protective role of dispositional mindfulness against perpetuation of cyberbullying victimization and perpetration among adolescents. / Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking
Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gamez Guadix, Manuel
ISBNAR: 2152-2715 / Volume: 21 / Journal number: 11 / Start page: 703 / End page: 710 / Date: 2018
Homophobic bullying in schools: The role of homophobic attitudes and exposure to homophobic aggression. / School Psychology Review
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0279-6015 / Date: 2018
The role of emotional intelligence in the maintenance of adolescent dating violence perpetration / Personality and Individual Differences
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara
ISBNAR: 0191-8869 / Date: 2018
Psychometric Properties of the Child-to-Parent Aggression Questionnaire in a Clinical Sample of Adolescents Who Abuse Their Parents: Prevalence and Gender Differences / Violence and Victims
Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; Gámez-Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0886-6708 / Volume: 33 / Journal number: 2 / Start page: 203 / End page: 217 / Date: 2018
Adaptación de la Escala de Acoso Escolar Homofóbico y Magnitud del Problema en Adolescentes Españoles. / Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria
ISBNAR: 1132-9483 / Date: 2018
Victims of Domestic Violence in Shelters: Impacts on Women and Children / The Spanish Journal of Psychology
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Mauri, Alice
ISBNAR: 1138-7416 / Volume: e18 / Journal number: 21 / Start page: 1 / End page: 10 / Date: 2018
The Role of Acceptance of Violence Beliefs and Social Information Processing in Dating Violence Perpetration / Journal of Research on Adolescence
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1050-8392 / Start page: 1 / End page: 14 / Date: 2018
Exposure to family violence and dating violence perpetration in adolescents: Potential cognitive and emotional mechanisms / Psychology of Violence
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Little, Todd
ISBNAR: 2152-081X / Volume: 8 / Start page: 67 / Date: 2018
Exposure to family violence and perpetration of dating violence in adolescents: cognitive schemas as mediators / Psychology of Violence
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Little, Todd
ISBNAR: 2152-081X / Date: 2018
Does the acting with awareness trait of mindfulness buffer the predictive association between stressors and psychological symptoms in adolescents?. / Personality and Individual Differences
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne
ISBNAR: 0191-8869 / Volume: 105 / Date: 2017
Women victims of gender violence in shelters: Sociodemographic and maltreatment characteristics. / Psychosocial Intervention
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1132-0559 / Journal number: 26 / Start page: 9 / End page: 17 / Date: 2017
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1132-9483 / Date: 2017
Recursive Associations Among Maladaptive Cognitions and Symptoms of Social Anxiety and Depression: Implications for Sex Differences / Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Riskind, John H; Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0736-7236 / Volume: 35 / Start page: 807 / End page: 821 / Date: 2016
Do extraversion and neuroticism moderate the association between bullying victimization and internalizing symptoms? A three-wave longitudinal study / Journal of School Psychology
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gamez Guadix, Manuel
ISBNAR: 0022-4405 / Volume: 56 / Journal number: 56 / Start page: 1 / End page: 11 / Date: 2016
Gender moderates the association between psychopathic traits and aggressive behavior in adolescents. / Personality and Individual Differences
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Gamez Guadix, Manuel
ISBNAR: 0191-8869 / Date: 2016
the youth psychopathic traits inventory-The short version in Spanish adolescents-Factor structure, reliability, and relation with aggression, bullying and cyerbullying / Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Andershed, Henrik
ISBNAR: 0882-2689 / Volume: 37 / Start page: 563 / End page: 575 / Date: 2015
Child-to-parent violence: An exploratory study of the roles of family violence and parental discipline through the stories told by spanish children and their parents. / Violence and Victims
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gámez Guadix, Manuel; Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; López De Arroyabe Castillo, Elena
ISBNAR: 0886-6708 / Date: 2015
Problematic Internet Use and Problematic Alcohol Use from the Cognitive-Behavioral Model: A Longitudinal Study among Adolescents / Addictive Behaviors
Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Las Hayas Rodríguez, Carlota
ISBNAR: 0306-4603 / Journal number: 40 / Start page: 109 / End page: 114 / Date: 2015
Brooding rumination as a mediator in the relation between early maladaptive schemas and symptoms of depression and social anxiety in adolescents /
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Journal number: 37 / Start page: 1281 / End page: 1291 / Date: 2014
Propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la Escala de Atención y Conciencia Plena para Adolescentes (MAAS-A) / Psicologia Conductual
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1132-9483 / Volume: 22 / Journal number: 2 / Start page: 275 / End page: 289 / Date: 2014
Adaptation of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale-Adolescents (MAAS-A) to assess the mindfulness trait in Spanish adolescents / Psicologia Conductual
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Sampedro, Agurne; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1132-9483 / Date: 2014
Child-to-Parent Violence in Adolescents: The Perspectives of the Parents, Children, and Professionals in a Sample of Spanish Focus Group Participants / Journal of Family Violence
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Bertino, Lorena; Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Montes, Yadira; Padilla, Patricia; Pereira, Roberto
ISBNAR: 0885-7482 / Volume: 3 / Journal number: 29 / Start page: 343 / End page: 352 / Date: 2014
Cyberbullying and psychological and behavioral health problems. / Journal of Adolescent Health
Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Smith, Peter; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 1054-139X / Journal number: 54 / Start page: 618 / End page: 619 / Date: 2014
A test of the vulnerability-stress model with early maladaptive schemas for depressive and social anxiety symptoms in adolescents. / Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Hankin, Benjamin
Date: 2014
Psychometric properties of the Looming Maladaptive Style Questionnaire (LMSQ-R) in young Spanish adults. / Psicothema
González-Díez, Zahira; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Riskind, John
ISBNAR: 0214-9915 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 26 / Start page: 260 / End page: 266 / Date: 2014
Brief report: The Adolescent Child-to-Parent Aggression Questionnaire: An examination of aggressions against parents in Spanish adolescents / Journal of Adolescence
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gamez-Guadiz, Manuel; Zubizarreta Arturo, Anik Maitane; Lopez De Arroyabe Castillo, Maria Elena; González, Zahira; Borrajo Mena, Erika
ISBNAR: 0140-1971 / Volume: 6 / Journal number: 36 / Start page: 1077 / End page: 1081 / Date: 2013
Evaluation of the cognitive and behavioral model of generalized and problematic internet use in Spanish adolescents / Psicothema (Oviedo)
Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0214-9915 / Journal number: 25 / Start page: 2 / Date: 2013
Longitudinal and reciprocal relations of cyberbullying with depression, substance use and problematic Internet use among adolescents / Journal of Adolescent Health
Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Smith, Peter; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 1054-139X / Journal number: 53 / Start page: 446 / End page: 452 / Date: 2013
An examination of the structure and stability of early maladaptive schemas by means of the Young Schema Questionnaire-3. / European Journal of Psychological Assessment
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gonzalez Diez, Zaira
ISBNAR: 1015-5759 / Journal number: 29 / Start page: 283 / End page: 290 / Date: 2013
Confirmatory Factor Analysis Reveals a Latent Cognitive Structure Common to Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia and Healthy Adults / Bipolar Disorders
Schretlen, David; Peña Lasa, Javier; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Cascella, Nicola G.; Pearlson, Godfrey; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
ISBNAR: 1398-5647 / Journal number: 15 / Start page: 422 / End page: 433 / Date: 2013
Evaluation of the cognitive-behavioral model of generalized and problematic Internet use in Spanish adolescents / Psicothema
Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0214-9915 / Journal number: 25 / Start page: 299 / End page: 306 / Date: 2013
Brief report: The Adolescent Child-to-Parent Aggression Questionnaire: An examination of aggression against parents in Spanish Adolescents. / Journal of Adolescence
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Gámez-Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Lopez De Arroyabe, Elena; Sampedro, Rafael; Pereira, Roberto; Zubizarreta, Anik; Borrajo, Erika
