Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales - Deusto Business School
vchistov@deusto.esFollow me:
Dr. Valery Chistov is a postdoctoral researcher at Deusto Business School in San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain. He specializes in Open Eco-innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and focuses on how these fields can address major societal challenges. He is a member of the Innovation, Knowledge, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability (ICES) research group, officially recognized by the Basque government. With over 15 years of experience in business, consulting, and entrepreneurship, he has collaborated with prominent companies such as Citibank, 3M, Continental Tires, ABB, and the World Trade Center. Additionally, Dr. Chistov has over a decade of experience as a business coach, trainer, and professor, teaching Strategic Management, Innovation Management, and Entrepreneurship at various business schools worldwide. He also forms a part of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor team and the EEB-OVE Entrepreneurship Observatory of the Basque Country. And serves on the steering board committee of the Eco-innovation Society.
CVArticles in Scientific Journals
Open eco-innovation. Aligning cooperation and external knowledge with the levels of eco-innovation radicalness. / Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
Chistov, Valery; Carrillo Hermosilla, Javier; Aramburu Goya, Nekane
ISBNAR: 2199-8531 / Volume: 9 / Journal number: 2 / Start page: 100049 / End page: 100049 / Date: 2023
Sustainability orientation and firm growth as ventures mature. / Business Strategy and the Environment
Chistov, Valery; Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Fabra Florit, María Eugenia; Peña Legazkue, Iñaki; Weritz, Pauline
ISBNAR: 0964-4733 / Volume: 32 / Journal number: 8 / Start page: 5314 / End page: 5331 / Date: 2023
Open eco-innovation: A bibliometric review of emerging research. / Journal of Cleaner Production
Chistov, Valery; Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier
ISBNAR: 0959-6526 / Volume: 311 / Start page: 127627 / Date: 2021
Articles Published Online
Conciliando la sostenibilidad medioambiental y económica: un enfoque de innovación abierta para abordar la eco-innovación
Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Chistov, Valery
URL: / Date: 2024
Organisational Innovation for Sustainability: Key Drivers of Eco-Innovation in Industrial SMEs in Gipuzkoa
García Torres, Sofía; Iñigo Alday, Edurne; Alcalde Heras, Maria Del Henar; Chistov, Valery; Carrillo Carrillo, Francisco
Congress name: Organisational Innovation for Sustainability: Key Drivers of Eco-Innovation in Industrial SMEs in Gipuzkoa / City: Porto / Country: Portugal / Web: / Publication name: Organisational Innovation for Sustainability: Key Drivers of Eco-Innovation in Industrial SMEs in Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2025/03/24 / End date: 2025/03/27
Open Eco-innovation. Exploring the Influence of Eco-innovation Objectives on the Choice of Knowledge Partners and Open Innovation Modes?
Chistov, Valery; Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier; Aramburu Goya, Nekane
Congress name: Open Eco-innovation. Exploring the Influence of Eco-innovation Objectives on the Choice of Knowledge Partners and Open Innovation Modes? / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Open Eco-innovation. Exploring the Influence of Eco-innovation Objectives on the Choice of Knowledge Partners and Open Innovation Modes? / Start date: 2023/11/09 / End date: 2023/11/10
How open innovation affects the radicalness of eco-innovation.
Chistov, Valery; Carrillo Hermosilla, Javier; Aramburu Goya, Nekane
Congress name: How open innovation affects the radicalness of eco-innovation. / ISBN: 978-84-09-56119-3 / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: How open innovation affects the radicalness of eco-innovation. / Start date: 2023/06/25 / End date: 2023/06/27
Connecting Sustainability and Growth in Small Firms. Does It pay off?
Chistov, Valery; Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Peña Legazkue, Iñaki; Weritz, Pauline; Fabra Florit, María Eugenia
Congress name: Connecting Sustainability and Growth in Small Firms. Does It pay off? / ISBN: 978-84-09-56119-3 / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Connecting Sustainability and Growth in Small Firms. Does It pay off? / Start date: 2023/06/25 / End date: 2023/06/27
Does it pay-off to be a Sustainable Entrepreneur? A Lifecycle perspective.
Chistov, Valery; Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Fabra Florit, María Eugenia; Peña Legazkue, Iñaki; Weritz, Pauline
Congress name: Does it pay-off to be a Sustainable Entrepreneur? A Lifecycle perspective. / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Does it pay-off to be a Sustainable Entrepreneur? A Lifecycle perspective. / Start date: 2022/09/15 / End date: 2022/09/17
Theoretical development of Open Eco-Innovation. Systematic literature review.
Chistov, Valery; Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier; Aramburu Goya, Nekane
Congress name: Theoretical development of Open Eco-Innovation. Systematic literature review. / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Theoretical development of Open Eco-Innovation. Systematic literature review. / Date: 2019/11/08
Gonzalez Pernia, Jose Luis; Chistov, Valery; Peña Legazkue, Iñaki; Zabala Zarauz, Alaitz
Abstract: ASOCIACIÓN DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO DE EMPRENDIMIENTO / Start date: 2024/04/01 / End date: 2025/03/31
Promoviendo la eco-innovación en las PYMES industriales gipuzkoanas: una mirada desde la innovación organizativa
Alcalde Heras, Maria Del Henar; Chistov, Valery; García Torres, Sofía; Iñigo Alday, Edurne; Zubiaurre Goena, Arantza
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2023/06/01 / End date: 2024/07/15
Innovación y Dirección de Organizaciones IT1497-22
Peña Legazkue, Iñaki; Alcalde Heras, Maria Del Henar; Amorrortu Blanco, Maitane; Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Arano Irizar, Aritz; Baselga Pascual, Laura; Buenechea Elberdin, Marta; Casas, Isabel; Chistov, Valery; García Torres, Sofía; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire; Gonzalez Pernia, Jose Luis; Iñigo Alday, Edurne; Kamp, Bartholomeus Petrus; Magallon Soneira, Maria Del Mar; O'Higgins, Ciara; Peñalba Aguirrezabalaga, Carmela; Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Saenz Martinez, Josune
Abstract: GOBIERNO VASCO. DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2025/12/31