Subject areas
Faculty of Health Sciences
Gobierno Vasco A
More information
Our group has specialised for more than 25 years in experimental research on human behaviour and cognition, specifically the study of learning processes, cognitive biases, and decision-making. In recent years, we have focused our research on the cognitive biases or errors that occur in learning causal and predictive relationships. This has also led us to explore various aspects of the illusion of control and causality bias, as well as various more applied aspects that derive directly from the above, such as the development of superstitious beliefs and the advance of pseudoscience and misinformation in today's society. This has important applications in a wide range of fields such as public health, political decisions, and various psychological aspects related to the use of the Internet and technology.
Research area
Contingency learning (learning causal and predictive relationships, cognitive biases, literacy learning, pseudoscience and misinformation).
* Team recognised by the Basque Government
Principal Investigator
Helena Matute
Research team
Mario Álvarez
Edurne Goikoextea
Ujué Agudo
Marcos Díaz
Ane Miren Uribe
Aranzazu Viñas
Ion Yarritu
Lucía Vicente
Naroa Martínez
Articles in Scientific Journals
The impact of AI errors in a human-in-the-loop process / Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications
Agudo Diaz, Maria Ujue; G. Liberal, Karlos; Arrese, Miren; Matute Greño, Helena
Volume: 9 / Journal number: 1 / Date: 2024
Humans inherit artificial intelligence biases. / Scientific Reports
Vicente Holgado, Lucia; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 2045-2322 / Volume: 13 / Start page: 15737 / Date: 2023
When did it happen? Verbal information about causal relations affects time estimation. / Consciousness and Cognition
Cubillas, C. P.; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1053-8100 / Volume: 113 / Start page: 103554 / Date: 2023
Scarcity affects cognitive biases: The case of the illusion of causality. / Acta Psychologica
Viñas Gómez, Aranzazu; Blanco Bregón, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0001-6918 / Volume: 239 / Start page: 104007 / Date: 2023
I want to believe: Prior beliefs influence judgments about the effectiveness of both alternative and scientific medicine. / JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING JOURNAL
Vicente Holgado, Lucia; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1930-2975 / Volume: 18 / Journal number: e1 / Date: 2023
Recent advances in the study of the illusion of causality: theory, methods, and practical implications. e15705. / Psicologica
Moreno-Fernández, María Manuela; Blanco Bregón, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0211-2159 / Volume: 44 / Start page: 15705 / Date: 2023
Expensive seems better: The price of a non-effective drug modulates its perceived efficacy / Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications
Díaz Lago, Marcos; Blanco Bregón, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
Volume: 8 / Journal number: 8 / Date: 2023
A debiasing intervention to reduce the causality bias in undergraduates: the role of a bias induction phase / Current Psychology
Martinez Pereña, Naroa; Rodriguez-Ferreiro, J.; Barberia, I.; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1046-1310 / Date: 2023
Human cognitive biases present in Artificial Intelligence / REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE LOS ESTUDIOS VASCOS. RIEV
Martinez Pereña, Naroa; Agudo Diaz, Maria Ujue; Matute Greño, Helena
Volume: 2 / Journal number: 67 / Date: 2022
Assessing Emotion and Sensitivity of AI Artwork / Frontiers in Psychology
Agudo Diaz, Maria Ujue; Arrese, Miren; Liberal, Karlos; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1664-1078 / Volume: 13 / Start page: 879088 / Date: 2022
Examining potential gender bias in automated-job alerts in the Spanish market. / PLoS ONE
Martinez Pereña, Naroa; Viñas Gómez, Aranzazu; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Date: 2021
The influence of algorithms on political and dating decisions. / PLoS ONE
Agudo Diaz, Maria Ujue; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Date: 2021
The tendency to stop collecting information is linked to illusions of causality / Scientific Reports
Moreno-Fernandez, M.M.; Blanco, F.; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 2045-2322 / Date: 2021
PicPsy: A new bank of 106 photographs and line drawings with written naming norms for Spanish-speaking children and adults / PLoS ONE
Martinez Pereña, Naroa; Matute Greño, Helena; Goicoechea Iraola, Edurne
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Volume: 9:e0238976 / Journal number: 15 / Date: 2020
Methodological Factors Involved in the Study of Temporal Binding Using the Open Source Software Labclock Web / Frontiers in Psychology
Cubillas, C. P.; Landáburu, I.; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1664-1078 / Volume: 11 / Journal number: 11:1040 / Date: 2020
When success is not enough: The symptom base-rate can influence judgments of effectiveness of a successful treatment / Frontiers in Psychology
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Moreno Fernandez, Maria Manuela; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1664-1078 / Date: 2020