ISBNAR: 0140-1971 / Journal number: 36 / Start page: 1077 / End page: 1081 / Date: 2013
Direct and Indirect Effects of Looming Cognitive Style via Social Cognitions on Social Anxiety, Depression, and Hostility / International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Riskind, John; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; González, Zahira; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Kleiman, E.M.; Shahar, G
ISBNAR: 1937-1209 / Volume: 6 / Start page: 73 / End page: 85 / Date: 2013
Early maladaptive schemas and social anxiety in adolescents: the mediating role of anxious automatic thought / Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; L. Hankin, Benjamín
ISBNAR: 0887-6185 / Volume: 27 / Start page: 278 / End page: 288 / Date: 2013
Cognitive Mechanisms of the Transmission of Violence: Exploring Gender Differences among Adolescents Exposed to Family Violence / Journal of Family Violence
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0885-7482 / Volume: 28 / Start page: 73 / End page: 84 / Date: 2013
Transactional relationships among cognitive vulnerabilities, stressors, and depressive symptoms in adolescence / Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; L Hankin, Benjamin
ISBNAR: 0091-0627 / Volume: 41 / Start page: 399 / End page: 410 / Date: 2013
Child-to-parent violence: Emotional and behavioral predictors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence / Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gamez Guadix, Manuel
ISBNAR: 0886-2605 / Volume: 28 / Start page: 754 / End page: 771 / Date: 2013
The role of emotion regulation in the predictive association between social information processing and aggressive behavior in adolescents / International Journal of Behavioral Development
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0165-0254 / Date: 2012
Adaptación del Cuestionario de Cogniciones Sociales a adolescentes españoles / Ansiedad y Estrés
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1134-7937 / Volume: 15 / Start page: 131 / End page: 139 / Date: 2012
Social information processing as a mediator between cognitive schemas and aggressive behavior in adolescents / Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0091-0627 / Volume: 40. / Start page: 105 / End page: 117 / Date: 2012
La justificación de la violencia como mediador de la relación entre la exposición a la violencia y la conducta agresiva en infancia / Psicothema (Oviedo)
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0214-9915 / Volume: 24 / Start page: 42 / End page: 47 / Date: 2012
Reciprocal Relationships between Sociometric Indices of Social Status and Aggressive Behavior in Children: Gender Differences. / Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 0265-4075 / Volume: 28 / Start page: 963 / End page: 982 / Date: 2011
Violencia filio-parental en la adolescencia: Características ambientales y personales. / Infancia y Aprendizaje
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro Olaetxea, Rafael
ISBNAR: 0210-3702 / Volume: 34 / Start page: 349 / End page: 363 / Date: 2011
Monkey see, monkey do, monkey hurt: Longitudinal effects of exposure to violence on children´s aggressive behavior / Social Psychological and Personality Science
Orue Sola, Izaskun; J. Bushman, Brad; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Thomaes, Santder; Orobio De Castro, Bram; Hutteman, Ross
ISBNAR: 1948-5506 / Volume: 2 / Start page: 432 / End page: 437 / Date: 2011
The impact of violence exposure on aggressive behavior through social information processing in adolescents / American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0002-9432 / Date: 2011
El Inventario de Dimensiones de Disciplina (DDI), Versión niños y adolescentes: estudio de las prácticas de disciplina parental desde una perspectiva de género. / Anales de Psicología
Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0212-9728 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 26 / Start page: 410 / End page: 418 / Date: 2010
Cognitive schemas and aggressive behavior in adolescents: The mediating role of social information processing / Spanish Journal of Psychology
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1138-7416 / Volume: 13 / Start page: 190 / End page: 201 / Date: 2010
Cyberbullying in adolescents: modalities and aggressors' profile. / Computers in Human Behavior
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Padilla, Patricia
ISBNAR: 0747-5632 / Volume: 26 / Start page: 1128 / End page: 1135 / Date: 2010
Versión española del Inventario de Dimensiones de Disciplina para adolescentes y estudio de las prácticas de disciplina desde una perspectiva de género. / Anales de Psicología
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 0212-9728 / Date: 2010
Elaboración y validación de un cuestionario para medir la exposición a la violencia. [Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure exposure to violence]. / International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
ISBNAR: 1577-7057 / Volume: 10 / Start page: 279 / End page: 292 / Date: 2010
Propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del Inventario de Dimensiones de Disciplina (DDI) en universitarios / Psicothema (Oviedo)
Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Carrobles, José Antonio; Muñoz Rivas, Marina; Almendros, Carmen
ISBNAR: 0214-9915 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 22 / Start page: 151 / End page: 156 / Date: 2010
Adolescentes víctimas de cyberbullying: prevalencia, y características. / Psicologia Conductual
Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Padilla, Patricia; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1132-9483 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 18 / Start page: 73 / End page: 89 / Date: 2010
Estudio de las prácticas de disciplina parental desde una perspectiva de género / Infocop. Suplemento Informativo de Papeles del Psicólogo
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1138-364X / Date: 2010
Evaluación del procesamiento de la información en adolescentes y su relación con la conducta agresiva. / Psicologia Conductual
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNAR: 1132-9483 / Volume: 17 / Start page: 523 / End page: 542 / Date: 2009
Articles Published Online
Estudio de las prácticas de disciplina parental desde una perspectiva de género
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Date: 2010
Chapters of Books
Rasgos individuales de los adolescentes que agreden a sus progenitores / La violencia filio-parental : análisis, evaluación e intervención
Orue Sola, Izaskun
ISBNCO: 978-84-9181-630-0 / Date: 2019
Victimización y acoso a través de las nuevas tecnologías: características, prevalencia y prevención / La respuesta de la victimología ante las nuevas formas de victimización
Gamez, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Borrajo Mena, Erika
ISBNCO: 978-84-15276-25-8 / Date: 2014
Transmisión intergeneracional de la violencia en adolescentes: mecanismos cognitivos y emocionales. / Entre impotencia, resiliencia y poder: adolescentes en el Siglo XXI.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Date: 2011
El prisma de la Violencia Filio-Parental: diferentes visiones de un mismo fenómeno. / Entre impotencia, resiliencia y poder: adolescentes en el Siglo XXI
Bertino, Lorena; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Pereira, Roberto; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Montes, Yadira; González Diez, Zahira
Date: 2011
El prisma de la Violencia Filio-Parental: diferentes visiones de un mismo fenómeno. / En R. Pereira (ed.) Entre impotencia, resiliencia y poder: adolescentes en el Siglo XXI. Madrid: Morata
Bertino, Lorena; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Pereira, Roberto; Montes, Yadira; Gonzalez Diez, Zaira
Start page: 361 / End page: 384 / Date: 2011
Justificación de la violencia como mecanismo de transmisión de la conducta antisocial en adolescentes víctimas de maltrato. / En M. A. González Jiménez, M. A Diez Zamorano y J.C. Roca Álvarez (Coords.). Trabajo en Red. Claves para avanzar en el buen trato a la infancia.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Sampedro, Rafael; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Vegas Garran, Sonia; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes
Start page: 501 / End page: 508 / Date: 2010
Supervised Theses
Date: 2022
Estilo cognitivo de looming y ansiedad social: influencias de esquemas disfuncionales y experiencias de maltrato
Gonzalez Diez, Zahira
Date: 2017
Identificación de riesgos cognitivos y emocionales asociados con la conducta agresiva infantil
Date: 2016
Contribuciones Conjuntas del Modelo de Terapia de Esquemas y de la Teoría de la Desesperanza en la Depresión en Adolescentes
Mateos-Pérez, Estibaliz
Date: 2016
Perfiles de Mindful Parenting y su relación con la Salud Mental en la Familia
Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Perfiles de Mindful Parenting y su relación con la Salud Mental en la Familia / ISBN: 2660-5767 / Country: España / Publication name: Perfiles de Mindful Parenting y su relación con la Salud Mental en la Familia / Start date: 2024/11/21 / End date: 2024/11/23
Explorando la relación entre el mindful parenting y la autocompasión en el sistema familiar
Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Explorando la relación entre el mindful parenting y la autocompasión en el sistema familiar / ISBN: 2660-5767 / Country: España / Publication name: Explorando la relación entre el mindful parenting y la autocompasión en el sistema familiar / Start date: 2024/11/21 / End date: 2024/11/23
