Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Social and Human Sciences
aurkenealzua@deusto.esDr Alzua-Sorzabal (Ph.D.) received a PhD in International Tourism, Purdue University, USA. Currently, she holds a dual affiliation, to Nebrija University and the University of Deusto. She is a co-founder of Lurmetrika Labs, data drive tourism company. At present leads the Research Group on Smart Tourism Research and Innovation at Nebrija University.She has been the Executive Director of the Competence Research Center Research in Tourism, CICtourGUNE. Dr. Alzua-Sorzabal has coordinated several academic programs, among them the Erasmus Mundus Master of Arts in Euroculture. She has headed several competitive research projects and collaborated with the Basque, Spanish, and international public administrations.Dr Alzua-Sorzabal’s scope of research focuses on tourism, smart destinations, and advanced analytic. She is the author of several articles dealing with tourism and information technology. She is a board member of the Journal of Information Technology
Articles in Scientific Journals
Online networking behaviour of tourism stakeholders in a multi-destination region: A hyperlink network analysis / Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (JDMM)
Herasimovich, Volha; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
ISBNAR: 2212-571X / Volume: 31 / Start page: 100844 / End page: 100844 / Date: 2024
PSR_ti model, an adapted pressure-stateresponse (PSR) framework for measuring tourism impacts: the case of Madrid / International Journal of Tourism Cities
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNAR: 2056-5607 / Volume: 9 / Journal number: 3 / Date: 2023
Instagram travel influencers in# quarantine: Communicative practices and roles during COVID-19 / Tourism Management
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNAR: 0261-5177 / Volume: 89 / Journal number: 104454 / Date: 2022
Communication network analysis to advance mapping for Sport for development and peace complexity: Cohesion and leadership / International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNAR: 1012-6902 / Date: 2021
Modelling and prediction of a destination’s monthly average daily rate and occupancy rate based on hotel room prices offered online / Tourism Economics
Gerrikagoitia Arrien, Jon Kepa; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNAR: 1354-8166 / Volume: 22 / Start page: 1380 / End page: 1380 / Date: 2016
Adopting interoperability solutions for online tourism distribution: An evaluation framework /
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 7 / Start page: 2 / End page: 2 / Date: 2016
Modelling and prediction of a destination's monthly average daily rate and occupancy rate based on hotel room prices offered online / Tourism Economics
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNAR: 1354-8166 / Volume: 6 / Journal number: 22 / Start page: 1380 / End page: 1403 / Date: 2016
A cloud-based platform to develop context-aware mobile applications by domain experts / Computer Standards and Interfaces
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
ISBNAR: 0920-5489 / Volume: 44 / Start page: 177 / End page: 177 / Date: 2016
Monitoring and benchmarking the performance of a destination's hotel industry: The case study of Bilbao in 2014 /
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 19 / Start page: 48 / End page: 60 / Date: 2016
Evidence of hotels' dynamic pricing patterns on an Internet distribution channel: the case study of the Basque Country's hotels in 2013-2014 /
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 15 / Start page: 365 / End page: 365 / Date: 2016
Evidence of hotels’ dynamic pricing patterns on an Internet distribution channel: the case study of the Basque Country’s hotels in 2013–2014 /
Gerrikagoitia, Jon Kepa; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 15 / Start page: 365 / End page: 365 / Date: 2016
Going Mobile: Defining Context for On-the-Go Travelers / Journal of Travel Research
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNAR: 0047-2875 / Date: 2015
Going Mobile Defining Context for On-the-Go Travelers /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 54 / Start page: 691 / End page: 691 / Date: 2015
New trends of Intelligent E-Marketing based on Web Mining for e-shops /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 175 / Start page: 75 / End page: 75 / Date: 2015
Obtaining the efficiency of Tourism Destination website based on Data Envelopment Analysis /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 175 / Start page: 58 / End page: 58 / Date: 2015
Discovering insights within a Blue Ocean based on Business Intelligence /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 175 / Start page: 66 / End page: 66 / Date: 2015
Cross-border leisure mobility styles in the Basque Eurocity /
Hannam, Kevin; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 33 / Start page: 547 / End page: 547 / Date: 2014
Using MWD: A Business Intelligence System for Tourism Destination Web /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 2 / Start page: 62 / End page: 62 / Date: 2014
Cross-border leisure mobility styles in the Basque Eurocity / Leisure Studies
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Hannam, Kevin; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNAR: 0261-4367 / Volume: 6 / Journal number: 33 / Start page: 547 / End page: 564 / Date: 2014
A context management platform for tourism applications /
Torices, Ortzi; Abaitua, Joseba; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
Volume: 13 / Date: 2013
A Methodology and a Web Platform for the Collaborative Development of Context-Aware Systems / Sensors
Torres-Manzanera, Emilio; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
ISBNAR: 1424-8220 / Volume: 13 / Date: 2013
Conceptualizing Context in an Intelligent Mobile Environment in Travel and Tourism /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 1 / End page: 1 / Date: 2013
A methodology to collect information on future hotel prices using Internet Systems /
Torres-Manzanera, Emilio; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 543 / End page: 543 / Date: 2013
Theoretical Framework for a Tourism Internet of Things: Smart Destination /
Torres-Manzanera, Emilio; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
Date: 2012
Context Based Tourism Information Filtering with a Semantic Rule Engine / Sensors
Torres-Manzanera, Emilio; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
ISBNAR: 1424-8220 / Volume: 12 / Date: 2012
Context-Based Tourism Information Filtering with a Semantic Rule Engine / Sensors
Lamsfus, Carlos; Martín, David; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lopez De Ipiña Gonzalez De Artaza, Diego; Torres-Manzanera, Emilio
ISBNAR: 1424-8220 / Volume: 12 / Journal number: 5 / Start page: 5273 / End page: 5289 / Date: 2012
Regional Tourism Information System (SRiT): Improving Tourism Statistical Scenario in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi /
Uresandi Espinosa, Nagore; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2011
Innovación en el Sector Turístico Vasco / Lurralde
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
ISBNAR: 0211-5891 / Journal number: 29 / Start page: 193 / End page: 213 / Date: 2006
Digital Broadcasting for Context-Aware Services in Tourism /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 1 / End page: 1 / Date: 2000
NOMENCLATOR- Innovative Multilingual Environment for Collaborative Applications for Tourists and Cultural Organizations /
Linaza, Maria Teresa; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 79 / End page: 79 / Date: 2000
Acercamiento al estudio de las emociones. Una propuesta metodológica para medir las emociones en la interacción persona-tecnología /
Peralta Ariza, Maria; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene
Volume: 0 / Start page: 23 / End page: 23 / Date: 2000
Interface Evaluation for Cultural Heritage Applications: the case of FERRUM exhibition /
Linaza, Maria Teresa; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
Empowering end-users to develop context-aware mobile applications using a web platform. /
Torres-Manzanera, Emilio; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
Start page: 139 / End page: 139 / Date: 2000
Estudio comparativo de las herramientas de Business Intelligence. Empoderando el criterio de selección a las PYMEs /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 1 / Start page: 45 / End page: 45 / Date: 2000
Factores determinantes en el uso de espacio naturalesel caso del Parque Natural de Peñas de Aia /
Gibaja Martíns, Juan José; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 26 / Start page: 23 / End page: 23 / Date: 2000
Factores limitantes a la participación en entornos transfronterizos: el caso de la Eurociudad Vasca /
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
Foundations for a Platform to Develop Context-Aware Systems by Domain Experts /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 2029 / End page: 2029 / Date: 2000
Human-Centric Ontology-based Context Modelling in Tourism /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 424 / End page: 424 / Date: 2000
Infraestructura en la nube para el desarrollo de servicios en movilidad orientados a dispositivos wearables /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 3 / Start page: 31 / End page: 31 / Date: 2000
Innovación en el sector turístico vasco /
Oyón, Cristina; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 167 / End page: 167 / Date: 2000
Intelligent tourism information consumption: a push semantic rule-based system /
Torres-Manzanera, Emilio; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
Volume: 243 / Start page: 823 / End page: 823 / Date: 2000
Involving tourism domain experts in the development of context-aware mobile services /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 10 / Start page: 16 / End page: 16 / Date: 2000
La ciencia a medida. Mesa de ideas /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 8 / Start page: 36 / End page: 36 / Date: 2000
Listening to CEOs: A New Perspective to Study Technology Adoption in Hotels /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 709 / End page: 709 / Date: 2000
Mash-up Applications for Small Destination Management Organizations Websites /
Lazkano, Ainhoa; Linaza, Maria Teresa; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
Start page: 130 / End page: 130 / Date: 2000
Measuring Competitiveness: ICT as an innovation tool in tourism /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
Measuring emotional states in touristic events: the case of the Emocionómetro /
Peralta Ariza, Maria; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 48 / End page: 48 / Date: 2000
Mobile XSiena: Towards Mobile Publish/Subscribe /
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 91 / End page: 91 / Date: 2000
Mobile context data management framework /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 73 / End page: 73 / Date: 2000
Modelo de Aceptación de Tecnología En contextos hedónicos: el caso del turismo (MATT) /
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene
Start page: 209 / End page: 209 / Date: 2000
Ontologías del sector turístico /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 0 / Start page: 1 / End page: 1 / Date: 2000
Opening and closing Internet booking channel for hotels: A first approximation /
Torres-Manzanera, Emilio; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 5 / Start page: 5 / End page: 5 / Date: 2000
Peñas de Aia: estimación de la demanda recreativa y valoración económica /
