Facultad de Ingeniería
Computing, Electronics and Communication Technologies
alberto.tellaeche@deusto.esPhD. Eng. Alberto Tellaeche Iglesias (male) holds a M.Sc in Automation and Electronics Engineering, obtained in the University of Deusto (2001), and a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering and Automation from the Computer Science faculty in the UNED (2008) with maximum qualification and honours, obtained with a research based in machine vision and pattern recognition techniques.He has more than 17 years of experience working for industrial companies, the last 12 years inTekniker foundation as a researcher, in the Smart and Autonomous Systems unit, working in machine vision, robotics, industrial computing and pattern recognition systems.He has also been a part time lecturer at the University of Deusto from 2010, in the department of Computer Science, Electronics and Communication Technologies, teaching Machine Vision and Robotics. Since 2019, he is a full time lecturer at the same university. He has numerous papers in peer reviewed international journals and contributions to several congresses related to his field of expertise, and a H-index of 12 with more than 1000 citations according to Google Scholar. He has also participated in many research projects in calls such as european FP7 and H2020, and also in national calls.
Articles in Scientific Journals
An innovative framework for supporting content-based authorship identification and analysis in social media networks / Logic Journal of the IGPL
Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Pastor López, Iker; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Sanjurjo González, Hugo; Cuzzocrea, Alfredo; Garcia Bringas, Pablo
ISBNAR: 1367-0751 / Date: 2024
A Practical Approach on Performance Assessment of Federated Learning Algorithms for Defect Detection in Industrial Applications / IEEE Access
Zuluaga, Eduard; Jaziri, Sondos; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Pastor López, Iker
ISBNAR: 2169-3536 / Date: 2023
Deep learning applications on cybersecurity: A practical approach / Neurocomputing
Miranda Garcia, Alberto; Zubillaga, Agustin; Pastor López, Iker; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Garcia Bringas, Pablo
ISBNAR: 0925-2312 / Date: 2023
Gesture-Based Human Machine Interaction Using RCNNs in Limited Computation Power Devices / Sensors
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Fidalgo Astorquia, Ignacio; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio; Saikia, Surajit
ISBNAR: 1424-8220 / Volume: 24 / Journal number: 21 / Date: 2021
On Combining Convolutional Autoencoders and Support Vector Machines for Fault Detection in Industrial Textures / Sensors
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Campos Anaya, Miguel Angel; Pajares Martinsanz, Gonzalo; Pastor López, Iker
ISBNAR: 1424-8220 / Volume: 10 / Journal number: 21 / Date: 2021
Quality assessment methodology based on machine learning with small datasets: Industrial castings defects / Neurocomputing
Pastor López, Iker; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Psaila, Giuseppe; Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Garcia Bringas, Pablo
ISBNAR: 0925-2312 / Date: 2020
Theoretical accuracy assessment of model-based photogrammetric approach for pose estimation of cylindrical elements / Measurement Science and Technology
Kortaberria, Gorka; Gomez-Acedo, Eneko; Molina, Jorge; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Minguez, Rikardo
ISBNAR: 0957-0233 / Volume: 5 / Journal number: 30 / Date: 2019
Accuracy Evaluation of Dense Matching Techniques for Casting Part Dimensional Verification / Sensors
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 1424-8220 / Volume: 18 / Date: 2018
Natural Multimodal Communication for Human-Robot Collaboration / International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 1729-8814 / Date: 2017
Close range photogrammetry for direct multiple feature positioning measurement without targets / Journal of Sensors
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 1687-725X / Volume: 2017 / Date: 2017
Robust 3D Object Model Reconstruction and Matching for Complex Automated Deburring Operations / Journal of Imaging
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 2313-433X / Volume: 2 / Date: 2016
3D machine vision and machine learning algorithms applied to quality control of percussion caps / IET Computer Vision
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 1751-9632 / Volume: 5 / Start page: 117 / End page: 117 / Date: 2011
A computer vision approach for weeds identification through Support Vector Machines / Applied Soft Computing Journal
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 1568-4946 / Volume: 11 / Start page: 908 / End page: 908 / Date: 2011
On combining vision-based hybrid classifiers for weeds detection in precision agriculture / International Journal of Reasoning Based Intelligent Systems
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 1755-0556 / Volume: 2 / Start page: 100 / End page: 100 / Date: 2010
Analysis of Natural Images Processing for the Extraction of Agricultural Elements / Image and Vision Computing
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 0262-8856 / Volume: 28 / Start page: 138 / End page: 138 / Date: 2010
Improving weed pressure assessment using digital images from an experience-based reasoning approach / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 0168-1699 / Volume: 65 / Start page: 176 / End page: 176 / Date: 2009
A new vision-based approach to differential spraying in precision agriculture / Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 0168-1699 / Volume: 60 / Start page: 144 / End page: 144 / Date: 2008
A vision-based method for weeds identification through the Bayesian decision theory / Pattern Recognition
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 0031-3203 / Volume: 41 / Start page: 521 / End page: 521 / Date: 2008
Design of a computer vision system for a differential spraying operation in precision agriculture using Hebbian learning / IET Computer Vision
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
ISBNAR: 1751-9632 / Volume: 1 / Start page: 93 / End page: 93 / Date: 2007
Chapters of Books
PIROS: Cooperative, Safe and Reconfigurable Robotic Companion for CNC Pallets Load/Unload Stations / Bringing Innovative Robotic Technologies from Research Labs to Industrial End-users.