La autocompasión parental como moderador entre las dificultades de regulación emocional en preadolescentes y los síntomas de depresión parentales
Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Congress name: La autocompasión parental como moderador entre las dificultades de regulación emocional en preadolescentes y los síntomas de depresión parentales / Country: España / Publication name: La autocompasión parental como moderador entre las dificultades de regulación emocional en preadolescentes y los síntomas de depresión parentales / Start date: 2024/02/01 / End date: 2024/02/02
Family-Centered Mindful Parenting Profiles and their Predictive Association with Negative Parenting and Youth Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties
Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Family-Centered Mindful Parenting Profiles and their Predictive Association with Negative Parenting and Youth Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties / Country: España / Publication name: Family-Centered Mindful Parenting Profiles and their Predictive Association with Negative Parenting and Youth Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties / Start date: 2023/11/22 / End date: 2023/11/24
Aproximación cualitativa a los procesos de desistimiento de la violencia filio-parental: testimonios de adolescentes en el final del proceso
Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; Rodríguez González, Sara; Jimenez, Aitor; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Aproximación cualitativa a los procesos de desistimiento de la violencia filio-parental: testimonios de adolescentes en el final del proceso / City: Valencia / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Aproximación cualitativa a los procesos de desistimiento de la violencia filio-parental: testimonios de adolescentes en el final del proceso / Start date: 2023/11/22 / End date: 2023/11/24
Asociación longitudinal de la violencia filio-parental y la violencia en el noviazgo: Factores de riesgo cognitivos
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Adrián, Lohitzune
Congress name: Asociación longitudinal de la violencia filio-parental y la violencia en el noviazgo: Factores de riesgo cognitivos / Country: España / Publication name: Asociación longitudinal de la violencia filio-parental y la violencia en el noviazgo: Factores de riesgo cognitivos / Start date: 2023/11/22 / End date: 2023/11/24
Mindful Parenting con bebés: relaciones con la ansiedad y depresión materna y el temperamento del bebé
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea
Congress name: Mindful Parenting con bebés: relaciones con la ansiedad y depresión materna y el temperamento del bebé / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Mindful Parenting con bebés: relaciones con la ansiedad y depresión materna y el temperamento del bebé / Start date: 2022/11/16 / End date: 2022/11/19
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; González-Cabrera, Joaquín; Machimbarrena, Juan; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Faura García, Juan; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Los testigos del cyberulliyng: sus reacciones, conductas agresivas, y la justificación de la violencia.
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Machimbarrena, Juan; Gonzalez Cabrera, Joaquin; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Congress name: Los testigos del cyberulliyng: sus reacciones, conductas agresivas, y la justificación de la violencia. / Publication name: Los testigos del cyberulliyng: sus reacciones, conductas agresivas, y la justificación de la violencia. / Start date: 2021/11/18 / End date: 2021/11/20
Longitudinal Associations Between Internalizing Symptoms, Dispositional Mindfulness, Rumination and Impulsivity in Adolescents
Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Longitudinal Associations Between Internalizing Symptoms, Dispositional Mindfulness, Rumination and Impulsivity in Adolescents / ISBN: 978-84-947385-6-2 / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Longitudinal Associations Between Internalizing Symptoms, Dispositional Mindfulness, Rumination and Impulsivity in Adolescents / Start date: 2021/07/09 / End date: 2021/07/11
Ostracismo en adolescentes: una investigación sobre el rasgo de mindfulness como factor protector
Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Ren, Dongning
Congress name: Ostracismo en adolescentes: una investigación sobre el rasgo de mindfulness como factor protector / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Ostracismo en adolescentes: una investigación sobre el rasgo de mindfulness como factor protector / Date: 2021/02/03
La testosterona como mediadora entre la depresión y la autolesión no suicida en adolescentes
Faura García, Juan; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: La testosterona como mediadora entre la depresión y la autolesión no suicida en adolescentes / Country: España / Publication name: La testosterona como mediadora entre la depresión y la autolesión no suicida en adolescentes / Date: 2021/02/02
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Machimbarrena, Juan; González-Cabrera, Joaquín
Congress name: UNA TIPOLOGÍA DE ADOLESCENTES SEGÚN SUS RIESGOS EN INTERNET / Country: España / Publication name: UNA TIPOLOGÍA DE ADOLESCENTES SEGÚN SUS RIESGOS EN INTERNET / Start date: 2020/11/18 / End date: 2020/11/21
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Prieto Fidalgo, Ángel
Efecto de una intervención sabia sobre los síntomas depresivos, esquemas cognitivos y hormonas hipotalámicas-hipofisarias-suprarrenales de los adolescentes
Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Muga, Javier; Longa, Mikel; Yeager, David
Congress name: Efecto de una intervención sabia sobre los síntomas depresivos, esquemas cognitivos y hormonas hipotalámicas-hipofisarias-suprarrenales de los adolescentes / Web: / Publication name: Efecto de una intervención sabia sobre los síntomas depresivos, esquemas cognitivos y hormonas hipotalámicas-hipofisarias-suprarrenales de los adolescentes / Start date: 2020/11/18 / End date: 2020/11/21
Efectividad de una intervención inteligente frente a riesgos online en adolescentes
Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara
Congress name: Efectividad de una intervención inteligente frente a riesgos online en adolescentes / Publication name: Efectividad de una intervención inteligente frente a riesgos online en adolescentes / Start date: 2020/11/18 / End date: 2020/11/21
Autolesión no suicida en adolescentes: el papel del cyberbullying, la depresión y mindfulness
Faura García, Juan; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Autolesión no suicida en adolescentes: el papel del cyberbullying, la depresión y mindfulness / Country: España / Publication name: Autolesión no suicida en adolescentes: el papel del cyberbullying, la depresión y mindfulness / Start date: 2019/11/14 / End date: 2019/11/16
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
¿Actúa la inteligencia emocional como un factor protector de la violencia en el noviazgo?
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara
Congress name: ¿Actúa la inteligencia emocional como un factor protector de la violencia en el noviazgo? / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: ¿Actúa la inteligencia emocional como un factor protector de la violencia en el noviazgo? / Start date: 2019/11/14 / End date: 2019/11/16
¿Cómo Actúan las Facetas de Mindfulness en Adolescentes Víctimas de Bullying en el Desarrollo de la Depresión?
Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: ¿Cómo Actúan las Facetas de Mindfulness en Adolescentes Víctimas de Bullying en el Desarrollo de la Depresión? / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: ¿Cómo Actúan las Facetas de Mindfulness en Adolescentes Víctimas de Bullying en el Desarrollo de la Depresión? / Start date: 2019/11/14 / End date: 2019/11/16
Mindful Parenting y Ajuste en los Hijos e Hijas
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara
Congress name: Mindful Parenting y Ajuste en los Hijos e Hijas / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Mindful Parenting y Ajuste en los Hijos e Hijas / Start date: 2019/11/14 / End date: 2019/11/16
Does dispositional mindfulness prevent adolescents who have been victims of bullying from becoming the aggressors?
Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria
Congress name: Does dispositional mindfulness prevent adolescents who have been victims of bullying from becoming the aggressors? / City: Atenas / Country: Grecia / Web: / Publication name: Does dispositional mindfulness prevent adolescents who have been victims of bullying from becoming the aggressors? / Start date: 2019/08/29 / End date: 2019/09/01
Developmental Moderators of the Effects of an Incremental Theory of Personality Intervention on Bullying and Cyberbullying
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Developmental Moderators of the Effects of an Incremental Theory of Personality Intervention on Bullying and Cyberbullying / City: Atenas / Country: Grecia / Web: / Publication name: Developmental Moderators of the Effects of an Incremental Theory of Personality Intervention on Bullying and Cyberbullying / Start date: 2019/08/29 / End date: 2019/09/01
Efficacy of a brief intervention based on implicit theories of personality on adolescent aggressive behaviors toward the partner.
