Facultad de Ingeniería
Computing, Electronics and Communication Technologies
roberto.carballedo@deusto.esFollow me:
Articles in Scientific Journals
The Definition of a self-reflection tool named Aurora for the assessment of university professors´digital competence / Digital Education Review
Arruti Gómez, Arantza; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Bilbao Aiastui, Eider
ISBNAR: 2013-9144 / Journal number: 44 / Start page: 24 / End page: 32 / Date: 2023
Certificación digital: cómo el ecosistema blockchain transformará nuestros títulos y certificados académicos / Revista Deusto Ingeniería
Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Román Ibarra, Leire
ISBNAR: 2171-858X / Date: 2022
Autopercepción de la competencia digital del alumnado del grado en Educación Social con Ikanos / Campus Virtuales
Paños Castro, Jessica; Bilbao Aiastui, Eider; Arruti Gómez, Arantza; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNAR: 2255-1514 / Volume: 11 / Journal number: 01 / Start page: 51 / End page: 62 / Date: 2022
Una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el nivel de competencias digitales definidas por DigCompEdu en la educación superior / Aula Abierta
Bilbao Aiastui, Eider; Arruti Gómez, Arantza; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNAR: 0210-2773 / Volume: 50 / Journal number: 4 / Start page: 841 / End page: 850 / Date: 2021
Skills Requirements for the European Machine Tool Sector Emerging from Its Digitalization / Metals
Akyazi Tasci, Tugçe; Goti Elordi, Aitor; Oyarbide Zubillaga, Aitor; Alberdi -, Elisabete; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Garcia Bringas, Pablo
ISBNAR: 2075-4701 / Volume: 12 / Journal number: 10 / Start page: 1665 / Date: 2020
Good Practice Proposal for the Implementation, Presentation, and Comparison of Metaheuristics for Solving Routing Problems / Neurocomputing
Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Masegosa Arredondo, Antonio David; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
ISBNAR: 0925-2312 / Volume: 271 / Start page: 2 / End page: 8 / Date: 2018
Smart Bandwidth Assignation in an Underlay Cellular Network for Internet of Vehicles / Sensors
Iglesia Carril, Idoia De La; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNAR: 1424-8220 / Volume: 17 / Journal number: 10 / Date: 2017
An improved discrete bat algorithm for symmetric and asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problems / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Yang, Xin-She; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Lopez Garcia, Pedro; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNAR: 0952-1976 / Volume: 48 / Start page: 59 / End page: 71 / Date: 2016
A migration strategy for distributed evolutionary algorithms on stopping non-promising subpopulation: A case study on routing problems / International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Lopez Garcia, Pedro; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
ISBNAR: 0974-0635 / Volume: 13 / Journal number: 2 / Start page: 46 / End page: 56 / Date: 2015
AMCPA: A Population Metaheuristic With Adaptive Crossover Probability and Multi-Crossover Mechanism for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems / International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
ISBNAR: 0974-0635 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 12 / Start page: 1 / End page: 23 / Date: 2014
New results in the suitability analysis of using blind crossover operators in genetic algorithms for solving routing problems / Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara - Transactions on Electronics and Communications
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
ISBNAR: 1583-3380 / Date: 2014
Ubiquitous Connected Train Based on Train-to-Ground and Intra-Wagon Communications Capable of Providing on Trip Customized Digital Services for Passengers / Sensors
Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Azpilicueta, Leire; Falcone, Francisco; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Astrain, Jose Javier; Bahillo Martinez, Alfonso; Villadangos, Jesus
ISBNAR: 1424-8220 / Volume: 5 / Journal number: 14 / Start page: 8003 / End page: 8025 / Date: 2014
Multi-Crossover and Adaptive Island Based Population Algorithm for Solving Routing Problems / Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C %u2013 Computer & Electronics
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Zhang, Xiao
ISBNAR: 1869-1951 / Volume: 11 / Journal number: 14 / Start page: 815 / End page: 821 / Date: 2013
Chapters of Books
Trabajando el desarrollo integral del alumnado por medio del aprendizaje-servicio / Respuestas innovadoras al nuevo perfil del estudiante universitario
Díaz Iso, Ariane; Garcia Olalla, Ana Maria; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNCO: 9788413570785 / Date: 2021
An evolutionary discrete firefly algorithm with novel operators for solving the vehicle routing problem with time windows / Nature-Inspired Computation in Engineering
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Yang, Xin-She
ISBNCO: 978-3-319-30233-1 / Start page: 21 / End page: 41 / Date: 2016
An Adaptive Multi-Crossover Population Algorithm for Solving Routing Problems / Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2013)
Osaba, Eneko; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
ISBNCO: 978-3-319-01691-7 / Start page: 113 / End page: 124 / Date: 2014
Towards a Service based on 'Train-to-Earth' Wireless Communications for Remotely Managing the Configuration of Applications inside Trains / Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence - Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNCO: 978-3-642-28764-0 / Start page: 103 / End page: 111 / Date: 2012
Wireless Technologies in the Railway: Train-to-Earth Wireless Communications / Wireless Communications and Networks - Recent Advances
Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
ISBNCO: 978-953-51-0189-5 / Start page: 469 / End page: 492 / Date: 2012
A new evolutionary hybrid algorithm to solve demand responsive transportation problems / International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence - Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Osaba, Eneko; Fernández Muga, Pablo; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
ISBNCO: 978-3-642-19933-2 / Start page: 233 / End page: 242 / Date: 2011
A Location-Based Transactional Download Service of Contextualized Multimedia Content for Mobile Clients / Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence.
