Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Social and Human Sciences
lronda@deusto.esFollow me:
Lorena Ronda holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Business (Extraordinary Award, International Mention) from Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE) in Madrid. She is a professor at the University of Deusto, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, where she teaches in the undergraduate programs Management Languages and International Trade, Philosophy, Politics and Economy, and Tourism. Concretely, she teaches the following subjects, all in English: Business Statistics and Marketing Research, Operational Marketing and Advanced Marketing Strategies. In the field of research, her publications and conferences focus on the areas of behavioral economics, consumer behavior and psychology, decision making and choice, and sustainable consumption. Prior to joining the University of Deusto, she was a marketing lecturer at Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE) in Madrid. For 7 years, she worked as a marketing and business development professional in a number of multinational corporations such as L'Oréal, Ashurst LLP, and Warner Bros.
CVArticles in Scientific Journals
The nexus of fertility and politics: exploring the influence of social tolerance, religiosity, and political conservatism on the acceptance of assisted reproduction in Spain / Human Reproduction
Aurrekoetxea Casaus, Maite; Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
ISBNAR: 0268-1161 / Volume: 9 / Journal number: 39 / Start page: 2043 / End page: 2052 / Date: 2024
Resistance to Profem Employer Messages in Talent Attraction: The Case of Employer Femvertising Campaigns on LinkedIn / International Journal of Communication
Azanza Martínez De Luco, Garazi; Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; Sanz Garrido, Begoña
ISBNAR: 1932-8036 / Volume: 18 (2024) / Start page: 3368 / End page: 3391 / Date: 2024
Overcoming barriers for sustainable fashion: Bridging attitude-behaviour gap in retail / International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
ISBNAR: 0959-0552 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 52 / Start page: 44 / End page: 61 / Date: 2024
Gender Differences in attitudes toward assisted reproduction in the Spanish population: the weight of religiosity and conservatism / Frontiers
Aurrekoetxea Casaus, Maite; Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; Govillard Garmendia, Leila
ISBNAR: 0160-9009 / Start page: 3 / End page: 13 / Date: 2022
Does office aesthetics drive job choice? Boosting employee experience and well-being perception through workplace design / Employee Relations
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; De Gracia, Elena
ISBNAR: 0142-5455 / Date: 2022
Understanding the expansion of circular markets: Building relational legitimacy to overcome the stigma of second-hand clothing / Sustainable Production and Consumption
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; Valor Martínez, Carmen; Abril Barrie, Carmen
ISBNAR: 2352-5509 / Journal number: 30 / Start page: 77 / End page: 88 / Date: 2022
Job choice decisions: understanding the role of nonnegotiable attributes and trade-offs in effective segmentation / Management Decision
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; Abril Barrie, Carmen; Valor Martínez, Carmen
ISBNAR: 0025-1747 / Date: 2021
Employer femvertising: Women empowerment in employer brand messages / International Journal of Communication
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; Azanza Martínez De Luco, Garazi
ISBNAR: 1932-8036 / Volume: New Feminist Studies... / Journal number: Special Issue / Start page: 514 / End page: 544 / Date: 2021
How small traditional businesses can become attractive employers: A means-end analysis / Journal of Small Business Management
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; Valor Martínez, Carmen; Abril Barrie, Carmen
ISBNAR: 0047-2778 / Start page: 1 / End page: 28 / Date: 2020
Are they willing to work for you? An employee-centric view to employer brand attractiveness / Journal of Product and Brand Management
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; Valor Martínez, Carmen; Abril Barrie, Carmen
ISBNAR: 1061-0421 / Volume: 5 / Journal number: 27 / Start page: 573 / End page: 596 / Date: 2018
Family-friendly practices, high-performance work practices and work?family balance: how do job satisfaction and working hours affect this relationship? / Management Research
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; Ollo López, Andrea; Goñi Legaz, Salomé
ISBNAR: 1536-5433 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 14 / Start page: 2 / End page: 23 / Date: 2016
Chapters of Books
Desarrollo de la identidad organizacional. El papel del liderazgo auténtico a través de la comunicación / Comunicar identidades
Azanza Martínez De Luco, Garazi; Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
ISBNCO: 978-84-1377-245-5 / Date: 2020
Conciliación: Atracción y retención de talento / Conciliación y corresponsabilidad laboral y familiar
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
ISBNCO: 978-84-15651-91-8 / Date: 2019
The role of emotions in resource emergence: Affectivization acts of sustainable marketplaces
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: The role of emotions in resource emergence: Affectivization acts of sustainable marketplaces / City: Cardiff / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: The role of emotions in resource emergence: Affectivization acts of sustainable marketplaces / Start date: 2024/07/01 / End date: 2024/07/04
Sustainable fashion consumption in Spain: Resolving the attitude-behavior gap
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: Sustainable fashion consumption in Spain: Resolving the attitude-behavior gap / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Sustainable fashion consumption in Spain: Resolving the attitude-behavior gap / Start date: 2022/09/07 / End date: 2022/09/09
La comunicación institucional como instrumento de legitimación cultural del consumo sostenible
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: La comunicación institucional como instrumento de legitimación cultural del consumo sostenible / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: La comunicación institucional como instrumento de legitimación cultural del consumo sostenible / Start date: 2021/12/01 / End date: 2021/12/02
La educación superior (ES) en tiempos de Pandemia: percepción de la comunicación integrada de marketing (CIM) desde el punto de vista del alumnado.
