Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales - Deusto Business School
adela.balderas@deusto.esFollow me:
Articles in Scientific Journals
Towards a deeper understanding of senior tourists: challenges and opportunities of an emerging market segment. / REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE TURISMO, EMPRESA Y TERRITORIO
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 2530-7134 / Date: 2024
Beyond Tourism: The Importance of Baby Boomer Generation Volunteers / Journal of Population Ageing
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 1874-7876 / Date: 2024
The role of perceived risk and information security on customers' acceptance of service robots in the hotel industry. / International Journal of Hospitality Management
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 0278-4319 / Date: 2024
Hotel Customers' Behavioral Intentions toward Service Robots: The Role of Utilitarian and Hedonic Values / Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 1096-3480 / Date: 2023
Tourism towards healthy lives and well-being for older adults and senior citizens: tourism agenda 2030. / Tourism Review
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 1660-5373 / Date: 2023
Volunteer tourism: The future of baby boomer tourists in a post pandemic world / Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 1447-6770 / Date: 2023
Tourism as a means of happiness and subjective well-being for older travellers / ANDULI
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 1696-0270 / Date: 2023
Tourism towards healthy lives and well-being for older adults and senior citizens: tourism / Tourism Review
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 1660-5373 / Date: 2022
Baby boomers and their growing interest in spa and wellness tourism / International Journal of Spa and Wellness
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 2472-1735 / Date: 2022
Discovering silver market segments in cooking courses: the case of Basque Culinary Center / International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 1878-450X / Date: 2022
Factors affecting hotel manager´s intentions to adopt robotic technologies: a global study / International Journal of Hospitality Management
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 0278-4319 / Date: 2022
Innovation in online food delivery: Learnings from COVID-19 / International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 1878-450X / Volume: 24 / Date: 2021
Gastronomy: a customer study of restaurant in Cordoba (Spain) included in a prestigious guide / REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE TURISMO, EMPRESA Y TERRITORIO
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 2530-7134 / Date: 2019
Senior Foodies:A developing niche market in gastronomic tourism / International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 1878-450X / Journal number: 16 / Date: 2019
Towards a deeper understanding of senior tourists: challenges and opportunities of an emerging market segment / Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 2659-3580 / Date: 2019
Continuing and Emerging Trends of Senior Tourism: A Review of the Literature / Journal of Population Ageing
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNAR: 1874-7884 / Journal number: 13 / Date: 2018
Changing Trends in the Baby Boomer Travel Market: Importance of Memorable Experiences / Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management,
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Volume: 4 / Journal number: 26 / Date: 2017
The Strategic Impact of Country of Origin on Senior Tourism Demand: the Need to Balance Global and Local Strategies / Journal of Population Ageing
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela; Rivera Hernáez, Olga
ISBNAR: 1874-7876 / Journal number: 9 / Date: 2016
Reinvent your leadership
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNLM: 9788411920131 / Date: 2024
Reinventa tu liderazgo: segunda edición revisada
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNLM: 978-8411920131 / Date: 2024
Reinventa tu liderazgo: 12 claves para gestionar equipos
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Date: 2021
Creación de la red de emprendimiento de Bizkaia Sarekin. Proceso metodológico de cocreación
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNLM: 978-84-09-17023-4 / Date: 2019
Senior Tourism: Determinants, motivations and behaviour in a globalized and evolving market segment
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNLM: 978-8417513511 / Date: 2018
Chapters of Books
Enhancing the Well-Being of Students by Overcoming the Impostor Phenomenon: A Case Study of Two Universities / Nurturing Student Well-Being in the Modern World
Buenechea Elberdin, Marta; Baniandrés Avendaño, Josune; Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela; Gartzia Fernandez, Leire
ISBNCO: 9798369314555 / Start page: 245 / End page: 274 / Date: 2025
Baby boomers and sustainable tourism: The need for a new research agenda. / Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology.
