Subject areas
Faculty of Health Sciences
Gobierno Vasco B
Scope of study
The premise is that health and well-being should be studied in a broader relational context. And, according to Psychology and Family Psychotherapy, the family is the most relevant context in health promotion, prevention and recovery. Maladjusted family relationships can have a powerful negative impact, causing or encouraging various psychopathological manifestations. The situations that can generate these manifestations are diverse: intra-family conflict and violence, addictions, situations, infertility, immigration, lack of parental competences, etc.
Therefore, as stated by the American Psychological Association (APA) regarding Family Psychologists, this research team would be concerned with alarming phenomena such as destructive inter-parental and intra-family conflict (couple, parent-child conflict), or the increase in physical and mental health problems associated with relational patterns, but also with understanding the conditions that favour the well-being of family members and their evaluation in processes involving the allocation of child custody, guardianship, violence, and psychotherapeutic interventions. And all this, throughout the family life cycle, from prenatal periods to late adulthood.
Specific Goals:
1. Analyse risk and protective factors in adverse or complex family situations and the impact of these situations throughout life.
2. Develop and validate assessment tools.
3. Design, develop and evaluate evidence-based intervention programmes applicable to community and clinical contexts, and evaluate their efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency.
4. Disseminate research findings at congresses or in scientific journals, develop national or international meetings with professionals from other associations or institutions, generate knowledge networks, etc.
1. Inter-parental and intra-family conflict. Adjustment and adaptation, Emotional regulation. Family security. Sibling relationships. Destructive conflict. Evidence-based interventions. Therapeutic Alliance.
2. Adoption. Communication on origins, health, attachment, child and youth welfare, emotional parenting, psychological well-being of adult children, etc. Family intervention.
3. Prenatal and postnatal attachment and bonding. Pregnancy, 0-6 years, bonding, mentalisation, attachment, parental competence, gender differences between parents, evidence-based intervention.
4. Family and health. Immigrant families, mindfulness, substance abuse, families at psychosocial risk, work-family balance, somatisation and family relationships, etc. It has two areas: 1) Relational patterns and family well-being; 2) Impact of relational patterns on adolescence.
Principal investigator
Ana Martínez
Research team
Mireia Sanz
Leire Iriarte
Irati Alvarez
Leire Gordo
Iñigo Ochoa de Alda
Laura Merino
Txemi Santamaría
Susana Cormenzana
Nerea Martín
Susana Corral
Inés Pellón
Iñigo Aguinaga
Estefanía Mónaco
Articles in Scientific Journals
Mentalization and Parenting: Preliminary Validation of the Parent Development Interview?Brief (PDI?B): Optimizing the Assessment of Parental Reflective Functioning / Contemporary Family Therapy
Golanó, Marta; Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Pitillas, Carlos; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Aramburu, Inés; Halty, Amaia
ISBNAR: 0892-2764 / Date: 2025
Differential Impact of Parental Practices and Parental Emotional Clarity on Child Symptoms in Single-Child vs. Multiple-Child Divorced Families. / Children
Merino Ramos, Laura; Herrero, Marta; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 2227-9067 / Volume: 1481 / Journal number: 11 / Date: 2024
Prenatal affective bond: a longitudinal study in women who achieved pregnancy through assisted reproduction / Current Psychology
Navarro-Aresti, Lucía; Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Iraurgi Castillo, Ioseba; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 1046-1310 / Date: 2024
Divorce and physical health: A three-level meta-analysis / Social Science and Medicine
Pellon Elexpuru, Ines; Van Dijk, Riane; Van Der Valk, Inge; Molleda Pedrueza, Asier; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana
ISBNAR: 0277-9536 / Volume: 352 / Start page: 117005 / Date: 2024
The Generalization Effect of Interparental Conflictin Sibling Relationships and Child Adaptation / Canadian Journal of Family and Youth
Merino Ramos, Laura; Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Herrero Fernández, David
ISBNAR: 1718-9748 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 16 / Start page: 55 / End page: 75 / Date: 2024
Validation of the anxiety subscale of the Spanish version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS-A) / Frontiers in Psychiatry
Gomá, Marta; Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Cozodoy, Eric; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Prims, Emma; Ferrer, Josep; Sánchez, Carmen; Llairó, Antònia; Arias-Pujol, Eulália
