Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Social and Human Sciences
l.ariznabarreta@deusto.esArticles in Scientific Journals
What the Fog Hid(es) / International Journal of Iberian Studies
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNAR: 1364-971X / Volume: 36 / Journal number: 3 / Start page: 199 / End page: 208 / Date: 2024
On Eider Rodriguez´s Fiction: Gender, Anger, and (Basque) Politics / Symposium - Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNAR: 0039-7709 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 76 / Start page: 61 / End page: 75 / Date: 2022
Martín Ugalde en Venezuela (1947-1969). Actividad periodística y compromiso / Boletín del programa de estudios vasco-americanos
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNAR: 2530-2469 / Journal number: 38 / Start page: 145 / End page: 170 / Date: 2022
Founding Fathers, Patrons, Mothers and other Bertso-School Groupies / Oral Tradition
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNAR: 0883-5365 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 35 / Start page: 87 / End page: 101 / Date: 2021
Lujanbiotik Lujanbiora, nondik nora kanbioa Sancho el Sabio, Nº 43, 2020, 172-197 / Sancho El Sabio. Revista de Cultura e Investigación Vasca
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNAR: 1131-5350 / Journal number: 43 / Start page: 172 / End page: 197 / Date: 2020
Meta-fiction, Parody, and the [Basque] Apocalypse Revealed to All / International Journal of Basque Studies
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Volume: 8 / Journal number: 1 / Start page: 1 / End page: 20 / Date: 2020
Historiography, Myth, Literature
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNLM: 9781949805741 / Date: 2022
Exilio y Humanidades. Las rutas de la Cultura. Ochenta años después / Erbestea eta Humanitateak. Kulturaren bideak. 80 urte beranduago.
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz; Gil Fombellida, Carmen
ISBNLM: 978-84-09-36136-6. / Date: 2022
Bertso Eskolak. The Schools of Improvisational Verse Singing
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz; Arrieta Baro, Iñaki; Irujo Amezaga, Xabier
ISBNLM: 978-1-949805642 / Date: 2022
Memory and Emotion: Basque Women´s Stories.Constructing Meaning from Memory
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz; Lete Etxebeste, Nere
ISBNLM: 9781949805338. / Date: 2021
Beotibar. Zazpi mende geroago.1321-2021
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz; Irujo Amezaga, Xabier
ISBNLM: 978-0-9967810-8-4 / Date: 2021
Martin Ugalde: Cartografías de un discurso.
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNLM: 978-0996781015 / Date: 2015
Tratamiento de la violencia de género en la prensa vasca
Corcostegui Aranguren, Maria Jesus; Sanz Garrido, Begoña; Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz; Rodríguez Pérez, María Pilar; Pando Canteli, María J.
ISBNLM: 84-9830-040-1 / Date: 2006
Chapters of Books
Vizcaíno-ak bi alde: Miguel de Unamuno eta Martin Ugalde / Los mitos del exilio 1936-1939//1936-1939 Gerrako erbestearen mitoak
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNCO: 978-84-09-56231-2 / Start page: 181 / End page: 199 / Date: 2023
Bizi gaituzten metaforak/Las metáforas que nos habitan / Topaketa Errestauratiboak
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNCO: 9788411707008 / Start page: 36 / End page: 37 / Date: 2023
Poetry Is a Weapon Loaded with Future / Historiography, Myth, Literature
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNCO: 9781949805741 / Start page: 1 / End page: 8 / Date: 2022
A Coda / Bertso Eskolak. The Schools of Improvisational Verse Singing
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNCO: 978-1-949805642 / Start page: 177 / End page: 187 / Date: 2022
(Euskal) identitate eguneratuen mimesia: epika eta etika Karmele Jaioren narrazioetan / Karmele Jaioren literatura, emozio gorpuztua
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNCO: 978-84-1319-446-2 / Start page: 65 / End page: 82 / Date: 2022
Eusko Ikaskuntzaren erbesteko VII-VIII batzarren haritik: Politika eta kultura aurrez-aurre / Las Rutas de la Cultura: Ochenta años después.
