Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales - Deusto Business School
jonpizarro@deusto.esFollow me:
Jon Pizarro holds degrees in Business Administration and Law from the University of Deusto, and a PhD in Business and Territorial Competitiveness, Innovation, and Sustainability from the same university. In the field of teaching, his focus is on the areas of People and Law (Organisational Behaviour, Tax and Labour Law, and People Management). His main research interest revolves around the effects of formal regulations on individual and organisational behaviour. Specifically, he explores gender-related regulations within organisations, currently concentrating on laws regarding care leave. He is a member of the research team "Innovation, Knowledge, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability," which is recognised by the Basque Government.
CVArticles in Scientific Journals
Policy as normative influence? On the relationship between parental leave policy and social norms in gender division of childcare across 48 countries / British Journal of Social Psychology
Schindler, Simon; Schuster, Carolin; Olsson, Maria; Froehlich, Laura; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire; Pizarro Pérez, Jon
ISBNAR: 0144-6665 / Date: 2024
Paternity Leave: A Systematic Review and Directions for Research / Human Resource Management Review
Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire
ISBNAR: 1053-4822 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 34 / Start page: 101001 / Date: 2024
Gender Gap in Parental Leave Intentions: Evidence from 37 Countries / Political Psychology
Olsson, Maria; Van Grootel, Sanne; Block, Katharina; Schuster, Carolin; Meeussen, Loes; Meeussen, Loes; Pizarro Pérez, Jon
ISBNAR: 0162-895X / Date: 2023
Promoting gendered structural change in leadership in higher education: The interaction between formal and informal rules / Investigaciones Feministas
Campanini Vilhena, Fernanda; Pizarro Pérez, Jon
ISBNAR: 2171-6080 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 12 / Start page: 319 / End page: 330 / Date: 2021
Working towards gender-balance in leadership and decision-making: the case of GEARING-Roles
Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire
Congress name: Working towards gender-balance in leadership and decision-making: the case of GEARING-Roles / Country: España / Publication name: Working towards gender-balance in leadership and decision-making: the case of GEARING-Roles / Start date: 2023/07/06 / End date: 2023/07/07
Firm vs. Supervisor Work-family bias: Do they make a difference to predict job satisfaction?
Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire
Congress name: Firm vs. Supervisor Work-family bias: Do they make a difference to predict job satisfaction? / Country: España / Publication name: Firm vs. Supervisor Work-family bias: Do they make a difference to predict job satisfaction? / Start date: 2023/07/05 / End date: 2023/07/06
Effects of Gender in Leadership in Higher Education Institutions
Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire
Congress name: Effects of Gender in Leadership in Higher Education Institutions / City: Katowice / Country: Polonia / Web: / Publication name: Effects of Gender in Leadership in Higher Education Institutions / Start date: 2023/05/24 / End date: 2023/05/27
Trends in the Study of Paternity Leave: a State of the Art using a Systematic Literature Review
Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire
Congress name: Trends in the Study of Paternity Leave: a State of the Art using a Systematic Literature Review / City: Katowice / Country: Polonia / Web: / Publication name: Trends in the Study of Paternity Leave: a State of the Art using a Systematic Literature Review / Start date: 2023/05/24 / End date: 2023/05/27
Studying Paternity Leaves through a Systematic Literature Review
Pizarro Pérez, Jon
Congress name: Studying Paternity Leaves through a Systematic Literature Review / City: Vienna / Country: Austria / Publication name: Studying Paternity Leaves through a Systematic Literature Review / Start date: 2023/03/23 / End date: 2023/03/24
Calidad del trabajo e igualdad de género en las PYMEs
Pizarro Pérez, Jon
Congress name: Calidad del trabajo e igualdad de género en las PYMEs / Country: España / Publication name: Calidad del trabajo e igualdad de género en las PYMEs / Date: 2022/11/23
Presentación y análisis del proceso participativo para la priorización de medidas de igualdad en la Universidad de Deusto
Pizarro Pérez, Jon; López Belloso, María; Silvestre Cabrera, María
Congress name: Presentación y análisis del proceso participativo para la priorización de medidas de igualdad en la Universidad de Deusto / City: Bilbao / Web: / Publication name: Presentación y análisis del proceso participativo para la priorización de medidas de igualdad en la Universidad de Deusto / Start date: 2021/03/15 / End date: 2021/03/17