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene
Start page: 45 / End page: 45 / Date: 2000
Providing on site Augmented information to Tourist /
Linaza, Maria Teresa; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 58 / End page: 58 / Date: 2000
Publish/Subscribe Systems in Tourism /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 319 / End page: 319 / Date: 2000
Reflexiones acerca de la necesidad de establecer una metodología holística para el estudio de la movilidad y la conducta humana. Sobre cómo el constructivismo geográfico y la geografía del tiempo se complementan con la emocionalidad y el cognitivismo en la experiencia turística. /
Peralta Ariza, Maria; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 3 / Start page: 5 / End page: 5 / Date: 2000
Semantic-based Context Modeling in Tourism /
Torres-Manzanera, Emilio; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
Volume: 14 / Start page: 1 / End page: 1 / Date: 2000
Semantic-based Contextual Computing support for Human Mobility /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 603 / End page: 603 / Date: 2000
Sistema regional de información turística para Euskadi. Integración de distintas fuentes y nuevos indicadores para una visión holística del turismo /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 1 / Start page: 35 / End page: 35 / Date: 2000
Situation-Driven Development: a Methodology for the Development of Context-Aware Systems /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 241 / End page: 241 / Date: 2000
Smart Tourism Destinations: An Extended Conception of Smart Cities focusing on Human Mobility /
Torres-Manzanera, Emilio; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
Start page: 363 / End page: 363 / Date: 2000
Tecnologias de la información y la comunicación (TICs), Arte y Patrimonio cultural /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
Theoretical framework for a tourism Internet of Things: Smart Destinations /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 0 / Start page: 15 / End page: 15 / Date: 2000
Towards Context-Aware Push-Filter Information Dissemination /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
Towards a Better Understanding of the Cognitive Destination Image of Euskadi-Basque Country Based on the Analysis of UGC /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 395 / End page: 395 / Date: 2000
Usability Analysis of Novel Environments for Interacting with Cultural Heritage /
Linaza, Maria Teresa; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
What Matters to The Industry? An Evaluation Framework for the Adoptability of Online Tourism Distribution Platforms /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 412 / End page: 412 / Date: 2000
Youth and urban tourism: a cross-cultural study of European young long-haul travellers /
Rodriguez, M.; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 44 / End page: 44 / Date: 2000
A Contextual Geofencing Mobile Tourism Service /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 191 / End page: 191 / Date: 2000
A New Hotel Online Reputation Framework for Ontology Learning Development /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 403 / End page: 403 / Date: 2000
A Web Platform and a Methodology to promote a Collaborative Development of Context-Aware Systems. /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 126 / End page: 126 / Date: 2000
A Web Platform to Generate and Deliver Mobile Web Contents Without Programming Skills /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 869 / End page: 869 / Date: 2000
A methodology to analyse mobility among principal and secondary cultural places /
Peralta Ariza, Maria; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
A time sensitive classification of tourism-related mobile applications. An analysis of the features of the applications in a travel stage-based framework /
Peralta Ariza, Maria; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 1 / Start page: 17 / End page: 17 / Date: 2000
Aceptación del uso de NTICs en entornos museográficos: el caso de Virtual Showcase /
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene
Start page: 99 / End page: 99 / Date: 2000
An Analysis of Mobile Application Classification Related to Tourism Destinations /
Peralta Ariza, Maria; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
Start page: 31 / End page: 31 / Date: 2000
An Antifraud System for Tourism SMEs in the Context of Electronic Operations with Credit Cards /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 5 / Start page: 27 / End page: 27 / Date: 2000
An Architectural Proposal for a Context-Aware Platform to support Knowledge based Tourism Recommender Systems /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
An Auto-Coding Process for Testing the Cognitive-Affective and Conative Model of Destination Image /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
An Evaluation of Contextual Computing Approach to Visitor Information Systems /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 191 / End page: 191 / Date: 2000
Aplicaciones Colaborativas de las nuevas tecnologías al turismo rural /
Linaza, Maria Teresa; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 377 / End page: 377 / Date: 2000
Automatic Context Data Life-Cycle Management Framework /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
Behaviour of Virtual Visitor Based on E-Shop and DMO Websites: A Comparative Study by Means of Data Mining Techniques /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 101 / End page: 101 / Date: 2000
Competitive Intelligence applied to Tourism Destination Management: Hotel Market Monitor /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2000
Computación Contextual basada en Tecnologías Semánticas en el ámbito de la Movilidad Humana /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 50 / End page: 50 / Date: 2000
Content Curation and Narrative Tourism Marketing /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 187 / End page: 187 / Date: 2000
Context-based matchmaking to enhance tourists’ experience /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 17 / End page: 17 / Date: 2000
Contextual Computing based Services in Tourism /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 677 / End page: 677 / Date: 2000
Donostiako hoteles erreputazioa Gizarte Digitalean /
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 3 / Start page: 15 / End page: 15 / Date: 2000
Dynamic Pricing on an Internet Distribution Channel: The case study of Bilbao’s Hotels in 2013 /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 735 / End page: 735 / Date: 2000
Economía de datos en turismo. Proceso para la publicación de LOD en turismo /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 0 / Start page: 49 / End page: 49 / Date: 2000
Innovación en la actividad turística vasca: hacia un modelo competitivo en la C.A. de Euskadi / Rotur. Revista de Ocio y Turismo
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNAR: 1888-6884 / Date: 2000
Semantic-based Context Modelling in Tourism /
Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Torres-Manzanera, Emilio; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 13 / Start page: 309 / End page: 309 / Date: 2000
Regional and Sub-Regional Tourist Mobility Measurement System (eGIStour) /
Peralta Ariza, Maria; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Uresandi Espinosa, Nagore
Date: 2000
Cultural and heritage tourism: identifying niches for international travelers /
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Volume: 9 / Start page: 2 / End page: 2 / Date: 1998
Transitioning Towards the Future of Tourism Destinations: resilient, smart, and green development
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2022
Aplicaciones, desarrollo local y aprendizaje informal : Seminario Internacional sobre Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, Arte y Patrimonio Cultural, celebrado en San Sebastián el 15 de mayo de 2003.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNLM: 84-9830-036-3 / Date: 2006
Eurocompetencias y Cultura Europea en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNLM: 84-934963-1-6 / Date: 2006
Chapters of Books
Varying Roles of Destination Management Organizations in the Digital Business Ecosystem of Tourist Destinations / Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2024
Herasimovich, Volha; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Thiel-Ellul, Daniela
ISBNCO: 978-3-031-58838-9 / Start page: 61 / End page: 66 / Date: 2024
Desarrollo urbano, a través de la mirada de proyectos emblemáticos y turismo. / Ciudades para vivir, habitar y transitar
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNCO: 978-84-1352-943-1 / Start page: 215 / End page: 234 / Date: 2024
Transición Digital del alojamiento en áreas rurales: capacitación para un desarrollo más sostenible y resiliente / Competitividad y gestión sostenible de los destinos turísticos
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
ISBNCO: 978-84-1183-179-6 / Start page: 159 / End page: 172 / Date: 2024
Territorios turísticos de bajas emisiones: una posible estrategia ante el cambio climático / Transición energética y construcción social del territorio ante el reto del cambio climático y el nuevo marco geopolítico
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNCO: 978-84-1163-952-1 / Date: 2023
Advances in smart destination management and public governance: Tourism innovation ecosystems / Smart Cities and Tourism: Co-creating experiences, challenges and opportunities
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNCO: 978-19-1509-708-8 / Date: 2022
Business Intelligence and the Public Management of Destinations: The View of DMOs / Information and Communication technology in tourism 2022
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNCO: 978-3-030-94750-7 / Start page: 417 / End page: 423 / Date: 2022
Sport for Development and Peace? before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Using internet search data for monitoring and explaining issue salience / La sociedad post-covid. Una mirada multidisciplinar
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNCO: 978-84-7074-935-3 / Start page: 1 / End page: 11 / Date: 2021
The online and news media visibility of the sport-for-development-and-peace stakeholders /
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2021
A conceptual framework for the definition of the" Sport for Development and Peace" field and the location of best practices. / A conceptual framework for the definition of the" Sport for Development and Peace" field and the location of best practices.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 49 / End page: 70 / Date: 2020
An introduction to degrowth in tourism through Konstantinos Andriotis´s work / Transforming Tourism: Regional Perspectives on a Global Phenomenon
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Start page: 14 / End page: 14 / Date: 2020
An intTowards a measurement framework for more responsible tourism developmentoduction to degrowth in tourism through Konstantinos Andriotis´s work / Transforming Tourism: Regional Perspectives on a Global Phenomenon
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 106 / End page: 106 / Date: 2020
Towards a Measurement Framework for More Responsible Tourism Development / Transformig Tourism. Regional perspectives on a global phenomenon
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNCO: 9789464008708 / Start page: 106 / End page: 129 / Date: 2020
La tecnología. / Evaluación TIC en el patrimonio cultural: metodologías y estudios de caso.