Vicentini, Federico; Pedrocchi, Nicola; Beschi, Manuel; Giussani, Matteo; Iannacci, Niccolo; Magnoni, Paolo; Pellegrinelli, Stefania; Roveda, Loris; Villagrossi, Enrico; Askarpour, Mehrnoosh; Maurtua, Iñaki; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Becchi, Francesco; Stellin, Giovanni; Fogliazza, Giuseppe
ISBNCO: 978-3-030-34506-8 / Start page: 57 / End page: 96 / Date: 2020
Supervised Theses
Progress in industrial photogrammetry by means of markerless solutions
Date: 2019
Using Federated Learning Techniques to generalize Reinforcement Learning approaches
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Fidalgo Astorquia, Ignacio; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio; Gaviria De La Puerta, José
Congress name: Using Federated Learning Techniques to generalize Reinforcement Learning approaches / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Using Federated Learning Techniques to generalize Reinforcement Learning approaches / Start date: 2024/10/09 / End date: 2024/10/11
10 años formando ingenieros/as en el Máster Universitario en Automatización, Electrónica y Control Industrial
Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Garcia Zubia, Javier; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Garcia Quintanilla, Jose Ignacio; Landaluce Simon, Hugo; Revilla Ocejo, Julio Manuel; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Macarulla Arenaza, Ana M; Gutiérrez Olabarria, José Angel
Congress name: 10 años formando ingenieros/as en el Máster Universitario en Automatización, Electrónica y Control Industrial / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: 10 años formando ingenieros/as en el Máster Universitario en Automatización, Electrónica y Control Industrial / Start date: 2024/06/26 / End date: 2024/06/28
On Selecting Optimal Hyperparameters for Reinforcement Learning Based Robotics Applications: A Practical Approach
Fidalgo Astorquia, Ignacio; Villate Villate, Guillermo; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio
Congress name: On Selecting Optimal Hyperparameters for Reinforcement Learning Based Robotics Applications: A Practical Approach / City: Rome / Country: Italia / Publication name: On Selecting Optimal Hyperparameters for Reinforcement Learning Based Robotics Applications: A Practical Approach / Start date: 2023/11/13 / End date: 2023/11/15
A method for multi-robot arm system implementation using the ROS framework
Fidalgo Astorquia, Ignacio; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio
Congress name: A method for multi-robot arm system implementation using the ROS framework / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: A method for multi-robot arm system implementation using the ROS framework / Start date: 2022/10/06 / End date: 2022/10/07
On the creation of a robotics software architecture for AI-based advanced applications
Fidalgo Astorquia, Ignacio; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio; Pastor López, Iker
Congress name: On the creation of a robotics software architecture for AI-based advanced applications / City: Suttgart / Country: Alemania / Web: / Publication name: On the creation of a robotics software architecture for AI-based advanced applications / Start date: 2022/09/06 / End date: 2022/09/09
Fight Detection in Images Using Postural Analysis
Atxa Landa, Eneko; Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Lopez Gazpio, Iñigo; Pastor López, Iker; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Garcia Bringas, Pablo
Congress name: Fight Detection in Images Using Postural Analysis / Country: España / Publication name: Fight Detection in Images Using Postural Analysis / Date: 2021/09/01
Deep Learning Applications on Cybersecurity
Lago, Carlos; Romón Sagredo, Rafael; Pastor López, Iker; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Garcia Bringas, Pablo
Congress name: Deep Learning Applications on Cybersecurity / Country: España / Publication name: Deep Learning Applications on Cybersecurity / Date: 2021/09/01
Content-Based Authorship Identification for Short Texts in Social Media Networks
Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Pastor López, Iker; Salcedo Hernandez, Javier; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Sanjurjo González, Hugo; Cuzzocrea, Alfredo; Garcia Bringas, Pablo
Congress name: Content-Based Authorship Identification for Short Texts in Social Media Networks / Country: España / Publication name: Content-Based Authorship Identification for Short Texts in Social Media Networks / Date: 2021/09/01
Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Efficient Outdoor Parking Monitoring in Smart Cities
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Pastor López, Iker; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Garcia Bringas, Pablo
Congress name: Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Efficient Outdoor Parking Monitoring in Smart Cities / Country: España / Publication name: Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Efficient Outdoor Parking Monitoring in Smart Cities / Date: 2021/09/01
Effective Bin Picking approach by combining Deep Learning and Point Cloud Processing Techniques.
