• Subject areas

    Faculty of Social and Human Sciences

    Brief description of research aims

    The Deusto Social Values Team is made up of teaching and research staff from the Social Work and Sociology Department of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Deusto. Research is basically carried out in the fields of Sociology and Social Work. The methodologies used are both quantitative and qualitative, with a cross-cutting presence of the gender perspective.

    It is one of the three research teams that support the PhD Programme in Human Rights: Ethical, Social and Political Challenges at the University of Deusto. The Deusto Social Values Team at the University of Deusto has has been recognised as a team of excellence three times in a row in the calls of the Basque Government’s Education Department (2006-2012; 2013-2018 and 2018-2021). On all three occasions it has been awarded an ''A'' status. The central theme of the team is the analysis of social values, which is carried out along two main research areas: 1. Analysis of society and democracy through the study of the political fact and 2. Welfare and Social Policy, through the study of social inclusion-exclusion processes and intervention systems.

    The longitudinal and comparative perspectives are key methodological tools since the Deusto Social Values Team represents Spain in the European Value Survey Group (EVS), is a member of the EVS Executive Board, and has been implementing the survey since 1981. The Deusto Social Values Team does not only carry out quantitative analyses of the European survey and of the improvement of statistical exploitation, but also prioritises theoretical reflection. It also carries out more applied research which, based on the knowledge provided by the data, can contribute to improving social intervention systems and provide answers to the social inclusion and exclusion processes faced by our society.

    Research areas

    - Values, Equality, Society and Democracy.
    - Values, Equality, Welfare and Social Policy.
    * Team recognised by the Basque Government