josune saenz martinez

Imagen del profesor josune saenz martinez

JOSUNE SÁENZ holds a BA and PhD in Economic and Business Science from the University of Deusto. She is currently Lecturer with PhD at the same university, where she teaches at the Donostia campus. She is also Vice-Dean of Research at the Deusto Business School. She teaches BA courses in Business Administration and Management, and joint degree courses in Business Administration and Management + Law and Business Administration and Management + Computer Engineering. Specifically, she teaches the following subjects: Calculus and Cost Management (in Spanish and Basque on BA courses and joint degree courses), Management Accounting (on MA courses), Advanced Management Accounting (on BA courses) and Advanced Strategic Management (on MA courses). Her publications mainly focus on measurement of intangibles, intellectual capital, knowledge management and innovation. She has also carried out research into the link between emotions, expectations and behaviour in change processes. She forms part of the Innovation and Organisational Management in the Knowledge Society research team.


Tutorials : Fuera de horario solicitar cita en

DayAurrez aurre hartzeko orduak:Place:


10 - 11

Room: D


11 - 12

Room: D