Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
olaia.lucas@deusto.esFollow me:
Articles in Scientific Journals
A multi-site study on sex differences in cortical thickness in non-demented Parkinson?s disease / nature npj parkinson's disease
Oltra, Javier; Segura, Barbara; Strafella, Antonio; Van Eimeren, Thilo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez Cirarda, María; Eggers, Carsten; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Monte Rubio, Gemma; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ruppert, Marina; Sala-Llonch, Roser; Theis, Hendrik; Uribe, Carme; Junque Plaja, Carme
ISBNAR: 2373-8057 / Volume: 10 / Journal number: 1 / Start page: 1 / End page: 69 / Date: 2024
Amygdala structure and function and its associations with social-emotional outcomes in a low-risk preterm sample / Brain Structure and Function
Fernández De Gamarra Oca, Lexuri; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ontañon, Jose Maria; Loureiro, Begoña; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire
ISBNAR: 1863-2653 / Date: 2024
Brain Degeneration in Synucleinopathies Based on Analysis of Cognition and Other Nonmotor Features: A Multimodal Imaging Study / Biomedicines
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez, Ibai; Peña Lasa, Javier; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
ISBNAR: 2227-9059 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 11 / Start page: 573 / End page: 589 / Date: 2023
Predictors of health-related quality of life in Parkinson's disease: the impact of overlap between health-related quality of life and clinical measures. / Quality of Life Research
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
ISBNAR: 0962-9343 / Volume: 11 / Journal number: 31 / Start page: 3241 / End page: 3252 / Date: 2022
Parameters from site classification to harmonize MRI clinical studies: Application to a multi-site Parkinson's disease dataset / Human Brain Mapping
Monte Rubio, Gemma; Segura, Barbara; Strafella, Antonio; Van Eimeren, Thilo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez Cirarda, María; Eggers, Carsten; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ruppert, Marina; Sala-Llonch, Roser; Theis, Hendrik; Uribe, Carme; Junque Plaja, Carme
ISBNAR: 1065-9471 / Volume: 43 / Journal number: 2022 / Start page: 3130 / End page: 3142 / Date: 2022
Contributions of sex, depression, and cognition on brain connectivity dynamics in Parkinson?s disease / nature npj parkinson's disease
Díez Cirarda, María; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Kim, Jinhee; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Mihaescu, Alexander; Valli, Mikaeel; Acera Gil, Marian; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gómez Beldarrain, Mari Ángeles; Strafella, Antonio
ISBNAR: 2373-8057 / Volume: 117 / Journal number: 7 / Start page: 1 / End page: 10 / Date: 2021
Visual dysfunction is associated with cognitive impairment in Parkinson?s disease / Parkinsonism and Related Disorders
Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Reyero, Paula; Cortés, Jesus; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
ISBNAR: 1353-8020 / Volume: 2021 / Journal number: 92 / Start page: 22 / End page: 25 / Date: 2021
Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation in Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. / Journal of Personalized Medicine
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Balboa Bandeira, Yolanda; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
ISBNAR: 2075-4426 / Volume: 11 / Journal number: 5 / Start page: 429 / Date: 2021
Retinal Thickness Predicts the Risk of Cognitive Decline in Parkinson Disease / Annals of Neurology
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Galdós, Marta; Arana, Begoña; Acera Gil, Marian; Carmona Abellán, Mar; Fernández Valle, Tamara; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cortés, Jesus; Ayala, Unai; Barrenechea, Maitane; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
ISBNAR: 0364-5134 / Volume: 89 / Journal number: 1 / Start page: 165 / End page: 176 / Date: 2020
Autonomic dysfunction is associated with neuropsychological impairment in Lewy body disease / Journal of Neurology
Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Acera Gil, Marian; Carmona Abellán, Mar; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos
ISBNAR: 0340-5354 / Start page: 1 / End page: 11 / Date: 2020
Eficacia de la rehabilitación cognitiva en enfermedad de Parkinson / Revista Española de Trastornos del Movimiento
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
ISBNAR: 1886-2268 / Volume: 12 / Journal number: 1 / Start page: 17 / End page: 25 / Date: 2020
Metabolic Network Abnormalities in Drug-Naïve Parkinson?s Disease / Movement Disorders
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Tang, Chris; Schindlbeck, Katharina; Morbelli, S; Arnaldi, D; Pardini, M; Pagani, Marco; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Nobili, Flavio; Eidelberg, David
ISBNAR: 0885-3185 / Date: 2019
Parafoveal Thinning of Inner Retina Is Associated With Visual Dysfunction in Lewy Body Diseases / Movement Disorders
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Reyero, Paula; Galdós, Marta; Arana, Begoña; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Acera Gil, Marian; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cortés, Jesus; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
ISBNAR: 0885-3185 / Date: 2019
Apathy and brain alterations in Parkinson's disease: A multimodal imaging study / Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Díez Cirarda, María; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gomez Beldarrain, Marian; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
ISBNAR: 2328-9503 / Date: 2018
Long-term effects of cognitive rehabilitation in brain, functional outcome and cognition in Parkinson's disease. / European Journal of Neurology
