xabat casado zumeta

Imagen del profesor xabat casado zumeta

Diploma in Physiotherapy at the Gimbernat University (2005), Graduate in Physiotherapy at the Alfonso Master in Translational Research in Physiotherapy at Gimbernat University (2014). PhD student in the Health, Wellbeing and Bioethics program at the University of Deusto. Belonging to the Deusto Physical Therapiker research team. Full-time teacher and researcher in the Physiotherapy department of the University of Deusto. 16 years of experience as a physiotherapist in a private clinic, in the field of pain and musculoskeletal pathology.

DayAurrez aurre hartzeko orduak:Place:


10:00 - 11:00

Room: Despacho 102 - Antxieta


11:00 - 12:00

Room: Despacho 102 - Antxieta