Facultad de Ingeniería
Mechanics, Design and Industrial Management
umberto.biccari@deusto.esUmberto Biccari holds a Master's Degree in Mathematics from the University of Firenze (Italy) and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country. At present, he is an associate researcher in the Chair of Computational Mathematics of Fundación Deusto and lecturer in the engineering faculty, where he teaches the courses of Mathematics (Degree in ADE - Donosti Campus - 2019 and 2020) and Algebra (Degree in Computer Engineering - Bilbao Campus - 2021). He is an expert in various fields of applied and computational mathematics. Author of 15 scientific articles published in high impact indexed journals, in addition to 2 book chapters, his research activity has been positively evaluated by UNIBASQ with the recognition of 1 IKERTRAMO in 2019. Moreover, he participates in various research projects at the regional (Elkartek), national (Mineco) and international (ERC Advanced Grant) level.
CVArticles in Scientific Journals
Controllability properties from the exterior under positivity constraints for a 1-D fractional heat equation / Evolution Equations and Control Theory
Biccari, Umberto; Ponce, Rodrigo; Zamorano Aliaga, Sebastián; Warma, Mahamadi; Antil, Harbir; Warma, Mahamadi
ISBNAR: 2163-2480 / Volume: 13 / Journal number: 3 / Start page: 893 / End page: 924 / Date: 2024
Multilevel control by duality / Systems and Control Letters
Biccari, Umberto; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
ISBNAR: 0167-6911 / Volume: 175 / Start page: 105502 / End page: 105502 / Date: 2023
Multilevel Selective Harmonic Modulation via Optimal Control / Applied Mathematics and Optimization
Biccari, Umberto; Esteve Yagüe, Carlos; Oroya Villalta, Deyviss Jesús
ISBNAR: 0095-4616 / Volume: 86 / Start page: 43 / End page: 43 / Date: 2022
Multilevel Selective Harmonic Modulation by duality / IFAC-PapersOnLine
Biccari, Umberto; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
ISBNAR: 2405-8963 / Volume: 55 / Start page: 56 / End page: 56 / Date: 2022
Internal control for a non-local Schrödinger equation involving the fractional Laplace operator / Evolution Equations and Control Theory
Biccari, Umberto
ISBNAR: 2163-2480 / Volume: 11 / Start page: 301 / End page: 301 / Date: 2022
A stochastic approach to the synchronization of coupled oscillators / Frontiers in Energy Research
Biccari, Umberto; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
Volume: 8 / Date: 2020
Controllability of the one-dimensional fractional heat equation under positivity constraints / Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Biccari, Umberto; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique; Warma, Mahamadi
ISBNAR: 0010-3640 / Volume: 19 / Journal number: 4 / Start page: 1949 / End page: 1978 / Date: 2020
Propagation of One- and Two-Dimensional Discrete Waves Under Finite Difference Approximation / Foundations of Computational Mathematics
Biccari, Umberto; Marica, Aurora; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
ISBNAR: 1615-3375 / Volume: 20 / Start page: 1401 / End page: 1401 / Date: 2020
Null controllability of linear and semilinear nonlocal heat equations with an additive integral kernel / SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Biccari, Umberto; Hernández-Santamaría, Víctor
ISBNAR: 0363-0129 / Volume: 57 / Start page: 2924 / End page: 2924 / Date: 2019
Boundary controllability for a one-dimensional heat equation with a singular inverse-square potential. / Mathematical Control and Related Fields
Biccari, Umberto
ISBNAR: 2156-8472 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 9 / Start page: 191 / End page: 219 / Date: 2019
Boundary controllability for a one-dimensional heat equation with a singular inverse- square potential / Mathematical Control and Related Fields
Biccari, Umberto
ISBNAR: 2156-8472 / Volume: 9 / Start page: 191 / End page: 191 / Date: 2019
Dynamics and control for multi-agent networked systems: a finite difference PDE approach / Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
Ko, Dongnam; Biccari, Umberto; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
ISBNAR: 0218-2025 / Volume: 29 / Journal number: 4 / Start page: 755 / End page: 790 / Date: 2019
Local regularity for fractional heat equations. / Recent Advances in PDEs: Analysis, Numerics and Control
Biccari, Umberto; Warma, Mahamadi; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
ISBNAR: 2199-3041 / Date: 2018
The Poisson equation from non-local to local. / Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
Biccari, Umberto; Hernández-Santamaría, Víctor
ISBNAR: 1072-6691 / Journal number: 145 / Start page: 1 / End page: 13 / Date: 2018
Controllability of a one-dimensional fractional heat equation: theoretical and numerical aspects. / IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Biccari, Umberto; Hernández-Santamaría, Víctor
ISBNAR: 0265-0754 / Date: 2018
Addendum: Local elliptic regularity for the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian. / Advanced Nonlinear Studies
Biccari, Umberto; Warma, Mahamadi; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
ISBNAR: 1536-1365 / Volume: 4 / Journal number: 17 / Start page: 837 / End page: 839 / Date: 2017
Local elliptic regularity for the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian. / Advanced Nonlinear Studies
Biccari, Umberto; Warma, Mahamadi; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
ISBNAR: 1536-1365 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 17 / Start page: 387 / End page: 409 / Date: 2017
Null controllability for a heat equation with a singular inverse-square potential involving the distance to the boundary function / Journal of Differential Equations
Biccari, Umberto; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