Fernández Muga, Pablo; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNCO: 978-3-642-14882-8 / Start page: 205 / End page: 212 / Date: 2010
Wireless Communications Architecture for 'Train-to-Earth' Communication in the Railway Industry / Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing, and Ambient Assisted Living - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5518 (Part II)
Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
ISBNCO: 3-642-02480-7 / Start page: 625 / End page: 632 / Date: 2009
Intelligent platform in transaction distribution of mobile multimedia contents / Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2010 5th Iberian Conference on
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNCO: 978-1-4244-7227-7 / Date: 2000
Backup System Based on Wireless Communications for Rail Traffic Management in Emergency Situations / Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2010 13th International IEEE Conference on
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNCO: 978-1-4244-7657-2 / Start page: 285 / End page: 285 / Date: 2000
Towards a Service Based on “Train-to-Earth” Wireless Communications for Remotely Managing the Configuration of Applications Inside Trains / Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNCO: 978-3-642-28764-0 / Start page: 103 / End page: 103 / Date: 2000
A Proposal of Good Practice in the Formulation and Comparison of Meta-heuristics for Solving Routing Problems / International Joint Conference SOCO’14-CISIS’14-ICEUTE’14
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Osaba, Eneko
ISBNCO: 978-3-319-07994-3 / Start page: 31 / End page: 31 / Date: 2000
Wireless Communications Architecture for "Train-to-Earth" Communication in the Railway Industry / Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing, and Ambient Assisted Living
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNCO: 978-3-642-02480-1 / Start page: 626 / End page: 626 / Date: 2000
Towards a Broadband Communications Manager to Regulate Train-to-Earth Communications / 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON 2010
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNCO: 978-1-4244-5793-9 / Start page: 1600 / End page: 1600 / Date: 2000
Continuous Broadband Communication System Based on Existing Open Source Network Tools for Vehicular Environments / Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2012 15th International IEEE Conference on
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
ISBNCO: 978-1-4673-3063-3 / Start page: 248 / End page: 248 / Date: 2000
Analysis of the suitability of using blind crossover operators in genetic algorithms for solving routing problems / Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 2013 IEEE 8th International Symposium on
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Osaba, Eneko
ISBNCO: 978-1-4673-6397-6 / Start page: 12 / End page: 12 / Date: 2000
A new evolutionary hybrid algorithm to solve demand responsive transportation problems / International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Osaba, Eneko
ISBNCO: 978-3-642-19933-2 / Start page: 233 / End page: 233 / Date: 2000
Supervised Theses
Definición de una herramienta de autorreflexión para la evaluación de la competencia digital del profesorado universitario
Bilbao Aiastui, Eider
Date: 2022
Comunicación para libro de actas "Ayudando a planificar a la generación de lo inmediato". Publicado 2020
Romero Yesa, Susana; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Jacob Taquet, Inés; Eguíluz Morán, Andoni
Congress name: Comunicación para libro de actas "Ayudando a planificar a la generación de lo inmediato". Publicado 2020 / ISBN: 978-84-271-4469-9 / Country: España / Publication name: Comunicación para libro de actas "Ayudando a planificar a la generación de lo inmediato". Publicado 2020 / Date: 2019/11/27
Trabajando el desarrollo integral del alumnado por medio de actividades extracurriculares
Díaz Iso, Ariane; Eizaguirre Zarza, Almudena; Garcia Olalla, Ana Maria; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: Trabajando el desarrollo integral del alumnado por medio de actividades extracurriculares / Country: España / Publication name: Trabajando el desarrollo integral del alumnado por medio de actividades extracurriculares / Date: 2019/11/27
Poster: Efficient Cluster-Based Resource Allocation for Co-Existing Vehicle and Cellular Users
Iglesia Carril, Idoia De La; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: Poster: Efficient Cluster-Based Resource Allocation for Co-Existing Vehicle and Cellular Users / ISBN: 2157-9865/978-1-5090 / City: Columbus / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: Poster: Efficient Cluster-Based Resource Allocation for Co-Existing Vehicle and Cellular Users / Start date: 2016/12/08 / End date: 2016/12/10
Comparison between Golden Ball Meta-heuristic, Evolutionary Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search for the Traveling Salesman Problem
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Lopez Garcia, Pedro; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando
Congress name: Comparison between Golden Ball Meta-heuristic, Evolutionary Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search for the Traveling Salesman Problem / City: Denver / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: Comparison between Golden Ball Meta-heuristic, Evolutionary Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search for the Traveling Salesman Problem / Start date: 2016/07/20 / End date: 2016/07/24
CS4VRU: remote monitoring and warning system for Vulnerable Road
Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Perez, Jagoba; Iglesia Carril, Idoia De La; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: CS4VRU: remote monitoring and warning system for Vulnerable Road / ISBN: 978-1-4673-8245-8 / Country: España / Publication name: CS4VRU: remote monitoring and warning system for Vulnerable Road / Start date: 2016/02/24 / End date: 2016/02/26
A Parallel Meta-Heuristic for Solving a Multiple Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery Modeling Demand Responsive Transport Problems
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Lopez Garcia, Pedro; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: A Parallel Meta-Heuristic for Solving a Multiple Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery Modeling Demand Responsive Transport Problems / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: A Parallel Meta-Heuristic for Solving a Multiple Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery Modeling Demand Responsive Transport Problems / Start date: 2015/06/22 / End date: 2015/06/24
A Multiple Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery to solve a Demand Responsive Transport Problem
