josu sagarduy de la mar

Imagen del profesor josu sagarduy de la mar

Diploma in Physiotherapy at the Alfonso X el Sabio University (2003), Graduate in Physiotherapy at the University of Salamanca (2023). Master in Biomedical Research at the University of the Basque Country (2021). He belongs to the Deusto Physical TherapIker research team. Teacher and researcher in the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of Deusto. Clinical physiotherapist with 20 years of experience in the treatment of musculoskeletal pathology with special interest in the shoulder joint, therapeutic exercise and pain treatment.

DayAurrez aurre hartzeko orduak:Place:


10:00 - 14:00

Room: Despacho A 118


10:00 - 14:00

Room: Despacho A 118