Are the symptoms really remitting? How the subjective interpretation of outcomes can produce an illusion of causality. / JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING JOURNAL
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Moreno Fernandez, Maria Manuela; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1930-2975 / Date: 2020
Biased health information sampling and causal estimations: A laboratory based experimental research. / Journal of Medical Internet Research
Moreno Fernandez, Maria Manuela; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1438-8871 / Date: 2020
Diseases that resolve spontaneously can increase the belief that ineffective treatments work. / Social Science and Medicine
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0277-9536 / Date: 2020
Predictors of reading and spelling words change as a function of syllabic structure in Spanish [Los predictores de la lectura y escritura de palabras varían en función de la estructura silábica del español] / Psicología Educativa
Goicoechea Iraola, Edurne; Martinez Pereña, Naroa
ISBNAR: 1135-755X / Volume: 26 / Journal number: 1 / Start page: 37 / End page: 48 / Date: 2020
Learning mechanisms underlying accurate and biased contingency judgments / Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition
Matute Greño, Helena; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Díaz Lago, Marcos
ISBNAR: 2329-8456 / Volume: 45 / Journal number: 4 / Start page: 373 / End page: 389 / Date: 2019
Examining the influence of picture format on children´s naming responses. / PeerJ
Martinez Pereña, Naroa; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 2167-8359 / Volume: e7692 / Journal number: 7 / Date: 2019
A hard to read font reduces the causality bias / JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING JOURNAL
Díaz Lago, Marcos; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1930-2975 / Volume: 5 / Journal number: 14 / Start page: 547 / End page: 554 / Date: 2019
Propiedades psicométricas de un test de lectura silenciosa de palabras (LEO-1-min) / Psychometric Properties of a Silent Word Reading Test (LEO-1-min) (en español y en inglés) / ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Goicoechea Iraola, Edurne; Van Bon, Wim; Fraga, Gorka; Martinez Pereña, Naroa
ISBNAR: 1699-5880 / Volume: 17 / Journal number: 48 / Start page: 411 / End page: 436 / Date: 2019
Thinking in a foreign language reduces the causality bias / Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Díaz Lago, Marcos; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1747-0218 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 72 / Start page: 41 / End page: 51 / Date: 2019
Base-rate expectations modulate the causal illusion. / PLoS ONE
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Volume: 14(3): e0212615 / Date: 2019
Programa con voluntariado universitario para el fomento de la lectura por placer entre niños y adolescentes / HUARTE DE SAN JUAN. FILOLOGÍA Y DIDÁCTICA DE LA LENGUA
Goicoechea Iraola, Edurne; Reus Canals, Manuel; Rodriguez Vidarte, Laura; Arbaiza Valero, Aitor
ISBNAR: 1136-081X / Volume: 18 / Start page: 134 / End page: 150 / Date: 2018
Causal illusions in the service of political attitudes in Spain and the UK / Frontiers in Psychology
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Gomez Fortes, Braulio; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1664-1078 / Journal number: 9 / Date: 2018
A short educational intervention diminishes causal illusions and specific paranormal beliefs in undergraduates / PLoS ONE
Barberia, Itsaso; Tubau, Elisabet; Matute Greño, Helena; Rodríguez-Ferreiro, Javier
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Volume: 13(1), e0191907 / Date: 2018
Changes in cue configuration reduce the impact of interfering information in a predictive learning task. / Frontiers in Psychology
Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1664-1078 / Volume: 250 / Journal number: 7 / Date: 2017
Causal illusions in children when the outcome is frequent / PLoS ONE
Moreno Fernandez, Maria Manuela; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Volume: 9 / Journal number: 12 / Date: 2017
Learning to infer the time of our actions and decisions from their consequences. / Consciousness and Cognition
Matute Greño, Helena; Perez Cubillas, Carmelo; Garaizar Sagarminaga, Pablo
ISBNAR: 1053-8100 / Volume: 56 / Journal number: 2017 / Start page: 1 / End page: 12 / Date: 2017
Fishing for phishers. Improving Internet users' sensitivity to visual deception cues to prevent electronic fraud / Computers in Human Behavior
Moreno Fernandez, Maria Manuela; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Garaizar Sagarminaga, Pablo; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0747-5632 / Journal number: 69 / Start page: 421 / End page: 436 / Date: 2017
A HTML5 open source tool to conduct studies based on Libet?s clock paradigm / Scientific Reports
Garaizar Sagarminaga, Pablo; Matute Greño, Helena; Perez Cubillas, Carmelo
ISBNAR: 2045-2322 / Volume: 32689 / Journal number: 6 / Date: 2016
Spelling instruction in Spanish: A comparison of self-correction, visual imagery and copying / Journal of Research in Reading
Gaintza Jauregi, Zuriñe; Goicoechea Iraola, Edurne
ISBNAR: 0141-0423 / Volume: 39 / Journal number: 4 / Start page: 428 / End page: 447 / Date: 2016
Single- and Dual-Process Models of Biased Contingency Detection / Experimental Psychology