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion
ISBNCO: 978-84-9788-011-4 / Start page: 61 / End page: 86 / Date: 2009
Usabilidad y confort. Aceptación de tecnología en entornos culturales. / Evaluación TIC en el Patrimonio Cultural: metodologías y estudios de caso.
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNCO: 978-84-9788-011-4 / Start page: 135 / End page: 174 / Date: 2009
Modelos de aceptación de Tecnología aplicados en contextos de ocio: ek caso del Turismo (MATT) / La experiencia de ocio: una mirada científica desde los Estudios de Ocio.
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNCO: 978-84-9830-162-5 / Start page: 209 / End page: 230 / Date: 2008
"Redes sociales en la Eurociudad vasca: tendencias de interacción y participación social en los patrones de movilidad y valores transfonterizos" / Regiones iberoamericanas del conocimiento.. Experiencias de desarrollo personal
Achón Insausti, José Angel; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Mendizabal Elias, Markel; Gereño Omil, Basagaitz; Hernández Castillo, C. Adriana
ISBNCO: 978-84-9830-099-4 / Start page: 45 / End page: 86 / Date: 2007
Interactive Mobile Assistants for enhancing the experience of visitors at cultural institutions: the case of the implementation of the AMICo prototype / Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Ename International Colloquium - The future of Heritage: Changing Visions, Attitudes and Contexts in the 21st Century
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Linaza, M.T.
Date: 2007
Hacia una puesta en valor del Patrimonio Industrial de Pasaia / Patrimonio industrial en Pasaia. Defensa y difusión.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Mendizabal Elias, Markel; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Date: 2007
Una Ayuda móvil e interactiva para Exposiciones en los Museos / Actas de TECHNARTE , conferencia internacional sobre Arte y Tecnología. Bilbao 24-25 de mayo
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2007
Evaluación del impacto de las TICs en el visitante del museo: el caso de la Virtual Showcase / Aplicaciones, desarrollo local y aprendizaje informal : Seminario Internacional sobre Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, Arte y Patrimonio Cultural, celebrado en San Sebastián el 15 de mayo de 2003
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz
ISBNCO: 84-9830-036-3 / Start page: 250 / End page: 263 / Date: 2006
Aplicaciones colaborativas de las nuevas tecnologías al turismo rural / TURITEC 2006, VI Congreso Nacional de Turismo y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones : Málaga (Escuela Universitaria de Turismo), 18, 19 y 20 de octubre de 2006.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Linaza, Maria Teresa
ISBNCO: 84-608-0512-3 / Start page: 377 / End page: 388 / Date: 2006
Innovación en el Sector Turístico Vasco / VI Congreso Nacional de Turismo y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Oyón, Cristina
ISBNCO: 84-608-0512-3 / Start page: 167 / End page: 184 / Date: 2006
Nuevas Tecnologías aplicadas al Turismo: el turista de ferias y congresos en el País Vasco / Actas del 4th International Doctoral Colloquium in Tourism and Leisure, Barcelona (3 mayo 2006)
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Date: 2006
Providing on site Augmented information to Tourist / Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2006: Proceedings of the International Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Linaza, Maria Teresa
ISBNCO: 3-211-30987-X / Start page: 57 / End page: 68 / Date: 2006
Interface evaluation for Cultural Heritage applications: The case of FERRUM exhibition / 6th Internacional Symposium in Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST2005. Eurographics Symposium Proceedings.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Susperregui, Ana; Linaza, Maria Teresa
ISBNCO: 1811-864X / Start page: 121 / End page: 128 / Date: 2005
NOMENCLATOR- Innovative Multilingual Environment for Collaborative Applications for Tourists and Cultural Organizations / Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2005: Proceedings of the International Conference in Innsbruck
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Linaza, Maria Teresa
ISBNCO: 3-211-24148-5 / Start page: 79 / End page: 89 / Date: 2005
Aceptación del uso de NTICs en entornos museográficos: el caso del Virtual Showcase / Libro de Comunicaciones de las V Jornadas de Informática y Sociedad.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz
Date: 2004
Aplicación de Tecnologías de Realidad Virtual y Aumentada a la didáctica y la difusión del Patrimonio / Actas del III Congreso Internacional CULTURTEC, Madrid 2002
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz; Linaza, M.T.; Smithers, T.; Florez, J.; Zulaika, R.; Santo Domingo, A.
Date: 2002
Hacia una puesta en valor del Patrimonio Industrial de Pasaia / Patrimonio Industrial en Pasaia: Defensa y difusión
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start page: 117 / End page: 117 / Date: 2000
Redes sociales en la Eurociudad Vasca: tendencias de interacción y participación social en los patrones de movilidad y valores transfronterizos / Regiones iberoamericanas del conocimiento. Experiencias de desarrollo regional
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Achón Insausti, José Angel
ISBNCO: 978-84-9830-099-4 / Start page: 45 / End page: 45 / Date: 2000
Introducción. Cultura digital en la sociedad del conocimiento / Evaluación TIC en el patrimonio cultural: metodologías y estudio de casos
Carreras Monfort, César; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
ISBNCO: 978-84-9788-011-4 / Start page: 19 / End page: 19 / Date: 2000
La tecnología / Evaluación TIC en el patrimonio cultural: metodologías y estudio de casos
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene
ISBNCO: 978-84-9788-011-4 / Start page: 61 / End page: 61 / Date: 2000
Supervised Theses
The discursive construction of dominant positions on sport for development and peace: A critical analysis of digital media practices for empowering decision-making.
Date: 2021
Plataforma web y metodología para el desarrollo de sistemas sensibles al contexto basada en la colaboración entre programadores y expertos en el dominio
Martín, David
Date: 2013
CONCERT: A new framework for contextual computing in tourism to support human mobility
Lamsfus, Carlos
Date: 2010
Innovation in the Basque Touristic Sector
Oyón, Cristina; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Innovation in the Basque Touristic Sector / Country: España / Publication name: Innovation in the Basque Touristic Sector / Date: 2025/03/14
Mobility and Leisure Time in Cross-border Areas. Building New Spaces: The Case of the Basque Eurocity
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Mobility and Leisure Time in Cross-border Areas. Building New Spaces: The Case of the Basque Eurocity / City: BRISTOL / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: Mobility and Leisure Time in Cross-border Areas. Building New Spaces: The Case of the Basque Eurocity / Date: 2025/03/14
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: JORNADAS TEMÁTICAS SOBRE EL TURISMO VASCO / Country: España / Publication name: JORNADAS TEMÁTICAS SOBRE EL TURISMO VASCO / Date: 2025/03/14
KEOD 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: KEOD 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development / City: MADEIRA / Country: Portugal / Publication name: KEOD 2009 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development / Date: 2025/03/14
La cooperation économique dans l’Eurocité Basque
Peña-Legazkue, Iñaki; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: La cooperation économique dans l’Eurocité Basque / City: NIZA / Country: Francia / Publication name: La cooperation économique dans l’Eurocité Basque / Date: 2025/03/14
Learning from Big Data: Monitoring Room Rates by Destinations
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Learning from Big Data: Monitoring Room Rates by Destinations / City: VIENA / Country: Austria / Publication name: Learning from Big Data: Monitoring Room Rates by Destinations / Date: 2025/03/14
Measurement and Modelling of Tourism Flows in a Smarter World
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Measurement and Modelling of Tourism Flows in a Smarter World / Country: España / Publication name: Measurement and Modelling of Tourism Flows in a Smarter World / Date: 2025/03/14
Medellín destino de Negocios
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Medellín destino de Negocios / City: Medellín / Country: Colombia / Publication name: Medellín destino de Negocios / Date: 2025/03/14
NECSTOUR Conference
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: NECSTOUR Conference / City: PLYMOUTH / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: NECSTOUR Conference / Date: 2025/03/14
Origins and historical evolution of Tourism in Spain and Basque Country
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Origins and historical evolution of Tourism in Spain and Basque Country / Country: España / Publication name: Origins and historical evolution of Tourism in Spain and Basque Country / Date: 2025/03/14
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: PRESENTATION OF INROUTE NETWORK / City: DONOSTIA - SAN SEBASTIAN / Country: España / Publication name: PRESENTATION OF INROUTE NETWORK / Date: 2025/03/14
Polite San Sebastian: learning to be excellent. Tourism Director Plan of San Sebastián. Projects to be carried out as an excellent destination. Involved agents. Practical experiences in pursuit of Quality and Excellence of the touristic destination
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Polite San Sebastian: learning to be excellent. Tourism Director Plan of San Sebastián. Projects to be carried out as an excellent destination. Involved agents. Practical experiences in pursuit of Quality and Excellence of the touristic destination / City: DONOSTIA - SAN SEBASTIAN / Country: España / Publication name: Polite San Sebastian: learning to be excellent. Tourism Director Plan of San Sebastián. Projects to be carried out as an excellent destination. Involved agents. Practical experiences in pursuit of Quality and Excellence of the touristic destination / Date: 2025/03/14
R+D+i in the Touristic Sector. Combining R+D+I to improve Competitiveness