Díez Cirarda, María; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
ISBNAR: 1351-5101 / Volume: 25 / Start page: 5 / End page: 12 / Date: 2018
Increased brain connectivity and activation after cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: a randomized controlled trial / Brain Imaging and Behavior
Díez Cirarda, María; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
ISBNAR: 1931-7557 / Volume: 6 / Journal number: 11 / Start page: 1640 / End page: 1651 / Date: 2017
Altered functional connectivity in the default mode network is associated with cognitive impairment and brain anatomical changes in Parkinson's disease / Parkinsonism and Related Disorders
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Díez Cirarda, María; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
ISBNAR: 1353-8020 / Date: 2016
Verbal Memory in Parkinson's Disease: A Combined DTI and fMRI Study / Journal of Parkinson's disease
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Díez Cirarda, María; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera, Alberto; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
ISBNAR: 1877-7171 / Volume: 5 / Journal number: 4 / Start page: 793 / End page: 804 / Date: 2015
Rehabilitación cognitiva en personas con enfermedad de Parkinson y psicoeducación en sus familiares cuidadores. ¿Cómo se podría implementar una intervención combinada eficaz?/ Cognitive rehabilitation in people with Parkinson´s disease & psychoeducation among their family caregivers. How can an effective combined intervention be implemented?
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
ISBNLM: 978-84-1325-131 / Volume: 5 / Date: 2022
Predictores de Calidad de Vida en Personas Mayores Dependientes en el Cuidado y sus Cuidadores Informales: Resultados Preliminares del Proyecto Piloto Begiraleak
Gil Cabrero, Marta; Cardenal Solar, Izko; Berganza Ormazabal, Alaitz; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Predictores de Calidad de Vida en Personas Mayores Dependientes en el Cuidado y sus Cuidadores Informales: Resultados Preliminares del Proyecto Piloto Begiraleak / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Predictores de Calidad de Vida en Personas Mayores Dependientes en el Cuidado y sus Cuidadores Informales: Resultados Preliminares del Proyecto Piloto Begiraleak / Start date: 2024/10/23 / End date: 2024/10/24
Exploring Anxiety and Depression as Potential Predictors of Quality of Life in Care-Dependent Older Adults and their Informal Caregivers. Results of the Begiraleak Research Project
Gil Cabrero, Marta; Cardenal Solar, Izko; Berganza Ormazabal, Alaitz; Reynés Mairata, María Del Mar; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Exploring Anxiety and Depression as Potential Predictors of Quality of Life in Care-Dependent Older Adults and their Informal Caregivers. Results of the Begiraleak Research Project / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Exploring Anxiety and Depression as Potential Predictors of Quality of Life in Care-Dependent Older Adults and their Informal Caregivers. Results of the Begiraleak Research Project / Start date: 2024/09/12 / End date: 2024/09/14
Predictors of anxiety and depressive symptoms in care-dependent older adults and their informal caregivers: factors to consider for improving quality of life
Gil Cabrero, Marta; Cardenal Solar, Izko; Berganza Ormazabal, Alaitz; Reynés Mairata, María Del Mar; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Predictors of anxiety and depressive symptoms in care-dependent older adults and their informal caregivers: factors to consider for improving quality of life / City: Oporto / Country: Portugal / Web: / Publication name: Predictors of anxiety and depressive symptoms in care-dependent older adults and their informal caregivers: factors to consider for improving quality of life / Start date: 2024/07/03 / End date: 2024/07/05
Processing Speed Mediates the Relationship between Apathy and Emotion Recognition in Parkinson´s disease
Zabala Gomez, Oihana; Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Processing Speed Mediates the Relationship between Apathy and Emotion Recognition in Parkinson´s disease / City: Lisboa / Country: Portugal / Web: / Publication name: Processing Speed Mediates the Relationship between Apathy and Emotion Recognition in Parkinson´s disease / Start date: 2024/05/19 / End date: 2024/05/22
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: COMITÉ CIENTÍFICO / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: COMITÉ CIENTÍFICO / Start date: 2024/03/07 / End date: 2024/03/09
El impacto de la fatiga en la calidad de vida en la Enfermedad de Parkinson
Zabala Gomez, Oihana; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Peña Lasa, Javier; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: El impacto de la fatiga en la calidad de vida en la Enfermedad de Parkinson / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: El impacto de la fatiga en la calidad de vida en la Enfermedad de Parkinson / Start date: 2024/03/07 / End date: 2024/03/09
Longitudinal cognitive changes in genetic and idiopathic Parkinson's disease: 5-year follow-up study
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Longitudinal cognitive changes in genetic and idiopathic Parkinson's disease: 5-year follow-up study / City: Chicago / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: Longitudinal cognitive changes in genetic and idiopathic Parkinson's disease: 5-year follow-up study / Start date: 2023/05/13 / End date: 2023/05/16
Comité científico INS 2022
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Comité científico INS 2022 / Country: España / Publication name: Comité científico INS 2022 / Start date: 2022/07/06 / End date: 2022/07/08