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 9781003291763 / Date: 2024
El aprendizaje-servicio (ApS) en colaboración con organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro / La formación integral del alumnado universitario para responder a los retos de la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social
Narvaiza Cantin, Lorea; O'Higgins, Ciara; Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela; Peñalba Aguirrezabalaga, Carmela
ISBNCO: 978-84-1357-313-7 / Start page: 61 / End page: 70 / Date: 2023
Resilient leadership in the tourism industry. / Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela; Buenechea Elberdin, Marta; Baniandrés Avendaño, Josune
Start page: 210 / End page: 219 / Date: 2023
Baby boomers and sustainable tourism: The need for a new research agenda / Routledge Handbook of Trends and Issues in Tourism Sustainability, Planning and Development, Management, and Technology
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Date: 2023
De rutas turísticas, patrimonio cultural y agenda 2030. Algunas claves para el bienestar y la felicidad de turistas senior. / Turismo y patrimonio. Enfoques para la gestión
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Date: 2023
Communicating Sustainability to Wine Tourists; the Next "Big Thing" for the Landmark Wineries: The Case of Emilio Moro Wineries. / Handbook of Research on Sustainability Challenges in the Wine Industry
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Date: 2023
Sustainability and Wine Tourism: New Challenges and Opportunities for a More Conscious Consumer ? The Case of Gramona Wineries / Handbook of Research on Sustainability Challenges in the Wine Industry,
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Date: 2023
Engaging Guests: How can hotels engage guests in the sustainability endeavours/experiences? / Routledge Critical Questions in Sustainability and Hospitality.
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Date: 2023
Liderazgo, compasión y felicidad: una apuesta de presente y futuro / El Happiness Management. Un cisne amarillo que vuela hacia el marketing social, la felicidad y el bienestar.
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 9788419376343 / Date: 2022
Senior travelers and wine tourism experience: Opportunities of an evolving market segment / Senior travelers and wine tourism experience: Opportunities of an evolving market segment. The Routledge Handbook of Wine Tourism
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 9781003143628 / Date: 2022
Role of great wine capitals network in making wine tourism a competitive factor of a territory. / Routledge Handbook of Wine Tourism.
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Date: 2022
Senior Travellers Experience / Senior Traveller Experience. The Encyclopedia of Tourism Management
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 9781800377479 / Date: 2022
Resilience of Tourism Employees. / Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 9781800377479 / Date: 2022
The market power of older travellers and how they are portrayed: a practical approach to an increasing market segment / La gestión turística del patrimonio:una visión multidisciplinar
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 978-84-1125-521-9 / Date: 2022
Luxury Tourism in the New Normal: In search of the New Memorability; / Handbook of Luxury Management for Hospitality and Tourism
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 9781839829017 / Date: 2022
Michelin starred restaurants and its contribution to luxury tourism / The Emerald Handbook of Luxury Management for Tourism and Hospitality
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 9781839829017 / Date: 2022
Gastronomic tourism and the senior foodies market / Gastronomy and food science
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 978-0-12-820057-5 / Date: 2021
Senior Tourism and customer experience: links and opportunities / The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Experience Management and Marketing
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Date: 2020
Senior travelers: An emerging market segment in gastronomic tourism / The Routledge Handbook of Gastronomic Tourism
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Date: 2020
Aging well / Encyclopedia of gerontology and population ageing
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Date: 2019
Senior travellers: tourism and its role on an active and healthy ageing / Envelhecimiento como perspectiva futura
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 978-84-1309-827-2 / Date: 2019
Senior tourism: An emerging and attractive market segment for destinations / The Routledge Handbook of Destination Marketing
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: Senior tourism: An e / Date: 2018
The silver segment: A case study on how to adapt marketing strategies to segmentation opportunities in the hospitality industry. / Routledge Handbook of Hospitality Marketing
Rivera Hernáez, Olga; Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 9781315445526 / Start page: 255 / End page: 268 / Date: 2017
The Silver Segment : a case study on how to adapt Marketing Strategies to Segmentation Opportunities in the Hospitality Industry. / Routledge Handbook of Hospitality Marketing.