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Sanchez Alvarez, Nicolas; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara
Congress name: Efficacy of a brief intervention based on implicit theories of personality on adolescent aggressive behaviors toward the partner. / City: Viena / Country: Austria / Publication name: Efficacy of a brief intervention based on implicit theories of personality on adolescent aggressive behaviors toward the partner. / Date: 2019/07/01
The effect of a brief universal preventive intervention on depressive symptoms, cognitive schemas, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hormones in adolescents
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Muga Díaz, Borja; Longa, Mikel; Yeager, David
Congress name: The effect of a brief universal preventive intervention on depressive symptoms, cognitive schemas, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hormones in adolescents / City: Viena / Country: Austria / Publication name: The effect of a brief universal preventive intervention on depressive symptoms, cognitive schemas, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hormones in adolescents / Date: 2019/07/01
An implicit theories of personalities intervention to prevent and reduce bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Muga, Javier; Longa, Mikel
Congress name: An implicit theories of personalities intervention to prevent and reduce bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents / City: Viena / Country: Austria / Web: / Publication name: An implicit theories of personalities intervention to prevent and reduce bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents / Date: 2019/07/01
Mindfulness Facets Relate Directly with Lower Levels of Depression and Aggressiveness
Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Mindfulness Facets Relate Directly with Lower Levels of Depression and Aggressiveness / City: Viena / Country: Austria / Web: / Publication name: Mindfulness Facets Relate Directly with Lower Levels of Depression and Aggressiveness / Date: 2019/07/01
Enseñando que las personas pueden cambiar: efectos de una prevención universal en la depresión en adolescentes
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Yeager, David
Congress name: Enseñando que las personas pueden cambiar: efectos de una prevención universal en la depresión en adolescentes / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Enseñando que las personas pueden cambiar: efectos de una prevención universal en la depresión en adolescentes / Start date: 2018/11/15 / End date: 2018/11/17
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria
Preventing and reducing bullying and cyberbullying by teaching adolescents that people can change
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Prieto Fidalgo, Ángel
Congress name: Preventing and reducing bullying and cyberbullying by teaching adolescents that people can change / City: Sofia / Country: Bulgaria / Publication name: Preventing and reducing bullying and cyberbullying by teaching adolescents that people can change / Start date: 2018/09/05 / End date: 2018/09/08
Teaching adolescents that people can change reduces depressive symptoms in adolescent girls.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Yeager, David
Congress name: Teaching adolescents that people can change reduces depressive symptoms in adolescent girls. / City: Sofia / Country: Bulgaria / Web: / Publication name: Teaching adolescents that people can change reduces depressive symptoms in adolescent girls. / Start date: 2018/09/05 / End date: 2018/09/08
Social Information Processing as a Mediator between Beliefs Legitimizing Aggression and Dating Violence Perpetration
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Social Information Processing as a Mediator between Beliefs Legitimizing Aggression and Dating Violence Perpetration / City: Sofia / Country: Bulgaria / Publication name: Social Information Processing as a Mediator between Beliefs Legitimizing Aggression and Dating Violence Perpetration / Start date: 2018/09/05 / End date: 2018/09/08
Effect of a Brief Intervention Based on Implicit Theories of Personality on Adolescent Aggressive Behaviors toward the Partner
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Effect of a Brief Intervention Based on Implicit Theories of Personality on Adolescent Aggressive Behaviors toward the Partner / City: Sofia / Country: Bulgaria / Publication name: Effect of a Brief Intervention Based on Implicit Theories of Personality on Adolescent Aggressive Behaviors toward the Partner / Start date: 2018/09/05 / End date: 2018/09/08
Social Information Processing as a mediator in the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and child-to-parent aggression
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria
Congress name: Social Information Processing as a mediator in the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and child-to-parent aggression / Publication name: Social Information Processing as a mediator in the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and child-to-parent aggression / Date: 2018/09/01
The benefits of mindful parenting for children
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: The benefits of mindful parenting for children / Country: España / Publication name: The benefits of mindful parenting for children / Start date: 2018/06/20 / End date: 2018/06/23
The protective role of trait mindfulness for aggressive partner behavior in adolescence
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: The protective role of trait mindfulness for aggressive partner behavior in adolescence / Country: España / Publication name: The protective role of trait mindfulness for aggressive partner behavior in adolescence / Start date: 2018/06/20 / End date: 2018/06/23
Attitudes towards dating violence: Psychometric properties of the Acceptance Of Dating Violence scale (ADV) - Spanish version
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Attitudes towards dating violence: Psychometric properties of the Acceptance Of Dating Violence scale (ADV) - Spanish version / Country: España / Publication name: Attitudes towards dating violence: Psychometric properties of the Acceptance Of Dating Violence scale (ADV) - Spanish version / Start date: 2017/11/16 / End date: 2017/11/18
El papel protector del rasgo de mindfulness frente a la estabilidad de la victimización y la perpetración online.
Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gamez, Manuel
Congress name: El papel protector del rasgo de mindfulness frente a la estabilidad de la victimización y la perpetración online. / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: El papel protector del rasgo de mindfulness frente a la estabilidad de la victimización y la perpetración online. / Start date: 2017/11/02 / End date: 2017/11/04
Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de violencia filio-parental (cvfp); prevalencias y diferencias de género en muestra clínica
Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gamez Guadix, Manuel
Congress name: Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de violencia filio-parental (cvfp); prevalencias y diferencias de género en muestra clínica / Country: España / Publication name: Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de violencia filio-parental (cvfp); prevalencias y diferencias de género en muestra clínica / Start date: 2016/11/17 / End date: 2016/11/19
Violencia en relaciones de noviazgo en adolescentes: reciprocidad a lo largo de cuatro años
Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Violencia en relaciones de noviazgo en adolescentes: reciprocidad a lo largo de cuatro años / Country: España / Publication name: Violencia en relaciones de noviazgo en adolescentes: reciprocidad a lo largo de cuatro años / Start date: 2016/11/17 / End date: 2016/11/19
Variables familiares implicadas en el desarrollo de la Violencia Filio-parental: un estudio longitudinal entre adolescentes
Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Congress name: Variables familiares implicadas en el desarrollo de la Violencia Filio-parental: un estudio longitudinal entre adolescentes / Publication name: Variables familiares implicadas en el desarrollo de la Violencia Filio-parental: un estudio longitudinal entre adolescentes / Date: 2015/07/21
Afectividad positiva como factor de protección ante la vulnerabilidad cognitiva a la ansiedad social
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Gonzalez Diez, Zaira
Congress name: Afectividad positiva como factor de protección ante la vulnerabilidad cognitiva a la ansiedad social / Country: España / Publication name: Afectividad positiva como factor de protección ante la vulnerabilidad cognitiva a la ansiedad social / Start date: 2014/09/11 / End date: 2014/09/13
Mindfulnes y estrés en adolescentes
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Mindfulnes y estrés en adolescentes / Country: España / Publication name: Mindfulnes y estrés en adolescentes / Start date: 2014/09/11 / End date: 2014/09/13
Mindfulness y estrés en adolescentes.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne
Congress name: Mindfulness y estrés en adolescentes. / Country: España / Publication name: Mindfulness y estrés en adolescentes. / Start date: 2014/09/11 / End date: 2014/09/13
The Transactional Relationships Among Ruminative Style, Stressors and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Hankin, Benjamin
Congress name: The Transactional Relationships Among Ruminative Style, Stressors and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents / City: Hong Kong / Country: China / Publication name: The Transactional Relationships Among Ruminative Style, Stressors and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents / Date: 2014/06/26
The Mediating Role of Brooding in the Relationships between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Depression and Social Anxiety
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Hankin, Benjamin
Congress name: The Mediating Role of Brooding in the Relationships between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Depression and Social Anxiety / City: Hong Kong / Country: China / Publication name: The Mediating Role of Brooding in the Relationships between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Depression and Social Anxiety / Date: 2014/06/26
Mind-Emotion: An App to Improve Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation in Adolescents