ISBNAR: 0022-0396 / Volume: 5 / Journal number: 261 / Start page: 2809 / End page: 2853 / Date: 2016
Blow-up results for a logarithmic pseudo-parabolic p(.)-Laplacian type equation /
Biccari, Umberto
Date: 2000
The Poisson equation from non-local to local / Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
Hernández-Santamaría, Víctor; Biccari, Umberto
ISBNAR: 1072-6691 / Volume: 2018 / Start page: 1 / End page: 1 / Date: 2000
Addendum: Local elliptic regularity for the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian /
Warma, Mahamadi; Biccari, Umberto
Volume: 17 / Start page: 837 / End page: 837 / Date: 2000
Local elliptic regularity for the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian /
Warma, Mahamadi; Biccari, Umberto
Volume: 17 / Start page: 387 / End page: 387 / Date: 2000
Existence and cost of boundary controls for a degenerate/singular parabolic equation /
Hernández-Santamaría, Víctor; Biccari, Umberto
Volume: por aparecer / Date: 2000
Controllability of a one-dimensional fractional heat equation: theoretical and numerical aspects /
Hernández-Santamaría, Víctor; Biccari, Umberto
Volume: 36 / Start page: 1199 / End page: 1199 / Date: 2000
A two-stage numerical approach for the sparse initial source identification of a diffusion-advection equation /
Biccari, Umberto
Volume: 39 / Date: 2000
Multiplicity of solutions for fractional q(.)-Laplacian type equations /
Biccari, Umberto
Volume: 9 / Start page: 1101 / End page: 1101 / Date: 2000
Null-controllability properties of a fractional wave equation with a memory term /
Warma, Mahamadi; Biccari, Umberto
Volume: 9 / Start page: 399 / End page: 399 / Date: 2000
Chapters of Books
Control and numerical approximation of fractional diffusion equations / Handbook of Numerical Analysis
Warma, Mahamadi; Biccari, Umberto; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
Start page: 1 / End page: 58 / Date: 2022
Local regularity for fractional heat equations / Recent Advances in PDEs: Analysis, Numerics and Control
Warma, Mahamadi; Biccari, Umberto
ISBNCO: 978-3-319-97612-9 / Start page: 233 / End page: 233 / Date: 2000
Control and Machine Learning
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Control and Machine Learning / City: Almagro (Ciudad Real) / Country: España / Publication name: Control and Machine Learning / Start date: 2024/12/03 / End date: 2025/03/06
Multilevel Selective Harmonic Modulation by duality
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Multilevel Selective Harmonic Modulation by duality / City: Gif-sur-Yvette / Country: Francia / Publication name: Multilevel Selective Harmonic Modulation by duality / Start date: 2022/07/22 / End date: 2025/03/06
Multilevel control
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Multilevel control / Country: España / Publication name: Multilevel control / Start date: 2022/07/20 / End date: 2025/03/06
Multilevel Selective Harmonic Modulation via Optimal Control
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Multilevel Selective Harmonic Modulation via Optimal Control / Country: Italia / Publication name: Multilevel Selective Harmonic Modulation via Optimal Control / Start date: 2021/07/02 / End date: 2025/03/06
Controllability of fractional heat equations under positivity constraints
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Controllability of fractional heat equations under positivity constraints / Country: España / Publication name: Controllability of fractional heat equations under positivity constraints / Start date: 2020/01/28 / End date: 2025/03/06
Controllability of a 1d fractional heat equation under positivity constraints
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Controllability of a 1d fractional heat equation under positivity constraints / Country: España / Publication name: Controllability of a 1d fractional heat equation under positivity constraints / Start date: 2019/08/21 / End date: 2025/03/06
Controllability of a one-dimensional fractional heat equation: theoretical and numerical aspects
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Controllability of a one-dimensional fractional heat equation: theoretical and numerical aspects / Country: Puerto Rico / Publication name: Controllability of a one-dimensional fractional heat equation: theoretical and numerical aspects / Start date: 2018/12/05 / End date: 2025/03/06
Propagation of one and two-dimensional discrete waves under finite difference approximation
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Propagation of one and two-dimensional discrete waves under finite difference approximation / City: Bordeaux / Country: Francia / Publication name: Propagation of one and two-dimensional discrete waves under finite difference approximation / Start date: 2018/08/30 / End date: 2025/03/06
Controllability of Partial Differential Equations with integral kernels
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Controllability of Partial Differential Equations with integral kernels / Country: España / Publication name: Controllability of Partial Differential Equations with integral kernels / Start date: 2018/03/01 / End date: 2025/03/06
A Finite Element approximation of the one-dimensional fractional Poisson equation with applications to numerical control
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: A Finite Element approximation of the one-dimensional fractional Poisson equation with applications to numerical control / Country: España / Publication name: A Finite Element approximation of the one-dimensional fractional Poisson equation with applications to numerical control / Start date: 2017/08/29 / End date: 2025/03/06
Control of partial differential equations involving the fractional Lapla- cian
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Control of partial differential equations involving the fractional Lapla- cian / Country: España / Publication name: Control of partial differential equations involving the fractional Lapla- cian / Start date: 2017/08/25 / End date: 2025/03/06
