Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Social and Human Sciences
giuseppe.aliperti@deusto.esFollow me:
Giuseppe Aliperti has extensive international experience in the tourism industry. He has served as a Visiting Scientist at both the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan), and the United Nations University (Bonn, Germany). His research primarily focuses on tourism and crisis/disaster risk management. After earning his PhD in Change and Complexity Management from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy), he worked as a Researcher at Kyoto University under the JSPS Short and Standard programs. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the University of Deusto and a Visiting Researcher at Wakayama University.
Articles in Scientific Journals
Tourism Disaster Risk Communication: Foreign Employees? Preparedness and Involvement in the Japanese Accommodation Industry / Tourism Planning and Development
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Nagai, Hayato; Saito, Hiroaki; Ritchie, Brent W.
ISBNAR: 2156-8324 / Start page: 1 / End page: 10 / Date: 2021
From epidemics to pandemic: Tips from the past. / Almatourism - University of Bologna
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria
ISBNAR: 2036-5195 / Volume: 22 / Journal number: 11 / Start page: 1 / End page: 17 / Date: 2021
Promoting built-for-disaster-purpose mobile applications: An interdisciplinary literature review to increase their penetration rate among tourists / Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria
ISBNAR: 1447-6770 / Volume: 44 / Start page: 193 / End page: 210 / Date: 2020
Communicating risk to tourists: A mental models approach to identifying gaps and misperceptions. / Tourism Management Perspectives
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Nagai, Hayato; Cruz, Ana Maria
ISBNAR: 2211-9736 / Volume: 33 / Start page: 1 / End page: 10 / Date: 2020
Investigating tourists' risk information processing / Annals of Tourism Research
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria
ISBNAR: 0160-7383 / Volume: 79 / Start page: 1 / End page: 18 / Date: 2019
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Sandholz, Simone; Hagenlocher, Michael; Rizzi, Francesco; Frey, Marco; Garschagen, Matthias
ISBNAR: 0160-7383 / Volume: 79 / Date: 2019
Risk communication to tourists: Towards the definition of a research agenda for a more effective disaster preparedness in Japan / Almatourism - University of Bologna
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria
ISBNAR: 2036-5195 / Volume: 17 / Start page: 1 / End page: 12 / Date: 2018
Cause-related marketing for disaster risk reduction in the tourism industry: A comparative analysis of prevention- and recovery-related campaigns / Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Rizzi, Francesco; Frey, Marco
ISBNAR: 1447-6770 / Volume: 37 / Start page: 1 / End page: 10 / Date: 2018
Risk and Uncertainty: A Side-Effect of a Natech Event on Residents in Japan / Kyoto University DPRI Annuals
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria; Rizzi, Francesco; Frey, Marco
Volume: 60B / Start page: 335 / End page: 342 / Date: 2017
Iconic Destination: A Snapshot of Sustainable Tourism in Pisa / Almatourism - University of Bologna
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Sarti, Silvia
ISBNAR: 2036-5195 / Volume: 12 / Journal number: 6 / Start page: 120 / End page: 136 / Date: 2015
Articles Published Online
Practical demonstration of some available tools for Natech risk assessment, risk mitigation and emergency planning for various types of natural hazards, Workshop on tools for natech management, DPRI, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan - ISBN 978-4-901768-22-1
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria; Muñoz, Francisco; Suarez Paba, Maria Camila
URL: / Date: 2017
Opportunities from financial crisis in Dublin. Annual technical committee meeting of the COST action TU 1204 - People Friendly Cities in a Data Rich World, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid/CeDInt, Madrid, Spain.