Impact of Fatigue and Anxiety but not Depression on Health-Related Quality of Life
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Impact of Fatigue and Anxiety but not Depression on Health-Related Quality of Life / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Impact of Fatigue and Anxiety but not Depression on Health-Related Quality of Life / Start date: 2022/07/06 / End date: 2022/07/08
Creativity and transcranial non-invasive stimulation with transcranial random noise stimulation.
Zabala Gómez, Oihana; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Congress name: Creativity and transcranial non-invasive stimulation with transcranial random noise stimulation. / Country: España / Publication name: Creativity and transcranial non-invasive stimulation with transcranial random noise stimulation. / Start date: 2022/07/06 / End date: 2022/07/08
Structural brain differences between Lewy body diseases subtypes based on nonmotor symptoms
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez, Ibai; Peña Lasa, Javier; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Structural brain differences between Lewy body diseases subtypes based on nonmotor symptoms / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Structural brain differences between Lewy body diseases subtypes based on nonmotor symptoms / Start date: 2022/07/06 / End date: 2022/07/08
Combined intervention of cognitive rehabilitation in patients with Parkinson's disease and psychoeducation in their family caregivers.
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Combined intervention of cognitive rehabilitation in patients with Parkinson's disease and psychoeducation in their family caregivers. / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Combined intervention of cognitive rehabilitation in patients with Parkinson's disease and psychoeducation in their family caregivers. / Date: 2022/07/01
Zabala Gómez, Oihana; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Visual system abnormalities and visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease
Díez Cirarda, María; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Strafella, Antonio; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Visual system abnormalities and visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease / City: MIAMI / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Visual system abnormalities and visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease / Start date: 2022/05/26 / End date: 2022/05/28
Color vision deficits in Parkinson's disease are linked to brain abnormalities in attentional, fronto-pariental and visual networks
Díez Cirarda, María; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Color vision deficits in Parkinson's disease are linked to brain abnormalities in attentional, fronto-pariental and visual networks / City: MIAMI / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Color vision deficits in Parkinson's disease are linked to brain abnormalities in attentional, fronto-pariental and visual networks / Start date: 2022/05/26 / End date: 2022/05/28
Rendimiento cognitivo en familiares cuidadores de personas con enfermedad de Parkinson.
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Rendimiento cognitivo en familiares cuidadores de personas con enfermedad de Parkinson. / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Rendimiento cognitivo en familiares cuidadores de personas con enfermedad de Parkinson. / Start date: 2021/03/12 / End date: 2021/03/13
Influence of emotion-affective apathy in theory of mind in Parkinson's disease patients
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Influence of emotion-affective apathy in theory of mind in Parkinson's disease patients / City: Filadelfia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: Influence of emotion-affective apathy in theory of mind in Parkinson's disease patients / Start date: 2020/09/13 / End date: 2020/09/17
The role of low contrast visual acuity in cognitive performance in Lewy body diseases
Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Reyero, Paula; Cortés, Jesus; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: The role of low contrast visual acuity in cognitive performance in Lewy body diseases / City: Filadelfia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: The role of low contrast visual acuity in cognitive performance in Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2020/09/13 / End date: 2020/09/17
Retinal thinning and disease worsening in Lewy body diseases
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Galdós, Marta; Arana, Begoña; Acera Gil, Marian; Carmona Abellán, Mar; Reyero, Paula; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Retinal thinning and disease worsening in Lewy body diseases / City: Filadelfia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: Retinal thinning and disease worsening in Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2020/09/13 / End date: 2020/09/17
Sex differences on dynamic functional connectivity in Parkinson's disease and healthy controls
Díez Cirarda, María; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Kim, Jinhee; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Mihaescu, Alexander; Valli, Mickael; Acera Gil, Marian; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gómez Beldarrain, Mari Ángeles; Strafella, Antonio
Congress name: Sex differences on dynamic functional connectivity in Parkinson's disease and healthy controls / City: Filadelfia / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: Sex differences on dynamic functional connectivity in Parkinson's disease and healthy controls / Start date: 2020/09/13 / End date: 2020/09/17
Effectiveness of a psychoeducational intervention on cognition and functionality in family caregivers of patients with Parkinson´s Disease.