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: R+D+i in the Touristic Sector. Combining R+D+I to improve Competitiveness / City: VITORIA - GASTEIZ / Country: España / Publication name: R+D+i in the Touristic Sector. Combining R+D+I to improve Competitiveness / Date: 2025/03/14
Regional Tourism Information System (SRiT): Improving Tourism Statistical Scenario in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Regional Tourism Information System (SRiT): Improving Tourism Statistical Scenario in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi / City: ALGARVE / Country: Portugal / Publication name: Regional Tourism Information System (SRiT): Improving Tourism Statistical Scenario in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi / Date: 2025/03/14
Regional and Sub-Regional Tourist Mobility Measurement System
Peralta Ariza, Maria; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Uresandi Espinosa, Nagore
Congress name: Regional and Sub-Regional Tourist Mobility Measurement System / City: INNSBRUCK / Country: Austria / Publication name: Regional and Sub-Regional Tourist Mobility Measurement System / Date: 2025/03/14
Round Table: The Future of Innovation in Tourism Industry, ThinkTur Meeting Point
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Round Table: The Future of Innovation in Tourism Industry, ThinkTur Meeting Point / Country: España / Publication name: Round Table: The Future of Innovation in Tourism Industry, ThinkTur Meeting Point / Date: 2025/03/14
Science and Innovation for the Improvement of Competitiveness of Tourism
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Science and Innovation for the Improvement of Competitiveness of Tourism / Country: España / Publication name: Science and Innovation for the Improvement of Competitiveness of Tourism / Date: 2025/03/14
Science and Innovation in Tourism
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Science and Innovation in Tourism / Country: España / Publication name: Science and Innovation in Tourism / Date: 2025/03/14
Semantic-based Contextual Computing: Conceptual foundations of a new context-based framework to support Human Mobility
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Semantic-based Contextual Computing: Conceptual foundations of a new context-based framework to support Human Mobility / City: DONOSTIA - SAN SEBASTIAN / Country: España / Publication name: Semantic-based Contextual Computing: Conceptual foundations of a new context-based framework to support Human Mobility / Date: 2025/03/14
Technologies for creating personalized and engaging cultural and tourism experiences: achievements and challenges
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Technologies for creating personalized and engaging cultural and tourism experiences: achievements and challenges / City: INNSBRUCK / Country: Austria / Publication name: Technologies for creating personalized and engaging cultural and tourism experiences: achievements and challenges / Date: 2025/03/14
The Basque Eurocity Bayona-San Sebastián: framework for a university cooperation experience
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: The Basque Eurocity Bayona-San Sebastián: framework for a university cooperation experience / Country: España / Publication name: The Basque Eurocity Bayona-San Sebastián: framework for a university cooperation experience / Date: 2025/03/14
The Destination of Measurement: On the Measurement of Destinations
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: The Destination of Measurement: On the Measurement of Destinations / City: LUGANO / Country: Suiza / Publication name: The Destination of Measurement: On the Measurement of Destinations / Date: 2025/03/14
Tourism, a sector in constant evolution: review and reflection on the organization of Basque tourism and key success factors
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Tourism, a sector in constant evolution: review and reflection on the organization of Basque tourism and key success factors / Country: España / Publication name: Tourism, a sector in constant evolution: review and reflection on the organization of Basque tourism and key success factors / Date: 2025/03/14
UNWTO Committee on Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: UNWTO Committee on Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account / Country: España / Publication name: UNWTO Committee on Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account / Date: 2025/03/14
Using Tourist Context Information to Understand Human Mobility.
Peralta Ariza, Maria; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos
Congress name: Using Tourist Context Information to Understand Human Mobility. / City: BOURNEMOUTH / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: Using Tourist Context Information to Understand Human Mobility. / Date: 2025/03/14
Wine Tourism: Responding to the challenge of new forms of tourism
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Wine Tourism: Responding to the challenge of new forms of tourism / Country: España / Publication name: Wine Tourism: Responding to the challenge of new forms of tourism / Date: 2025/03/14
Wine tourism: research, development and innovation
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Wine tourism: research, development and innovation / City: Oporto / Country: Portugal / Publication name: Wine tourism: research, development and innovation / Date: 2025/03/14
Workshop on the Role of Research Infraestructures in Europe
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Workshop on the Role of Research Infraestructures in Europe / Country: España / Publication name: Workshop on the Role of Research Infraestructures in Europe / Date: 2025/03/14
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
City: DONOSTIA - SAN SEBASTIAN / Country: España / Date: 2025/03/14
1st Meeting of the Tourism Forum 2013, Tourism Innovation and Competitiveness Plan 2010-2013 for Euskadi
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: 1st Meeting of the Tourism Forum 2013, Tourism Innovation and Competitiveness Plan 2010-2013 for Euskadi / Country: España / Publication name: 1st Meeting of the Tourism Forum 2013, Tourism Innovation and Competitiveness Plan 2010-2013 for Euskadi / Date: 2025/03/14
Apptrack: a new approach for temporal and spatial data collection and enrichment. Culture, data and digitization
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Apptrack: a new approach for temporal and spatial data collection and enrichment. Culture, data and digitization / Country: España / Publication name: Apptrack: a new approach for temporal and spatial data collection and enrichment. Culture, data and digitization / Date: 2025/03/14
Bridging the Digital Gap” International Conference
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Bridging the Digital Gap” International Conference / Country: España / Publication name: Bridging the Digital Gap” International Conference / Date: 2025/03/14
CICtourGUNE: A case in innovation and Human Resources Development
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: CICtourGUNE: A case in innovation and Human Resources Development / City: PRAGA / Country: Republica Checa / Publication name: CICtourGUNE: A case in innovation and Human Resources Development / Date: 2025/03/14
Challenges and guidelines of the european cultural policy and Culture and Innovation
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Challenges and guidelines of the european cultural policy and Culture and Innovation / City: DONOSTIA - SAN SEBASTIAN / Country: España / Publication name: Challenges and guidelines of the european cultural policy and Culture and Innovation / Date: 2025/03/14
Collaborative application of the new technologies in the rural tourism
Linaza, Maria Teresa; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Collaborative application of the new technologies in the rural tourism / Country: España / Publication name: Collaborative application of the new technologies in the rural tourism / Date: 2025/03/14
Competitive Intelligence applied to Tourism Destination Management: Hotel Market Monitor
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Competitive Intelligence applied to Tourism Destination Management: Hotel Market Monitor / City: ALGARVE / Country: Portugal / Publication name: Competitive Intelligence applied to Tourism Destination Management: Hotel Market Monitor / Date: 2025/03/14
Conference about Futurism, 2nd Basque Tourism Week
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Conference about Futurism, 2nd Basque Tourism Week / City: DONOSTIA - SAN SEBASTIAN / Country: España / Publication name: Conference about Futurism, 2nd Basque Tourism Week / Date: 2025/03/14
Context-based Tourist Services
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Context-based Tourist Services / Country: España / Publication name: Context-based Tourist Services / Date: 2025/03/14
Diagnosis and challenges of the technological implementation in the cultural sector - Institutions and cultural operators of Gipuzkoa
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene
Congress name: Diagnosis and challenges of the technological implementation in the cultural sector - Institutions and cultural operators of Gipuzkoa / Publication name: Diagnosis and challenges of the technological implementation in the cultural sector - Institutions and cultural operators of Gipuzkoa / Date: 2025/03/14
ENTER2010, eTourism: Horizons, the 17th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: ENTER2010, eTourism: Horizons, the 17th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism / City: LUGANO / Country: Suiza / Publication name: ENTER2010, eTourism: Horizons, the 17th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism / Date: 2025/03/14
Estrategias tecnológicas para la gestión del conocimiento en el sector turístico
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Estrategias tecnológicas para la gestión del conocimiento en el sector turístico / Country: España / Publication name: Estrategias tecnológicas para la gestión del conocimiento en el sector turístico / Date: 2025/03/14
Experience and communication in e-travel
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Experience and communication in e-travel / Country: España / Publication name: Experience and communication in e-travel / Date: 2025/03/14
Innovation and Excellence in the Basque Tourism Sector. Strategic Plan for Euskadi and San Sebastián for the development of tourism, involved programs and players. Excellent and Innovative Experiences
