josé cayetano cobos romero

Imagen del profesor josé cayetano cobos romero
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    Visiting Professor

José Cobos is a data and humanitarian expert with extensive experience in analytics, joint analysis, and information management for disaster response. He specializes in integrating technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to enhance humanitarian operations. As the Head of Analysis, Partnerships, and Innovation at Data Friendly Space (DFS), José leads initiatives aimed at improving data accessibility and crisis response through AI. He focuses on developing innovative tools, workflows, and partnerships to support evidence-based decision-making during emergencies. He has supported humanitarian operations in contexts like mixed migration flows in Latin America and the Caribbean, Syrian refugees in Türkiye, and conflict/post-conflict situations in Mozambique, Sudan, Ukraine, Lebanon and Colombia. His disaster response experience includes the 2022 Pakistan floods, 2023 Libya floods, earthquakes in Türkiye, Syria, and Morocco, and Hurricane Beryl in 2024. As part of the UNDAC Remote Analysis and Assessment Cell, José supported joint analysis and coordinated data responses to enhance situational awareness during crises. José has led capacity-building programs for organizations such as IFRC, OCHA, DRC, JRC, and governments like Jamaica, as well as coordination bodies like Information Management and Assessment Working Groups in various contexts. His experience extends to risk analysis, and since 2024, he has been the Lead Analysis Consultant for UNDRR. He has contributed to the development of risk analysis methodologies and the integration of data systems, enhancing resilience in countries such as Sudan, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Timor-Leste, or Indonesia. A key focus of his work has been to improve risk management practices in Central America. He holds Bachelor’s degrees in Law and Business Administration and Management from the University of Córdoba, Spain, and has completed study periods in Germany and India. Additionally, he earned a Master’s degree in International Humanitarian Action (NOHA+) from Deusto University, Uppsala University, and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, specializing in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding.

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