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Littman-Greenshtein, Iva; Marra, Giulia; Dyer, Mark
URL: / Date: 2015
Alla scoperta del Turismo Sostenibile, Accordi, norme e filiera turistica. Analisi di un fenomeno internazionale partendo dal caso della regione Umbria
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Asdrubali, Francesco
ISBNLM: 9788891732088 / Date: 2015
Chapters of Books
Uso de las redes sociales en la proyección y promoción de un destino turístico entre los jóvenes. El caso de Bilbao Bizkaia / L9. CIUDADES MÁS JÓVENES
Unibaso Muñoz, Jone; Aliperti, Giuseppe
ISBNCO: 978-84-1067-207-9 / Date: 2024
El uso de las redes sociales en la promoción de los destinos turísticos durante el COVID-19: Una aplicación del método PRGS en el caso del País Vasco. / Competitividad y gestión sostenible de los destinos turísticos
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Jauregi Larrión, Miriam
ISBNCO: 978-84-1183-179-6 / Start page: 175 / End page: 186 / Date: 2023
Enhancing the understanding of travel behaviour and risk perception to advance the management of destination resilience / Transitioning towards the future of tourism destinations Resilient, smart, and green development
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe
ISBNCO: 978-84-1125-632-2 / Start page: 167 / End page: 195 / Date: 2022
Disaster Mobile Applications / Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing
Aliperti, Giuseppe
ISBNCO: 9781800377479 / Date: 2022
Sostenibilidad económica en tiempo de COVID-19: La experiencia del turismo MICE / Diseñando experiencias sostenibles en turismo
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Vicente Sanz, Sara Eugenia
ISBNCO: 9788418970573 / Start page: 125 / End page: 136 / Date: 2022
Sostenibilidad social: El impacto de la COVID-19 en las experiencias de turismo accesible. / Diseñando experiencias sostenibles en turismo
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Sanz Zumeta, Maialen
ISBNCO: 9788418970573 / Start page: 103 / End page: 114 / Date: 2022
Urban gardening and spatial justice: from a metropolitan context to a mid-size city perspective, / Urban gardening and the struggle for social and spatial justice
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Sarti, Silvia
ISBNCO: 9781526126108 / Start page: 74 / End page: 90 / Date: 2019
Cause-related marketing and disaster management: opportunities from tourism-related initiatives / The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Security in Business
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Frey, Marco; Rizzi, Francesco
ISBNCO: 9780367656126 / Start page: 351 / End page: 363 / Date: 2018
Synergy between a Start-Up Company Specialized in Sustainable Tourism Projects, University and Local Government: An Italian Successful Example / THEMATIC TOURISM IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT: ADVANTAGES, CHALLENGES AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
Aliperti, Giuseppe
ISBNCO: 9788682371663 / Start page: 613 / End page: 620 / Date: 2014
Collaborative Governance to Manage Sea Level Rise Hazards: A Tourism Case Study from the Basque Country in Spain
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Cruz, Ana Maria
Congress name: Collaborative Governance to Manage Sea Level Rise Hazards: A Tourism Case Study from the Basque Country in Spain / City: Cartagena / Country: Colombia / Web: / Publication name: Collaborative Governance to Manage Sea Level Rise Hazards: A Tourism Case Study from the Basque Country in Spain / Start date: 2024/08/28 / End date: 2024/08/30
Green Digital Transition: Integrating Carbon Neutrality for Sustainable Tourism Development
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Congress name: Green Digital Transition: Integrating Carbon Neutrality for Sustainable Tourism Development / City: Cartagena / Country: Colombia / Web: / Publication name: Green Digital Transition: Integrating Carbon Neutrality for Sustainable Tourism Development / Start date: 2024/08/28 / End date: 2024/08/30
"Collaborative governance to preserve natural and cultural heritage. The case study of tourism in Euskadi."