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Effectiveness of a psychoeducational intervention on cognition and functionality in family caregivers of patients with Parkinson´s Disease. / City: Viena / Country: Austria / Web: / Publication name: Effectiveness of a psychoeducational intervention on cognition and functionality in family caregivers of patients with Parkinson´s Disease. / Start date: 2020/07/01 / End date: 2020/07/03
Phonetic but not semantic verbal fluency impairment based on side-onset in Lewy body diseases
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Phonetic but not semantic verbal fluency impairment based on side-onset in Lewy body diseases / City: Praga / Country: Republica Checa / Web: / Publication name: Phonetic but not semantic verbal fluency impairment based on side-onset in Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2020/06/07 / End date: 2020/06/10
Predictors of Quality of Life in Parkinson´s Disease.
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Predictors of Quality of Life in Parkinson´s Disease. / City: Praga / Country: Republica Checa / Web: / Publication name: Predictors of Quality of Life in Parkinson´s Disease. / Start date: 2020/06/07 / End date: 2020/06/10
Intrinsic Brain Functional Network Dynamics in Parkinson´s Disease Patients with Depression
Díez Cirarda, María; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Kim, Jinhee; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Soo Cho, Sang; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Acera Gil, Marian; Mihaescu, Alexander; Valli, Mikaeel; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Beldarrain, Marian; Strafella, Antonio
Congress name: Intrinsic Brain Functional Network Dynamics in Parkinson´s Disease Patients with Depression / City: Toronto / Country: Canada / Web: / Publication name: Intrinsic Brain Functional Network Dynamics in Parkinson´s Disease Patients with Depression / Start date: 2020/04/25 / End date: 2020/05/01
Atrofia retiniana y el riesgo de progresión de la enfermedad en enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Galdós, Marta; Carmona Abellán, M; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Acera Gil, Marian; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Atrofia retiniana y el riesgo de progresión de la enfermedad en enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy / Country: España / Publication name: Atrofia retiniana y el riesgo de progresión de la enfermedad en enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy / Start date: 2020/02/28 / End date: 2020/02/29
The impact of fatigue and depressive symptoms in the quality of life in Parkinson´s disease
Sanchez Luengos, Itsasne; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gomez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Vazquez Picón, Raquel; Foncea Beti, Nerea; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: The impact of fatigue and depressive symptoms in the quality of life in Parkinson´s disease / City: Miami / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Web: / Publication name: The impact of fatigue and depressive symptoms in the quality of life in Parkinson´s disease / Start date: 2020/02/14 / End date: 2020/02/16
Dynamic functional connectivity patterns in Parkinson?s disease patients with depressive symptomatology
Díez Cirarda, María; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Kim, Jinhee; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Cho, Ss; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Acera Gil, Marian; Mihaescu, M; Valli, Mickael; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Strafella, Antonio
Congress name: Dynamic functional connectivity patterns in Parkinson?s disease patients with depressive symptomatology / City: Miami / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Dynamic functional connectivity patterns in Parkinson?s disease patients with depressive symptomatology / Start date: 2020/02/14 / End date: 2020/02/16
La influencia de la función visual sobre la cognición visual en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy
Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Reyero, Paula; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: La influencia de la función visual sobre la cognición visual en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy / Country: España / Publication name: La influencia de la función visual sobre la cognición visual en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy / Start date: 2019/11/19 / End date: 2019/11/23
Structural and functional MRI brain alterations of Lewy body diseases
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Structural and functional MRI brain alterations of Lewy body diseases / City: nice / Country: France (European Territory) / Publication name: Structural and functional MRI brain alterations of Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2019/09/22 / End date: 2019/09/26
Metabolic network abnormalities in drug-naive Parkinson?s disease
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Schindlbeck, Katharina; Tang, Chris; Morbelli, S; Arnaldi, D; Pardini, M; Nobili, Flavio; Eidelberg, David
Congress name: Metabolic network abnormalities in drug-naive Parkinson?s disease / City: NICE / Country: France (European Territory) / Publication name: Metabolic network abnormalities in drug-naive Parkinson?s disease / Start date: 2019/09/22 / End date: 2019/09/26
The spectrum of mild cognitive impairment in alpha-synucleinopathies
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: The spectrum of mild cognitive impairment in alpha-synucleinopathies / City: Montreal / Country: Canada / Web: / Publication name: The spectrum of mild cognitive impairment in alpha-synucleinopathies / Start date: 2019/06/16 / End date: 2019/06/19
