Vulcanus in Japan

The programmeVulcanus in Japan, launched in 1997 and aimed at undergraduate students from the third year onwards or postgraduate students in the engineering field with a high command of English, consists of industrial internships for students from the European Union. It starts in September and ends in August of the following year to fit in with the academic year in the EU Member States.

It consists of a one-week seminar in Japan, a 4-month intensive Japanese language course and an 8-month internship in a Japanese company.

This programme aims to study the latest range of technologies used by leading Japanese companies. It is also an opportunity to learn Japanese, appreciate and understand Japanese culture and build a good professional future.

The grant allocation for this academic year is €15,000. The host company will provide accommodation for the 12 months. The language courses and seminar are provided by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation.

The University of Deusto does not manage these grants, it is up to students to collect the information and apply.

Further information

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48007 Bilbao
944 139 161

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01013 - Vitoria
945 010 114

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Lunes a Jueves: 9:00 - 13:00 y 15:00 - 17:00 
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además, martes de jueves: 14:30 - 16:00h
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Lunes a Viernes de 13:30 a 19:30. Miércoles Cerrado.
Junio, a partir del 20 cambia a mañana. De 9 a 14h. Miércoles Cerrado.
Julio de 8:30 a 13:30h. Miércoles Cerrado.
Agosto cerrado.