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: "Collaborative governance to preserve natural and cultural heritage. The case study of tourism in Euskadi." / City: Tokyo / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: "Collaborative governance to preserve natural and cultural heritage. The case study of tourism in Euskadi." / Date: 2024/05/29
Smart gets you further ? skills that make smart tourism destinations thrive
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: Smart gets you further ? skills that make smart tourism destinations thrive / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Smart gets you further ? skills that make smart tourism destinations thrive / Date: 2023/11/15
COVID-19 and Beyond, leisure preferences and travel dynamics
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: COVID-19 and Beyond, leisure preferences and travel dynamics / City: Bournemouth / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: COVID-19 and Beyond, leisure preferences and travel dynamics / Start date: 2023/07/11 / End date: 2023/07/13
Cross-generational travel intentions: A study during the pandemic
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Cruz, Ana Maria
Congress name: Cross-generational travel intentions: A study during the pandemic / City: Coimbra / Country: Portugal / Web: / Publication name: Cross-generational travel intentions: A study during the pandemic / Start date: 2023/05/31 / End date: 2023/06/02
Greening Festivals towards sustainable strategic management of Destinations
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: Greening Festivals towards sustainable strategic management of Destinations / City: Burgundy / Country: Francia / Web: / Publication name: Greening Festivals towards sustainable strategic management of Destinations / Start date: 2023/04/24 / End date: 2023/04/26
Apartment, hotel, or Aparthotel: Post-Covid-19 tourist behaviour in Gipuzkoa (Basque Country)
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Apartment, hotel, or Aparthotel: Post-Covid-19 tourist behaviour in Gipuzkoa (Basque Country) / City: Oxford / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: Apartment, hotel, or Aparthotel: Post-Covid-19 tourist behaviour in Gipuzkoa (Basque Country) / Start date: 2023/03/24 / End date: 2023/03/26
?I trust you?: When social influence replaces emotions. A cross-generational study among tourists during the pandemic.
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: ?I trust you?: When social influence replaces emotions. A cross-generational study among tourists during the pandemic. / City: Kyoto / Country: Japon / Publication name: ?I trust you?: When social influence replaces emotions. A cross-generational study among tourists during the pandemic. / Date: 2023/01/12
Pandemic and tourism industry: An opportunity to building-back-better. The ?Ecotourism Club in Spain? and the development of Ecotourism in Basque Country (Euskadi). Theme: Urban resilience & transformation.
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: Pandemic and tourism industry: An opportunity to building-back-better. The ?Ecotourism Club in Spain? and the development of Ecotourism in Basque Country (Euskadi). Theme: Urban resilience & transformation. / City: Oulu (Online) / Country: Finlandia / Publication name: Pandemic and tourism industry: An opportunity to building-back-better. The ?Ecotourism Club in Spain? and the development of Ecotourism in Basque Country (Euskadi). Theme: Urban resilience & transformation. / Date: 2022/05/20
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM AND TRANSPORT / City: Surrey (Online) / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM AND TRANSPORT / Date: 2022/03/29
COVID-19 and accessible tourism: A building-back-better opportunity
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Sanz, Maialen; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Congress name: COVID-19 and accessible tourism: A building-back-better opportunity / City: Montréal (Online) / Country: Canada / Web: / Publication name: COVID-19 and accessible tourism: A building-back-better opportunity / Start date: 2021/06/19 / End date: 2021/06/22
Tourism, disaster management and the Mental Model Approach. Invited speaker at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) - Research Seminar Series - University of Surrey (Online), Surrey (UK)
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: Tourism, disaster management and the Mental Model Approach. Invited speaker at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) - Research Seminar Series - University of Surrey (Online), Surrey (UK) / City: Surrey / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: Tourism, disaster management and the Mental Model Approach. Invited speaker at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) - Research Seminar Series - University of Surrey (Online), Surrey (UK) / Date: 2021/04/21
Disaster risk reduction in the tourism industry: Suggestions to promote disaster mobile applications.
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria
Congress name: Disaster risk reduction in the tourism industry: Suggestions to promote disaster mobile applications. / City: Kyoto (Online) / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: Disaster risk reduction in the tourism industry: Suggestions to promote disaster mobile applications. / Start date: 2020/09/23 / End date: 2020/09/24
Covid-19: Adjustment or transformation in travel behavior?
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Cruz, Ana Maria; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Congress name: Covid-19: Adjustment or transformation in travel behavior? / City: Kyoto (Online) / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: Covid-19: Adjustment or transformation in travel behavior? / Start date: 2020/09/23 / End date: 2020/09/24
The Role of Foreign Employees in Disaster Risk Communication: The Case of Japanese Ryokan Accommodation.