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Pastor López, Iker; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Garcia Bringas, Pablo
Congress name: Effective Bin Picking approach by combining Deep Learning and Point Cloud Processing Techniques. / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Effective Bin Picking approach by combining Deep Learning and Point Cloud Processing Techniques. / Start date: 2020/11/11 / End date: 2020/11/13
A real time vision system based on Deep Learning for gesture based human machine interaction
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Pastor López, Iker; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Garcia Bringas, Pablo
Congress name: A real time vision system based on Deep Learning for gesture based human machine interaction / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: A real time vision system based on Deep Learning for gesture based human machine interaction / Start date: 2020/11/11 / End date: 2020/11/13
Potential users' key concerns and expectations for the adoption of cobots
Kildal, Johan; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Fernandez, Izaskun; Maurtua, Iñaki
Congress name: Potential users' key concerns and expectations for the adoption of cobots / City: Estocolmo / Country: Suecia / Publication name: Potential users' key concerns and expectations for the adoption of cobots / Date: 2018/05/01
A flexible system for gesture based human-robot interaction
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Kildal, Johan; Maurtua, Iñaki
Congress name: A flexible system for gesture based human-robot interaction / City: Estocolmo / Country: Suecia / Publication name: A flexible system for gesture based human-robot interaction / Date: 2018/05/01
Use of machine vision in collaborative robotics: An industrial case
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Maurtua, Iñaki; Ibarguren, Aitor
Congress name: Use of machine vision in collaborative robotics: An industrial case / City: Berlin / Country: Alemania / Publication name: Use of machine vision in collaborative robotics: An industrial case / Date: 2016/09/01
Enhancing Safe Human-Robot Collaboration through Natural Multimodal Communication
Maurtua, Iñaki; Fernandez, Izaskun; Kildal, Johan; Susperregi, Loreto; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Ibarguren, Aitor
Congress name: Enhancing Safe Human-Robot Collaboration through Natural Multimodal Communication / City: Berlin / Country: Alemania / Publication name: Enhancing Safe Human-Robot Collaboration through Natural Multimodal Communication / Date: 2016/09/01
Interacting with collaborative robots in industrial environments: A semantic approach
Maurtua, Iñaki; Fernandez, Izaskun; Kildal, Johan; Susperregi, Loreto; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Ibarguren, Aitor
Congress name: Interacting with collaborative robots in industrial environments: A semantic approach / City: Londres / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: Interacting with collaborative robots in industrial environments: A semantic approach / Date: 2016/05/01
Human Robot interaction. Examples from research centers to industry
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Human Robot interaction. Examples from research centers to industry / City: Luxemburgo / Country: Luxemburgo / Publication name: Human Robot interaction. Examples from research centers to industry / Start date: 2015/09/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
6DOF pose estimation of objects for robotic manipulation. A review of different options
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: 6DOF pose estimation of objects for robotic manipulation. A review of different options / Country: España / Publication name: 6DOF pose estimation of objects for robotic manipulation. A review of different options / Start date: 2014/09/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Machine Learning Algorithms for Quality Control in Plastic Molding Industry
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Machine Learning Algorithms for Quality Control in Plastic Molding Industry / City: Cagliari / Country: Italia / Publication name: Machine Learning Algorithms for Quality Control in Plastic Molding Industry / Start date: 2013/09/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Rapid Data Acquistion for Complex Algorithm Testing in Plastic Molding Industry
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Rapid Data Acquistion for Complex Algorithm Testing in Plastic Molding Industry / City: Estocolmo / Country: Suecia / Publication name: Rapid Data Acquistion for Complex Algorithm Testing in Plastic Molding Industry / Start date: 2013/07/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
The potential of optical on-line sensor systems for monitoring of lubricating oil in aircraft gas turbines