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Yarritu Corrales, Ion; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1618-3169 / Journal number: 63 / Start page: 3 / End page: 19 / Date: 2016
The dark side of cognitive illusions: When an illusory belief interferes with the acquisition of evidence-based knowledge. / British Journal of Psychology
Yarritu Corrales, Ion; Matute Greño, Helena; Luque, David
ISBNAR: 0007-1269 / Date: 2015
Individuals who believe in the paranormal expose themselves to biased information and develop more causal illusions than nonbelievers in the laboratory / PLoS ONE
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Barberia Fernandez, Itxaso; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Volume: 7 / Journal number: 10 / Date: 2015
Illusions of causality: How they bias our everyday thinking and how they could be reduced / Frontiers in Psychology
Matute Greño, Helena; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Yarritu Corrales, Ion; Díaz Lago, Marcos; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Barberia Fernandez, Itxaso
ISBNAR: 1664-1078 / Journal number: 6 / Start page: 888 / Date: 2015
The relationship between mood state and perceived control in contingency learning: effects of individualist and collectivist values. / Frontiers in Psychology
Msetfi, Rachel M.; Kornbrot, Diana E.; Matute Greño, Helena; Murphy, Robin A.
ISBNAR: 1664-1078 / Date: 2015
Previous knowledge can induce an illusion of causality through actively biasing behavior. / Frontiers in Psychology
Yarritu Corrales, Ion; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1664-1078 / Date: 2015
Exploring the factors that encourage the illusions of control: The case of preventive illusions / Experimental Psychology
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1618-3169 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 62 / Start page: 131 / End page: 142 / Date: 2015
Reducing the illusion of control when the action is followed by undesired outcomes / Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
Matute Greño, Helena; Blanco Bregon, Fernando
ISBNAR: 1069-9384 / Journal number: 21 / Start page: 1087 / End page: 1093 / Date: 2014
The lack of side effects of an ineffective treatment facilitates the development of a belief in its effectiveness / PLoS ONE
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Barberia Fernandez, Itxaso; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 9 / Date: 2014
Pathological gamblers are more vulnerable to the illusion of control in a standard associative learning task. / Frontiers in Psychology
Matute Greño, Helena; Orgaz, Cristina; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana
ISBNAR: 1664-1078 / Volume: 306 / Journal number: 4 / Date: 2013
Interactive effects of the probability of the cue and the probability of the outcome on the overestimation of null contingency / Learning and Behavior
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel
ISBNAR: 1543-4494 / Journal number: 41 / Start page: 333 / End page: 340 / Date: 2013
The role of outcome inhibition in interference between outcomes. A contingency-learning analogue of retrieval-induced forgetting. / British Journal of Psychology
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Orgaz Jimenez, Sonia Cristina; Luque, David; Cobos, Pedro Luis; Lopez Gutierrez, Francisco Jose; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0007-1269 / Volume: 104 / Start page: 167 / End page: 180 / Date: 2013
Implementation and assessment of an intervention to debias adolescents against causal illusions. / PLoS ONE
Barberia Fernandez, Itxaso; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Perez Cubillas, Carmelo; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Volume: 8 / Journal number: 8 / Date: 2013
Fighting the illusion of control: How to make use of cue competition and alternative explanations. / Universitas Psychologica
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Matute Greño, Helena; Blanco Bregon, Fernando
ISBNAR: 1657-9267 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 12 / Start page: 261 / End page: 270 / Date: 2013
Mediating Role of Activity Level in the Depressive Realism Effect / PLoS ONE
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Volume: 9 / Journal number: 7 / Date: 2012
Making the uncontrollable seem controllable: The role of action in the illusion of control / Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel
ISBNAR: 1747-0218 / Journal number: 64 / Start page: 1290 / End page: 1304 / Date: 2011
Further evidence on the validity of web-based research on associative learning: Augmentation in a predictive learning task. / Computers in Human Behavior
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0747-5632 / Journal number: 27 / Start page: 750 / End page: 754 / Date: 2011
Illusions of causality at the heart of pseudoscience. / British Journal of Psychology
Matute Greño, Helena; Yarritu Corrales, Ion; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel
ISBNAR: 0007-1269 / Journal number: 102 / Start page: 392 / End page: 405 / Date: 2011
Temporal contexts: Filling the gap between episodic memory and associative learning. / Journal of experimental psychology
Matute Greño, Helena; Lipp, O V; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Humphreys, M S
