lorena ronda gonzalez

Imagen del investigador lorena ronda gonzalez
  • Area

    Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

  • Department

    Social and Human Sciences

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Lorena Ronda holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Business (Extraordinary Award, International Mention) from Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE) in Madrid. She is a professor at the University of Deusto, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, where she teaches in the undergraduate programs Management Languages and International Trade, Philosophy, Politics and Economy, and Tourism. Concretely, she teaches the following subjects, all in English: Business Statistics and Marketing Research, Operational Marketing and Advanced Marketing Strategies. In the field of research, her publications and conferences focus on the areas of behavioral economics, consumer behavior and psychology, decision making and choice, and sustainable consumption. Prior to joining the University of Deusto, she was a marketing lecturer at Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE) in Madrid. For 7 years, she worked as a marketing and business development professional in a number of multinational corporations such as L'Oréal, Ashurst LLP, and Warner Bros.

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