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Mendez Zorrilla, Amaya; Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Orue Sola, Izaskun; García Zapirain, María Begoña
Congress name: Mind-Emotion: An App to Improve Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation in Adolescents / City: Hong Kong / Country: China / Publication name: Mind-Emotion: An App to Improve Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation in Adolescents / Date: 2014/06/25
Psychometric Characteristics of the Looming Maladaptive Style Questionnaire (LMSQ-R) in Young Spanish Adults
Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Riskind, John H
Congress name: Psychometric Characteristics of the Looming Maladaptive Style Questionnaire (LMSQ-R) in Young Spanish Adults / City: Hong Kong / Country: China / Publication name: Psychometric Characteristics of the Looming Maladaptive Style Questionnaire (LMSQ-R) in Young Spanish Adults / Date: 2014/06/25
Cognitive Vulnerability to Social Anxiety: A Mediational Model between Early Maladptive Schemas, Looming and Social Anxiety
Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Riskind, John H; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Cognitive Vulnerability to Social Anxiety: A Mediational Model between Early Maladptive Schemas, Looming and Social Anxiety / City: Hong Kong / Country: China / Publication name: Cognitive Vulnerability to Social Anxiety: A Mediational Model between Early Maladptive Schemas, Looming and Social Anxiety / Date: 2014/06/25
Cognitive Mediation of the influence of parenting and exposure to violence in the development of aggressive behavior against parents
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Bushman, Brad; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gamez Guadix, Manuel
Congress name: Cognitive Mediation of the influence of parenting and exposure to violence in the development of aggressive behavior against parents / City: Hong Kong / Publication name: Cognitive Mediation of the influence of parenting and exposure to violence in the development of aggressive behavior against parents / Date: 2014/06/25
Características emocionales y conductuales de los adolescentes que agreden a sus padres. Jornada sobre Investigación en Violencia Filio-Parental
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gámez-Guadix, Manuel
Congress name: Características emocionales y conductuales de los adolescentes que agreden a sus padres. Jornada sobre Investigación en Violencia Filio-Parental / Country: España / Publication name: Características emocionales y conductuales de los adolescentes que agreden a sus padres. Jornada sobre Investigación en Violencia Filio-Parental / Date: 2013/11/15
Brooding Rumination as a Mediator between Schema Domains and Symptoms of Depression and Social Anxiety in Adolescents.
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Congress name: Brooding Rumination as a Mediator between Schema Domains and Symptoms of Depression and Social Anxiety in Adolescents. / City: Lausanne / Country: Suiza / Publication name: Brooding Rumination as a Mediator between Schema Domains and Symptoms of Depression and Social Anxiety in Adolescents. / Date: 2013/09/20
Child-to-Parent Aggression in adolescents: Prevalence and risk factors.
Sampedro, Rafael; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Gámez-Guadix, Manuel; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Child-to-Parent Aggression in adolescents: Prevalence and risk factors. / City: Lausanne / Country: Suiza / Publication name: Child-to-Parent Aggression in adolescents: Prevalence and risk factors. / Date: 2013/09/20
Cyberbullying Victimization and Psychological and Behavioral Health Problems Among Spanish Adolescents: A Longitudinal Examination of The Reciprocal Relations.
Gámez-Guadix, Manuel; Smith, Peter; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Congress name: Cyberbullying Victimization and Psychological and Behavioral Health Problems Among Spanish Adolescents: A Longitudinal Examination of The Reciprocal Relations. / City: Lausanne / Country: Suiza / Publication name: Cyberbullying Victimization and Psychological and Behavioral Health Problems Among Spanish Adolescents: A Longitudinal Examination of The Reciprocal Relations. / Date: 2013/09/20
Social anxiety in adolescents: The role of early maladaptive schemas and anxious automatic thoughts
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Hankin, Benjamin
Congress name: Social anxiety in adolescents: The role of early maladaptive schemas and anxious automatic thoughts / City: Lausanne / Country: Suiza / Publication name: Social anxiety in adolescents: The role of early maladaptive schemas and anxious automatic thoughts / Date: 2013/09/20
"An analysis of the structure, psychometric properties and gender differences of the Looming Cognitive Style Questionnaire in Spanish Young Adults"
Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Riskind, John
Congress name: "An analysis of the structure, psychometric properties and gender differences of the Looming Cognitive Style Questionnaire in Spanish Young Adults" / City: Marrakech / Country: Marruecos / Publication name: "An analysis of the structure, psychometric properties and gender differences of the Looming Cognitive Style Questionnaire in Spanish Young Adults" / Start date: 2013/09/10 / End date: 2013/09/14
An analysis of the structure, psychometric properties and gender differences of the Looming Cognitive Style Questionnaire in Spanish Young Adults"
Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Riskind, John
Congress name: An analysis of the structure, psychometric properties and gender differences of the Looming Cognitive Style Questionnaire in Spanish Young Adults" / City: Marrakech / Country: Marruecos / Publication name: An analysis of the structure, psychometric properties and gender differences of the Looming Cognitive Style Questionnaire in Spanish Young Adults" / Start date: 2013/09/10 / End date: 2013/09/14
Early maladaptive schemas as predictors of depressive and social anxiety symptoms in adolescents: Examining the role of stressors.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Cámara, María; Hankin, Benjamin
Congress name: Early maladaptive schemas as predictors of depressive and social anxiety symptoms in adolescents: Examining the role of stressors. / City: Marrakech / Country: Marruecos / Publication name: Early maladaptive schemas as predictors of depressive and social anxiety symptoms in adolescents: Examining the role of stressors. / Start date: 2013/09/10 / End date: 2013/09/14
Cyberbullying victimization and psychological and behavioral health problems among Spanish adolescents: A longitudinal examination of the reciprocal relations
Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Smith, Peter; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Cyberbullying victimization and psychological and behavioral health problems among Spanish adolescents: A longitudinal examination of the reciprocal relations / Publication name: Cyberbullying victimization and psychological and behavioral health problems among Spanish adolescents: A longitudinal examination of the reciprocal relations / Date: 2013/09/04
"An Analysis of the Structure and Stability of the Looming Cognitive Style Questionnaire in Spanish Young Adults"
González-Díez, Zahira; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Riskind, John
Congress name: "An Analysis of the Structure and Stability of the Looming Cognitive Style Questionnaire in Spanish Young Adults" / Country: España / Publication name: "An Analysis of the Structure and Stability of the Looming Cognitive Style Questionnaire in Spanish Young Adults" / Date: 2013/07/07
Cognitive Processing in Dating Conflicts: Measurement and Predictive Associations with Dating Violence.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Cognitive Processing in Dating Conflicts: Measurement and Predictive Associations with Dating Violence. / Country: España / Publication name: Cognitive Processing in Dating Conflicts: Measurement and Predictive Associations with Dating Violence. / Date: 2013/07/07
Prevalencia y características clínicas de jóvenes que han sufrido ciberbulliyng
Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Padilla Paredes, Patricia; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Prevalencia y características clínicas de jóvenes que han sufrido ciberbulliyng / ISBN: 978-84-9915-955-3 / Country: España / Publication name: Prevalencia y características clínicas de jóvenes que han sufrido ciberbulliyng / Start date: 2013/05/08 / End date: 2013/05/10
XI Congreso internacional de infancia maltratada. El rechazo entre iguales y bullying en infancia: relaciones recíprocas
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Congress name: XI Congreso internacional de infancia maltratada. El rechazo entre iguales y bullying en infancia: relaciones recíprocas / Country: España / Publication name: XI Congreso internacional de infancia maltratada. El rechazo entre iguales y bullying en infancia: relaciones recíprocas / Start date: 2012/10/17 / End date: 2012/10/19
2012. XI Congreso internacional de infancia maltratada. "De la exposición a la violencia familiar a las agresiones contra los padres y madres". E. Calvete Zumalde; I. Orue Sola; E. Lopez de Arroyabe; Z. Gonzalez Diez; I. López Fuentes; E. Mateos Pérez; A. Zubizarreta Arturo; R. Sampedro Olaetxea; R. Pereira Tercero; y G. Bacigalupe
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Lopez De Arroyabe, Elena; González Díez, Zaira; Zubizarreta, Anik; Lopez, Iratxe; Mateos, Estibaliz; Sampedro Olaetxea, Rafael; Pereira, Roberto; Bacigalupe, Gonzalo
Congress name: 2012. XI Congreso internacional de infancia maltratada. "De la exposición a la violencia familiar a las agresiones contra los padres y madres". E. Calvete Zumalde; I. Orue Sola; E. Lopez de Arroyabe; Z. Gonzalez Diez; I. López Fuentes; E. Mateos Pérez; A. Zubizarreta Arturo; R. Sampedro Olaetxea; R. Pereira Tercero; y G. Bacigalupe / Country: España / Publication name: 2012. XI Congreso internacional de infancia maltratada. "De la exposición a la violencia familiar a las agresiones contra los padres y madres". E. Calvete Zumalde; I. Orue Sola; E. Lopez de Arroyabe; Z. Gonzalez Diez; I. López Fuentes; E. Mateos Pérez; A. Zubizarreta Arturo; R. Sampedro Olaetxea; R. Pereira Tercero; y G. Bacigalupe / Start date: 2012/10/17 / End date: 2012/10/19
IX Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés. Psicopatía en adolescentes: ¿Se manifiesta igual en las chicas?
Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: IX Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés. Psicopatía en adolescentes: ¿Se manifiesta igual en las chicas? / Country: España / Publication name: IX Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés. Psicopatía en adolescentes: ¿Se manifiesta igual en las chicas? / Start date: 2012/09/06 / End date: 2012/09/08
2012. IX Congreso Internacional de la SEAS. "Un análisis de la estructura y estabilidad del cuestionario de Looming Maladaptive Style (LMCS-II) en una muestra española". Valencia. (Comunicación Oral). Gonzalez-Diez, Z., Orue, I., & Calvete, E.
Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Congress name: 2012. IX Congreso Internacional de la SEAS. "Un análisis de la estructura y estabilidad del cuestionario de Looming Maladaptive Style (LMCS-II) en una muestra española". Valencia. (Comunicación Oral). Gonzalez-Diez, Z., Orue, I., & Calvete, E. / Country: España / Publication name: 2012. IX Congreso Internacional de la SEAS. "Un análisis de la estructura y estabilidad del cuestionario de Looming Maladaptive Style (LMCS-II) en una muestra española". Valencia. (Comunicación Oral). Gonzalez-Diez, Z., Orue, I., & Calvete, E. / Start date: 2012/09/06 / End date: 2012/09/08
2012. ISST Conference. "Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping"
González Díez, Zaira; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: 2012. ISST Conference. "Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping" / City: Nueva York / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: 2012. ISST Conference. "Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping" / Start date: 2012/05/17 / End date: 2012/05/19
2012. ISST Conference. "The structure and stability of early maladaptive schemas measured by the YSQ-3". Esther Calvete, Izaskun Orue, & Zahira Gonzalez. Nueva York. (Oral comunication by Esther Calvete)
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; González Díez, Zaira
Congress name: 2012. ISST Conference. "The structure and stability of early maladaptive schemas measured by the YSQ-3". Esther Calvete, Izaskun Orue, & Zahira Gonzalez. Nueva York. (Oral comunication by Esther Calvete) / City: Nueva York / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: 2012. ISST Conference. "The structure and stability of early maladaptive schemas measured by the YSQ-3". Esther Calvete, Izaskun Orue, & Zahira Gonzalez. Nueva York. (Oral comunication by Esther Calvete) / Start date: 2012/05/17 / End date: 2012/05/19
Early Maladaptative Schemas as mediators in the relationship between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior in maltreated adolescents.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Early Maladaptative Schemas as mediators in the relationship between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior in maltreated adolescents. / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Early Maladaptative Schemas as mediators in the relationship between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior in maltreated adolescents. / Start date: 2012/05/16 / End date: 2012/05/18
Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping.
Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping. / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping. / Start date: 2012/05/16 / End date: 2012/05/18
The Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas as Predictors of Social Anxiety in Adolescents.
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Hankin, Benjamin
Congress name: The Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas as Predictors of Social Anxiety in Adolescents. / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: The Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas as Predictors of Social Anxiety in Adolescents. / Start date: 2012/05/16 / End date: 2012/05/18
The structure and stability of early maladaptive schemas measured by the YSQ-3.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; González Diez, Zahira
Congress name: The structure and stability of early maladaptive schemas measured by the YSQ-3. / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: The structure and stability of early maladaptive schemas measured by the YSQ-3. / Start date: 2012/05/16 / End date: 2012/05/18
The transactional relationships among early maladaptive schemas, stressors and depressive symptoms
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Hankin, Benjamin
Congress name: The transactional relationships among early maladaptive schemas, stressors and depressive symptoms / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: The transactional relationships among early maladaptive schemas, stressors and depressive symptoms / Start date: 2012/05/16 / End date: 2012/05/18
Depression in adolescents: reciprocal influences between depression, stress and cognitive vulnerabilities
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Hankin, Benjamin
Congress name: Depression in adolescents: reciprocal influences between depression, stress and cognitive vulnerabilities / Publication name: Depression in adolescents: reciprocal influences between depression, stress and cognitive vulnerabilities / Start date: 2012/03/03 / End date: 2012/03/06
Early maladaptive schemas and social anxiety in adolescents: The mediating role of automatic thoughts.
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Congress name: Early maladaptive schemas and social anxiety in adolescents: The mediating role of automatic thoughts. / Publication name: Early maladaptive schemas and social anxiety in adolescents: The mediating role of automatic thoughts. / Start date: 2012/03/03 / End date: 2012/03/06
2012. 20th European Congress of Psychiatry. "Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping"
Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: 2012. 20th European Congress of Psychiatry. "Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping" / City: Praga / Country: Republica Checa / Publication name: 2012. 20th European Congress of Psychiatry. "Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping" / Start date: 2012/03/03 / End date: 2012/03/06
Cognitive schemas as mediators in the relationship between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior in maltreated adolescents.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Cognitive schemas as mediators in the relationship between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior in maltreated adolescents. / Publication name: Cognitive schemas as mediators in the relationship between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior in maltreated adolescents. / Start date: 2012/03/03 / End date: 2012/03/06
Psychosocial predictors of child-to-parent aggression.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro Olaetxea, Rafael; Vegas Garran, Sonia
Congress name: Psychosocial predictors of child-to-parent aggression. / Country: Republica Checa / Publication name: Psychosocial predictors of child-to-parent aggression. / Start date: 2012/03/03 / End date: 2012/03/06
Transmisión intergeneracional de la violencia en adolescentes: mecanismos cognitivos y emocionales
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Transmisión intergeneracional de la violencia en adolescentes: mecanismos cognitivos y emocionales / Publication name: Transmisión intergeneracional de la violencia en adolescentes: mecanismos cognitivos y emocionales / Start date: 2011/10/27 / End date: 2011/10/29
Jóvenes víctimas de Cyberbullying: Prevalencia y características clínicas.
Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Padilla, Patricia
Congress name: Jóvenes víctimas de Cyberbullying: Prevalencia y características clínicas. / Country: España / Publication name: Jóvenes víctimas de Cyberbullying: Prevalencia y características clínicas. / Start date: 2011/07/07 / End date: 2011/07/09
Esquemas disfuncionales tempranos y ansiedad social :efecto moderdor del afrontamiento de evitación vs. sobrecompensación
Gonzalez Diez, Zahira; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Esquemas disfuncionales tempranos y ansiedad social :efecto moderdor del afrontamiento de evitación vs. sobrecompensación / Country: España / Publication name: Esquemas disfuncionales tempranos y ansiedad social :efecto moderdor del afrontamiento de evitación vs. sobrecompensación / Start date: 2011/07/07 / End date: 2011/07/09
2011. IX Congreso Nacional de Psicología Clínica. "Esquemas disfuncionales tempranos y ansiedad social: efecto moderador del afrontamiento de evitación vs. Sobrecompensación". San Sebastian. Gonzalez-Diez, Z., Calvete, E.,& Orue, I.
Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: 2011. IX Congreso Nacional de Psicología Clínica. "Esquemas disfuncionales tempranos y ansiedad social: efecto moderador del afrontamiento de evitación vs. Sobrecompensación". San Sebastian. Gonzalez-Diez, Z., Calvete, E.,& Orue, I. / Country: España / Publication name: 2011. IX Congreso Nacional de Psicología Clínica. "Esquemas disfuncionales tempranos y ansiedad social: efecto moderador del afrontamiento de evitación vs. Sobrecompensación". San Sebastian. Gonzalez-Diez, Z., Calvete, E.,& Orue, I. / Start date: 2011/07/06 / End date: 2011/07/09
The mediating role of automatic thoughts in the relationship between maladaptive schemas and social anxiety in adolescents
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: The mediating role of automatic thoughts in the relationship between maladaptive schemas and social anxiety in adolescents / City: Estambul / Country: Turquia / Publication name: The mediating role of automatic thoughts in the relationship between maladaptive schemas and social anxiety in adolescents / Start date: 2011/06/02 / End date: 2011/06/05
Early maladaptive schemas in maltreated adolescents: Do they explain intergenerational transmission of violence?
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Early maladaptive schemas in maltreated adolescents: Do they explain intergenerational transmission of violence? / City: Estambul / Country: Turquia / Publication name: Early maladaptive schemas in maltreated adolescents: Do they explain intergenerational transmission of violence? / Start date: 2011/06/02 / End date: 2011/06/05
Transactional relationships between cognitive vulnerabilities, stress, and depression in adolescents
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Hankin, Benjamin
Congress name: Transactional relationships between cognitive vulnerabilities, stress, and depression in adolescents / City: Estambul / Country: Turquia / Publication name: Transactional relationships between cognitive vulnerabilities, stress, and depression in adolescents / Start date: 2011/06/02 / End date: 2011/06/05
2011. 7th International Congress Cognitive Psychotherapy. "Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping". Gonzalez-Diez, Z., Calvete, E.,& Orue, I.
Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: 2011. 7th International Congress Cognitive Psychotherapy. "Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping". Gonzalez-Diez, Z., Calvete, E.,& Orue, I. / City: Estambul / Country: Turquia / Publication name: 2011. 7th International Congress Cognitive Psychotherapy. "Early Maladaptative Schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping". Gonzalez-Diez, Z., Calvete, E.,& Orue, I. / Start date: 2011/06/02 / End date: 2011/06/06
Early maladative schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping
Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Early maladative schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping / City: Estambul / Country: Turquia / Publication name: Early maladative schemas and social anxiety: The moderating effect of avoidant vs. overcompensation coping / Start date: 2011/05/02 / End date: 2011/06/05
Social status and aggressive behavior in girls
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Congress name: Social status and aggressive behavior in girls / Country: España / Publication name: Social status and aggressive behavior in girls / Start date: 2011/03/16 / End date: 2011/03/18
Stress generation and depression in adolescents: Contributions of different cognitive vulnerabilitites
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Stress generation and depression in adolescents: Contributions of different cognitive vulnerabilitites / City: LOVAINA / Country: Belgica / Publication name: Stress generation and depression in adolescents: Contributions of different cognitive vulnerabilitites / Start date: 2010/12/16 / End date: 2010/12/17
Múltiples vulnerabilidades cognitivas a la depresión en adolescentes: aportaciones y solapamiento entre modelos
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Hankin, Benjamin
Congress name: Múltiples vulnerabilidades cognitivas a la depresión en adolescentes: aportaciones y solapamiento entre modelos / Country: España / Publication name: Múltiples vulnerabilidades cognitivas a la depresión en adolescentes: aportaciones y solapamiento entre modelos / Start date: 2010/09/16 / End date: 2010/09/18
Predictores cognitivos de la ansiedad social en adolescentes
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Plágaro Martínez, Andrea; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Predictores cognitivos de la ansiedad social en adolescentes / Country: España / Publication name: Predictores cognitivos de la ansiedad social en adolescentes / Start date: 2010/09/16 / End date: 2010/09/18
Depresión en adolescentes que sufren cyberbullying
Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Padilla, Patricia; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Depresión en adolescentes que sufren cyberbullying / Country: España / Publication name: Depresión en adolescentes que sufren cyberbullying / Start date: 2010/09/16 / End date: 2010/09/18
Maltrato familiar y por iguales como antecedentes de esquemas asociados a la depresión en adolescentes.
González, Zahira; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Camara, María; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Mateos, Estibaliz; Padilla, Patricia; Plagaro, Andrea; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes
Congress name: Maltrato familiar y por iguales como antecedentes de esquemas asociados a la depresión en adolescentes. / Country: España / Publication name: Maltrato familiar y por iguales como antecedentes de esquemas asociados a la depresión en adolescentes. / Start date: 2010/09/16 / End date: 2010/09/18
Social status and different types of aggressive behavior: Bidirectional relationships
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Congress name: Social status and different types of aggressive behavior: Bidirectional relationships / City: Storrs, CT / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Social status and different types of aggressive behavior: Bidirectional relationships / Start date: 2010/07/27 / End date: 2010/07/31
Cyberbullying adolescent victims: prevalence and characteristics
Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Padilla, Patricia; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Cyberbullying adolescent victims: prevalence and characteristics / City: Connecticut / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Cyberbullying adolescent victims: prevalence and characteristics / Start date: 2010/07/27 / End date: 2010/07/31
Exposure to violence, social information processing, and aggressive behavior in adolescents.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana
Congress name: Exposure to violence, social information processing, and aggressive behavior in adolescents. / City: storrs, CT / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Exposure to violence, social information processing, and aggressive behavior in adolescents. / Start date: 2010/07/27 / End date: 2010/07/31
Adolescent victims of cyberbullying: prevalence and characteristics.
Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Padilla, Patricia; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Congress name: Adolescent victims of cyberbullying: prevalence and characteristics. / City: Storrs, CT / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Adolescent victims of cyberbullying: prevalence and characteristics. / Start date: 2010/07/27 / End date: 2010/07/31
Psychosocial profile of adolescents who are physically aggressive towards parents.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro, Rafa
Congress name: Psychosocial profile of adolescents who are physically aggressive towards parents. / City: storrs, ct / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Psychosocial profile of adolescents who are physically aggressive towards parents. / Start date: 2010/07/26 / End date: 2010/07/31
Violencia filio-parental: perfil psicosocial de los adolescentes que son físicamente agresivos hacia los padres
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro Olaetxea, Rafael; Vegas Garran, Sonia; Gonzalez Diez, Zaira; Mateos, Estibaliz
Congress name: Violencia filio-parental: perfil psicosocial de los adolescentes que son físicamente agresivos hacia los padres / Country: España / Publication name: Violencia filio-parental: perfil psicosocial de los adolescentes que son físicamente agresivos hacia los padres / Start date: 2010/07/20 / End date: 2010/07/24
2010. VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología. "Violencia filio-parental: perfil psicosocial de los adolescentes que son físicamente agresivos hacia los padres". Calvete, E., Orue, I., Sampedro, R., Gonzalez, Z. Y Mateos, E. Oviedo.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro Olaetxea, Rafael; González Díez, Zaira; Mateos, Estibaliz
Congress name: 2010. VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología. "Violencia filio-parental: perfil psicosocial de los adolescentes que son físicamente agresivos hacia los padres". Calvete, E., Orue, I., Sampedro, R., Gonzalez, Z. Y Mateos, E. Oviedo. / Country: España / Publication name: 2010. VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología. "Violencia filio-parental: perfil psicosocial de los adolescentes que son físicamente agresivos hacia los padres". Calvete, E., Orue, I., Sampedro, R., Gonzalez, Z. Y Mateos, E. Oviedo. / Start date: 2010/07/20 / End date: 2010/07/24
The role of Entitlement, and Mistrust in adolescents¿s aggressive behavior.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana
Congress name: The role of Entitlement, and Mistrust in adolescents¿s aggressive behavior. / City: Berlin / Country: Alemania / Publication name: The role of Entitlement, and Mistrust in adolescents¿s aggressive behavior. / Start date: 2010/07/08 / End date: 2010/07/10
Cyberbullying in adolescents: Prevalence and associated risk factors
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Padilla, Patricia; Sampedro, Rafael
Congress name: Cyberbullying in adolescents: Prevalence and associated risk factors / City: Oslo / Country: Noruega / Publication name: Cyberbullying in adolescents: Prevalence and associated risk factors / Start date: 2009/07/07 / End date: 2009/07/10
Justificación de la violencia como mecanismo de transmisión de la conducta antisocial en adolescentes víctimas de maltrato.