Osaba, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: A Multiple Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery to solve a Demand Responsive Transport Problem / Country: España / Publication name: A Multiple Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery to solve a Demand Responsive Transport Problem / Start date: 2015/06/22 / End date: 2015/06/24
An Asymmetric Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem with Backhauls to solve a Dial-a-Ride Problem
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Lopez Garcia, Pedro; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: An Asymmetric Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem with Backhauls to solve a Dial-a-Ride Problem / City: Herl'any / Country: Eslovaquia / Web: / Publication name: An Asymmetric Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem with Backhauls to solve a Dial-a-Ride Problem / Date: 2015/01/01
A study on the impact of heuristic initialization functions in a genetic algorithm solving the N-queens problem
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Lopez Garcia, Pedro
Congress name: A study on the impact of heuristic initialization functions in a genetic algorithm solving the N-queens problem / City: Vancouver / Country: Canada / Publication name: A study on the impact of heuristic initialization functions in a genetic algorithm solving the N-queens problem / Start date: 2014/07/12 / End date: 2014/07/17
A study on the efficiency of neutral crossover operators in genetic algorithms applied to the bin packing problem
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Iglesia Carril, Idoia De La; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: A study on the efficiency of neutral crossover operators in genetic algorithms applied to the bin packing problem / City: Vancouver / Country: Canada / Publication name: A study on the efficiency of neutral crossover operators in genetic algorithms applied to the bin packing problem / Start date: 2014/07/12 / End date: 2014/07/17
A Proposal of Good Practice in the Formulation and Comparison of Meta-heuristics for Solving Routing Problems
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: A Proposal of Good Practice in the Formulation and Comparison of Meta-heuristics for Solving Routing Problems / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: A Proposal of Good Practice in the Formulation and Comparison of Meta-heuristics for Solving Routing Problems / Start date: 2014/06/25 / End date: 2014/06/27
On the influence of using initialization functions on genetic algorithms solving combinatorial optimization problems: a first study on the TSP
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Lopez Garcia, Pedro; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: On the influence of using initialization functions on genetic algorithms solving combinatorial optimization problems: a first study on the TSP / City: Linz / Country: Austria / Web: / Publication name: On the influence of using initialization functions on genetic algorithms solving combinatorial optimization problems: a first study on the TSP / Start date: 2014/06/01 / End date: 2014/06/04
Towards a train-to-ground and intra-wagon communications solution capable of providing on trip customized digital services for passengers
Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Azpilicueta, Leire; Falcone, Francisco; Villadangos, Jesus; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Astrain, Jose Javier; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar
Congress name: Towards a train-to-ground and intra-wagon communications solution capable of providing on trip customized digital services for passengers / ISBN: 978-3-319-03175-0 / City: Carrillo / Country: Costa Rica / Web: / Publication name: Towards a train-to-ground and intra-wagon communications solution capable of providing on trip customized digital services for passengers / Start date: 2013/12/02 / End date: 2013/12/06
An Adaptive Multi-Crossover Population Algorithm for Solving Routing Problems
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: An Adaptive Multi-Crossover Population Algorithm for Solving Routing Problems / City: Canterbury / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: An Adaptive Multi-Crossover Population Algorithm for Solving Routing Problems / Start date: 2013/09/02 / End date: 2013/09/04
An Adaptive Multi-Crossover Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Routing Problems
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Osaba, Eneko
Congress name: An Adaptive Multi-Crossover Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Routing Problems / City: Canterbury / Country: Reino Unido / Web: / Publication name: An Adaptive Multi-Crossover Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Routing Problems / Start date: 2013/09/02 / End date: 2013/09/04
Analysis of the suitability of using blind crossover operators in genetic algorithms for solving routing problems
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: Analysis of the suitability of using blind crossover operators in genetic algorithms for solving routing problems / ISBN: 978-1-4673-6400-3 / City: Timisoara / Country: Rumania / Web: / Publication name: Analysis of the suitability of using blind crossover operators in genetic algorithms for solving routing problems / Start date: 2013/05/22 / End date: 2013/05/25
A methodological proposal to eliminate ambiguities in the comparison of vehicle routing problem solving techniques
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: A methodological proposal to eliminate ambiguities in the comparison of vehicle routing problem solving techniques / Country: España / Publication name: A methodological proposal to eliminate ambiguities in the comparison of vehicle routing problem solving techniques / Start date: 2012/10/05 / End date: 2012/10/07
Continuous Broadband Communication System Based on Existing Open Source Network Tools for Vehicular Environments
Urquiola Arebalo, Gorka; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: Continuous Broadband Communication System Based on Existing Open Source Network Tools for Vehicular Environments / ISBN: 978-1-4673-3062-6 / City: Anchorage, Alaska / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Continuous Broadband Communication System Based on Existing Open Source Network Tools for Vehicular Environments / Start date: 2012/09/16 / End date: 2012/09/19
Improving the Reliability of a Train Positioning System through the Use of Full Coverage Radio Communication Technologies
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Hernandez Jayo, Unai