Genetic variants and non-motor features of Parkinson?s disease for clustering Lewy body diseases
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Díez, Ibai; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Genetic variants and non-motor features of Parkinson?s disease for clustering Lewy body diseases / City: Kioto / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: Genetic variants and non-motor features of Parkinson?s disease for clustering Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2019/06/04 / End date: 2019/06/07
Selective parafoveal inner retina thinning predicts visual outcomes in Lewy body diseases
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Selective parafoveal inner retina thinning predicts visual outcomes in Lewy body diseases / City: Kioto / Country: Japon / Web: / Publication name: Selective parafoveal inner retina thinning predicts visual outcomes in Lewy body diseases / Start date: 2019/06/04 / End date: 2019/06/07
Functional connectivity alterations and grey matter atrophy in Parkinson?s disease
Díez Cirarda, María; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Kim, Jinhee; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Cho, Ss; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Mihaescu, A; Mihaescu, A; Mihaescu, A; Acera Gil, Marian; Gomez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Strafella, Antonio
Congress name: Functional connectivity alterations and grey matter atrophy in Parkinson?s disease / Country: Canada / Publication name: Functional connectivity alterations and grey matter atrophy in Parkinson?s disease / Date: 2019/05/15
Alteraciones cerebrales relacionadas con la apatía en enfermedad de Parkinson: estudio de imagen multimodal
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Díez Cirarda, María; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gomez Beldarrain, Marian; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Alteraciones cerebrales relacionadas con la apatía en enfermedad de Parkinson: estudio de imagen multimodal / City: Madrid / Country: España / Publication name: Alteraciones cerebrales relacionadas con la apatía en enfermedad de Parkinson: estudio de imagen multimodal / Start date: 2019/03/08 / End date: 2019/03/10
La influencia de la función visual sobre el rendimiento neuropsicológico en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy
Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Acera Gil, Marian; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Galdós, Marta; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: La influencia de la función visual sobre el rendimiento neuropsicológico en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy / Country: España / Publication name: La influencia de la función visual sobre el rendimiento neuropsicológico en pacientes con enfermedad por cuerpos de Lewy / Start date: 2019/03/01 / End date: 2019/03/02
El adelgazamiento parafoveal de las capas internas de la retina está asociado a la disfunción visual en las enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Del Pino Sáez, Rocío; Galdós, Marta; Arana, Begoña; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Acera Gil, Marian; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: El adelgazamiento parafoveal de las capas internas de la retina está asociado a la disfunción visual en las enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy / Country: España / Publication name: El adelgazamiento parafoveal de las capas internas de la retina está asociado a la disfunción visual en las enfermedades por cuerpos de Lewy / Start date: 2019/03/01 / End date: 2019/03/02
Cambios cerebrales tras la rehabilitación cognitiva en enfermedad de Parkinson
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Cambios cerebrales tras la rehabilitación cognitiva en enfermedad de Parkinson / Country: España / Publication name: Cambios cerebrales tras la rehabilitación cognitiva en enfermedad de Parkinson / Start date: 2018/11/09 / End date: 2018/11/10
The influence of visual pathway integrity on primary and higher order visual dysfunction in synucleinopathies
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Galdós, Marta; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez, Ibai; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: The influence of visual pathway integrity on primary and higher order visual dysfunction in synucleinopathies / City: Hawai / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: The influence of visual pathway integrity on primary and higher order visual dysfunction in synucleinopathies / Start date: 2018/04/29 / End date: 2018/05/03
Caracterización de los trastornos cognitivos visuales en formas genéticas e idiopáticas de enfermedad de Parkinson
Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Galdós, Marta; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Caracterización de los trastornos cognitivos visuales en formas genéticas e idiopáticas de enfermedad de Parkinson / Country: España / Publication name: Caracterización de los trastornos cognitivos visuales en formas genéticas e idiopáticas de enfermedad de Parkinson / Start date: 2018/02/23 / End date: 2018/02/24
Identificación de biomarcadores de imagen de la retina y la vía visual asociados a trastornos visuo-espaciales en sinucleinpatías
Murueta-Goyena, Ane; Galdós, Marta; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Acera Gil, Marian; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez, Ibai; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gomez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo