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNCO: 978-84-09-36136-6 / Start page: 53 / End page: 73 / Date: 2022
Daring to Remember, Daring to Tell / Memory and Emotion. Women?s Stories
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
ISBNCO: 9781949805338 / Start page: 9 / End page: 26 / Date: 2021
Definitions of "Democracy" in the Basque Media: Unveiling Discourses in Berria through a Minoritized Language Lens
Bijuesca Basterretxea, K. Josu; Amorrortu Gomez, Estibaliz; Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Congress name: Definitions of "Democracy" in the Basque Media: Unveiling Discourses in Berria through a Minoritized Language Lens / Publication name: Definitions of "Democracy" in the Basque Media: Unveiling Discourses in Berria through a Minoritized Language Lens / Start date: 2024/12/11 / End date: 2025/12/11
Diasporic Harmonies: Unveiling Basque Traditions in Transition
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Congress name: Diasporic Harmonies: Unveiling Basque Traditions in Transition / City: Boise, ID. / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: Diasporic Harmonies: Unveiling Basque Traditions in Transition / Start date: 2024/03/14 / End date: 2024/03/31
Yon Onatibia: Euzkadi, herriminaren doinuak.
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Congress name: Yon Onatibia: Euzkadi, herriminaren doinuak. / Country: España / Publication name: Yon Onatibia: Euzkadi, herriminaren doinuak. / Date: 2023/11/22
Euskal amak munstro itxurapean- Basque Mothers in the Shape of Monsters
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Congress name: Euskal amak munstro itxurapean- Basque Mothers in the Shape of Monsters / Country: España / Publication name: Euskal amak munstro itxurapean- Basque Mothers in the Shape of Monsters / Date: 2023/07/03
What the Fog Hid(es): The transmission of contemporary Basque Culture, denting the silence of post-Francoism
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Congress name: What the Fog Hid(es): The transmission of contemporary Basque Culture, denting the silence of post-Francoism / City: Tacoma, WA / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: What the Fog Hid(es): The transmission of contemporary Basque Culture, denting the silence of post-Francoism / Date: 2023/03/31
Basque Improvisational Poetry Schools
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Congress name: Basque Improvisational Poetry Schools / City: Reno, NV / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Basque Improvisational Poetry Schools / Start date: 2023/03/09 / End date: 2023/03/10
Without Exile Who Am I? Martin Ugalde (1921-2004): A Synechdoque of Basque Exile(s). .
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Congress name: Without Exile Who Am I? Martin Ugalde (1921-2004): A Synechdoque of Basque Exile(s). . / City: Liverpool / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: Without Exile Who Am I? Martin Ugalde (1921-2004): A Synechdoque of Basque Exile(s). . / Date: 2022/02/23
A Guessing Game for Memory. Beotibarko Kantua: An Approach from the Arts
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Congress name: A Guessing Game for Memory. Beotibarko Kantua: An Approach from the Arts / City: Reno, NV / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: A Guessing Game for Memory. Beotibarko Kantua: An Approach from the Arts / Start date: 2021/07/01 / End date: 2021/07/04
Showcasing Basque
Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Congress name: Showcasing Basque / Country: España / Publication name: Showcasing Basque / Start date: 2021/03/24 / End date: 2021/03/26
Algunas consideraciones en torno a la denominación "violencia de género" en la prensa vasca
Pando Canteli, María J.; Sanz Garrido, Begoña; Rodríguez Pérez, María Pilar; Corcostegui Aranguren, Maria Jesus; Ariznabarreta Garabieta, Larraitz
Congress name: Algunas consideraciones en torno a la denominación "violencia de género" en la prensa vasca / Country: España / Publication name: Algunas consideraciones en torno a la denominación "violencia de género" en la prensa vasca / Date: 2004/11/13