fernando jesus almansa lopez

Imagen del profesor fernando jesus almansa lopez
  • Category:

    Visiting Professor

  • Position in companies or institutions:

    Independent Consultant

More than 30 years of service into the Humanitarian and Development sector, combining a strong background in Strategic Management of International Organisations and complex Humanitarian Programmes. Teams’ leadership, facilitation, mediation and synthesis skills have been developed and practiced over many years, conducting and facilitating several international complex meetings, workshops, courses and seminars. Field missions over 50 countries in the world from all continents, some examples are: - Turkey: Study on Turkish response to the Syrian Refugees' Crisis. 2017. - Mauritania: National Humanitarian Capacity Assessment. 2016. - Bangladesh: National Humanitarian Capacity Assessment. 2016. - Pakistan: National Humanitarian Capacity Assessment. 2015. - Myanmar: Humanitarian Organisational Capacities Assessment and Capacity building plans. 2014-2015. - Somalia: Humanitarian Capacity Assessments in Somaliland, Puntland and East Central Somalia. 2014. - Myanmar: Humanitarian Policy and Resilience & Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy. Humanitarian Response Strategy. 2013. - Mozambique: Organisational Humanitarian capacity assessment. Capacity development plans and Humanitarian trainings 2012-2013-2014-2015. - Haiti, Cuba, El Salvador: Strategic Humanitarian Planning. 2012-2013. - Cuba: Evaluation of DRR project. 2012. - Myanmar: Strategic Humanitarian Plan development workshop. 2010. - Mexico: Humanitarian Strategy Planning. 2009. - Mozambique: Humanitarian Assessment capacities. 2008. - India: Strategic Humanitarian Plan development Advice. 2008. - Nicaragua 2007, Ethiopia 2006, China 2005, Pakistan 2005, Chad 2004, etc. Professional Experience - Independent Humanitarian Advisor and Coach. - Chief Executive Officer of NOHA and professor on Ethics and Strategic Management of Humanitarian Action at Deusto University in Bilbao. (2010-2012). - ESADE Business School. Executive Coach. - Humanitarian Director Oxfam International. (2003-2010). - Oxfam International Tsunami Fund Management Team Chair (2004-2009). - Director of the International Co-operation Department of INTERMON OXFAM. - Executive Director of PROSALUS (NGO). - Volunteer Co-operator, with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Ghana.

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