carlos romera anton

Imagen del profesor carlos romera anton

Bachelor's degree in Law, Master's degree in Criminology. Postgraduate course in Victimisation, Mediation and Restorative Justice. Third Cycle Diploma in the PhD programme: Cooperation, integration and conflict in international society. A social educator, he has authored articles, studies and publications related to Restorative Justice, conflict management and other social action thematic areas. Conflict mediator, trainer and researcher in conflict management, human rights , the culture of peace and Restorative Justice. Prof. Romera is a founding member of the University Conflict Resolution Centre-GEUZ. A social educator in the Protection System in the Foster and Urgent Care Centre for minors in vulnerable or risk situations, Alava Regional Council. A member of the Gizabidea Association mediation team: mediator at the Nanclares de Oca Penitentiary Centre. Mediator, lawyer and coordinator in the Baracaldo Penal Mediation Services (Biscay) and Bilbao, both of which were managed by GEUZ from June 2007 to December 2010. Legal advisor, educator and mediator in social programmes to assist persons in risk of social exclusion, Goiztiri Elkartea Association in Baracaldo, mortgage mediator in the Mediation and Collaboration programme at the same association. Member of the Biscay Social Intervention Ethics Committee, trainer/collaborator on several Master’s degree programmes on mediation and conflict management: University of Carlos III in Madrid, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Cantabria, University of La Rioja, University of Oviedo, Gizagune Foundation-Autonomous University of Barcelona.

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