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Nagai, Hayato; Saito, Hiro; Ritchie, Brent
Congress name: The Role of Foreign Employees in Disaster Risk Communication: The Case of Japanese Ryokan Accommodation. / City: Tokyo (Online) / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: The Role of Foreign Employees in Disaster Risk Communication: The Case of Japanese Ryokan Accommodation. / Date: 2020/07/10
Planning holidays during a pandemic: A study on tourist planned behaviour
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria
Congress name: Planning holidays during a pandemic: A study on tourist planned behaviour / City: Tokyo (Online) / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: Planning holidays during a pandemic: A study on tourist planned behaviour / Date: 2020/07/10
Being a researcher of tourism and disaster management in times of COVID-19: An overview on our contributions pre- and during the outbreak, 38th Sogo Bosai Group Seminar, Kyoto University (Online), Kyoto (Japan) - 28/02/2020
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: Being a researcher of tourism and disaster management in times of COVID-19: An overview on our contributions pre- and during the outbreak, 38th Sogo Bosai Group Seminar, Kyoto University (Online), Kyoto (Japan) - 28/02/2020 / City: Kyoto / Country: Japon / Publication name: Being a researcher of tourism and disaster management in times of COVID-19: An overview on our contributions pre- and during the outbreak, 38th Sogo Bosai Group Seminar, Kyoto University (Online), Kyoto (Japan) - 28/02/2020 / Date: 2020/02/28
Improving tourists' disaster preparedness: A research path to refine risk communication in Japan,
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: Improving tourists' disaster preparedness: A research path to refine risk communication in Japan, / City: Nagoya / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: Improving tourists' disaster preparedness: A research path to refine risk communication in Japan, / Start date: 2020/01/11 / End date: 2020/01/14
Tourist-oriented tsunami-risk communication: The challenges and perspectives of key stakeholders in Japan.
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Nagai, Hayato; Cruz, Ana Maria
Congress name: Tourist-oriented tsunami-risk communication: The challenges and perspectives of key stakeholders in Japan. / City: Nice / Country: France (European Territory) / Web: / Publication name: Tourist-oriented tsunami-risk communication: The challenges and perspectives of key stakeholders in Japan. / Start date: 2019/10/16 / End date: 2019/10/18
Preparing for volcanic disasters: Risk communication issues when dealing with international tourists.
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria
Congress name: Preparing for volcanic disasters: Risk communication issues when dealing with international tourists. / City: Chiba / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: Preparing for volcanic disasters: Risk communication issues when dealing with international tourists. / Start date: 2019/05/26 / End date: 2019/05/30
Risk information in the tourism industry,
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: Risk information in the tourism industry, / City: Kyoto / Publication name: Risk information in the tourism industry, / Date: 2018/11/15
Tourists' risk information seeking processing: A cross-cultural study from Japan.
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria
Congress name: Tourists' risk information seeking processing: A cross-cultural study from Japan. / City: Sydney / Country: Australia / Web: / Publication name: Tourists' risk information seeking processing: A cross-cultural study from Japan. / Start date: 2018/10/02 / End date: 2018/10/04
Risk communication and natural hazard: Towards a tourists-oriented framework for preparedness.
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria
Congress name: Risk communication and natural hazard: Towards a tourists-oriented framework for preparedness. / City: Morioka / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: Risk communication and natural hazard: Towards a tourists-oriented framework for preparedness. / Start date: 2018/07/17 / End date: 2018/07/20
Crisis and disaster in tourism: A contribution towards solving terminological confusion and a proposal for a future research agenda.
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Rizzi, Francesco; Garschagen, Matthias; Hagenlocher, Michael; Sandholz, Simone; Frey, Marco
Congress name: Crisis and disaster in tourism: A contribution towards solving terminological confusion and a proposal for a future research agenda. / City: Orlando / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: Crisis and disaster in tourism: A contribution towards solving terminological confusion and a proposal for a future research agenda. / Start date: 2017/12/13 / End date: 2017/12/16
Tourism and disaster management: Engaging less-involved consumers to improve the effectiveness of cause-related marketing campaigns.
