Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales - Deusto Business School
Finance and Economics
s.grimbert@deusto.esFollow me:
Stephanie Francis Grimbert is Ph.D. from the University of Deusto (2024). She is also affiliated to the reseearch centre CIRCLE, at Lund University (Sweden). Her research interests lie in the theory and practice of innovation policy from a value creation perspective. In particular, she focuses on the inclusion of end users within the value creation constellation of actors. She holds an MBA from the Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC).
CVArticles in Scientific Journals
An Attention-augmented Real Options Approach to Public R&D investments / Strategic Management Review
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel; Vonortas, Nicholas S
ISBNAR: 2688-2612 / Date: 2024
Closing the loop without reinventing the wheel: public procurement for innovation promoting a circular economy / Science and Public Policy
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
ISBNAR: 0302-3427 / Volume: 3 / Journal number: 51 / Start page: 491 / End page: 508 / Date: 2024
Collective shared value creation as emergent strategy for cluster management organizations / Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal incorporating Journal of Global Competitiveness
Grimbert, Stephanie; Wilson, James
ISBNAR: 1059-5422 / Volume: 3 / Journal number: 34 / Start page: 559 / End page: 577 / Date: 2024
Deconstructing cluster identity: place branding and trademarking by cluster organizations / Regional Studies
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel; Pesme, Jacques Olivier
ISBNAR: 0034-3404 / Volume: 10 / Journal number: 58 / Start page: 1818 / End page: 1830 / Date: 2023
Chapters of Books
Innovation in Public procurement / Teaching Public Procurement: Bridging Theory and Practice
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
Date: 2025
Public procurement as a transformative innovation policy instrument: urban rehabilitation in Malmö / Book: European Regional Policy and Development: Forgotten Regions and Spaces Editors María del Carmen Sánchez-Carreira, Paulo Jorge Reis Mourão and Bruno Blanco-Varela
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
ISBNCO: 978-1-032-18796-9 / Start page: 169 / End page: 188 / Date: 2023
Measuring public procurement for innovation in Europe
Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel; Grimbert, Stephanie
Congress name: Measuring public procurement for innovation in Europe / City: Viena / Country: Austria / Web: / Publication name: Measuring public procurement for innovation in Europe / Start date: 2024/12/04 / End date: 2024/12/06
An Attention-augmented Real Options Approach to Public R&D investments
Grimbert, Stephanie
Congress name: An Attention-augmented Real Options Approach to Public R&D investments / City: Viena / Country: Austria / Web: / Publication name: An Attention-augmented Real Options Approach to Public R&D investments / Start date: 2024/12/04 / End date: 2024/12/06
Empowering contracting authorities to play a lead user role in public procurement
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
Congress name: Empowering contracting authorities to play a lead user role in public procurement / City: Lisboa / Country: Portugal / Web: / Publication name: Empowering contracting authorities to play a lead user role in public procurement / Start date: 2024/03/13 / End date: 2024/03/14
From imposed openness to deliberate isolation: an evolutionary perspective on open innovation
Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel; Ibañez Romero, Asunción; Grimbert, Stephanie
Congress name: From imposed openness to deliberate isolation: an evolutionary perspective on open innovation / City: Kongsberg / Country: Noruega / Web: / Publication name: From imposed openness to deliberate isolation: an evolutionary perspective on open innovation / Start date: 2023/11/29 / End date: 2023/12/01
Assessing the ecosystem services of the primary sector and how to monetize them
Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel; Ibañez Romero, Asunción; Grimbert, Stephanie
Congress name: Assessing the ecosystem services of the primary sector and how to monetize them / City: Kongsberg / Country: Noruega / Web: / Publication name: Assessing the ecosystem services of the primary sector and how to monetize them / Start date: 2023/11/29 / End date: 2023/12/01
A realistic real options approach to Open Innovation in the public sector
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
Congress name: A realistic real options approach to Open Innovation in the public sector / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: A realistic real options approach to Open Innovation in the public sector / Start date: 2023/11/09 / End date: 2023/11/10
Rankings under scrutiny: methodological considerations on the ?Regional Innovation Scoreboard?
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
Congress name: Rankings under scrutiny: methodological considerations on the ?Regional Innovation Scoreboard? / City: online / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: Rankings under scrutiny: methodological considerations on the ?Regional Innovation Scoreboard? / Date: 2023/09/29
Deconstructing Cluster Identity: Place Branding and Cluster Trademarking
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
Congress name: Deconstructing Cluster Identity: Place Branding and Cluster Trademarking / City: Ljubljana / Country: Eslovenia / Web: / Publication name: Deconstructing Cluster Identity: Place Branding and Cluster Trademarking / Start date: 2023/06/14 / End date: 2023/06/17
Designing regional innovation policies from innovation scoreboards: which are the bottlenecks and trade-offs of innovation policy?
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel; Salazar Elena, Juan Carlos
Congress name: Designing regional innovation policies from innovation scoreboards: which are the bottlenecks and trade-offs of innovation policy? / City: Ljubljana / Country: Eslovenia / Web: / Publication name: Designing regional innovation policies from innovation scoreboards: which are the bottlenecks and trade-offs of innovation policy? / Start date: 2023/06/14 / End date: 2023/06/17
Implementing innovation-related public procurement: ordinary, dynamic and functional capabilities
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel; Valovirta, Ville
Congress name: Implementing innovation-related public procurement: ordinary, dynamic and functional capabilities / City: Utrecht / Country: Paises bajos / Web: / Publication name: Implementing innovation-related public procurement: ordinary, dynamic and functional capabilities / Start date: 2022/06/01 / End date: 2022/06/03
From trade to trademark, evaluating the intangible effects of a cluster organization in the Bordeaux wine region
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
Congress name: From trade to trademark, evaluating the intangible effects of a cluster organization in the Bordeaux wine region / City: Florencia / Country: Italia / Web: / Publication name: From trade to trademark, evaluating the intangible effects of a cluster organization in the Bordeaux wine region / Start date: 2021/09/22 / End date: 2021/09/23
On the capabilities needed in the public sector to implement innovation support policies
Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel; Grimbert, Stephanie
Congress name: On the capabilities needed in the public sector to implement innovation support policies / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: On the capabilities needed in the public sector to implement innovation support policies / Start date: 2021/07/05 / End date: 2021/07/09
A systemic evaluation framework of tangible and intangible shared value creation in clusters
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
Congress name: A systemic evaluation framework of tangible and intangible shared value creation in clusters / City: Oslo / Country: Noruega / Web: / Publication name: A systemic evaluation framework of tangible and intangible shared value creation in clusters / Start date: 2021/06/09 / End date: 2021/06/11
Explaining cluster adaptation in the face of disruptive changes: the case of the Chinese FDI in the Bordeaux wine region
Grimbert, Stephanie; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel
Congress name: Explaining cluster adaptation in the face of disruptive changes: the case of the Chinese FDI in the Bordeaux wine region / City: Virtual / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: Explaining cluster adaptation in the face of disruptive changes: the case of the Chinese FDI in the Bordeaux wine region / Start date: 2021/06/02 / End date: 2021/06/18
Babbage Industrial Innovation Policy Awards 2021
Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel; Grimbert, Stephanie
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Date: 2021/09/01