alberto jose sese abad

Imagen del profesor alberto jose sese abad
  • Category:

    Visiting Professor

Albert Sesé (PhD) is a lecturer in the Psychology Department at the Universitat de les Illes Balears. He works in the Behavioural Sciences Methodology area and specialises in Psychometry and multivariate statistical models in general. Specifically, he is an expert in structural equation models and data mining models. His scientific work focuses on the application of advanced statistical models to different fields of Psychology, including occupational risks, addictive behaviours, chronic pain, anxiety and stress, and evidence-based practice. He has participated in many research projects, which has resulted in an extensive scientific production with more than fifty articles published in leading journals and more than two hundred communications and presentations at national and international conferences. All this has led to the recognition of three research excellence periods by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI). He received the first special degree award, the national graduation award, the special doctoral award from the University of Valencia, the 10th Ramon Bayés Sopena award for his career, the Early Career Award from the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, and in 2016 he was nominated for the Psycho-foundation prize for best psychologist of the year in Spain. He is a member of the International Test Commission (ITC), the Royal Psychometric Society, the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), of which he was President (2016-2018), and the European Association of Methodology (EAM), of which he is currently Vice-President.

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