Congress name: Improving the Reliability of a Train Positioning System through the Use of Full Coverage Radio Communication Technologies / ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9 / City: Roma / Country: Italia / Publication name: Improving the Reliability of a Train Positioning System through the Use of Full Coverage Radio Communication Technologies / Start date: 2012/07/24 / End date: 2012/07/27
Simulation tool based on a memetic algorithm to solve a real instance of a dynamic TSP
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: Simulation tool based on a memetic algorithm to solve a real instance of a dynamic TSP / City: Napoles / Country: Italia / Publication name: Simulation tool based on a memetic algorithm to solve a real instance of a dynamic TSP / Start date: 2012/06/25 / End date: 2012/06/27
Towards a Dynamic and Adaptative Prioritization of Wireless Broadband Vehicle-to-Ground Communications
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar
Congress name: Towards a Dynamic and Adaptative Prioritization of Wireless Broadband Vehicle-to-Ground Communications / City: Venecia / Country: Italia / Publication name: Towards a Dynamic and Adaptative Prioritization of Wireless Broadband Vehicle-to-Ground Communications / Start date: 2012/06/25 / End date: 2012/06/27
A metaheuristics based simulation tool to optimize demand responsive transportation systems
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Osaba, Eneko; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Fernández Muga, Pablo
Congress name: A metaheuristics based simulation tool to optimize demand responsive transportation systems / Country: España / Publication name: A metaheuristics based simulation tool to optimize demand responsive transportation systems / Start date: 2011/07/18 / End date: 2011/07/21
A metaheuristics based simulation tool to optimize demand responsive transportation system
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Fernandez Muga, Pablo; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: A metaheuristics based simulation tool to optimize demand responsive transportation system / Country: España / Publication name: A metaheuristics based simulation tool to optimize demand responsive transportation system / Start date: 2011/07/18 / End date: 2011/07/20
A new evolutionary hybrid algorithm to solve demand responsive transportation problems
Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Fernandez Muga, Pablo
Congress name: A new evolutionary hybrid algorithm to solve demand responsive transportation problems / Country: España / Publication name: A new evolutionary hybrid algorithm to solve demand responsive transportation problems / Start date: 2011/04/06 / End date: 2011/04/08
A Backup System Based on a Decentralized Positioning System for Managing the Railway Traffic in Emergency Situations
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Odriozola, Iñigo; Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar
Congress name: A Backup System Based on a Decentralized Positioning System for Managing the Railway Traffic in Emergency Situations / ISBN: 978-1-4244-7658-9 / City: Madeira / Country: Portugal / Publication name: A Backup System Based on a Decentralized Positioning System for Managing the Railway Traffic in Emergency Situations / Start date: 2010/09/19 / End date: 2010/09/22
A Location-Based Transactional Download Service of Contextualized Multimedia Content for Mobile Clients
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Fernández Muga, Pablo
Congress name: A Location-Based Transactional Download Service of Contextualized Multimedia Content for Mobile Clients / Country: España / Publication name: A Location-Based Transactional Download Service of Contextualized Multimedia Content for Mobile Clients / Start date: 2010/09/07 / End date: 2010/09/10
Managing 'train-to-earth' heavy communications: a middleware software to manage broadband wireless communications in the railway scope
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai
Congress name: Managing 'train-to-earth' heavy communications: a middleware software to manage broadband wireless communications in the railway scope / City: Athens / Country: Grecia / Publication name: Managing 'train-to-earth' heavy communications: a middleware software to manage broadband wireless communications in the railway scope / Start date: 2010/07/26 / End date: 2010/07/28
Decentralized system for monitoring and control of rail traffic in emergencies: a new distributed support tool for rail traffic management
Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: Decentralized system for monitoring and control of rail traffic in emergencies: a new distributed support tool for rail traffic management / City: Athens / Country: Grecia / Publication name: Decentralized system for monitoring and control of rail traffic in emergencies: a new distributed support tool for rail traffic management / Start date: 2010/07/22 / End date: 2010/07/24
Plataforma Inteligente de Distribución Transaccional de Contenidos Multimedia a Móviles
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: Plataforma Inteligente de Distribución Transaccional de Contenidos Multimedia a Móviles / City: Santiago de Compostela / Country: España / Publication name: Plataforma Inteligente de Distribución Transaccional de Contenidos Multimedia a Móviles / Start date: 2010/06/16 / End date: 2010/06/19
Comunicaciones inalámbricas 'tren-tierra' y diseño de nuevos servicios ferroviarios
Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: Comunicaciones inalámbricas 'tren-tierra' y diseño de nuevos servicios ferroviarios / Country: España / Publication name: Comunicaciones inalámbricas 'tren-tierra' y diseño de nuevos servicios ferroviarios / Start date: 2010/05/11 / End date: 2010/05/13
Towards a Broadband Communications Manager to Regulate Train-to-Earth Communications
Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: Towards a Broadband Communications Manager to Regulate Train-to-Earth Communications / City: Valletta / Country: Malta / Publication name: Towards a Broadband Communications Manager to Regulate Train-to-Earth Communications / Start date: 2010/04/26 / End date: 2010/04/29
Towards a Broadband Communications Manager to Regulate 'Train-To-Earth' Communications
Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: Towards a Broadband Communications Manager to Regulate 'Train-To-Earth' Communications / City: La Valletta / Country: Malta / Publication name: Towards a Broadband Communications Manager to Regulate 'Train-To-Earth' Communications / Start date: 2010/04/26 / End date: 2010/04/28
Sistema de respaldo para la gestión del tráfico ferroviario basado en comunicaciones inalámbricas
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: Sistema de respaldo para la gestión del tráfico ferroviario basado en comunicaciones inalámbricas / Country: España / Publication name: Sistema de respaldo para la gestión del tráfico ferroviario basado en comunicaciones inalámbricas / Start date: 2009/10/21 / End date: 2009/10/23