Congress name: Identificación de biomarcadores de imagen de la retina y la vía visual asociados a trastornos visuo-espaciales en sinucleinpatías / Country: España / Publication name: Identificación de biomarcadores de imagen de la retina y la vía visual asociados a trastornos visuo-espaciales en sinucleinpatías / Start date: 2018/02/23 / End date: 2018/02/24
Social Cognition and Functional Outcome after Cognitive Rehabilitation in Neuropsychiatric Pathology, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Healthy Elderly Population
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Díez Cirarda, María; Montoya Murillo, Genoveva; Rilo Cano, Oihane; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Social Cognition and Functional Outcome after Cognitive Rehabilitation in Neuropsychiatric Pathology, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Healthy Elderly Population / City: Washington, DC / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Social Cognition and Functional Outcome after Cognitive Rehabilitation in Neuropsychiatric Pathology, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Healthy Elderly Population / Start date: 2018/02/14 / End date: 2018/02/17
Longitudinal effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson?s disease: a cogntiive, clinical and neuroimaging study
Díez Cirarda, María; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Longitudinal effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson?s disease: a cogntiive, clinical and neuroimaging study / City: Ho Chi Minh / Country: Vietnam / Web: / Publication name: Longitudinal effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson?s disease: a cogntiive, clinical and neuroimaging study / Start date: 2017/11/12 / End date: 2017/11/15
Functional disruption of extrastriatal networks is the major contributor to visual hallucinations in Parkinson Disease
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Functional disruption of extrastriatal networks is the major contributor to visual hallucinations in Parkinson Disease / City: Malmo / Country: Suecia / Publication name: Functional disruption of extrastriatal networks is the major contributor to visual hallucinations in Parkinson Disease / Start date: 2017/09/13 / End date: 2017/09/17
Structural and functional brain alterations in patients with Parkinson's disease and mild cognitive impairment: a multimodal imaging study
Díez Cirarda, María; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Structural and functional brain alterations in patients with Parkinson's disease and mild cognitive impairment: a multimodal imaging study / Country: España / Publication name: Structural and functional brain alterations in patients with Parkinson's disease and mild cognitive impairment: a multimodal imaging study / Date: 2016/06/27
Resting-state functional connectivity in carriers of E46K-SNCA mutation
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Resting-state functional connectivity in carriers of E46K-SNCA mutation / Country: España / Web: / Publication name: Resting-state functional connectivity in carriers of E46K-SNCA mutation / Date: 2016/06/27
Neuropsychological profile in carriers of E46K mutation of the alpha-synuclein gene
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Acera Gil, Marian; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Díez Cirarda, María; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Neuropsychological profile in carriers of E46K mutation of the alpha-synuclein gene / City: Vancouver / Country: Canada / Publication name: Neuropsychological profile in carriers of E46K mutation of the alpha-synuclein gene / Start date: 2016/04/15 / End date: 2016/04/21
Retinal and Visual Cortex Damage and Higher Order Visual Dysfunction in Carriers of E46K Mutation of alpha-Synuclein Gene
Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Galdós, Marta; Arjonilla, Alvaro; González, Amaia; Arana, Begoña; Acera Gil, Marian; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Alonso, Carmen; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos
Congress name: Retinal and Visual Cortex Damage and Higher Order Visual Dysfunction in Carriers of E46K Mutation of alpha-Synuclein Gene / City: Vancouver / Country: Canada / Publication name: Retinal and Visual Cortex Damage and Higher Order Visual Dysfunction in Carriers of E46K Mutation of alpha-Synuclein Gene / Start date: 2016/04/15 / End date: 2016/04/21
Deterioro cognitivo en los portadores de la mutación E46K del gen alfa-sinucleína
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Del Pino Saez, Rocio; Acera Gil, Marian; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Tijero Merino, Beatriz; Díez Cirarda, María; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Deterioro cognitivo en los portadores de la mutación E46K del gen alfa-sinucleína / Country: España / Publication name: Deterioro cognitivo en los portadores de la mutación E46K del gen alfa-sinucleína / Start date: 2016/03/04 / End date: 2016/03/05
Effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: Randomised controlled trial
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia
Congress name: Effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: Randomised controlled trial / City: Boston / Country: Estados Unidos De America / Publication name: Effects of cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: Randomised controlled trial / Start date: 2016/02/03 / End date: 2016/02/06
Apathy is associated to altered resting-state functional connectivity and structural changes in Parkinson's disease.