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: The potential of optical on-line sensor systems for monitoring of lubricating oil in aircraft gas turbines / City: Biarritz / Country: Francia / Publication name: The potential of optical on-line sensor systems for monitoring of lubricating oil in aircraft gas turbines / Start date: 2012/10/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Accurate correction of robot trajectories generated by teaching using 3D vision by laser triangulation
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Accurate correction of robot trajectories generated by teaching using 3D vision by laser triangulation / ISBN: 978-3-642-33502-0 / City: Montreal / Country: Canada / Publication name: Accurate correction of robot trajectories generated by teaching using 3D vision by laser triangulation / Start date: 2012/10/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Robotics for the benefit of footwear industry
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Robotics for the benefit of footwear industry / ISBN: 978-3-642-33514-3 / City: Montreal / Country: Canada / Publication name: Robotics for the benefit of footwear industry / Start date: 2012/10/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Robotics Solutions for Footwear Industry
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Robotics Solutions for Footwear Industry / ISBN: 978-1-4673-4735-8 / City: Krakow / Country: Polonia / Publication name: Robotics Solutions for Footwear Industry / Start date: 2012/09/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Machine learning and multivariate calibration techniques applied to Kiwifruit brix content monitoring with near infrared spectroscopy
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Machine learning and multivariate calibration techniques applied to Kiwifruit brix content monitoring with near infrared spectroscopy / City: Budapest / Country: Hungria / Publication name: Machine learning and multivariate calibration techniques applied to Kiwifruit brix content monitoring with near infrared spectroscopy / Start date: 2012/06/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Accurate manual guided robot programming and trajectory correction using 3D vision by laser triangulation
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Accurate manual guided robot programming and trajectory correction using 3D vision by laser triangulation / City: St. Paul / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Accurate manual guided robot programming and trajectory correction using 3D vision by laser triangulation / Start date: 2012/05/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
3D machine vision and Artificial Neural Networks for quality inspection in mass production pieces
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: 3D machine vision and Artificial Neural Networks for quality inspection in mass production pieces / ISBN: 978-1-4244-6849-2 / Country: España / Publication name: 3D machine vision and Artificial Neural Networks for quality inspection in mass production pieces / Start date: 2010/09/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Automatic Quality Inspection of Percussion Cap Mass Production by means of 3D Machine Vision and Machine Learning Techniques
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Automatic Quality Inspection of Percussion Cap Mass Production by means of 3D Machine Vision and Machine Learning Techniques / ISBN: 978-3-642-13768-6 / Country: España / Publication name: Automatic Quality Inspection of Percussion Cap Mass Production by means of 3D Machine Vision and Machine Learning Techniques / Date: 2010/06/01
Automatic Inspection of percussion caps by means of combined 2D and 3D machine vision techniques
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Automatic Inspection of percussion caps by means of combined 2D and 3D machine vision techniques / City: Roma / Country: Italia / Publication name: Automatic Inspection of percussion caps by means of combined 2D and 3D machine vision techniques / Start date: 2010/05/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Optimisation of Natural Images Processing using different Evolutionary Algorithms
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Optimisation of Natural Images Processing using different Evolutionary Algorithms / ISBN: 978-1-4244-1823-7 / City: Hong Kong / Country: China / Publication name: Optimisation of Natural Images Processing using different Evolutionary Algorithms / Start date: 2008/06/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
A Vision-Based Hybrid Classifier for Weeds Detection in Precision Agriculture through the Bayesian and Fuzzy k-Means paradigms
