luis ignacio gordillo perez

Imagen del investigador luis ignacio gordillo perez

Luis Gordillo has a degree in Law, DEA in Constitutional Law and a doctorate in Law from the University of Deusto. Tenured Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Deusto (accredited as Tenured University Professor by ANECA), he is also holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in Economic Constitutionalism. His teaching activity focuses on the Law degree and the combined Law and ADE, as well as in the Official Master's Degree in Management of Maritime Port Companies and Maritime Law and in the Doctorate program in Economic and Business Law. He specifically teaches the following subjects in the Degree in Law, Theory of the State and Constitutional Regime, System of sources and constitutional rights and scientific methodology courses. He has been a visiting professor at various national (IE, Nebrija) and international universities (Tours-France, Cardozo Law School-New York, Veracruzana-Mexico) and visiting researcher at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). He also collaborates regularly in different master's and doctoral programs at the universities of Salamanca, Seville, UNED, UIMP (CEPC) or International University of Andalusia. His publications (around a hundred) revolve around the general theory of Constitutional Law, sources of Law, fragmentation of Law, fundamental rights and transnational Law. In recent years he has been working in areas related to multilevel constitutionalism and the fragmentation of law in the transnational context. He belongs to the research team Public Power and Business in a multilevel and transnational context, of which he is principal investigator. Other areas of research interest are the theory of the State, European constitutionalism or the regulation of public services in the transnational context, as well as pedagogical innovation in Law studies. His latest publications include 'The constitutionalizing jurisprudence of the Court of Justice' (Civitas, Madrid, 2015, with G. Martinico), 'A theory of the European constitutional State' (Seville, 2019, with N. Arriola and N. Intxaustegi) or 'Economic Constitution and Economic Governance of the EU' (Thomson, Madrid, 2019). Distinguished with the Nicolás Pérez Serrano Award from the CEPC (2009-2010) and with the UD-Santander Research Award (2015). Positive assessment by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI) of three research periods (six-year terms): 2004-2009, 2010-2015 and 2016-2021. He has directed various regional, national and European research projects. He has participated in more than 25 research projects and contracts (11, as IP). Currently, he is PI of the "Economic Constitution and Social Justice" group (IT1768-22, Basque Government) and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in Economic Constitutionalism and European Integration (European Commission, 611607-EPP-1-2019-1- ES-EPPJMO-CHAIR / Grant Decision 2019-1579). Evaluator of research projects (State Research Agency / MINECO) and the ACREDITA program (ANECA). Member of the Basque Parliament and chair person of the Committe of Economy, Budget and Finances. Doctor Honoris Causa (University of Xalapa and Colegio de Veracruz, México). Accreditations: Associate Professor (ANECA, 2014), Full Professor (UNIBASQ, 2024).