Gordon Isasi, Janire; Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: La educación superior (ES) en tiempos de Pandemia: percepción de la comunicación integrada de marketing (CIM) desde el punto de vista del alumnado. / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: La educación superior (ES) en tiempos de Pandemia: percepción de la comunicación integrada de marketing (CIM) desde el punto de vista del alumnado. / Start date: 2021/07/01 / End date: 2022/07/02
Higher education (HE) in times of pandemic: Perception of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) from the student body's perspective
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: Higher education (HE) in times of pandemic: Perception of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) from the student body's perspective / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Higher education (HE) in times of pandemic: Perception of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) from the student body's perspective / Start date: 2021/06/30 / End date: 2021/07/02
Desarrollo y consecuencias de la identidad organizacional en los y las trabajadoras. El papel del liderazgo y la comunicación
Azanza Martínez De Luco, Garazi; Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; Fernández Ortea, Rogelio
Congress name: Desarrollo y consecuencias de la identidad organizacional en los y las trabajadoras. El papel del liderazgo y la comunicación / Country: España / Publication name: Desarrollo y consecuencias de la identidad organizacional en los y las trabajadoras. El papel del liderazgo y la comunicación / Start date: 2019/11/07 / End date: 2019/11/08
Can small traditional businesses build strong employer brands?: A means-ends analysis on talent attraction
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: Can small traditional businesses build strong employer brands?: A means-ends analysis on talent attraction / City: Hamburgo / Country: Alemania / Web: / Publication name: Can small traditional businesses build strong employer brands?: A means-ends analysis on talent attraction / Start date: 2019/05/28 / End date: 2019/05/31
Smart-shelf digital signage
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: Smart-shelf digital signage / City: Nueva York / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: Smart-shelf digital signage / Start date: 2019/05/16 / End date: 2019/05/18
Políticas de Conciliación para la Captación y Retención de Talento
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: Políticas de Conciliación para la Captación y Retención de Talento / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Políticas de Conciliación para la Captación y Retención de Talento / Date: 2018/10/07
How do employees choose employers?: Building the consideration and non-consideration sets of employer brands
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: How do employees choose employers?: Building the consideration and non-consideration sets of employer brands / City: Glasgow / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: How do employees choose employers?: Building the consideration and non-consideration sets of employer brands / Start date: 2018/05/29 / End date: 2018/06/01
Eat, play, love: Building talent attraction from the lens of brand value
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: Eat, play, love: Building talent attraction from the lens of brand value / City: Kingston Upon Hull / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: Eat, play, love: Building talent attraction from the lens of brand value / Start date: 2017/07/03 / End date: 2017/07/06
Employer brand value: Comprehensive framework and research agenda
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: Employer brand value: Comprehensive framework and research agenda / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Employer brand value: Comprehensive framework and research agenda / Start date: 2017/01/26 / End date: 2017/01/28
CSR performance and its influence on employees
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Congress name: CSR performance and its influence on employees / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: CSR performance and its influence on employees / Start date: 2016/06/09 / End date: 2016/06/10
ACM2023_23 Sustainable e-marketplaces
Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Abstract: Aristos Campus Mundus / Start date: 2023/06/01 / End date: 2024/08/31
Nunca es pronto para prevenir la violencia de género: indentificación y superación de conductas de riesgo en la infancia
García Carrión, Rocío; Allotey, Eugenia; Alvarez Guerrero, Garazi; Atxurra De Blas, Cristina; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Fernández Villardón, Aitana; García Cid, Alba; Goti Elordi, Aitor; Gutiérrez Fernández, Nerea; Higuera Lozano, Irati; Maiztegui Oñate, Concepcion; Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena; Santiago Garabieta, Maite; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Start date: 2021/06/01 / End date: 2025/05/31
Fronteras de la vida: Cambio social y cambio de valores en torno al principio y fin de la vida
Bartolome Peral, Edurne; Arbiol Oñate, Iñigo; Aurrekoetxea Casaus, Maite; Govillard Garmendia, Leila; Ibarrola Armendariz, Aitor; Ronda Gonzalez, Lorena
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Start date: 2020/06/01 / End date: 2024/02/29
Acreditación ANECA Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Ronda GONZALEZ, Lorena
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2020/04/22 / End date: 2025/03/15
Acreditación UNIBASQ Profesor Agregado
Ronda GONZALEZ, Lorena
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2022/05/17 / End date: 2025/03/15
Sexenio de investigación CNEAI 2016-2021
Ronda GONZALEZ, Lorena
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2022/06/10 / End date: 2025/03/15
Acreditación ANECA Profesor de Universidad Privada y Profesor Contratado Doctor
Ronda GONZALEZ, Lorena
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2021/04/12 / End date: 2025/03/15
Acreditación UNIBASQ Profesor de Universidad Privada
Ronda GONZALEZ, Lorena
Start date: 2020/07/16 / End date: 2025/03/15
Premio extraordinario de doctorado
Ronda GONZALEZ, Lorena
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Date: 2020/01/28
Beca de Movilidad Internacional
Ronda GONZALEZ, Lorena
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2017/07/03 / End date: 2019/12/03
Emerald Literati Award for Excellence: Highly Commended Paper Award
Ronda GONZALEZ, Lorena
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Date: 2017/06/01