Deusto Sports & Society (DSS)

Deusto Sports & Society (DSS)
  • Subject areas

    Faculty of Education and Sport

  • Team

    Universidad de Deusto


    The team's research is particularly concerned with studying aspects related to characteristics that can benefit individuals’ physical health. However, this approach constrains the study of other areas related to physical activity and sport, such as those of a social, psychological, educational and/or leisure-related nature.
    In turn, this degree has strengthened its position at the university and has allowed for the consolidation of the academic staff, broadening the diversity of profiles in it. This has led to the need to study and expand knowledge to other areas of sport, such as those mentioned above.

    Research areas:
    Physical and sports practices: psycho-socio-educational factors in actors, groups and institutions

    Principal Investigator
    Maite Aurrekoetxea

    Itziar Urquijo
    Eneko Sánchez
    Itsaso Leunda
    Alain Garalde
    Yolanda Lázaro
    Olatz Zabala
    Xabier González
    Erika Borrajo
    Isabel Rubio
    Lander Hernández
    Fernando Asenjo
    ​Iker Saez