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Díez Cirarda, María; Cabrera, Alberto; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Apathy is associated to altered resting-state functional connectivity and structural changes in Parkinson's disease. / City: Milán / Publication name: Apathy is associated to altered resting-state functional connectivity and structural changes in Parkinson's disease. / Start date: 2015/12/06 / End date: 2015/12/09
Short and long term effect of cognitive rehabilitation in mild cognitive impairment subtypes in Parkinson's disease.
Díez Cirarda, María; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Short and long term effect of cognitive rehabilitation in mild cognitive impairment subtypes in Parkinson's disease. / City: Milán / Country: Italia / Publication name: Short and long term effect of cognitive rehabilitation in mild cognitive impairment subtypes in Parkinson's disease. / Start date: 2015/12/06 / End date: 2015/12/09
Incremento de la activación cerebral tras la participación en un programa de rehabilitación cognitiva en la enfermedad de Parkinson con el programa REHACOP
Díez Cirarda, María; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Incremento de la activación cerebral tras la participación en un programa de rehabilitación cognitiva en la enfermedad de Parkinson con el programa REHACOP / Country: España / Publication name: Incremento de la activación cerebral tras la participación en un programa de rehabilitación cognitiva en la enfermedad de Parkinson con el programa REHACOP / Start date: 2015/11/17 / End date: 2015/11/21
Relación entre la conectividad funcional en estado de reposo, sustancia gris y memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Díez Cirarda, María; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Relación entre la conectividad funcional en estado de reposo, sustancia gris y memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson / Country: España / Publication name: Relación entre la conectividad funcional en estado de reposo, sustancia gris y memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson / Start date: 2015/11/17 / End date: 2015/11/21
Conectividad funcional en estado de reposo y en una tarea de memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Díez Cirarda, María; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Congress name: Conectividad funcional en estado de reposo y en una tarea de memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson / Country: España / Publication name: Conectividad funcional en estado de reposo y en una tarea de memoria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson / Start date: 2015/10/16 / End date: 2015/10/17
Structural and Functional Cerebral Correlates of Memory in Parkinson Disease
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Díez Cirarda, María; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Structural and Functional Cerebral Correlates of Memory in Parkinson Disease / Country: España / Publication name: Structural and Functional Cerebral Correlates of Memory in Parkinson Disease / Date: 2014/07/09
Structural brain alterations and cognitive disturbances in Parkinson's Disease Patients with Impaired Processing Speed
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Ontañon, Jose Maria; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; García Gorostiaga, Inés; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Structural brain alterations and cognitive disturbances in Parkinson's Disease Patients with Impaired Processing Speed / City: Jerusalen / Country: Jerusalen / Publication name: Structural brain alterations and cognitive disturbances in Parkinson's Disease Patients with Impaired Processing Speed / Start date: 2014/07/09 / End date: 2014/07/11
Social and basic cognitive functions improvement in Parkinson disease with REHACOP program
Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: Social and basic cognitive functions improvement in Parkinson disease with REHACOP program / Country: España / Publication name: Social and basic cognitive functions improvement in Parkinson disease with REHACOP program / Date: 2014/07/09
The Relationship Between the Uncinate Tract and Verbal and Visual Memory is Mediated by Processing Speed in Parkinson' s Disease
Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; María Ontañon, Jose; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; García Gorostiaga, Inés; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: The Relationship Between the Uncinate Tract and Verbal and Visual Memory is Mediated by Processing Speed in Parkinson' s Disease / City: Jerusalen / Country: Jerusalen / Publication name: The Relationship Between the Uncinate Tract and Verbal and Visual Memory is Mediated by Processing Speed in Parkinson' s Disease / Start date: 2014/07/09 / End date: 2014/07/11
White matter differences in subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson Disease
Díez Cirarda, María; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Peña Lasa, Javier; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia
Congress name: White matter differences in subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson Disease / Country: España / Publication name: White matter differences in subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson Disease / Date: 2014/07/09
Predictores de calidad de vida en población mayor y cuidadores familiares
Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Gil Cabrero, Marta; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne
Abstract: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia / Start date: 2024/02/01 / End date: 2024/12/31
Redes de conectividad cerebral de la fatiga y predictores del deterioro cognitivo y calidad de vida en personas con enfermedad de Parkinson: Un estudio longitudinal a 8 años
Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Diez Huici, Julen; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire
Abstract: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Start date: 2023/09/01 / End date: 2026/08/31
Neuropsicología IT1545-22
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Garcia Guerrero, Acebo; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Sampedro Calvete, Agurne; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire
Abstract: GOBIERNO VASCO. DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN / Start date: 2022/01/01 / End date: 2025/12/31
2020 Tratamiento combinado de rehabilitación cognitiva en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson y psicoeducación en sus familiares cuidadores: Eficacia a corto y largo plazo
Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Balboa Bandeira, Yolanda; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Peña Lasa, Javier
Abstract: BBK / Start date: 2019/05/01 / End date: 2021/06/30
Reconocimiento GV equipo de investigación "Neuropsicología de los trastornos médicos severos" IT946-16
Ojeda Del Pozo, Natalia; Gabilondo Cuellar, Iñigo; Gomez Gastiasoro, Ainara; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Peña Lasa, Javier; Zubiaurre Elorza, Leire
Abstract: Gobierno Vasco Departamento de Cultura y Política Lingüística / Start date: 2016/01/01 / End date: 2021/12/31
Oral Comunication "New Releases" in I Pan American Congress of the Movement Disorders Congress to "Cogntiive and cerebral changes related to an intergrative cognitive rehabiltiation program in Parkinson disease"
Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; DÍEZ CIRARDA, MARÍA; PEÑA LASA, JAVIER; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; LUCAS JIMÉNEZ, OLAIA; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gomez Beldarrain, marian; OJEDA DEL POZO, NATALIA
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2017/02/24 / End date: 2025/03/26
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2018/12/20 / End date: 2025/03/26
Revisora artículos nacional e internacionales en revista de impact factor
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2016/01/01 / End date: 2025/03/26
Concesión del Sello Deusto Research Social Impact al proyecto "Tratamiento combinado de rehabilitación cognitiva en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson y psicoeducación en sus familiares cuidadores: Eficacia a corto y largo plazo"
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Date: 2020/09/21
Premio Bilbao Gazte Balioak Martxan: Tratamiento combinado de rehabilitación cognitiva en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson y psicoeducación en sus familiares cuidadores: Eficacia a corto y largo plazo.
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2018/06/07 / End date: 2019/06/07
Premio Jordi Bernabeu al mejor póster científico
LUCAS JIMÉNEZ, OLAIA; OJEDA DEL POZO, NATALIA; PEÑA LASA, JAVIER; DÍEZ CIRARDA, MARÍA; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Date: 2016/10/17
Delegada Máster Psicología General Sanitaria
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2014/09/18 / End date: 2016/01/18
Bolsa para viajes congreso PRD
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2015/12/06 / End date: 2015/12/09
Alumna claustral en la Facultad de Psicología y Educación
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2014/09/18 / End date: 2015/07/18
Beca UD estudios universitarios posgrado
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2014/12/11 / End date: 2015/07/18
Formación específica en evaluación, rehabilitación neuropsicológica y neuroimagen
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2013/09/18 / End date: 2015/07/12
Comunicación Estelar de la sección Trastornos de Movimiento de la Sociedad Española de Neurologia por el trabajo:Incremento de la activación cerebral mediante rehabilitación cognitiva en enfermedad de Parkinson.
DÍEZ CIRARDA, MARÍA; OJEDA DEL POZO, NATALIA; PEÑA LASA, JAVIER; Cabrera Zubizarreta, Alberto; LUCAS JIMÉNEZ, OLAIA; Gómez Esteban, Juan Carlos; Gómez Beldarrain, Maria Angeles; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Start date: 2014/11/18 / End date: 2014/11/22
Beca Gobierno Vasco para estudios universitarios
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2012/02/14 / End date: 2014/07/18
Beca estudios universitarios grado
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2011/10/14 / End date: 2014/06/18
Programa de Honor en Grado en Psicología
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2011/09/18 / End date: 2014/06/18
Presentación de poster científico: Memoria verbal en pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple: correlatos neuroanatómicos y rehabilitación con el programa REHACOP
Merit type: Mérito De Investigación / Date: 2014/05/07
Beca para la realización de estudios universitarios en el extranjero
Merit type: Mérito Académico / Start date: 2012/08/28 / End date: 2013/05/08