jon lópez gorostidi

Imagen del investigador jon lópez gorostidi

PhD in Economic Law (University of Deusto, 2021) with international and cum laude mentions, with his PhD thesis "Sobre la proporcionalidad de la respuesta penal a la ciberdelincuencia y la tutela de nuevos bienes jurídicos en el ciberespacio". Double degree in Businnes Administration and Law at the University of Deusto (2017), Master's Degree in Criminal Justice at the University of Lleida (2018), Master's Degree in Lawyering (2021). For the completion of his doctoral research he received a FPI grant from the UD. He is currently lecturer of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Deusto and Law School Vicesecretary at the Donostia-San Sebastián campus. He has obtained the Label 1 and Label 2 Certificate from the University of Deusto in the course "Teoría del delito y sus consecuencias jurídicas" and has carried out research stays at the Institute of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Philosophy of Law at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg, Germany. He is author of several publications on subjects related to criminal law and, in particular, cybercrime and its fit in with fundamental criminal principles and the theory of legal goods. He is a young corresponding member of Jakiunde since 2024.