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Rizzi, Francesco; Frey, Marco
Congress name: Tourism and disaster management: Engaging less-involved consumers to improve the effectiveness of cause-related marketing campaigns. / City: Berlin / Country: Alemania / Web: / Publication name: Tourism and disaster management: Engaging less-involved consumers to improve the effectiveness of cause-related marketing campaigns. / Start date: 2017/09/28 / End date: 2017/09/29
Mid-long term impact of Natech disaster on tourism-related activities: A case study from Japan
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria; Rizzi, Francesco; Frey, Marco
Congress name: Mid-long term impact of Natech disaster on tourism-related activities: A case study from Japan / City: Reykjavík / Country: Islandia / Web: / Publication name: Mid-long term impact of Natech disaster on tourism-related activities: A case study from Japan / Start date: 2017/08/23 / End date: 2017/08/25
Damages triggered by large-scale Natech disasters: A side effect of the Fukushima nuclear accident.
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Cruz, Ana Maria; Rizzi, Francesco; Frey, Marco
Congress name: Damages triggered by large-scale Natech disasters: A side effect of the Fukushima nuclear accident. / City: Osaka / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: Damages triggered by large-scale Natech disasters: A side effect of the Fukushima nuclear accident. / Date: 2017/03/14
Seafood Consumption in Japan after the Great East Japan Earthquake: An analysis using Theory of Planned Behavior
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: Seafood Consumption in Japan after the Great East Japan Earthquake: An analysis using Theory of Planned Behavior / City: Kyoto / Country: Japon / Publication name: Seafood Consumption in Japan after the Great East Japan Earthquake: An analysis using Theory of Planned Behavior / Date: 2017/02/21
DRR: toward a Crisis/Disaster Causation Model?
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Rizzi, Francesco; Frey, Marco
Congress name: DRR: toward a Crisis/Disaster Causation Model? / City: Hainan / Country: China / Web: / Publication name: DRR: toward a Crisis/Disaster Causation Model? / Start date: 2017/01/09 / End date: 2017/01/11
Crisis & Disaster: tourism as tool to explain their circular cycle.
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: Crisis & Disaster: tourism as tool to explain their circular cycle. / City: Lisbona / Country: Portugal / Web: / Publication name: Crisis & Disaster: tourism as tool to explain their circular cycle. / Start date: 2015/10/20 / End date: 2015/10/23
Laboratorio Turístico de Gipuzkoa
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Fernández-Villarán Ara, Asunción; Mallona Legarreta, Miren Agurtzane
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2024/01/01 / End date: 2024/12/31
Laboratorio Turismo: Gipuzkoa-Informes de coyuntura turística
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2023/01/01 / End date: 2023/12/31
Turismo Adimentsua 2023
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2023/01/01 / End date: 2023/12/31
Laboratorio Turismo- Movilidad y Huella de Carbono
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2023/01/01 / End date: 2023/12/31
Observatorio Turismo Gipuzkoa-Informes de coyuntura turística
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
Observatorio Turismo Gipuzkoa- Tecnología Evaluación de los asistentes virtuales de la DFG.
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
Observatorio de Turismo de Gipuzkoa-Green digital transition
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Masegosa Arredondo, Antonio David; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
EE- Turismo 2021
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2021/01/01 / End date: 2021/12/31
Observatorio de Turismo de Gipuzkoa 2021
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Celis Martín, Patricia; Fernández-Villarán Ara, Asunción
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2021/01/01 / End date: 2021/12/31
?Alud básico?
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Merit type: Mérito Docente / Date: 2021/01/13
"Cómo definir un reto" - DUAL
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Merit type: Mérito Docente / Date: 2020/09/15
Reunión de Acogida + PRL
Aliperti, Giuseppe
Merit type: Mérito Docente / Date: 2020/09/11