lbaselga@deusto.esLaura Baselga-Pascual is an assistant professor at Deusto Business School (San Sebastian, Spain). She defended her Doctoral Dissertation: Essays on Bank Risk-Taking, Diversification, and Ethics during the Financial Crisis in June 2015, obtaining the maximum grade (Cum Laude) and the International Mention. She teaches in the following degrees: Business, Business+International Management Skills (IMS), Business+Law; and Business+ Informatics engineering the courses of Introduction to Finance (English), Financial Management (English) and Accounting (Spanish). She teaches Finance (Spanish) in the Masters in Business Administration. Her research focuses on the banking system characteristics and the effects of the last global financial crisis in the banking industry. More specifically, she studies board characteristics, ethics and risk determinants of financial institutions. She has published various papers in scientific journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report and has presented different works at international conferences. She belongs to the researching groups: Innovación y dirección de organizaciones en la sociedad del conocimiento (Universidad de Deusto); and Banking and Entrepeneurial Finance Research Group - BANEF (Universidad Pablo de Olavide).
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Day | Aurrez aurre hartzeko orduak: | Place: |
Wednseday | 14:00 - 15:00 14:00 - 15:00 | Room: Dpcho. Baselga Room: Dpcho. Baselga |
Thursday | 14:00 - 15:00 14:00 - 14:00 | Room: Dpcho. Baselga Room: Dpcho. Baselga |