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Innovation and Excellence in the Basque Tourism Sector. Strategic Plan for Euskadi and San Sebastián for the development of tourism, involved programs and players. Excellent and Innovative Experiences / City: DONOSTIA - SAN SEBASTIAN / Country: España / Publication name: Innovation and Excellence in the Basque Tourism Sector. Strategic Plan for Euskadi and San Sebastián for the development of tourism, involved programs and players. Excellent and Innovative Experiences / Date: 2025/03/14
Value enhancement of the Industrial Heritage of Pasaia
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Value enhancement of the Industrial Heritage of Pasaia / Country: España / Publication name: Value enhancement of the Industrial Heritage of Pasaia / Date: 2025/03/14
Mobility Styles in interregional Areas: The Case of the Basque Cross-Border Area
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Mobility Styles in interregional Areas: The Case of the Basque Cross-Border Area / City: LONDRES / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: Mobility Styles in interregional Areas: The Case of the Basque Cross-Border Area / Date: 2025/03/14
Issues on the use of Technologies in cultural institutions and cultural policy: an approach from the Basque Country
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene
Congress name: Issues on the use of Technologies in cultural institutions and cultural policy: an approach from the Basque Country / City: VIENA / Country: Austria / Publication name: Issues on the use of Technologies in cultural institutions and cultural policy: an approach from the Basque Country / Date: 2025/03/14
Collaborative Governance to Manage Sea Level Rise Hazards: A Tourism Case Study from the Basque Country in Spain
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Cruz, Ana Maria
Congress name: Collaborative Governance to Manage Sea Level Rise Hazards: A Tourism Case Study from the Basque Country in Spain / City: Cartagena / Country: Colombia / Web: / Publication name: Collaborative Governance to Manage Sea Level Rise Hazards: A Tourism Case Study from the Basque Country in Spain / Start date: 2024/08/28 / End date: 2024/08/30
Green Digital Transition: Integrating Carbon Neutrality for Sustainable Tourism Development
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Congress name: Green Digital Transition: Integrating Carbon Neutrality for Sustainable Tourism Development / City: Cartagena / Country: Colombia / Web: / Publication name: Green Digital Transition: Integrating Carbon Neutrality for Sustainable Tourism Development / Start date: 2024/08/28 / End date: 2024/08/30
COVID-19 and Beyond, leisure preferences and travel dynamics
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: COVID-19 and Beyond, leisure preferences and travel dynamics / City: Bournemouth / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: COVID-19 and Beyond, leisure preferences and travel dynamics / Start date: 2023/07/11 / End date: 2023/07/13
Cross-generational travel intentions: A study during the pandemic
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Cruz, Ana Maria
Congress name: Cross-generational travel intentions: A study during the pandemic / City: Coimbra / Country: Portugal / Web: / Publication name: Cross-generational travel intentions: A study during the pandemic / Start date: 2023/05/31 / End date: 2023/06/02
Greening Festivals towards sustainable strategic management of Destinations
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe
Congress name: Greening Festivals towards sustainable strategic management of Destinations / City: Burgundy / Country: Francia / Web: / Publication name: Greening Festivals towards sustainable strategic management of Destinations / Start date: 2023/04/24 / End date: 2023/04/26
Apartment, hotel, or Aparthotel: Post-Covid-19 tourist behaviour in Gipuzkoa (Basque Country)
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Apartment, hotel, or Aparthotel: Post-Covid-19 tourist behaviour in Gipuzkoa (Basque Country) / City: Oxford / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: Apartment, hotel, or Aparthotel: Post-Covid-19 tourist behaviour in Gipuzkoa (Basque Country) / Start date: 2023/03/24 / End date: 2023/03/26
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Herasimovich, Volha; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Building technology capacity and co-creation dynamics in rural tourism
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Femenía, Francisco
Congress name: Building technology capacity and co-creation dynamics in rural tourism / City: Paris / Country: Francia / Web: / Publication name: Building technology capacity and co-creation dynamics in rural tourism / Start date: 2022/07/18 / End date: 2022/07/22
Covid-19: Adjustment or transformation in travel behavior?
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Cruz, Ana Maria; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Congress name: Covid-19: Adjustment or transformation in travel behavior? / City: Kyoto (Online) / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: Covid-19: Adjustment or transformation in travel behavior? / Start date: 2020/09/23 / End date: 2020/09/24
Defining “Sport for Development and Peace”: a conceptual map to locate best practices
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Defining “Sport for Development and Peace”: a conceptual map to locate best practices / Country: España / Publication name: Defining “Sport for Development and Peace”: a conceptual map to locate best practices / Date: 2020/06/11
Networks and Co-creation determinants in heritage tourism.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Congress name: Networks and Co-creation determinants in heritage tourism. / City: MACAO / Country: China / Web: / Publication name: Networks and Co-creation determinants in heritage tourism. / Start date: 2019/11/21 / End date: 2019/11/22
Metodología y herramientas de gestión de destinos turísticos inteligentes
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Metodología y herramientas de gestión de destinos turísticos inteligentes / City: Montevideo / Country: Uruguay / Publication name: Metodología y herramientas de gestión de destinos turísticos inteligentes / Start date: 2019/09/23 / End date: 2019/09/27
Networks and Platform-based Tourism: Co-creation determinants in rural tourism
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Congress name: Networks and Platform-based Tourism: Co-creation determinants in rural tourism / ISBN: 978-94-93064-003 / Country: España / Publication name: Networks and Platform-based Tourism: Co-creation determinants in rural tourism / Start date: 2019/09/17 / End date: 2019/09/20
El papel del Big Data en la transformación digital del turismo
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: El papel del Big Data en la transformación digital del turismo / Publication name: El papel del Big Data en la transformación digital del turismo / Date: 2018/02/22
Locating/Identifying data sources for observatories
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Locating/Identifying data sources for observatories / Country: España / Publication name: Locating/Identifying data sources for observatories / Start date: 2017/12/13 / End date: 2017/12/14
Los destinos turísticos Inteligentes: Visión tecnológica
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Los destinos turísticos Inteligentes: Visión tecnológica / City: Barcelona / Publication name: Los destinos turísticos Inteligentes: Visión tecnológica / Date: 2017/10/31
Smart Tourism a path toward peace and prosperity
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Smart Tourism a path toward peace and prosperity / Country: Colombia / Publication name: Smart Tourism a path toward peace and prosperity / Start date: 2017/10/21 / End date: 2017/10/25
Desarrollo Sostenible en el marco de los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Desarrollo Sostenible en el marco de los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes / City: Medellín / Country: Colombia / Web: / Publication name: Desarrollo Sostenible en el marco de los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes / Start date: 2017/10/21 / End date: 2017/10/25
Measuring Cultural Engagement: A Quest for New Terms, Tools, and Technique the case of the ?Emocionómetro
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Measuring Cultural Engagement: A Quest for New Terms, Tools, and Technique the case of the ?Emocionómetro / City: DONOSTIA / Publication name: Measuring Cultural Engagement: A Quest for New Terms, Tools, and Technique the case of the ?Emocionómetro / Start date: 2017/05/18 / End date: 2017/05/19
Moderadora Mesa Tourism as a Driver for territorial economic development
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Moderadora Mesa Tourism as a Driver for territorial economic development / Country: España / Publication name: Moderadora Mesa Tourism as a Driver for territorial economic development / Start date: 2017/02/15 / End date: 2017/02/17
Ponencia Clausura de Sección Científica Smart Destinations
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Ponencia Clausura de Sección Científica Smart Destinations / Country: España / Publication name: Ponencia Clausura de Sección Científica Smart Destinations / Start date: 2017/02/15 / End date: 2017/02/17
TIC y Postgrados en turismo: un acercamiento al análisis de la oferta
Goytia Prat, Ana; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Congress name: TIC y Postgrados en turismo: un acercamiento al análisis de la oferta / ISBN: 978-84-608-0787-2 / Country: España / Publication name: TIC y Postgrados en turismo: un acercamiento al análisis de la oferta / Start date: 2008/09/25 / End date: 2008/09/26
Un estudio exploratorio de aceptación tecnológica en contextos de ocio y recreo: el caso de Prisma.
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Un estudio exploratorio de aceptación tecnológica en contextos de ocio y recreo: el caso de Prisma. / ISBN: 978-84-9830-163-2 / Country: España / Publication name: Un estudio exploratorio de aceptación tecnológica en contextos de ocio y recreo: el caso de Prisma. / Start date: 2008/06/11 / End date: 2008/06/13
CICtourGUNE: a case in innovation and human resource development.