Towards a wireless architecture for the deployment of next-generation services in the railway industry
Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai
Congress name: Towards a wireless architecture for the deployment of next-generation services in the railway industry / City: Wrexham / Country: Reino Unido / Publication name: Towards a wireless architecture for the deployment of next-generation services in the railway industry / Date: 2009/09/10
Wireless Communications Architecture for "Train-to-Earth" Communication in the Field of Railways
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: Wireless Communications Architecture for "Train-to-Earth" Communication in the Field of Railways / City: Orlando / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Wireless Communications Architecture for "Train-to-Earth" Communication in the Field of Railways / Start date: 2009/07/10 / End date: 2009/07/13
Sistema de respaldo basado en comunicaciones inalámbricas para la gestión del tráfico ferroviario en situaciones de emergencia
Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai
Congress name: Sistema de respaldo basado en comunicaciones inalámbricas para la gestión del tráfico ferroviario en situaciones de emergencia / City: Póvoa de Varzim / Country: Portugal / Publication name: Sistema de respaldo basado en comunicaciones inalámbricas para la gestión del tráfico ferroviario en situaciones de emergencia / Date: 2009/06/20
Wireless Communications Architecture for 'Train-to-Earth' Communication in the Railway Industry
Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Congress name: Wireless Communications Architecture for 'Train-to-Earth' Communication in the Railway Industry / Country: España / Publication name: Wireless Communications Architecture for 'Train-to-Earth' Communication in the Railway Industry / Date: 2009/06/14
Moodle como herramienta de mejora en la gestión de actividades prácticas de una asignatura adaptada al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Rodriguez-Rey Alegria, Begoña
Congress name: Moodle como herramienta de mejora en la gestión de actividades prácticas de una asignatura adaptada al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Moodle como herramienta de mejora en la gestión de actividades prácticas de una asignatura adaptada al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior / Start date: 2009/05/15 / End date: 2025/03/24
Arquitectura de comunicaciones inalámbrica para la comunicación "Tren-Tierra" en el ámbito del ferrocarril
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Congress name: Arquitectura de comunicaciones inalámbrica para la comunicación "Tren-Tierra" en el ámbito del ferrocarril / ISBN: 978-972-8924-72-0 / City: Lisboa / Country: Portugal / Publication name: Arquitectura de comunicaciones inalámbrica para la comunicación "Tren-Tierra" en el ámbito del ferrocarril / Start date: 2008/12/10 / End date: 2008/12/12
Innovating goverNment and ciTizen co-dEliveRy for the digitaL sINgle marKet
Lopez De Ipiña Gonzalez De Artaza, Diego; Badiola Martínez, Julen; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Casado Mansilla, Diego; De La Cruz Ayuso, Cristina; De Miranda Leschko, Geana; Fresno Anabo, Icy; Kalocsay, Noémi; Ortiz-Coronado Lopez, Maria; Ortiz De Guinea Lopez De Arana, Ana; Porto Gomez, Igone; Sanchez Corcuera, Ruben; San Salvador Del Valle Doistua, Roberto; Silva Palacios, Daniel Andres
Abstract: Comisión Europea / Start date: 2021/01/01 / End date: 2023/12/31
Modelo para la transformación digital de la cadena de suministro en la Industria 4.0
De La Calle Vicente, Alberto; Álvarez De Los Mozos, Esther; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Diaz Martin, Jose Fernando
Abstract: Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, Gobierno de España / Start date: 2017/11/01 / End date: 2018/06/30
Plataforma tecnológica smartcity para la mejora de los procesos portuarios y generación de nuevos servicios
Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Díez Blanco, Luis Enrique; Fernández Muga, Pablo; Gallo Bustinza, Gorka; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Hernando Leiva, Carlos; Martin Ahedo, Galder; Merino Gomez, Naia; Milan Roncero, Julen; Moreno Emborujo, Asier; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar
Abstract: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad / Start date: 2016/06/01 / End date: 2019/04/30
Plataforma Tecnológica CITYTOOL para la Gestión Inteligente y Sostenible del Transporte y la Movilidad Urbana y Territorial
Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Fernández Muga, Pablo; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Hernando Leiva, Carlos; Lopez Garcia, Pedro; Martin Ahedo, Galder; Milan Roncero, Julen; Moreno Emborujo, Asier; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar
Abstract: IKUSI, S.L.U.; INGARTEK CONSULTING, S.L / Start date: 2016/05/01 / End date: 2018/12/31
Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Fernández Muga, Pablo
Abstract: IKUSI, S.L.U. / Start date: 2016/04/01 / End date: 2016/12/31
2018 Enhanced real time services for an optimized multimodal mobility relying on cooperative networks and open data. TIMON.
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Cortazar Goicoechea, Rebeca; Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Landaluce Simon, Hugo; Lopez Garcia, Pedro; Masegosa Arredondo, Antonio David; Moreno Emborujo, Asier; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Serrano Olabarri, Leire; Val Roman, Jose Luis Del
Abstract: Comisión Europea / Start date: 2015/06/01 / End date: 2019/01/31
Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Barquero Gomez, Ivan; Berecibar Lacalle, Iker; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Cifuentes Salas, Kevin; Egaña Aretxabaleta, Aimar; Garcia Garcia, Iñigo; Landaluce Simon, Hugo; Lopez Garcia, Pedro; Osaba Icedo, Eneko; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Santamaria Palencia, Bruno; Serrano Olabarri, Leire; Vazquez Pardavila, Juan Alejo
Abstract: Serikat Consultoría; Angel Iglesias S.A.; BERGE MARITIMA BILBAO; IDOM / Start date: 2015/06/01 / End date: 2017/12/31
ESPHIA: Enabling Seamless Positioning for helping Inhabitants Anywhere
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Ministerio de Industria Turismo y Comercio / Start date: 2015/06/01 / End date: 2018/12/31
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Abstract: Avan Group S.L. / Start date: 2015/01/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Arambarri Soto, Ander; Moreno Emborujo, Asier
Abstract: SAITEC, S.A.; IRITZIAK BATUZ KOOP. ELKARTE TXIKIA / Start date: 2015/01/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
e-delivertic. Rettos.
Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Bahillo Martinez, Alfonso; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Garcia Garcia, Iñigo; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Landaluce Simon, Hugo; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Santamaria Palencia, Bruno; Serrano Olabarri, Leire
Abstract: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad / Start date: 2014/09/01 / End date: 2017/04/30
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Urquiola Arevalo, Gorka
Abstract: Avan Group S.L. / Start date: 2014/04/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Urquiola Arevalo, Gorka
Abstract: SAITEC, S.A.; Angel Iglesias S.A. / Start date: 2014/04/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Moreno Emborujo, Asier
Abstract: IRITZIAK BATUZ KOOP. ELKARTE TXIKIA; SAITEC, S.A. / Start date: 2014/04/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
FREEWAY: Sistema Integral de Peaje Interoperable, Inteligente y Multitecnología
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación / Start date: 2013/06/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
AQD Servicio de Acudas Automatizado
Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Arambarri Soto, Ander; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Datinet; SOCOSEVI S.L. / Start date: 2013/01/01 / End date: 2013/12/31
IRAUNKORRIK. Infraestructura basada en tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para la planificación y gestión de eventos, y acontecimientos de manera sostenible
Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Alonso Vicario, Ainhoa; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Fernández Muga, Pablo; Kamara Esteban, Oihane; Lago Vilariño, Ana Belen; Macarulla Arenaza, Ana M; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Pretel Garcia, Ivan; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Ukar Arrien, Olatz; Zabaleta Fernandez, Koldobika
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2013/01/01 / End date: 2013/12/31
SELICA: Sistemas de Identificación y Sensórica avanzada para la gestión de la seguridad y sostenibilidad en la cadena alimentaria
Legarda Macon, Jon; Almeida Escondrillas, Aitor; Alonso Vicario, Ainhoa; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Arambarri Soto, Ander; Borges Hernandez, Cruz Enrique; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Del-Rio-Ruiz Ruiz, Ruben; Echevarria Martinez, Jon; Eguiluz Urizar, Xabier; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Fernández Muga, Pablo; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Kados, Szilard; Lago Vilariño, Ana Belen; Landaluce Simon, Hugo; Larrañaga Arriola, Janire; Lopez Garde, Juan Manuel; Merino Gomez, Naia; Moreno Emborujo, Asier; Orduña Fernandez, Pablo; Pijoan Lamas, Ander; Ruiz De Garibay Pascual, Jonatan; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Urquiola Arevalo, Gorka
Abstract: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad / Start date: 2012/09/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
AUZOMARKET: Desarrollo de una solución de marketing y venta on-line para supermercados y tiendas de barrio
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2012/06/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
FREEWAY: Sistema Integral de Peaje Interoperable, Inteligente y Multitecnología
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Fernández Muga, Pablo; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Urquiola Arevalo, Gorka
Abstract: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad / Start date: 2012/01/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
Intelligent Cooperative Sensing for improved traffic Efficiency
Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Bahillo Martinez, Alfonso; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Serrano Olabarri, Leire
Abstract: Comisión Europea / Start date: 2012/01/01 / End date: 2015/12/31
e-TICKET: Arquitectura de referencia para sistemas de ticketing mediante tecnologías NFC
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Urquiola Arebalo, Gorka; Hernandez Jayo, Unai
Abstract: Fundación Deusto; Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2011/09/01 / End date: 2012/12/31
URBAN-T: Sistema de seguimiento y control de la seguridad en la circulación de tranvías urbanos
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Moreno Emborujo, Asier
Abstract: Fundación Deusto; SAITEC, S.A.; Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2011/06/01 / End date: 2012/12/31
IDAMED: Robot de identificación automatizada de medicamentos
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar
Abstract: Fundación Deusto; Avan Group S.L.; CENKER ROBOTICS, S.L.; Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2011/06/01 / End date: 2012/12/31
MULTITRANS: Framework de aplicaciones y servicios para configurar centros de control de última generación para la gestión sostenible, eficiente y segura del transporte de pasajeros y mercancías
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; San Nicolas, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Fernández Muga, Pablo
Abstract: Fundación Deusto; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Angel Iglesias S.A.; IDOM; uSysCOM; VICOMTech; Datik; NetPLC; LKS S. Coop / Start date: 2011/06/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
MUGITU: Sistema integral de ticketing para la prestación de nuevos servicios interoperables de billetaje y pago en el transporte público de Euskadi y normalización del uso del billete universal europeo
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Urquiola Arebalo, Gorka
Abstract: Fundación Deusto; NEXTEL SA; Innovalia; Euskaltel S.A.; Robotiker Tecnalia; Angel Iglesias S.A.; IDOM; NTS Mobile; VICOMTech; BBK; Telvent; LKS S. Coop; Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2011/06/01 / End date: 2012/12/31
LITE: Nuevas tecnologías de detección, auto-regulación y monitorización basada en arquitecturas de redes inalámbricas para la gestión inteligente del alumbrado público
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Moreno Emborujo, Asier; Chertudi Ozamez, Aitor
Abstract: Fundación Deusto; Avan Group S.L.; Urbabil; Microcomp; Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2011/06/01 / End date: 2012/12/31
MUGOGOR: Sistema móvil Android personalizado corporativo securizado y gestionable remotamente
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2011/06/01 / End date: 2012/12/31
AT-CIO: Asistencia Técnica para la implantación de las herramientas del centro integral de operación de EuskoTren
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar
Abstract: IDOM; Sociedad Pública Eusko Trenbideak ¿ Ferrocarriles Vascos, S.A. / Start date: 2011/03/01 / End date: 2011/12/31
Future Internet II. Elkarlaneko Ikerkuntza Estrategikorako Programa
Lopez De Ipiña Gonzalez De Artaza, Diego; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Castillejo Gil, Eduardo; Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Gomez Goiri, Aitor; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Klein, Bernhard Johannes; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Ruiz Agundez, Igor; Salazar Gonzalez, Mikel
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2011/01/01 / End date: 2013/12/31
Framework de herramientas aplicaciones y servicios para configurar centros de control de última generación para la gestión sostenible.
