The Vizcaína Aguirre Foundation - Deusto Business School Scholarships



Purpose and beneficiaries

The FUNDACIÓN VIZCAÍNA AGUIRRE - DEUSTO BUSINESS SCHOOL Scholarships, hereinafter FVA-DBS Scholarships, are aimed at students who are not in possession of a previous official university degree and who, during the 2025 / 2026 academic year, are enrolled in one of the Deusto Business School undergraduate programs at the Bilbao campus.

Call to Apply Vizcaína Aguirre Foundation - Deusto Business School Scholarships

Aspects of the scholarship

The FVA-DBS Scholarships are structured in the following three aspects:

  • Academic tuition
    A 100% discount will be applied to the total amount of the degree studies.
  • Housing
    This component is intended to cover the expenses arising from the change of residence during the academic year.
    The FVA-DBS Grant will cover accommodation expenses at the Deusto University Residence-Colegio Mayor Deusto during the academic year.
  • Additional expenses stipend
    An annual stipend of €3,500 to cover expenses such as school materials and other living expenses.

Although the scholarship is awarded on an annual basis, and its renewal must be requested by submitting the corresponding application, the recipient of the grant will be guaranteed continuity for the entire period of studies as long as the grant holder achieves a minimum average grade of "Notable" and maintains the economic circumstances prevailing at the time it was awarded.

These grants are compatible with and complementary to external grants and scholarships generally offered by public bodies.

Under no circumstances may the compatibility of grants from different programmes and sources result in a benefit greater than the real cost of studies.

General, economic, and academic requisites

To be eligible for the FVA-DBS Scholarships, applicants must meet the following requirements:

1. General requirements

  • Have been admitted to one of the studies listed in article 1 of this call for applications.
  • Not hold a previous official university degree.

2. Academic requirements

2.1 New students entering undergraduate studies at the UD:

  • Have obtained an average mark equal to or higher than a "Sobresaliente" in the first year of baccalaureate, vocational training, or equivalent. (Contact the Scholarship office for questions regard mark equivalents)
  • In the case of university transfer students, the average mark requirement must be fulfilled either in the university entrance studies (baccalaureate, vocational training) or in the university academic transcript.
  • Must enroll for a minimum of 60 credits, the maximum allowed by the application of academic regulations, or the total number of credits required to complete studies. The 60 credits enrolled may include classes previously recognized.

3. Financial requirements.

  • The net family income of the student may not exceed the income and assets limits set by the University in the Deusto Scholarship Call for Undergraduate Scholarships, which are published at
  • In cases where income from self-employment is declared, scholarship applications will be decided on the basis of the volume of turnover/invoicing and not the final declared income.
  • In cases where parents declare separation or divorce, as a general rule, 100% of the income of the custodial parent and 50% of that of the non-custodial parent will be taken into account. If the Scholarship Commission considers that the income of the custodial parent is insufficient to cover the expenses, 100% of the income of both parents will be considered as income.
  • In other cases, what is indicated for similar cases in the General Basque Government Scholarship Announcement for the same academic year will be taken into account.
  • The criteria for calculating the family income are those stipulated in the Deusto Scholarship Announcement. Financial Aid Grants.

Application process and deadlines

Those interested in applying must download the form that will be available on the website: 

Once completed, the form must be printed, signed and together with the required documentation submitted to the University of Deusto Scholarship Service within the following deadlines

- Applicants for admission to the ordinary call for applications: from 10 January to 10 March 2025.

- Renewals: from June 2 to June 13

If not all the scholarships have been allocated in the ordinary call for applications, the FVA-DBS Scholarship administration reserves the right to establish an extraordinary period (July 7-16, 2025)



Documentation required

In order for the application to be admitted for evaluation, it must be accompanied by the following documentation

Academic documentation

  • Copy of the academic transcript of your first year of baccalaureate studies or equivalent.

Financial documentation

  • Complete photocopy of the immediately previous fiscal year income tax return of all the computable members of the cohabitation/family unit. Provisionally, the declaration for the immediately previous financial year may be attached.
  • If any of the members of the cohabiting/family unit are not obliged to present an IRPF declaration, a certificate from the Tax Office with the imputation of the income for that financial year.
  • Certificate of all income in immediately previous fiscal year in the cohabitation/family unit, from unemployment, pensions, promotion funds, etc. and which is not detailed in the IRPF declaration.

In case of separation, divorce or dissolution of the domestic partnership:

  • Copy of the regulatory agreement
  • Proof of the updated amount of the pension received or, if not applicable, documentation that it has not been received during the year or a copy of the complaint for non-payment of the same.
  • Copy of the non-custodial parent's income tax return for immediately previous fiscal year, or a certificate from the Tax Authorities with the imputation of the income for that year.
  • In these cases, the provisions of the Basque Government's general call for applications for grants will be applied with regard to the composition of the family unit and the income to be taken into account. In any case, the grant application must include the personal details and income declaration of the non-custodial parent.

Personal documentation

  • Certificate of census or administrative residence, which will include a list of all the people living at the address, as of 1 January 2025.
  • Letters of introduction from the Director and/or the tutor of the centre where you are studying at the baccalaureate level.
  • Personal letter of motivation stating the reasons for applying for the FVA-DBS scholarship as well as the reasons why the applicant considers him/herself a suitable candidate to obtain it.

Personal interview.

  • In order to verify the leadership profile of the scholarship candidate, all applicants must attend the personal interview, which will be held either in person or online, and to which they will be called by the FVA-DBS Scholarship Committee.

In any case, this Service reserves the right to request any documentation it deems appropriate.

Incomplete submission of the required documentation will be grounds for rejection of the application.

International students:

  • Copy of identification document on both sides (TIE for students residing in Spain, passport for students not residing in Spain)
  • Students who do not reside in Spain must substitute an equivalent of the above requested documentation from their country of residence.

Award decision

The Scholarship Committee constituted for the resolution of the ordinary call will decide on the scholarship applications before 10 May 2025. The scholarship applications from extraordinary period will be solved after July 16th 2025.

We answer your queries

Avda. de las Universidades 24
48007 Bilbao
944 139 161

Camino de Mundaiz 50
20012 - San Sebastián
943 326 280

Portal de Arriaga, 62
01013 - Vitoria
945 010 114

Opening hours
Bilbao campus
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 - 13:00 and 15:00 - 17:00 
Friday and July: mornings only
August closed
San Sebastian campus
Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 13:00
Also, Tuesday and Thursday: 14:30 - 16:00
July: mornings only
August closed​​​​​​​
Vitoria Headquarters 
Monday to Friday from 13:30 to 19:30. Wednesday Closed.
June,as of 20 June changes to morning. From 9:00 to 14:00 Wednesday Closed.
July from 8:30 to 13:30; Wednesday Closed.
August closed.