Associate Professor
trinidad.vicente@deusto.esTrinidad L. Vicente holds a PhD in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Deusto. She is currently a lecturer at the University of Deusto in Bilbao and San Sebastian. She lectures on the BA in Social Work and the Master’s in Violence against Women. Specifically, she teaches the following subjects: Discrimination and gender-based violence (BA in Social Work); Diversity and interculturality (BA in Social Work), Gender and migration (Master’s in Violence against Women), Key aspects in human rights (University Diploma in Culture and Solidarity). She is a member of the “Sociocultural challenges and human rights in a changing world” research team. Her publications mainly address issues related to diversity, human rights and gender. These include: “Familias transnacionales y cadenas de cuidados en tiempos de crisis”, “Evolución de la incorporación de las mujeres en los estudios migratorios en el contexto español” or “Donne migrate dal Maghreb: le dimensioni dell’integrazione nello spazio locale”.
Room: 314
Tutorials : Concertar cita por correo electrónico
Day | Aurrez aurre hartzeko orduak: | Place: |
Monday | 18.30 - 19.30 | Room: 314D |
Tuesday | 12.15 - 13.00 | Room: 314D |