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Fernández Muga, Pablo; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Urquiola Arevalo, Gorka
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Angel Iglesias S.A. / Start date: 2011/01/01 / End date: 2014/12/31
RAILTRACE: Sistema de trazabilidad de mercancías en tiempo real para el ámbito ferroviario
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; San Nicolas, Asier; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Moreno Emborujo, Asier
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Universidad Pública de Navarra; Bilbomatica / Start date: 2010/11/01 / End date: 2012/12/31
TRACETIC: Tecnologías y arquitecturas innovadoras para la trazabilidad de mercancías y la provisión de servicios de geolocalización
Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia / Start date: 2010/07/15 / End date: 2011/12/31
BERRITRANS: Centro de Control de Transporte Ferroviario Multimodal de Nueva Generación para una Operación, Explotación y Mantenimiento Sostenibles, Seguros y Eficientes
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Gutierrez Arechaga, Unai; Osaba, Eneko
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza; Angel Iglesias S.A.; IDOM; uSysCOM; Fensom System; CBT COMUNICACION MULTIMEDIA, SL; CLUSTER DE MOVILIDAD Y LOGÍSTICA ; Robotiker; VICOMTech; Asociación Innovalia; ZIV I D; LKS S. Coop; Sqs / Start date: 2010/06/01 / End date: 2012/12/31
TRAZARAIL: Desarrollo de un sistema de trazabilidad de mercancías en tiempo real para el ambito ferroviario
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza; Bilbomatica; ELSON Electronica S.A; %u2022 Clúster de Movilidad y Logística de Euskadi; %u2022 Jefatura de Control de Fronteras con Francia de Mercancías y Logística de Renfe / Start date: 2010/04/01 / End date: 2011/12/31
BRAP-III: Ampliación de la aplicación BRAP para el análisis de la coherencia entre la información del CTC y el posicionamiento GPS.
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar
Abstract: Fundación Deusto; Euskotren; EUSKO TRENBIDEAK - FERROCARRILES VASCOS, S.A. / Start date: 2010/04/01 / End date: 2010/12/31
PUBLITRACK: Seguimiento, control y monitorización remota de publicidad empotrada en medios de transporte
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Universidad de Deusto; Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza; COMUNITAC / Start date: 2009/10/01 / End date: 2010/12/31
SIMON: Sistema de monitorización de gestión de la configuración remota de aplicaciones y equipos embarcados en unidades de tren
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco; TRAINTIC SL / Start date: 2009/10/01 / End date: 2010/12/31
JAVA-JMS: Sistema de monitorización para la gestión inteligente en la explotación ferroviaría
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Enyca S.A. / Start date: 2009/09/01 / End date: 2011/02/28
TRANSDEM: Infraestructuras embarcadas y en ruta para la provisión de servicios de transporte bajo demanda
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza; Fundación Deusto / Start date: 2009/09/01 / End date: 2010/12/31
CONTXTRAIN: Plataforma fija y embarcada para la provisión de contenidos multimedia contextualizados en el
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Hernandez Jayo, Unai
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación / Start date: 2009/07/01 / End date: 2011/12/31
CONTXTRAIN: Plataforma fija y embarcada para la provisión de contenidos multimedia contextualizados en el ámbito ferroviario
Hernandez Jayo, Unai; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Fernández Muga, Pablo
Abstract: Ministerio de España; Traintic, S.L; G93 Telecomunicaciones, S.L; ASOCIACIÓN CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN COOPERATIVA EN TURISMO / Start date: 2009/07/01 / End date: 2011/12/31
MAQUINA+: Diseño y desarrollo de infraestructura basada en Internet orientada al mantenimiento predictivo de dispositivos y equipos mediante Inteligencia Artificial
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación / Start date: 2009/06/01 / End date: 2011/12/31
SOSDEIAK: Sistema de comunicaciones críticas para los colectivos involucrados en la resolución y gestión de situaciones de emergencia
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Fernández Muga, Pablo
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza; NTS Mobile / Start date: 2009/05/01 / End date: 2010/12/31
ATE: Asistencia Técnica a Euskotren
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Euskotren; IDOM; EUSKO TRENBIDEAK - FERROCARRILES VASCOS, S.A. / Start date: 2009/04/01 / End date: 2010/03/31
ATE: Asistencia técnica para en el desarrollo de las herramientas informáticas de la nueva serie de trenes de EuskoTren
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: EUSKO TRENBIDEAK - FERROCARRILES VASCOS, S.A. / Start date: 2009/04/01 / End date: 2010/03/31
GRAS: Diseño, desarrollo e implantación de un sistema de Gestión Remota de las Aplicaciones instaladas en el terminal SAYO
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: EUSKO TRENBIDEAK - FERROCARRILES VASCOS, S.A. / Start date: 2009/03/01 / End date: 2010/02/28
PIMPOST: Plataforma inteligente de modelado, planificación y operación de servicios de transporte
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco / Start date: 2008/11/01 / End date: 2009/12/31