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: CICtourGUNE: a case in innovation and human resource development. / City: Praga / Country: Republica Checa / Publication name: CICtourGUNE: a case in innovation and human resource development. / Start date: 2008/05/15 / End date: 2008/05/17
Construyendo el futuro desde la configuración de un nuevo sector turístico
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Construyendo el futuro desde la configuración de un nuevo sector turístico / Country: España / Publication name: Construyendo el futuro desde la configuración de un nuevo sector turístico / Date: 2008/04/24
Inauguración oficial CICtourGUNE
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Inauguración oficial CICtourGUNE / City: DONOSTIA - SAN SEBASTIAN / Country: España / Publication name: Inauguración oficial CICtourGUNE / Date: 2008/02/22
Digitalization and Diffusion project for the historical diocesan files: discussion and future prospects
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Digitalization and Diffusion project for the historical diocesan files: discussion and future prospects / Country: España / Publication name: Digitalization and Diffusion project for the historical diocesan files: discussion and future prospects / Start date: 2007/11/08 / End date: 2007/11/09
The role of Technology and Innovation in the development of tourism
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: The role of Technology and Innovation in the development of tourism / Country: España / Publication name: The role of Technology and Innovation in the development of tourism / Date: 2007/10/25
Modelos de Aceptación Tecnológica en contextos hedónicos: el caso del turismo (MATT)
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Modelos de Aceptación Tecnológica en contextos hedónicos: el caso del turismo (MATT) / Country: España / Publication name: Modelos de Aceptación Tecnológica en contextos hedónicos: el caso del turismo (MATT) / Start date: 2007/06/06 / End date: 2007/06/08
AMICO: Una Ayuda móvil e interactiva paraExposiciones en los Museos
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: AMICO: Una Ayuda móvil e interactiva paraExposiciones en los Museos / Country: España / Publication name: AMICO: Una Ayuda móvil e interactiva paraExposiciones en los Museos / Start date: 2007/05/24 / End date: 2007/05/25
-ARACNE project: methodology for ICT applications evaluation in Cultural Heritage -Usability of technological applications with cultural contents : A proposal for a European project
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: -ARACNE project: methodology for ICT applications evaluation in Cultural Heritage -Usability of technological applications with cultural contents : A proposal for a European project / City: Grecia / Publication name: -ARACNE project: methodology for ICT applications evaluation in Cultural Heritage -Usability of technological applications with cultural contents : A proposal for a European project / Start date: 2007/05/12 / End date: 2007/05/13
Interactive Mobile Assistants for enhancing the experience of visitors at cultural institutions: the case of the implementation of the AMICo prototype
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Linaza, M.T.
Congress name: Interactive Mobile Assistants for enhancing the experience of visitors at cultural institutions: the case of the implementation of the AMICo prototype / City: Gante / Country: Belgica / Web:,en/ / Publication name: Interactive Mobile Assistants for enhancing the experience of visitors at cultural institutions: the case of the implementation of the AMICo prototype / Start date: 2007/03/21 / End date: 2007/03/24
Modulo: Recursos naturales y medio físico. Urola: una iniciativa de turismo sostenible.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Modulo: Recursos naturales y medio físico. Urola: una iniciativa de turismo sostenible. / Country: España / Publication name: Modulo: Recursos naturales y medio físico. Urola: una iniciativa de turismo sostenible. / Start date: 2006/12/01 / End date: 2006/12/31
Puesta en valor del patrimonio industrial de Pasaia
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Mendizabal Elias, Markel; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Congress name: Puesta en valor del patrimonio industrial de Pasaia / Country: España / Publication name: Puesta en valor del patrimonio industrial de Pasaia / Date: 2006/11/22
Diagnóstico y retos de la implementación tecnológica en el sector cultural - El caso de las instituciones y operadores culturales de Gipuzkoa
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion
Congress name: Diagnóstico y retos de la implementación tecnológica en el sector cultural - El caso de las instituciones y operadores culturales de Gipuzkoa / Web: / Publication name: Diagnóstico y retos de la implementación tecnológica en el sector cultural - El caso de las instituciones y operadores culturales de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2006/11/20 / End date: 2006/12/03
Innovación en el Sector Turístico Vasco
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Oyón, Cristina; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Congress name: Innovación en el Sector Turístico Vasco / ISBN: 84-608-0512-3 / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Innovación en el Sector Turístico Vasco / Start date: 2006/10/18 / End date: 2006/10/20
Aplicaciones colaborativas de las nuevas tecnologías al turismo rural
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Linaza, Maria Teresa
Congress name: Aplicaciones colaborativas de las nuevas tecnologías al turismo rural / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Aplicaciones colaborativas de las nuevas tecnologías al turismo rural / Start date: 2006/10/18 / End date: 2006/10/20
Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al turismo: el turista de ferias y congresos en el País Vasco
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Congress name: Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al turismo: el turista de ferias y congresos en el País Vasco / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al turismo: el turista de ferias y congresos en el País Vasco / Date: 2006/05/03
La Eurociudad Vasca Bayona- San Sebastián: marco para una experiencia de cooperación universitaria
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Mendizabal Elias, Markel
Congress name: La Eurociudad Vasca Bayona- San Sebastián: marco para una experiencia de cooperación universitaria / Country: España / Publication name: La Eurociudad Vasca Bayona- San Sebastián: marco para una experiencia de cooperación universitaria / Start date: 2006/05/01 / End date: 2006/05/31
Providing On-Site Augmented Information for Tourists
Susperregui, Ana; Linaza, Maria Teresa; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Providing On-Site Augmented Information for Tourists / City: Lausanne / Country: Suiza / Web: / Publication name: Providing On-Site Augmented Information for Tourists / Start date: 2006/01/22 / End date: 2006/01/25
La cooperation économique dans l'Eurocité Basque. Débat et principales idées dégagées de l'atelier nº 1
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Peña Legazkue, Iñaki
Congress name: La cooperation économique dans l'Eurocité Basque. Débat et principales idées dégagées de l'atelier nº 1 / City: Niza / Country: Francia / Publication name: La cooperation économique dans l'Eurocité Basque. Débat et principales idées dégagées de l'atelier nº 1 / Start date: 2005/12/01 / End date: 2005/12/31
Usability análisis of novel environments for interacting with Cultural Heritage
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Linaza, Maria Teresa; Eskudero, Hector; Lamsfus, Carlos; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Congress name: Usability análisis of novel environments for interacting with Cultural Heritage / ISBN: 978-1568813820 / City: Pisa / Country: Italia / Publication name: Usability análisis of novel environments for interacting with Cultural Heritage / Start date: 2005/11/08 / End date: 2005/11/11
Interface evaluation for Cultural Heritage applications: The case of FERRUM exhibition
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz; Linaza, Maria Teresa; Susperregui, Ana; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Congress name: Interface evaluation for Cultural Heritage applications: The case of FERRUM exhibition / ISBN: 978-1568813820 / City: Pisa / Country: Italia / Publication name: Interface evaluation for Cultural Heritage applications: The case of FERRUM exhibition / Start date: 2005/11/08 / End date: 2005/11/11
Dynamic content generation for Cultural Tourism Applications: the case of PRISMA
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Linaza, Maria Teresa
Congress name: Dynamic content generation for Cultural Tourism Applications: the case of PRISMA / Country: España / Publication name: Dynamic content generation for Cultural Tourism Applications: the case of PRISMA / Start date: 2005/11/02 / End date: 2005/11/04
Legitimidad de las instituciones en la Europa transfonteriza: el caso de la Eurociudad Vasca
Achón Insausti, José Angel; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Mendizabal Elias, Markel
Congress name: Legitimidad de las instituciones en la Europa transfonteriza: el caso de la Eurociudad Vasca / Country: España / Publication name: Legitimidad de las instituciones en la Europa transfonteriza: el caso de la Eurociudad Vasca / Start date: 2005/10/26 / End date: 2005/10/29
Políticas culturales y sociedad del conocimiento. Implicaciones de la implementación de las tecnologías en el sector cultural
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; García, Ainara; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion
Congress name: Políticas culturales y sociedad del conocimiento. Implicaciones de la implementación de las tecnologías en el sector cultural / Country: España / Publication name: Políticas culturales y sociedad del conocimiento. Implicaciones de la implementación de las tecnologías en el sector cultural / Start date: 2005/10/19 / End date: 2005/10/22
La movilidad transfronteriza en el ámbito del consumo y la participación cultural: el caso de la eurociudad vasca
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Congress name: La movilidad transfronteriza en el ámbito del consumo y la participación cultural: el caso de la eurociudad vasca / Country: España / Publication name: La movilidad transfronteriza en el ámbito del consumo y la participación cultural: el caso de la eurociudad vasca / Start date: 2005/10/19 / End date: 2005/10/22
Análisis de la movilidad en consumo de ocio
