arantza zubiaurre goena

Imagen del profesor arantza zubiaurre goena

Arantza Zubiaurre Goena holds a BSc in Industrial Engineering from the University of Navarra and a PhD in Economics from the University of Deusto. She is currently Lecturer at the University of Deusto, where she teaches at the Donostia campus. She teaches BA courses in Business Administration and Management (ADE) and ADE + Computer Engineering. Specifically, she teaches the following subjects: Mathematics on ADE courses and Calculus on ADE + Computer Engineering courses. She also teaches Innovation and International Competitiveness on post-graduate courses. Her publications mainly focus on innovative dynamism that takes both enterprises and territory into consideration. In recent years she has been working on behavioural analysis and structuring of the different agents that constitute the driving forces behind the Basque innovation system. She belongs to the Business Competitiveness and Economic Development research team. Other areas of research interest are entrepreneurship and determining factors in the life cycle of clusters.

DayAurrez aurre hartzeko orduak:Place:


8:00 - 10:00

Room: Aulario 3º; d 3