El rol de las personas en puestos de dirección en la definición de medidas de igualdad en la Universidad de Deusto
Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire
Congress name: El rol de las personas en puestos de dirección en la definición de medidas de igualdad en la Universidad de Deusto / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: El rol de las personas en puestos de dirección en la definición de medidas de igualdad en la Universidad de Deusto / Start date: 2021/03/15 / End date: 2021/03/17
Trends in the study of paternity leaves: a state of the art using a Systematic Literature Review
Pizarro Pérez, Jon
Congress name: Trends in the study of paternity leaves: a state of the art using a Systematic Literature Review / City: Bradford / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: Trends in the study of paternity leaves: a state of the art using a Systematic Literature Review / Start date: 2021/02/24 / End date: 2021/02/25
Addressing gender imbalances in decision making processes: the case of GEARING-Roles
Pizarro Pérez, Jon
Congress name: Addressing gender imbalances in decision making processes: the case of GEARING-Roles / City: Vilnius / Country: Lituania / Web: / Publication name: Addressing gender imbalances in decision making processes: the case of GEARING-Roles / Start date: 2020/11/12 / End date: 2020/11/13
Gender and Leadership in Higher Education and Research: Institutional Challenges and Resistances
Pizarro Pérez, Jon
Congress name: Gender and Leadership in Higher Education and Research: Institutional Challenges and Resistances / City: Estambul / Country: Turquia / Publication name: Gender and Leadership in Higher Education and Research: Institutional Challenges and Resistances / Start date: 2020/11/09 / End date: 2020/11/11
Results of the Gender Equality Institutional Assessment of the University of Deusto
Pizarro Pérez, Jon
Congress name: Results of the Gender Equality Institutional Assessment of the University of Deusto / City: Lisboa / Country: Portugal / Publication name: Results of the Gender Equality Institutional Assessment of the University of Deusto / Date: 2019/11/27
Inequality from a gender lens: Trends, policies, and successful examples of collaborative practices
Gartzia Fernandez, Leire; Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Baniandrés Avendaño, Josune; Retolaza Avalos, José Luis
Congress name: Inequality from a gender lens: Trends, policies, and successful examples of collaborative practices / Country: España / Publication name: Inequality from a gender lens: Trends, policies, and successful examples of collaborative practices / Start date: 2018/06/28 / End date: 2018/06/29
Gartzia Fernandez, Leire; Alava Iturbe, Irati; Baniandrés Avendaño, Josune; Barberia Aurrekoetxea, Irene; Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Romero Cardenas, Angel; Silvestre Cabrera, María
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2023/09/01 / End date: 2025/06/30
Innovación y Dirección de Organizaciones IT1497-22
Peña Legazkue, Iñaki; Alcalde Heras, Maria Del Henar; Amorrortu Blanco, Maitane; Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Arano Irizar, Aritz; Baselga Pascual, Laura; Buenechea Elberdin, Marta; Casas, Isabel; Chistov, Valery; García Torres, Sofía; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire; Gonzalez Pernia, Jose Luis; Iñigo Alday, Edurne; Kamp, Bartholomeus Petrus; Magallon Soneira, Maria Del Mar; O'Higgins, Ciara; Peñalba Aguirrezabalaga, Carmela; Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Saenz Martinez, Josune
Abstract: GOBIERNO VASCO. DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2025/12/31
2020 GEARING-Roles: Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to transform Gender Roles
Silvestre Cabrera, María; Baniandrés Avendaño, Josune; Campanini Vilhena, Fernanda; Caro Gonzalez, Antonia; Coca Nuñez, Aitor; De La Cruz Ayuso, Cristina; Echaniz Barrondo, María Aranzazu (Arantza); Eguíluz Morán, Andoni; Fernández Álvarez, Lorena; Fernandez Tobio, Silvia; García Carrión, Rocío; García-Zapirain Soto, Begonya; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire; Gimenez Elorriaga, Cristina; Gómez Isa, Felipe; Guenaga Gomez, Maria Luz; Lamíquiz Rámila, David; Linares Bahillo, Estibaliz; López Belloso, María; Monteagudo Sánchez, María Jesús; Moreno Montes, Manuel; Morondo Taramundi, Dolores; Pando Canteli, María J.; Pizarro Pérez, Jon; Rodríguez Pérez, María Pilar; Royo Prieto, Raquel; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tarragona Fenosa, Laia; Vidu Afloarei, Ana; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire
Abstract: Comisión Europea / Start date: 2019/01/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
Acreditación ANECA como Profesor de Universidad Privada y Profesor Contratado Doctor
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2025/02/20 / End date: 2025/03/26