Sampedro, Rafael; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Vegas, Sonia
Congress name: Justificación de la violencia como mecanismo de transmisión de la conducta antisocial en adolescentes víctimas de maltrato. / Country: España / Publication name: Justificación de la violencia como mecanismo de transmisión de la conducta antisocial en adolescentes víctimas de maltrato. / Start date: 2008/11/06 / End date: 2008/11/08
Testostora endogena y agresión en adolescentes: mecanismos de moderación y mediación
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Armentia Bardeci, Jesús María; Ayala Mieres, Amaya; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Gallastegui Garcia, Gaizka; Gutierrez Freije, Pello; Jimeno Martitegui, Andere; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Start date: 2023/09/01 / End date: 2027/08/30
STRESS- IT1532-22
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Borrajo Mena, Erika; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Alvarez Garcia, Naiara; Gorostiaga Marcos, Naiara; Jimenez Granado, Aitor; Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Molina Bravo, Laura; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Prieto Fidalgo, Ángel
Abstract: GOBIERNO VASCO. DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2025/12/31
Factores predictivos e impacto de la depresión y ansiedad materna en la etapa perinatal en el desarrollo del niño desde el nacimiento hasta los 18 meses
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Del Hoyo Bilbao, Joana; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Juaristi González, Ainhoa; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Start date: 2020/06/01 / End date: 2023/05/31
2022 Creando resiliencia frente a la victimización online en adolescentes medianteel uso de intervenciones inteligentes
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Rodríguez González, Sara
Abstract: Fundación Alicia Koplowitz / Start date: 2019/11/01 / End date: 2022/04/30
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Abstract: Fundación BBVA / Start date: 2019/05/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Guergue Lopez De Letona, Marina; Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite
Abstract: BBK Fundazioa / Start date: 2019/01/01 / End date: 2019/12/31
2022 Prevención de depresión y conducta agresiva en infancia y adolescencia mediante una intervención basada en teorías implícitas de la personalidad. PI_2016_1_0023
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Quevedo Torrientes, Maria Elena; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Cultura y Política Lingüística / Start date: 2017/01/16 / End date: 2019/06/30
Reconocimiento GV equipo de investigación "Deusto Stress Research" IT982-16
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Alba Muñoz, Julen; Borrajo Mena, Erika; Echezarraga Porto, Ainara; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Juaristi González, Ainhoa; Larrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite; Morea Dominguez, Aida; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Prieto Fidalgo, Ángel; Ruiz Alonso, Eneko; Zubizarreta Arturo, Anik Maitane
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Cultura y Política Lingüística / Start date: 2016/01/01 / End date: 2021/12/31
Prevención de depresión y conducta agresiva en infancia y adolescencia mediante una intervención basada en teorías implícitas de la personalidad
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Borrajo Mena, Erika; Cortazar Enciondo, Nerea; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Morea Dominguez, Aida; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Prieto Fidalgo, Ángel; Royuela Colomer, Estibaliz
Abstract: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad / Start date: 2016/01/01 / End date: 2019/12/31
Bizkailab 2015: Evolución del perfil de usuarias de los centros El Refugio y Kemena y perspectivas futuras.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Fernandez Gonzalez, Liria; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia / Start date: 2015/01/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
Bizkailab 2015: Actitudes negativas hacia las parejas del mismo sexo y conductas de bullying
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia / Start date: 2015/01/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
Bizkailab 2015: Diversidad sexual. Instrumentos y Programas de sensibilización
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia / Start date: 2015/01/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
Bizkailab 2015: Cuidadores 2.0
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; García-Zapirain Soto, Begonya; Maeso Garcia, Jose; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia / Start date: 2015/01/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
BIZKAILAB. Evaluación de la percepción social de las parejas del mismo sexo
Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Las Hayas Rodríguez, Carlota
Date: 2014/10/01
Bizkailab - Guía de violencia filio-parental
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia / Start date: 2014/01/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
Bizkailab - Percepción social de las parejas del mismo sexo
Orue Sola, Izaskun; Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Gamez Guadix, Manuel; Las Hayas Rodríguez, Carlota
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia / Start date: 2014/01/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
Bizkailab - Programa para personas cuidadoras de personas con discapacidad
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; García-Zapirain Soto, Begonya; Las Hayas Rodríguez, Carlota; Mendez Zorrilla, Amaia; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia / Start date: 2014/01/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
Violencia filioparental: mecanismos cognitivo-emocionales de adquisición de la violencia.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro, Rafael; Bacigalupe Rojas, Gonzalo; Pereira, Roberto
Start date: 2011/03/01 / End date: 2014/03/01
Desarrollo de depresión en adolescentes: Contribuciones desde una prespectiva transaccional de la vulnerabilidad cognitiva y diferencias de género Ref.: PSI2010-15714 (Subprograma PSIC) Exp.económico: PIA 12010-1
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Orue Sola, Izaskun
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Start date: 2011/01/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
BIZKAILAB HAURRAK - Violencia filioparental
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Gamez Guadix, Manuel
Start date: 2011/01/01 / End date: 2012/12/31
Ayudas para apoyar las actividades de grupos de investigación del sistema universitario vasco Equipo Vulnerabilidad Cognitiva y Estrés. Reconocimiento como equipo A, 2010-2015
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro, Rafa; Padilla, Patricia; Hankin, Benjamin
Start date: 2010/05/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro, Rafael; Bacigalupe Rojas, Gonzalo; L. Hankin, Benjamín
Start date: 2010/01/01 / End date: 2013/12/31
Vulnerabilidad cognitiva y estrés
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro, Rafael; Padilla, Patricia; L. Hankin, Benjamin
Start date: 2010/01/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
Conducta violenta en adolescentes: mediación cognitiva, factores contextuales de riesgo y diferencias de género.
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Sampedro, Rafael; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Vegas Garran, Sonia; Hernanz Ruiz, Manuel
Abstract: Ministerio de España / Start date: 2007/10/01 / End date: 2010/09/30
Conducta violenta en adolescentes: mediación cognitiva, factores contextuales de riesgo y diferencias de género f
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Orue Sola, Izaskun; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Sampedro, Rafael; Padilla, Patricia
Start date: 2007/01/01 / End date: 2010/12/31
PREMIO UD- SANTANDER DE INVESTIGACIÓN; Una aproximación psicosocial a la violencia en adolescentes
Calvete Zumalde, Esther; ORUE SOLA, IZASKUN; CAMARA SERRANO, MARIA; GAMEZ GUADIX, MANUEL; Sampedro, Rafa; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Date: 2012/02/20