Rivera Hernáez, Olga; Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
ISBNCO: 978-1138214668 / Start page: 255 / End page: 268 / Date: 2017
On People and Ageing: Opportunities in an Overlooked and Misunderstood Market Segment
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: On People and Ageing: Opportunities in an Overlooked and Misunderstood Market Segment / City: Tokyo / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: On People and Ageing: Opportunities in an Overlooked and Misunderstood Market Segment / Start date: 2024/03/25 / End date: 2024/03/29
Claves para la gestión de los equipos y las personas.
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Claves para la gestión de los equipos y las personas. / Country: España / Publication name: Claves para la gestión de los equipos y las personas. / Start date: 2023/11/24 / End date: 2023/11/26
Happiness Management
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Happiness Management / City: Salamanca / Country: España / Publication name: Happiness Management / Date: 2022/11/11
Turismo senior y envejecimiento saludable: una mirada global
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Turismo senior y envejecimiento saludable: una mirada global / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Turismo senior y envejecimiento saludable: una mirada global / Start date: 2022/10/20 / End date: 2022/10/21
Older women travellers: embracing well-being, empowerment and life satisfaction
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Older women travellers: embracing well-being, empowerment and life satisfaction / City: ICELAND / Country: Islandia / Web: / Publication name: Older women travellers: embracing well-being, empowerment and life satisfaction / Start date: 2022/06/30 / End date: 2022/07/02
Travelling the World: The Benefits in Health and Wellbeing of Leisure Experiences for Older Tourists
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Travelling the World: The Benefits in Health and Wellbeing of Leisure Experiences for Older Tourists / Country: Islandia / Web: / Publication name: Travelling the World: The Benefits in Health and Wellbeing of Leisure Experiences for Older Tourists / Start date: 2022/06/28 / End date: 2022/06/30
El aprendizaje-servicio (ApS) como herramienta para desarrollar el trabajo en equipo en colaboración con organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro
Narvaiza Cantin, Lorea; O'Higgins, Ciara; Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela; Peñalba Aguirrezabalaga, Carmela
Congress name: El aprendizaje-servicio (ApS) como herramienta para desarrollar el trabajo en equipo en colaboración con organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro / Publication name: El aprendizaje-servicio (ApS) como herramienta para desarrollar el trabajo en equipo en colaboración con organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro / Date: 2022/06/08
Older Women Travellers
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Older Women Travellers / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: Older Women Travellers / Start date: 2022/03/18 / End date: 2022/03/19
Senior Travellers. A mainstream tourism segment?
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Senior Travellers. A mainstream tourism segment? / City: Gangneung / Country: Corea Del Sur / Web: / Publication name: Senior Travellers. A mainstream tourism segment? / Start date: 2021/10/27 / End date: 2021/10/29
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: TRENDS AND CHALLENGES IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: THE SENIOR TRAVELERS / ISBN: 978-0-9964244-4-8 / City: Portsmouth / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: TRENDS AND CHALLENGES IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: THE SENIOR TRAVELERS / Start date: 2019/07/09 / End date: 2019/07/12
Trends and Challenges in the Hospitality Industry: The Senior Travellers. In 9th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Trends and Challenges in the Hospitality Industry: The Senior Travellers. In 9th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism / ISBN: 978-0-9964244-4-8 / City: 978-0-9964244-4-8 / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: Trends and Challenges in the Hospitality Industry: The Senior Travellers. In 9th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism / Start date: 2019/06/09 / End date: 2019/06/12
Más allá de la experiencia de cliente
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Más allá de la experiencia de cliente / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Más allá de la experiencia de cliente / Start date: 2019/02/21 / End date: 2019/02/22
Understanding senior tourism: challenges and opportunities of an emerging market segment
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Understanding senior tourism: challenges and opportunities of an emerging market segment / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Understanding senior tourism: challenges and opportunities of an emerging market segment / Start date: 2019/02/21 / End date: 2019/02/23
Improving the entrepreneurship support network through collaboration among agents of biscayan ecosystem