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Análisis de la movilidad en consumo de ocio / Country: España / Publication name: Análisis de la movilidad en consumo de ocio / Date: 2005/09/08
NOMENCLATOR- Innovative Multilingual Environment for Collaborative Applications for Tourists and Cultural Organizations
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Linaza, Maria Teresa; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Congress name: NOMENCLATOR- Innovative Multilingual Environment for Collaborative Applications for Tourists and Cultural Organizations / ISBN: 978-3211241486 / City: Insbruck / Country: Austria / Publication name: NOMENCLATOR- Innovative Multilingual Environment for Collaborative Applications for Tourists and Cultural Organizations / Start date: 2005/01/26 / End date: 2005/01/28
Turismo cultural: tendencias de futuro y nuevas tecnologías
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Turismo cultural: tendencias de futuro y nuevas tecnologías / Country: España / Publication name: Turismo cultural: tendencias de futuro y nuevas tecnologías / Date: 2004/08/20
Cultura e Innovación
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Cultura e Innovación / Country: España / Publication name: Cultura e Innovación / Start date: 2004/05/12 / End date: 2004/05/13
Retos y Directrices de la política cultural europea
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Retos y Directrices de la política cultural europea / Country: España / Publication name: Retos y Directrices de la política cultural europea / Start date: 2004/05/12 / End date: 2004/05/13
Aceptación del uso de NTICs en entornos museográficos: el caso del Virtual Showcase
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Congress name: Aceptación del uso de NTICs en entornos museográficos: el caso del Virtual Showcase / ISBN: 84-7485-927-1 / Country: España / Publication name: Aceptación del uso de NTICs en entornos museográficos: el caso del Virtual Showcase / Start date: 2004/03/25 / End date: 2004/03/26
Las nuevas tecnologías: herramienta para el marketing de ciudades
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Las nuevas tecnologías: herramienta para el marketing de ciudades / Country: España / Publication name: Las nuevas tecnologías: herramienta para el marketing de ciudades / Date: 2003/09/15
Incidencia de la ética en distintos ámbitos turísticos
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Lacabe, Luis
Congress name: Incidencia de la ética en distintos ámbitos turísticos / Country: España / Publication name: Incidencia de la ética en distintos ámbitos turísticos / Start date: 2003/09/04 / End date: 2003/09/05
Planificador de su nicho de calidad: casos prácticos y el modelo SERVQUAL de medición de la mejora de la calidad
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Planificador de su nicho de calidad: casos prácticos y el modelo SERVQUAL de medición de la mejora de la calidad / Country: España / Publication name: Planificador de su nicho de calidad: casos prácticos y el modelo SERVQUAL de medición de la mejora de la calidad / Date: 2003/06/18
Calidad de servicio al cliente: Dimensión humana, dimensión profesional y las relaciones internas
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Calidad de servicio al cliente: Dimensión humana, dimensión profesional y las relaciones internas / Country: España / Publication name: Calidad de servicio al cliente: Dimensión humana, dimensión profesional y las relaciones internas / Date: 2003/06/04
Evaluación del impacto de las TIC en el visitante del museo: el caso de la Virtual Showcase
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz
Congress name: Evaluación del impacto de las TIC en el visitante del museo: el caso de la Virtual Showcase / ISBN: 84-9830-036-3 / Country: España / Publication name: Evaluación del impacto de las TIC en el visitante del museo: el caso de la Virtual Showcase / Date: 2003/05/05
Orígenes y evolución histórica en España y País Vasco
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Orígenes y evolución histórica en España y País Vasco / Country: España / Publication name: Orígenes y evolución histórica en España y País Vasco / Start date: 2003/01/01 / End date: 2003/01/31
Aplicación de Tecnologías de Realidad Virtual y Aumentada a la didáctica y la difusión del Patrimonio
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz; Linaza, M.T.; Smithers, T.; Florez, J.; Zulaika, R.; Santo Domingo, A.
Congress name: Aplicación de Tecnologías de Realidad Virtual y Aumentada a la didáctica y la difusión del Patrimonio / Country: España / Publication name: Aplicación de Tecnologías de Realidad Virtual y Aumentada a la didáctica y la difusión del Patrimonio / Start date: 2002/05/22 / End date: 2002/05/24
Aplicación de Tecnologías de realidad virtual y aumentada a la didáctica y difusión del patrimonio.
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Aplicación de Tecnologías de realidad virtual y aumentada a la didáctica y difusión del patrimonio. / Country: España / Publication name: Aplicación de Tecnologías de realidad virtual y aumentada a la didáctica y difusión del patrimonio. / Start date: 2002/05/22 / End date: 2002/05/24
Turismo y juventud: estudio cross-cultural de los jóvenes europeos
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: Turismo y juventud: estudio cross-cultural de los jóvenes europeos / Publication name: Turismo y juventud: estudio cross-cultural de los jóvenes europeos / Start date: 2000/07/03 / End date: 2000/07/07
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Congress name: HISTORIC SITE PARTICIPATION: A GROWING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE" / City: COLUMBIA / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: HISTORIC SITE PARTICIPATION: A GROWING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE" / Start date: 1998/05/27 / End date: 1998/05/31
Laboratorio Turístico de Gipuzkoa
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Fernández-Villarán Ara, Asunción; Mallona Legarreta, Miren Agurtzane
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2024/01/01 / End date: 2024/12/31
Etorkizuna Eraikiz 2024-Turismo Adimentsua
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Alonso Saenz De Oger, Sonia; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Estoquera Nuñez, Adrian; Masegosa Arredondo, Antonio David; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Ruiz Bravo, Alvaro
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2024/01/01 / End date: 2024/12/30
Laboratorio Turismo- Movilidad y Huella de Carbono
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2023/01/01 / End date: 2023/12/31
Laboratorio Turismo: Gipuzkoa-Informes de coyuntura turística
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2023/01/01 / End date: 2023/12/31
Turismo Adimentsua 2023
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2023/01/01 / End date: 2023/12/31
Madariaga Ortuzar, Aurora; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Bayon Martin, Fernando; Cuenca Amigo, Jaime; Cuenca Amigo, Macarena; Doistua Nebreda, Joseba; Fernández-Villarán Ara, Asunción; Gonzalez Morcillo, Silvia; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Lazcano Quintana, Idurre; Monteagudo Sánchez, María Jesús; San Salvador Del Valle Doistua, Roberto; Yauri Miranda, Jaseff Raziel
Abstract: GOBIERNO VASCO. DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN / Start date: 2022/07/11 / End date: 2025/12/31
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Masegosa Arredondo, Antonio David; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
Observatorio Turismo Gipuzkoa-Informes de coyuntura turística
Aliperti, Giuseppe; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
Observatorio Turismo Gipuzkoa- Tecnología Evaluación de los asistentes virtuales de la DFG.
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
Observatorio de Turismo de Gipuzkoa-Green digital transition
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
EE- Turismo 2021
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2021/01/01 / End date: 2021/12/31
Observatorio de Turismo de Gipuzkoa 2021
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Aliperti, Giuseppe; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Celis Martín, Patricia; Fernández-Villarán Ara, Asunción
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2021/01/01 / End date: 2021/12/31
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Abstract: KEVO / Start date: 2020/12/01 / End date: 2021/07/31
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Celis Martín, Patricia; Chemli, Samiha; Mugica Ulacia, Nerea
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2020/01/01 / End date: 2020/12/31
Etorkizuna Eraikiz- Turismo inteligentea 2020
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Celis Martín, Patricia
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2020/01/01 / End date: 2020/12/31
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Abstract: KEVO / Start date: 2019/12/01 / End date: 2020/06/30
Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Ageitos Varela, Nagore; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Celis Martín, Patricia; Echeberria Ochoa De Chinchetru, Alicia Itziar; Mugica Ulacia, Nerea
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2019/01/01 / End date: 2019/12/31
Analisis de Redes y Desarrollo de un Modelo de Agentes Económicos (MAE) en un destino turístico piloto
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Abstract: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) / Start date: 2018/09/03 / End date: 2019/05/31
ADI: Ciencia de los Datos y Tecnología en la Intersección de la Economía del Comportamiento y el Territorio: Inteligencia Aplicada a la Movilidad y el Diseño de las Ciudades-Región IE14-382
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2014/01/01 / End date: 2015/12/12
Retos Sociales y Culturales de un mundo en transformación
Setien Santamaria, Maria Luisa; Gomez Piñeiro, Fco. Javier; Achón Insausti, José Angel; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Date: 2008/09/01
eTourGUNE2. Turismo en la Sociedad del Conocimiento: Tecnologías aplicadas a servicios avanzados y productos turísticos.
Goytia Prat, Ana; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Achón Insausti, José Angel; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz; Aguilar Gutierrez, Eduardo
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2007/01/01 / End date: 2009/12/31
eTourGUNE2: eTurismo en la Sociedad del Conocimiento: tecnologías aplicadas a servicios avanzados y productos turísticos IE07-194
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2007/01/01 / End date: 2009/12/31
Bidaiatzera. Evaluación de la experiencia interactiva ¡FUEGO!
