eduardo aguilar gutierrez

Imagen del profesor eduardo aguilar gutierrez

Eduardo Aguilar Gutiérrez holds a BA in Education. He currently teaches at the Bilbao campus. His (his) teaching experience focuses on the BA in Tourism and the Master’s degree in Project Management: Leisure, Congress Management, Events and Trade Fairs and Human Resources. He teaches the following subjects: Multimedia Tools (BA in Tourism), Knowledge Management in Leisure Projects (Master’s in Leisure Project Management), Knowledge management in organizations (Master’s in Human Resources) and digital aspects of leisure projects (Master’s in Leisure Project Management) and Digital Tools for congresses, events and Trade Fairs (Master’s in Congress, Event and Trade Fair Management). His publications mainly deal with the relationship of information technologies with leisure, knowledge management, innovation and leisure training experiences among the elderly. In recent years he has been working on the relationship between leisure, information and communication technologies and individual and collective development and learning processes. He has been a member of the Leisure and Human Development research group, recognized by the University of Deusto, and is responsible for Marketing in the Communication and Marketing Department. His other research interests include information and knowledge management, digital leisure, community innovative processes, social innovation and digital identity.

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12:00 - 13:00

Room: G. Comunicación