ISBNAR: 0022-1015 / Journal number: 140 / Start page: 660 / End page: 673 / Date: 2011
Contrasting cue density effects in causal and prediction judgments / Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Musca, Serban; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1069-9384 / Journal number: 18 / Start page: 110 / End page: 115 / Date: 2011
Backward blocking and interference between cues are empirically equivalent in non causally framed learning tasks. / Psychological Record
Luque, David; Orgaz Jimenez, Sonia Cristina; Cobos, Pedro Luis; Matute Greño, Helena; Morís Fernández, Joaquín
ISBNAR: 0033-2933 / Journal number: 61 / Start page: 141 / End page: 152 / Date: 2011
Augmentation in contingency learning under time pressure. / British Journal of Psychology
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0007-1269 / Journal number: 101 / Start page: 579 / End page: 589 / Date: 2010
¿Puede la web social emplearse como plataforma de e-learning para el aprendizaje colaborativo? / Boletín Electrónico de Investigación de la Asociación Oaxaqueña de Psicología, A.C.
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Garaizar Sagarminaga, Pablo; Matute Greño, Helena
Volume: 2 / Journal number: 6 / Start page: 127 / End page: 135 / Date: 2010
Positive and negative mediation as a function of whether the absent cue was previously associated with the outcome. / Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Castro, Leire; Matute Greño, Helena
Journal number: 63 / Start page: 2359 / End page: 2375 / Date: 2010
The role of cue information in the outcome-density effect: Evidence from neural network simulations and a causal learning experiment / Connection Science
Musca, Serban; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0954-0091 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 22 / Start page: 177 / End page: 192 / Date: 2010
The role of cue information in the outcome-density effect: Evidence from neural network simulations and a causal learning experiment. / Connection Science
Musca, Serban; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Blanco, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0954-0091 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 22 / Start page: 177 / End page: 192 / Date: 2010
Contingency is used to prepare for outcomes: Implications for a functional analysis of learning / Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Blanco, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel
Journal number: 17 / Start page: 117 / End page: 121 / Date: 2010
Contingency is used to prepare for outcomes: Implications for a functional analysis of learning / Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel
ISBNAR: 1069-9384 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 17 / Start page: 117 / End page: 121 / Date: 2010
The Proust effect and the evolution of a dual learning system. / BEHAV BRAIN SCI
Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel
ISBNAR: 0140525X / Volume: 32 / Start page: 215 / End page: 216 / Date: 2009
La interferencia retroactiva entre claves entrenadas por separado: Evidencia empírica y enfoques teóricos / Escritos de Psicología
Orgaz Jimenez, Sonia Cristina; Luque, David; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; López, Francisco José; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1138-2635 / Volume: 2 / Start page: 83 / End page: 94 / Date: 2008
Overshadowed cues have reduced ability to retroactively interfere with other cues. / Learning and Motivation
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Orgaz Jimenez, Sonia Cristina; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0023-9690 / Volume: 39 / Start page: 313 / End page: 322 / Date: 2008
Backward blocking: The role of within-compound associations and interference between cues trained apart / Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section A
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Castro, Leire; Matute Greño, Helena; E.A., Wasserman
ISBNAR: 02724987 / Journal number: 61 / Start page: 185 / End page: 193 / Date: 2008
Predictions and causal estimations are not supported by the same associative structure. / Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section B
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 02724995 / Journal number: 60 / Start page: 433 / End page: 447 / Date: 2007
Illusion of control in Internet users and college students / Cyberpsychology and Behavior
Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Vegas, Sonia; Blanco Bregon, Fernando
ISBNAR: 1094-9313 / Volume: 10 / Start page: 176 / End page: 181 / Date: 2007
Web-based control software for research and teaching on human learning / Behavior Research Methods
Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Bárcena, Raúl
ISBNAR: 1554-351X / Volume: 39 / Start page: 689 / End page: 693 / Date: 2007
The Internet as a research tool in the study of associative learning: An example from overshadowing. / Behavioural Processes
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Bárcena Hurtado, Raúl; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0376-6357 / Journal number: 73 / Start page: 36 / End page: 40 / Date: 2006
Contrasting Predictive and Causal Values of Predictors and of Causes. / Learning and Behavior
Matute Greño, Helena; Pineño, Oscar; Denniston, James C.; Beckers, Tom; Miller, Ralph R.