Boundary controllability for a one-dimensional heat equation with two singular inverse-square potentials
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Boundary controllability for a one-dimensional heat equation with two singular inverse-square potentials / City: Oberwolfach / Country: Alemania / Publication name: Boundary controllability for a one-dimensional heat equation with two singular inverse-square potentials / Start date: 2015/11/01 / End date: 2025/03/06
Internal control for non-local Schrödinger and wave equations involving the fractional Laplace operator
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Internal control for non-local Schrödinger and wave equations involving the fractional Laplace operator / Country: España / Publication name: Internal control for non-local Schrödinger and wave equations involving the fractional Laplace operator / Start date: 2014/11/14 / End date: 2025/03/06
Internal control for a fractional Schrödinger equation via the Hilbert Uniqueness Method
Biccari, Umberto
Congress name: Internal control for a fractional Schrödinger equation via the Hilbert Uniqueness Method / Country: España / Publication name: Internal control for a fractional Schrödinger equation via the Hilbert Uniqueness Method / Start date: 2013/11/08 / End date: 2025/03/06
Dinámica y Control para el Aprendizaje Automático y la Modelización
Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique; Biccari, Umberto; Knopoff, Damian Alejandro
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Start date: 2024/09/01 / End date: 2027/08/31
Ecuaciones cinéticas y control de aprendizaje
Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique; Biccari, Umberto; Pastor López, Iker
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Start date: 2021/09/01 / End date: 2024/08/31
Nuevas tecnologías para aumentar la densidad de potencia en convertidores electrónicos
Biccari, Umberto; Oroya Villalta, Jesus; Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras / Start date: 2020/01/01 / End date: 2021/12/31
Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique; Biccari, Umberto
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Start date: 2019/01/01 / End date: 2021/09/30
2020 ROAD2DC
Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique; Alonso Vicario, Ainhoa; Biccari, Umberto; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Carballo Lozano, Christian; Castillo Calzadilla, Tony; Martin Andonegui, Cristina; Navarro Quiles, Ana; Pijoan Lamas, Ander
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Tecnología, Innovación y Competitividad / Start date: 2018/01/01 / End date: 2019/12/31
Dynamic Control and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Zuazua Iriondo, Enrique; Affili, Elisa; Arretxe Zamakona, Miren Lourdes; Biccari, Umberto; Bracho Tudares, Darlis; Crin-Barat, Timothée; Esteve Yagüe, Carlos; Hernandez Santamaria, Victor; Ko, Dongnam; Lazar, Martin; Liard, Thibault; Loheac, Jerome; Martin Uria, Javier; Monge Sanchez, Azahar; Navarro Quiles, Ana; Olmedo Rodriguez, Hector; Oroya Villalta, Jesus; Pascual Maldonado, Sergio; Sakamoto, Noboru; Zhang, Yubiao
Abstract: Universidad de Deusto; Comisión Europea / Start date: 2016/10/01 / End date: 2022/09/30
Curso recibido "An introduction to domain decomposition methods for PDEs
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2013/04/12 / End date: 2025/03/06
Ponencia: Stochastic optimization methods for the simultaneous control of parameter-dependent systems
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2020/06/12 / End date: 2025/03/06
Curso recibido "An introduction to viscosity solutions for fully nonlinear PDEs and applications to calculus of variaitons in L infinity"
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2013/05/10 / End date: 2025/03/06
Curso recibido "Numerical methods for SPDEs"
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2013/05/03 / End date: 2025/03/06
Escuela "Nonlinear water waves"
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2013/06/01 / End date: 2025/03/06
Participación en la conferencia "CDPS2017"
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2017/07/01 / End date: 2025/03/06
Participación en la conferencia "Conca60"
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2014/12/01 / End date: 2025/03/06
Participación en la conferencia "Geometrical aspects of spectral theory"
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2016/04/01 / End date: 2025/03/06
Participación en la conferencia "New trends in Partial Differential Equations"
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2017/05/01 / End date: 2025/03/06
Participación en la conferencia "Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics"
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2013/08/01 / End date: 2025/03/06
Ponencia: Dynamics and control for multi-agent networked systems: a finite difference approach
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2019/03/14 / End date: 2025/03/06
Ponencia: Internal control of evolution problems involving the fractional Laplace operator
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2014/05/20 / End date: 2025/03/06
Ponencia: Null controllability for a heat equation with a singular inverse-square potencial involving the distance to the boundary function
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2017/03/08 / End date: 2025/03/06
Ponencia: Propagation of one and two-dimensional discrete waves under finite difference approximation
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2018/07/06 / End date: 2025/03/06
Curso recibido "An introduction to fnite elements methods"
Biccari, Umberto
Start date: 2013/05/31 / End date: 2025/03/06