CICDIF: infraestructura de comunicaciones inalámbricas para el despliegue de servicios de distribución de contenidos en digitales en la industria ferroviaria
Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Abstract: Ministerio de España; Avan Group S.L.; NEM Solutions / Start date: 2008/11/01 / End date: 2010/12/31
MONITORI: aplicaciones novedosas de software y hardware para tele-operación y mantenimiento predictivo
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza; Fundación Deusto; Avan Group S.L.; BALTOGAR; IKOR / Start date: 2008/06/01 / End date: 2009/12/31
VIPE: Vigilancia Internacional de Producción y Envío
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Angulo Martinez, Ignacio; Hernandez Jayo, Unai
Abstract: Universidad de Deusto; Ministerio de España; Avan Group S.L.; BRUNNSCHWEILER / Start date: 2008/05/01 / End date: 2009/12/31
TEReTRANS: Sistemas inteligentes para la nueva generación de transporte terrestre
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza; Robotiker Tecnalia; Ikerlan - IK4; CEIT - IK4; TEKNIKER - IK4; VICOMTECH - IK4; Esi -Tecnalia; FATRONIK - TECNALIA; TECNUM; Universidad del Pais Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea; Universidad de Mondragón / Start date: 2008/01/01 / End date: 2010/12/31
AMITS: Plataforma AmI para la Habilitación de Servicios de Transporte Inteligentes
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Sainz Bedoya, Nekane; Lopez De Ipiña Gonzalez De Artaza, Diego; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar; Barbier Ibáñez, Ander; Orduña Fernandez, Pablo; Aguilera Irazabal, Unai; Almeida Escondrillas, Aitor
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2007/10/01 / End date: 2008/12/31
BRAP-II: Infraestructura de comunicaciones inalámbricas para la provisión de servicios en la industria ferroviaria
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Salaberria Larrauri, Itziar
Abstract: Fundación Deusto; Euskotren; Ingeteam; Angel Iglesias S.A.; IDOM; EUSKO TRENBIDEAK - FERROCARRILES VASCOS, S.A. / Start date: 2007/03/01 / End date: 2008/12/31
BRAP: Bloqueo Radio Asistido por posicionamiento
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Perallos Ruiz, Asier
Abstract: Euskotren; EUSKO TRENBIDEAK - FERROCARRILES VASCOS, S.A. / Start date: 2005/12/01 / End date: 2008/04/28
PLEASE: Plataforma ligera de integración y acceso a aplicativos de escritorio
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza / Start date: 2005/09/01 / End date: 2006/12/31
MobileSC: Control y supervisión de tejados fotovoltaicos desde PDA
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza; Avan Group S.L. / Start date: 2005/09/01 / End date: 2006/12/31
IDI: Investigación y desarrollo de un sistema autónomo de control, supervisión e intervención remoto para optimizar la eficiencia energética en instalaciones solares fotovoltaicas
Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Ministerio de España; Solartia / Start date: 2005/05/01 / End date: 2007/06/30
Asistencia técnica para la validación funcional del sistema de apuestas electrónicas - Tele Apostuak
Carballedo Morillo, Roberto; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio
Start date: 2004/12/01 / End date: 2005/01/31
Tele Apostuak
Buján Carballal, David; Vazquez Gomez, Juan-Ignacio; Garcia Bringas, Pablo; Lopez De Ipiña Gonzalez De Artaza, Diego; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Jamardo Zugaza, Iker; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Teleapostuak S.A. / Start date: 2004/12/01 / End date: 2005/12/31
TestAGENT: Desarrollo de una herramienta inteligente de asistencia en la generación de casos de prueba
Cortazar Goicoechea, Rebeca; Carballedo Morillo, Roberto
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación / Start date: 2003/09/01 / End date: 2004/12/30
Comité de evaluación de las guías de aprendizaje en la Universidad de Deusto durante el curso 2010
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2010/10/01 / End date: 2025/03/24
Comité para la evaluación de las guías de aprendizaje en la convocatoria Label 1 de 2013/14
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2014/03/18 / End date: 2014/03/21
Comité para la evaluación de las guías de aprendizaje de la Universidad de Deusto
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2014/01/13 / End date: 2014/01/15
Comité de Ingeniería para la evaluación de las guías de aprendizaje en la Universidad de Deusto, en la convocatoria del Label 1 de 2012
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Date: 2012/10/15
International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS/ICETE) - Best Paper Award
CARBALLEDO MORILLO, ROBERTO; Fernández Muga, Pablo; Hernandez Jayo, Unai; PERALLOS RUIZ, ASIER
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2012/07/24 / End date: 2012/07/27
Comité de Ingenierías para la Evaluación de las Guías de Aprendizaje de la Universidad de Deusto
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2011/06/13 / End date: 2011/06/15
Comité de Revisión Interna de Guías de Aprendizaje de la Universidad de Deusto, en la edición de 2008
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2008/12/03 / End date: 2008/12/10
Comisión Interdepartamental para la elaboración de la propuesta de título oficial de Grado en Ingeniería Informática por la Universidad de Deusto según el REAL DECRETO 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2008/02/01 / End date: 2008/07/30