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Improving the entrepreneurship support network through collaboration among agents of biscayan ecosystem / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Improving the entrepreneurship support network through collaboration among agents of biscayan ecosystem / Start date: 2018/06/14 / End date: 2018/06/16
Towards a deeper comprehension of the silver tourism and its link to an active and healthy ageing
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Towards a deeper comprehension of the silver tourism and its link to an active and healthy ageing / City: Oxford / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: Towards a deeper comprehension of the silver tourism and its link to an active and healthy ageing / Date: 2017/09/26
Senior tourism and hospitality industry: challenges and opportunities for improving the customer experience of an evolving market segment
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Senior tourism and hospitality industry: challenges and opportunities for improving the customer experience of an evolving market segment / ISBN: 978-0-9964244-2-4 / City: Famagusta / Country: Chipre / Publication name: Senior tourism and hospitality industry: challenges and opportunities for improving the customer experience of an evolving market segment / Start date: 2017/07/10 / End date: 2017/07/15
Tourism and Hospitality con el case study Nh Hoteles
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Tourism and Hospitality con el case study Nh Hoteles / Country: España / Publication name: Tourism and Hospitality con el case study Nh Hoteles / Start date: 2017/06/29 / End date: 2017/06/30
The Rise of Senior Tourism
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: The Rise of Senior Tourism / Country: España / Publication name: The Rise of Senior Tourism / Date: 2017/06/29
Health and Senior Tourism: Its impact as determinant, as motivator and as Result,
Rivera Hernáez, Olga; Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Health and Senior Tourism: Its impact as determinant, as motivator and as Result, / City: Lisboa / Country: Portugal / Web: / Publication name: Health and Senior Tourism: Its impact as determinant, as motivator and as Result, / Start date: 2016/10/26 / End date: 2016/10/29
Towards an Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) approach for senior tourism: A triple helix model of Health as motivation, as determinant and as a result.
Rivera Hernáez, Olga; Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Towards an Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) approach for senior tourism: A triple helix model of Health as motivation, as determinant and as a result. / City: Tampère / Country: Finlandia / Web: / Publication name: Towards an Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) approach for senior tourism: A triple helix model of Health as motivation, as determinant and as a result. / Start date: 2016/06/19 / End date: 2016/06/22
Strategic Impact of the Country of Origin for Senior Tourism Demand: The Need to Balance Global and Local Strategies
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Congress name: Strategic Impact of the Country of Origin for Senior Tourism Demand: The Need to Balance Global and Local Strategies / Country: Portugal / Publication name: Strategic Impact of the Country of Origin for Senior Tourism Demand: The Need to Balance Global and Local Strategies / Start date: 2014/11/26 / End date: 2014/11/29
Role of the longevity economy in the tourism sector
Balderas Cejudo, Maria Adela
Abstract: U?daroji akcin? bendrov? (UAB) / Start date: 2024/05/06 / End date: 2024/11/02
Contratada Doctor
Balderas Cejudo, MARIA Adela
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2019/10/22 / End date: 2025/03/04
Best Paper Award
Balderas Cejudo, MARIA Adela
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2014/11/26 / End date: 2025/03/04
International Ageing Award 2018 for the Scientific and Professional Dedication to Seniors by the AIAA-ANGES National Association of Social Gerontology. Ageing Congress Coimbra, Portugal (2018).
Balderas Cejudo, MARIA Adela
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2018/07/08 / End date: 2025/03/04
Profesora Titular de Universidad ANECA
Balderas Cejudo, MARIA Adela
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2024/06/27 / End date: 2025/03/04
Premio Mejor Docente Nacional 2019.
Balderas Cejudo, MARIA Adela
Merit type: Mérito Docente / Start date: 2019/11/07 / End date: 2025/03/04
Profesora Ayudante doctor
Balderas Cejudo, MARIA Adela
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2019/10/22 / End date: 2025/03/04
Universidad Privada
Balderas Cejudo, MARIA Adela
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2019/10/22 / End date: 2025/03/04
International Research Grant 2014. Great Wine Capitals. 'Positioning Tourism Destinations: Wine as a competitive factor of a territory'. Conference Great Wine Capitals Congress Argentina.
Balderas Cejudo, MARIA Adela
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2014/05/07 / End date: 2025/03/04