ISBNAR: 1543-4494 / Journal number: 33 / Start page: 184 / End page: 196 / Date: 2005
Causal and Predictive-Value Judgments, but not Predictions, are based on Cue-Outcome Contingency. / Learning and Behavior
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Miller, Ralph R.; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 1543-4494 / Journal number: 33 / Start page: 172 / End page: 183 / Date: 2005
Outcome Similarity Modulates Retroactive Interference between Cues Trained Apart / Psicologica
Matute Greño, Helena; Pineño, Oscar
ISBNAR: 0211-2159 / Journal number: 26 / Start page: 281 / End page: 292 / Date: 2005
Competition between Antecedent and between Subsequent Stimuli in Causal Judgments / Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Arcediano, F.; Matute Greño, Helena; Escobar, M.C.; Miller, R.R.
ISBNAR: 02787393 / Journal number: 31 / Start page: 228 / End page: 237 / Date: 2005
Aportaciones del aprendizaje natural al aprendizaje artificial. / Revista del Cluster de Conocimiento
Matute Greño, Helena
Journal number: 82 / Date: 2004
The Frequency of Judgment as a Context-like Determinant of Predictive Judgments. / Memory and Cognition
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Vegas Garrán, Sonia; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNAR: 0090-502X / Journal number: 32 / Start page: 1065 / End page: 1075 / Date: 2004
Aspectos psicológicos de Internet / Sal Terrae
Matute Greño, Helena
Journal number: 92 / Start page: 547 / End page: 558 / Date: 2004
Articles Published Online
Cómo la psicología experimental puede enseñarnos a no caer en el phishing
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Moreno Fernandez, Maria Manuela; Garaizar Sagarminaga, Pablo; Matute Greño, Helena
URL: / Date: 2017
Nuestra Mente nos Engaña
Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNLM: 978-84-17822-39-2 / Date: 2019
Psicología de las nuevas tecnologías: De la adicción a internet a la convivencia con robots.
Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel
ISBNLM: 9788497563765 / Date: 2012
Libro de Resúmenes del XX Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Psicología Comparada
Orgaz Jimenez, Sonia Cristina; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Yarritu Corrales, Ion; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNLM: 978-84-612-5892-5 / Date: 2008
Human Contingency Learning: Recent Trends in Research and Theory.
Matute Greño, Helena; De Houwer, J.; Beckers, Tom
ISBNLM: 978-1-84169-824-3 / Date: 2007
Psicología del aprendizaje
Pineño Moyano, Oskar; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNLM: 13-978-84-96560-40-6 / Date: 2007
En qué se diferencia la danza de la lluvia del barómetro y de las bajas presiones
Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Vegas Garran, Sonia; Orgaz Jimenez, Sonia Cristina
Date: 2007
Mitos y realidades sobre los aspectos psicológicos de internet
Matute Greño, Helena
Date: 2003
Chapters of Books
Causality bias / Cognitive Illusions: Intriguing Phenomena in Thinking, Judgment, and Memory
Matute Greño, Helena; Blanco Bregón, Fernando; Moreno-Fernández, María Manuela
ISBNCO: 9781003154730 / Start page: 108 / End page: 123 / Date: 2022
The illusion of causality: a cognitive bias underlying pseudoscience / Pseudoscience: The conspiracy against science
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
Start page: 45 / End page: 75 / Date: 2018
¿Adicción, abuso o uso problemático de Internet? / Abuso de Internet ¿Antesala para la adicción al juego de azar on-line?