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: A Vision-Based Hybrid Classifier for Weeds Detection in Precision Agriculture through the Bayesian and Fuzzy k-Means paradigms / ISBN: 978-3-540-74971-4 / Country: España / Publication name: A Vision-Based Hybrid Classifier for Weeds Detection in Precision Agriculture through the Bayesian and Fuzzy k-Means paradigms / Start date: 2007/11/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Procesamiento de Imagen para Estimar la Cantidad de Malas Hierbas Gramíneas en Cultivos de Cereal de Invierno
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Procesamiento de Imagen para Estimar la Cantidad de Malas Hierbas Gramíneas en Cultivos de Cereal de Invierno / ISBN: 978-84-87787-24-9 / Country: España / Publication name: Procesamiento de Imagen para Estimar la Cantidad de Malas Hierbas Gramíneas en Cultivos de Cereal de Invierno / Date: 2007/11/01
A Vision-based Classifier in Precision Agriculture Combining Bayes and Support Vector Machines
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: A Vision-based Classifier in Precision Agriculture Combining Bayes and Support Vector Machines / ISBN: 1-4244-0829-6 / Country: España / Publication name: A Vision-based Classifier in Precision Agriculture Combining Bayes and Support Vector Machines / Date: 2007/10/01
On Combining Support Vector Machines and Fuzzy K-Means in Vision-based Precision Agriculture
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: On Combining Support Vector Machines and Fuzzy K-Means in Vision-based Precision Agriculture / ISBN: 978-975-01752-1-3 / City: Praga / Country: Republica Checa / Publication name: On Combining Support Vector Machines and Fuzzy K-Means in Vision-based Precision Agriculture / Start date: 2007/07/01 / End date: 2025/03/05
Segmentación de imágenes para Agricultura selectiva
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Congress name: Segmentación de imágenes para Agricultura selectiva / ISBN: 84-689-9417-0 / Country: España / Publication name: Segmentación de imágenes para Agricultura selectiva / Date: 2006/06/01
Transformación de la ingeniería de sistemas IA para mejorar la eficiencia y el impacto medioambiental a través de GREen COmputing
Pastor López, Iker; Boto Sanchez, Fernando; Chen, Lingfeng; Clar Duran, Violeta; Díez Blanco, Luis Enrique; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Gómez Larrakoetxea, Nerea; Gude Prego, Juan Jose; Martinez-Ayo Iñurria, Iker; Pradera Escudero, Ane; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Ramon Diaz, Liang Hao; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Garcia Quintanilla, Jose Ignacio; Loinaz Beloki, Asier; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Abstract: Iberdrola Distribucion Electrica S.A. / Start date: 2024/09/01 / End date: 2025/08/31
Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Gómez Larrakoetxea, Nerea; Pastor López, Iker; Ramon Diaz, Liang Hao; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Torre Fernandez, Imanol; Vicente Saez, Javier; Villate Villate, Guillermo
Masegosa Arredondo, Antonio David; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Ccesa Quincho, Mercedes; Clar Duran, Violeta; Díez Blanco, Luis Enrique; Egaña Aretxabaleta, Aimar; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Fajardo Calderín, Jenny; Fernandes, Alcides De Araujo; Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Landaluce Simon, Hugo; Lerma Martínez, Francisco; Martínez Miranda, Asier; Ortiz De Zarate González, Lucas; Parra Ledesma, Alazne; Pastor López, Iker; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Pradera Escudero, Ane; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Deusto for Knowledge - D4K-IT1528-22
Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Lázaro González, Javier; Pastor López, Iker; Sanjurjo González, Hugo; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Abstract: GOBIERNO VASCO. DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2025/12/31
Edge Technologies for Industrial Distributed AI Applications. ELKARTEK 2022
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Gonzalez Santocildes, Asier; Jaziri, Sondos; Landaluce Simon, Hugo; Legarda Macon, Jon; Lopez Garde, Juan Manuel; Macarulla Arenaza, Ana M; Mínguez Alonso, Idoia; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio; Villate Villate, Guillermo
REal tiME control and embeddeD securitY
Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Barcina Blanco, Marcos; Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Gude Prego, Juan Jose; Lago Vilariño, Ana Belen; Martinez Seras, Aitor; Pastor López, Iker; Rey Arnal, Danel; Sanjurjo González, Hugo; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Zamora Arranz, David
AI-Driven Cognitive Robotic Platform for Agile Production environments
Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio; Benitez Rodriguez, Olga; Campos Granados, Jose Antonio; Eskubi Astobiza, Joseba; Fidalgo Astorquia, Ignacio; Ibarra Ariño, Maider; Lopez Gazpio, Iñigo; Maño Archilla, Laura; Pastor López, Iker; Saikia, Surajit; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Val Roman, Jose Luis Del; Vicente Saez, Javier; Zabala Armendariz, Garbiñe
