begoña garcía-zapirain soto

Imagen del profesor begoña garcía-zapirain soto
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    Principal Investigator of eVIDA Lab

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Dr. Begoña García Zapirain is a professor at the Faculty of Engineering of theUniversity of Deusto, accredited by ANECA as University Professor since26/10/2016. Telecommunications Engineer since 1994 by the University of theBasque Country and PhD in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence by theUniversity of Deusto since 2004, she leads the eVIDA research team since 2001having been qualified as type A by the call for recognised research groups ofthe Basque Government. She has three sexenios recognised: two for researchand one for transfer. She received her PhD degree in 2004 with the doctoralthesis entitled "Digital processing model for esophageal voice regeneration" inthe field of biomedical engineering applied to otorhinolaryngology. Since then,his main area of research has been ICT applied to health and people's qualityof life. In this area, he has supervised 12 doctoral theses, is currentlysupervising 6 and has supervised more than 100 final degree and Master'sdegree projects. She has participated in more than 100 national andinternational research projects since 2002, leading more than 50 of them asprincipal investigator. As a result of these projects, she has published morethan 70 articles in international journals with impact, written two books andmore than 15 chapters and published more than 150 communications ininternational conferences. She is listed as co-inventor on more than 35intellectual property registrations and has received 6 awards for her researchactivity.In 2011 she completed an Executive MBA - master's degree in businessmanagement - at the University of the Basque Country, with a mention for thebest student of the class, and in 2012 she completed the advanced programmein healthcare management at the Deusto Business School of the University ofDeusto. Her research activity focuses mainly on digital processing and analysisof biological signal data and the development of new technologies applied toimproving health and quality of life. The eVIDA team he leads, under the name"LIFE LIVING LAB (L3Lab)", has obtained the European Network of Livings Labs(ENoLL) 2012 recognition. It has also been recognised in the network of socialinnovation spaces under the name "LS2Tech" in 2012. She is the principalinvestigator for the University of Deusto of the Kronikgune research group ofthe Research Centre of Excellence in Chronicity Association, whose name is"Kronik 12/032 e-health/e-care: New technologies in health and socialservices". Throughout her research career she has been awarded, togetherwith the research team that directs "eVida", with the UD-Grupo Santander2007 Research Award, the ONCE Euskadi-solidarios 2007 Research Award,runner-up for the Ada Byron Award for women technologist 2015, Women and Technology Award 2016 from the Orange Foundation, runner-up for theDONATIC 12x12 Award 2015, runner-up for the UD-Grupo Santander Award2015 and finalist in the "Social Innovation in Ageing - The European Award2014" and the Benito Menni Social Innovation Award 2019. He is currentlysupervising 5 new doctoral theses and is a member of the IEEE. She is part ofthe organising committee of the ISSPIT, ISIVC and TAIMA conferences andcollaborates as a reviewer and editor in several international scientificconferences and journals.


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14:00 - 15:30

16:00 - 19:00

Room: D-542

Room: D-542


14:00 - 15:30

Room: D-542