alberto.murillo@deusto.esFollow me:
PhD. Eng. Alberto Murillo holds a M.Sc in Industrial Engineering obtained in the University of Deusto, a diploma of Expert in Theory and Application of Finite Element Method from UNED, and a Ph.D. in Engineering for the Information Society and Sustainable Development from the University of Deusto (2019) with maximum qualification and honours, obtained with a research based in finite element simulation and material computational mechanics. He is currently Assistant professor at the University of Deusto. He is lecturer of subjects in the field of materials and manufacturing (Fundamentals of Materials Science, Manufacturing Systems, Integrated Production Systems, Design and Analysis using Finite Elements ...). His field of research is related to mechanics of materials and the simulation of manufacturing processes. He is member of the research group Applied Mechanics and has published several research works in international peer reviewed journals and congresses.
CVDay | Aurrez aurre hartzeko orduak: | Place: |
Tuesday | 15:00 - 16:00 12:00 - 13:00 | Room: Despacho 591 Room: Despacho 591 |
Thursday | 15:00 - 16:00 | Room: Despacho 591 |