Abstract: Comisión Europea; fFundación Centro de Tecnologías de Interacción Visual y Comunicaciones Vicontech / Start date: 2021/01/01 / End date: 2024/12/31
Creating Trust in the Industrial Digital Transformation
Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Arguiñano Rojo, Ander; Barcina Blanco, Marcos; Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Gude Prego, Juan Jose; Lago Vilariño, Ana Belen; Pastor López, Iker; Rey Arnal, Danel; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Zamora Arranz, David
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras / Start date: 2020/09/01 / End date: 2022/06/30
Computación distribuida e Interoperable para una inteLigencia Artificial en tiempo Real en Smart Factories_ HAZITEK 2020
Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Barcina Blanco, Marcos; Cerro Fernández, Javier; Elices Zabala, Monica; Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Gude Prego, Juan Jose; Lecuona Ezcurdia, Ignacio; Martinez Seras, Aitor; Pastor López, Iker; Rey Arnal, Danel; Sanjurjo González, Hugo; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Sasia Santos, Pedro Manuel; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Zamora Arranz, David
Abstract: SEMANTIC SYSTEMS SOCIEDAD LIMITADA; ARANIA SA / Start date: 2020/09/01 / End date: 2022/12/31
Técnicas avanzadas de Inteligencia Artificial aplicadas a nuevas fuentes de datos y al uso de modos emergentes de movilidad para un transporte más sostenible
Masegosa Arredondo, Antonio David; Angarita Zapata, Juan S.; Bermejo Fernandez, Unai; Fajardo Calderín, Jenny; Gómez Larrakoetxea, Nerea; Lopez Gazpio, Iñigo; Osei, Salomey; Pastor López, Iker; Rodriguez Esparza, Erick; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Start date: 2020/06/01 / End date: 2023/05/31
Tecnologías base para la DIGITALización Industrial
Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Fernández Muga, Pablo; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio; Villar Martinez, Aitor; Zamora Arranz, David
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras / Start date: 2019/10/08 / End date: 2020/12/31
Industrial PROduct Configuration DECission Support System
Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Cantero Lopez, Xabier; Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Gómez Larrakoetxea, Nerea; Masegosa Arredondo, Antonio David; Pastor López, Iker; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Abstract: SEMANTIC SYSTEMS SOCIEDAD LIMITADA; Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras / Start date: 2019/10/08 / End date: 2019/12/31
AINGURA_ATERRIZA:Desarrollo de soluciones bienes de equipo basados en tecnologías de analítica avanzada en un despliegue industrial implementando arquitecturas mixtas edge / cloud computing
Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Pastor López, Iker; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Sanz Urquijo, Borja; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras; AINGURA IIoT, S.L.U / Start date: 2019/09/01 / End date: 2020/03/31
TITNIUM_ATERRIZA:Desarrollo de soluciones bienes de equipo basados en tecnologías de analítica avanzada en un despliegue industrial implementando arquitecturas mixtas edge / cloud computing
Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Gaviria De La Puerta, José; Goti Elordi, Aitor; Muro De La Herran, Alvaro Javier; Pastor López, Iker; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras; Titanium Industrial Security, S.L / Start date: 2019/09/01 / End date: 2020/03/31
Etxe-Tar_ ATERRIZA: Desarrollo de soluciones bienes de equipo basados en tecnologías de analítica avanzada en un despliegue industrial implementando arquitecturas mixtas edge / cloud computing
Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Almeida Escondrillas, Aitor; Emaldi Manrique, Mikel; Goti Elordi, Aitor; Moreno Emborujo, Asier; Pastor López, Iker; Serrano Olabarri, Leire; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras; ETXE-TAR, S.A / Start date: 2019/09/01 / End date: 2020/03/31
FLEXBAN: Nueva plataforma de máquinas FLEXible, compacta para el mecanizado de BANjos de alta productividad
Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto; Almeida Escondrillas, Aitor; Martin Ahedo, Galder; Pastor López, Iker
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras; ETXE-TAR, S.A / Start date: 2019/09/01 / End date: 2020/03/31
ETXE-TAR Industria 19/20
Goti Elordi, Aitor; Cortés Martínez, Fernando; Garcia Bringas, Pablo; García Gil, Eduardo; Revilla Ocejo, Julio Manuel; Tellaeche Iglesias, Alberto
Abstract: ETXE-TAR, S.A / Start date: 2019/01/01 / End date: 2020/08/31
Participación en Tribunal de Tesis Doctoral "Medical Devices with Embedded Electronics: Design and Development Methodology for Start-Ups"
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2023/07/12 / End date: 2025/03/05