loitzun izaola azcona

Imagen del profesor loitzun izaola azcona

Diploma in Physiotherapy at the Ramon Llull University (2002), Graduate in Physiotherapy at the European University of Madrid (2015) and Master in Digital Health, E-Health at the Open University of Catalonia (2022). Belonging to the Deusto Physical Therapiker research team. 10 years of experience as a professor of the Physiotherapy Degree, for 7 years at the University of the Basque Country (UPV) and from 2022 at the University of Deusto. 22 years of experience as a physiotherapist in a private clinic, in the field of sports and musculoskeletal pathology. Worker and collaborator in professional soccer teams. Specialized in manual therapy and exercise in musculoskeletal pathology.

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