Matute Greño, Helena
ISBNCO: 978-84-368-3581-6 / Start page: 31 / End page: 50 / Date: 2016
Web-based experiment control for research on human learning. / Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning.
Matute Greño, Helena; Garaizar Sagarminaga, Pablo; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel
Start page: 3450 / End page: 3453 / Date: 2012
Associative and connectionist accounts of biased contingency detection in humans. / From associations to rules: Connectionist models of behavior and cognition
Musca, Serban; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Matute Greño, Helena
Start page: 16 / End page: 27 / Date: 2008
La pasividad de los depresivos les protege de la ilusión de control / Emoción y motivación: Contribuciones actuales, Vol. II: Motivación
Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Matute Greño, Helena
Start page: 79 / End page: 91 / Date: 2008
Either greedy or well informed: The reward maximization - unbiased evaluation trade-off / Proceedings of the European Cognitive Science Conference (EuroCogSci07)
Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Blanco Bregon, Fernando; Musca, Serban C.
Start page: 341 / End page: 346 / Date: 2007
Assessing e-learning in web labs / Advances on remote laboratories and e-learning experiences
Matute Greño, Helena; Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel
Start page: 99 / End page: 107 / Date: 2007
Nuevas perspectivas teóricas en el estudio de la extinción en juicios de causalidad / Aprendizaje causal y recuperación de la información: Perspectivas teóricas
Vadillo Nistal, Miguel Angel; Matute Greño, Helena
Start page: 172 / End page: 183 / Date: 2005
Investigación con humanos en aprendizaje asociativo / Inteligencia y aprendizaje
Matute Greño, Helena
Start page: 261 / End page: 304 / Date: 2004
Factores que median en la expresión del aprendizaje asociativo humano / Investigación contemporánea en aprendizaje asociativo
Matute Greño, Helena; Pineño, Oscar; Vegas, Sonia
Start page: 175 / End page: 190 / Date: 2003
Supervised Theses
La influencia de los algoritmos en las decisiones y juicios humanos. Experimentos en contextos de política, citas y arte.
Date: 2021
Identificación de factores para minimizar la ilusión de causalidad
Díaz Lago, Marcos
Date: 2017
Predictores de la lectoescritura de estímulos de estructura silábica simple y compleja en lectores principiantes desfavorecidos: un estudio longitudinal
Martínez, Naroa
Date: 2017
Intervención con malos lectores mayores: eficacia de tres tratamientos en la lectura de palabras y la fluidez lectora.
Ferrero González, Marta
Date: 2013
La Ilusión Causal: Una mirada al origen de la creencia supersticiosa.
Date: 2013
Miembro tribunal tesis doctoral Dra. Estrella González.Implicación de procesos asociativos en fenómenos de interferencia retroactiva en el aprendizaje de relaciones de contingencia en humanos.
Date: 2012
El saber si ocupa lugar: Interferencia entre claves entrenadas por separado y entre outcomes
Orgaz, Cristina
Date: 2010
Realismo e Ilusión en los Juicios de Contingencia
Date: 2008
Enseñanza de la comprensión lectora en universitarios a través de las estrategias, el conocimiento y la relectura
Date: 2006
Eficacia de cuatro métodos de entrenamiento de la ortografía arbitraria en educación primaria
Date: 2006
Causalidad y Predicción: Implicaciones del tipo de pregunta para los modelos de aprendizaje causal
Date: 2005
Juicios de causalidad y predicción cuando la información recibida en diferentes momentos es contradictoria
Vegas Garrán, Sonia
Date: 2004
Aprendizaje sobre claves ausentes
Castro Ruiz, Leyre
Date: 2003
PD-SOP: Un modelo de aprendizaje asociativo dependiente del camino
Pineño Moyano, Oskar
Date: 2002
Interferencia entre estímulos entrenados elementalmente: Inhibición vs. Activación relativa de las asociaciones
Ortega Lahera, Nuria
Date: 2001
Recuperación de la respuesta a un estímulo bloqueado extinguiendo el estímulo bloqueador
Arcediano Salazar, Francisco
Date: 1998