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion
Abstract: KOMA Serbitzu Kulturalak / Start date: 2006/09/01 / End date: 2006/12/15
OCIOMET: Sistema de información meteorológica personalizada para actividades de ocio. INF/451406/RSD/1.0
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Ministerio de Industria Turismo y Comercio / Start date: 2006/04/01 / End date: 2007/12/31
Plan de dinamización turística de Astigarraga
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Mendizabal Elias, Markel; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Start date: 2006/03/01 / End date: 2006/09/30
Incorporación de las tecnologías al ámbito de la educación no formal en espacios recreativos (ocio, turismo, recreación, cultura...): manual de buenas prácticas.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion
Start date: 2006/01/01 / End date: 2006/12/31
Incorporación de las Tecnologías al ámbito de la Educación No Formal en espacios rescreatiuvos (Ocio, Turismo, Recreación, Cultura,...): manual de buenas prácticas
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2006/01/01 / End date: 2006/12/31
eTourGUNE. eTurismo en la Sociedad del Conocimiento: tecnologías aplicadas a servicios avanzados y productos turísticos
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Achón Insausti, José Angel; Plazaola Arrondo, Alazne; Goytia, Ana; Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza; Asociación Vicomtech; Fundación Tecnalia; Fundación Labein; FUNDACION INASMET; FUNDACION ROBOTIKER / Start date: 2006/01/01 / End date: 2008/12/31
Diseño de competencias de nivel avanzado y especializado para el trabajo en entornos internacionales e interculturales
Marín Paredes, José Antonio; Recalde Delgado, Ana Isabel; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start date: 2006/01/01 / End date: 2006/11/30
eTourGUNE: eTurismo en la Sociedad del Conocimiento: Tecnologías aplicadas a servicios avanzados y productos turísticos IE06-187
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2006/01/01 / End date: 2008/12/31
Evaluación y estudio de viabilidad de servicios turísticos móviles
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Labandibar, Mikel
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza; Cicerone Entornos Interactivos, S.L. / Start date: 2005/01/01 / End date: 2005/12/31
Evaluación y estudio de viabilidad de servicios turísticos móviles, UE-2005-8
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: AZTI Tecnalia / Start date: 2005/01/01 / End date: 2005/12/31
Análisis del uso de nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en empresas y operadores culturales de Gipuzkoa
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2004/09/01 / End date: 2005/09/01
Diagnóstico de la Innovación en Turismo en la C.A. de Euskadi
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Santamaría, Francisco
Abstract: INASMET Tecnalia / Start date: 2004/09/01 / End date: 2005/06/30
Estudio sobre la Identidad y Flujos socio-económicos de la Eurociudad Vasca.
Achón Insausti, José Angel; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Peña Legazkue, Iñaki; Mendizabal Elias, Markel; Guereño Omil, Basagaitz
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2004/09/01 / End date: 2007/09/30
Análisis del uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en empresas y operadores culturales de Guipúzcoa
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2004/09/01 / End date: 2005/12/31
Análisis del uso de las nuevas tecnologías de información de la comunicación en empresas operadores culturales en Gipuzkoa
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: DIPUTACION FORAL DE GUIPUZCOA / Start date: 2004/09/01 / End date: 2005/09/01
ARACNÉ. Tecnologías de la Comunicación en el ámbito de las Humanidades
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Carreras Monfort, César; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion
Abstract: Ministerio de España; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya / Start date: 2004/07/01 / End date: 2007/06/30
Medición de la Identidad y flujos Socioeconómicos de la Eurociudad Vasca: movilidad empresarial y consumo de ocio
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2004/07/01 / End date: 2006/07/01
ARACNÉ. HUM2004-05067-C02-02/HIST
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION Y CIENCIA / Start date: 2004/07/01 / End date: 2007/06/30
PRISMA: Visión aumentada para aplicaciones de turismo cultural. IG-2005/00038
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Torres, José Ignacio
Start date: 2004/06/01 / End date: 2005/12/31
PRISMA. Visión aumentada para aplicaciones de turismo cultural.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz; Torres, José Ignacio; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion
Abstract: Asociación Vicomtech; The Movie Virtual ; Ereiten Serbitzu Kulturalak, S.L.; EREITEN Kultur Zerbitzuak / Start date: 2004/06/01 / End date: 2005/12/31
eTravelPad. Servicios turísticos móviles basados en la localización del usuario.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Labandibar, Mikel; Linaza, Maria Teresa
Abstract: Cicerone Entornos Interactivos, S.L.; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Asociación Vicomtech / Start date: 2004/04/01 / End date: 2006/12/31
AMICO: Asistentes móviles interactivos para la valorización de contenidos digitales
Iriondo, Tomás; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Ministerio de Industria Turismo y Comercio / Start date: 2004/03/01 / End date: 2005/12/31
eTravelPAD Servicios turísticos móviles basados en la localización del usuario
Labandibar, Mikel; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start date: 2004/01/01 / End date: 2005/12/31
AMICO. Asistentes móviles interactivos para la valorización de contenidos digitales.
Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Iriondo, Tomás; Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Gil Fuentetaja, Ion; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz
Abstract: Asociación Vicomtech; Kubo Kutxa Kursaal; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Gaia (Asoc. De Industrias De Las Tec. Electrónicas Y De La Información Del País Vasco) / Start date: 2004/01/01 / End date: 2005/12/31
Plan de Patrimonio Cultural de Donsotia - San Sebastián
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start date: 2003/10/01 / End date: 2004/02/01
Evaluación económica de los espacios naturales singulares de Gipuzkoa. Parque Natural Peñas de Aia.
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Start date: 2002/08/01 / End date: 2003/08/31
Schnaider, Michael; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Comisión Europea / Start date: 2002/08/01 / End date: 2003/12/31
ARTNOUVEAU. On the trasition to the digital era of arts and culture
Abad Galzacorta, Marina; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz; Schnaider, Michael
Evaluación económica de los espacios naturales singulares de Gipuzkoa. Parque Natural de Peñas de Aia. UD-CDS-Aia 02-03
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: DIPUTACION FORAL DE GUIPUZCOA / Start date: 2002/08/01 / End date: 2003/08/01
Aplicación de las Tecnologías de la realidad virtual y aumentada a la difusión del patrimonio.FIT-150500-2003-514
Flórez, Julián; Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start date: 2002/07/01 / End date: 2003/06/01
Aplicación de las tecnologías de la realidad virtual y aumentada a la difusión del patrimonio
Achón Insausti, José Angel; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene; Florez, Julian; Linaza, Maria Teresa; Arretxea Sanz, Larraitz
Start date: 2002/07/01 / End date: 2003/05/31
ERNEST: European Research Network on Sustainable Tourism
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2025/03/14
Artnouveau on the transition to the digital era of arts and culture: final report. Released to CEC 18-09-2003: IST - 2001-37863
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Comisión Europea / Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2004/03/10
Artnouveau on the transition to the digital era of arts and culture: State of the Arts. Released to CEC 18-09-2003: IST - 2001-37863
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Comisión Europea / Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2003/09/18
SmaTour: El turismo en destinos inteligentes IE12-343
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2025/03/14
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2025/03/14
Interact Programme: INTERFORM PROJECT
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2025/03/14
Artnouveau on the transition to the digital era of arts and culture
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Comisión Europea / Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2003/10/15
imFUTOURnet:Sistemas inteligentes de Gestión Turística y Servicios Avanzados en la Movilidad IE08-233
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2025/03/14
knowTour:Hacia una industria de los viajes y el turismo basada en el conocimiento IE11-305
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2025/03/14
tourSPHERES,Incidencia de las esferas personales en espacios turísticos reales, aumentados y virtuales IE10-290
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2025/03/14
tourisTEK: Tourism in Open Mobile Netoworks y nuevos métodos de medición de flujos turísticos IE09_259
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2025/03/14
ZERBITUR: Plataforma integrada de contenidos para la provisión de nuevos servicios de valor añadido en el sector turístico.
Alzua Sorzábal, Aurkene; Alzua Sorzabal Sorzabal, Aurkene
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2000/01/01 / End date: 2025/03/14
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - A New Theoretical and technological approach to measuring hotel performance. The semantic Technology based monitor as a potential alternative to existing statistics methods
Alzua Sorzabal SORZABAL, Aurkene
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Existing Hotel Market Models – Capacities and results and Limitations of current models and results. Building Dynamic Models of Hotel & Casino Markets
Alzua Sorzabal SORZABAL, Aurkene
Start date: 2013/11/14 / End date: 2025/03/14
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: The Smartphone Revolution and the Impact on Users and Managers of Urban Tourism
Alzua Sorzabal SORZABAL, Aurkene
Start date: 2013/05/28 / End date: 2025/03/14
KEYNOTE SPEAKER:ICT-based innovation: Principles for increasing tourism competitiveness. Regional Policy Dialogue on Innovation,
Alzua Sorzabal SORZABAL, Aurkene
Start date: 2013/11/06 / End date: 2025/03/14
Editorial Board
Alzua Sorzabal SORZABAL, Aurkene
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2016/08/01 / End date: 2017/08/01
Information Technology & Tourism Editorial Board
Alzua Sorzabal SORZABAL, Aurkene
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2016/01/01 / End date: 2017/06/01