ISBNAR: 1664-0640 / Date: 2023
The coach's role in young athletes? emotional competence and psychological well-being / International Journal of Emotional Education
Aguinaga San Jose, Iñigo; Santamaría García, Txemi; Merino Ramos, Laura
ISBNAR: 2073 7629 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 15 / Date: 2023
Spanish Version of the Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale / Mindfulness
Barrio, Laura; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 1868-8527 / Date: 2023
Spanish Version of the Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale (IM?P) / Mindfulness
Barrio, Laura; Merino Ramos, Laura
ISBNAR: 1868-8527 / Date: 2023
The efficacy of postdivorce intervention programs for children: A meta-analytical review / Family Process
Herrero, Marta; Roca, Patricia; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 0014-7370 / Start page: 1 / End page: 20 / Date: 2022
Parental Perception of Child Vulnerability in Parents of Young Children / Journal of Pediatric Psychology
Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 0146-8693 / Volume: 7 / Journal number: 47 / Start page: 850 / End page: 857 / Date: 2022
Interparental Conflict Appraisals and Adolescents? Maladaptation in Siblings: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model / Journal of Child and Family Studies
Merino Ramos, Laura; Herrero Lazaro, Marta; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 1062-1024 / Journal number: 31 / Start page: 1968 / End page: 1981 / Date: 2022
Maternal mentalization and child emotion regulation: A comparison of different phases of early childhood / Infant Behavior and Development
Álvarez, Naiara; Herrero Lazaro, Marta; Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 0163-6383 / Journal number: 66 / Start page: 1 / End page: 10 / Date: 2021
Is the Egokitzen post-divorce intervention program effective in the community context? / Children and Youth Services Review
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Herrero, Marta; Sanz Vázquez, Mireia; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Merino Ramos, Laura; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Ochoa De Alda Martínez De Apellaniz, Iñigo; Alcañiz Gonzalez, Leire; Álvarez, Irati
ISBNAR: 0190-7409 / Date: 2021
Conflicto Interparental y Acoso Escolar: Evaluación del Rol Mediador de la Mentalización y Regulación Emocional / Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica
Ferreras, Marina; Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana
ISBNAR: 1135-3848 / Volume: 4 / Journal number: 61 / Start page: 131 / End page: 146 / Date: 2021
Psychological adjustment in adult adoptees: A meta-analysis / Psicothema
Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Herrero Lazaro, Marta; Martín Bolaños, Nerea; Gordejuela Enales, Ane; Herrero Fernández, David
ISBNAR: 0214-9915 / Volume: 4 / Journal number: 33 / Start page: 527 / End page: 535 / Date: 2021
Search and communication about origins in internationally adopted young adults in Spain: A phenomenological perspective / Journal of Family Issues
Martín Bolaños, Nerea; Corral Gilsanz, Susana
ISBNAR: 0192-513X / Date: 2021
Adopción en la década de los 70: la vivencia de los orígenes desde la mirada de tres protagonistas / Familia: Revista de Ciencias y Orientación Familiar
Martín Bolaños, Nerea; Corral Gilsanz, Susana
ISBNAR: 2660-9525 / Journal number: 59 / Start page: 85 / End page: 102 / Date: 2021
Family structure, interparental conflict and adolescent symptomatology / Journal of Family Studies
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Iraurgi Castillo, Ioseba; Sanz Vazquez, Mireya
ISBNAR: 1322-9400 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 27 / Start page: 231 / End page: 246 / Date: 2021
Development and psychometric properties of a new observational coding system for sibling interactions / International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice
Merino Ramos, Laura; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 1364-5579 / Volume: 0 / Journal number: 0 / Date: 2021
Measuring perceptions of the therapeutic alliance in individual, family, and group therapy from a systemic perspective: Structural validity of the softa?s. / Family Process
Álvarez, Irati; Herrero Lazaro, Marta; Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Escudero, Valentín
ISBNAR: 0014-7370 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 60 / Start page: 302 / End page: 315 / Date: 2021
Do Parental Reflective Functioning and Parental Competence Affect The Socioemotional Adjustment Of Children? / Journal of Child and Family Studies
Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Luyten, Patrick
ISBNAR: 1062-1024 / Volume: 29 / Journal number: 12 / Start page: 3621 / End page: 3631 / Date: 2020
Versión Española del Cuestionario de Función Reflexiva Parental (CFRP-18)/ Spanish Version of the Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (CFRP-18) / Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica
Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso
ISBNAR: 1135-3848 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 55 / Start page: 5 / End page: 17 / Date: 2020
Family Communication, adaptation to Divorce and Children Maladjustment: The Moderating Role of Coparenting / Journal of Family Communication
Herrero Lazaro, Marta; Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Álvarez, Irati
ISBNAR: 1532-7698 / Date: 2020
La relación entre hermanos/as y su adaptación en contextos de alto estrés familiar / Ansiedad y Estrés
Merino Ramos, Laura; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 1134-7937 / Journal number: 26 / Start page: 27 / End page: 32 / Date: 2020
Transnational links and family functioning in reunited Latin American families: Premigration variable´ impact / Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
Peñas Martin, Silvia; Merino Ramos, Laura; Herrero Fernandez, David; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 1099-9809 / Volume: 26 / Journal number: 3 / Start page: 306 / End page: 317 / Date: 2019
Family Communication, Adaptation to Divorce and Children?s Maladjustment: The Moderating Role of Coparenting / Journal of Family Communication
Herrero Lazaro, Marta; Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Álvarez, Irati
ISBNAR: 1532-7698 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 20 / Start page: 114 / End page: 128 / Date: 2019
Marital functioning and treatment outcome in couples undergoing assisted reproduction / Journal of Advanced Nursing
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Martin Iñigo, Sagrario; Navarro, Lucía
ISBNAR: 0309-2402 / Volume: 2 / Journal number: 75 / Start page: 338 / End page: 347 / Date: 2019
Conciliación familia-trabajo y sintomatología externalizante de los hijos e hijas: papel mediador del clima familiar / Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia y Salud
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Ugarte Elicegui, Itxaso; Merino Ramos, Laura; Herrero Fernandez, David
ISBNAR: 2171-2069 / Volume: 1 / Journal number: 10 / Start page: 27 / End page: 36 / Date: 2019
Premigratory Expectatives and Vital Satisfaction in Latin-American Inmigrants: The Role of Social Support and Family Stability. / Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica
Peñas, Silvia; Herrero Fernández, David; Merino Ramos, Laura; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 0373-2002 / Volume: 4 / Journal number: 53 / Start page: 91 / End page: 100 / Date: 2019
A single Spanish version of maternal and paternal postnatal attachment scales: validation and conceptual analysis. / PeerJ
Oliver-Roig, Antonio; Riera Martin, Anna; Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Clement-Carbonell, V; Richart, Miguel
ISBNAR: 2167-8359 / Journal number: PeerJ 6:e5980 / Date: 2018
La relación entre la función reflexiva parental y el ajuste socioemocional de bebés de 9 a 14 meses de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca / CUADERNOS DE PSIQUIATRÍA Y PSICOTERAPIA DEL NIÑO Y DEL ADOLESCENTE
Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 1575-5967 / Journal number: 65 / Start page: 67 / End page: 72 / Date: 2018
Parental perception of child vulnerability and parental competence: The role of postnatal depression and parental stress in fathers and mothers / PLoS ONE
Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Oliver-Roig, Antonio; Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Fernández Alcántara, Manuel; Richart, Miguel
ISBNAR: 1932-6203 / Date: 2018
Metric Goodness of the Adult Prosocialness Scale. Comparative Study of Italy and Spain / Spanish Journal of Psychology
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Sanz Vazquez, Mireya; Barni, Daniel; Simon, Jordi; Alomar, Elisabeth; Pérez Testor, Carles
ISBNAR: 1138-7416 / Date: 2018
Bases para la intervención con padres y madres adoptantes. Construyendo relaciones familiares basadas en el apego / La revue du REDIF
Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Urrutia Carretero, Edurne; Sanz Vázquez, Mireia; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Ochoa De Alda Martínez De Apellaniz, Iñigo; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 2070-9021 / Journal number: 10 / Start page: 32 / End page: 41 / Date: 2018
Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso
ISBNAR: 1575-5967 / Journal number: 64 / Start page: 113 / End page: 118 / Date: 2017
A Psycho-Educational Group Program for Divorced Parents in Spain: A Pilot Study. / Contemporary Family Therapy
Merino Ramos, Laura; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Aguado Rodriguez, Veronica; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 0892-2764 / Volume: 3 / Journal number: 39 / Start page: 230 / End page: 238 / Date: 2017
Egokitzen infantil: Análisis de la eficacia de un programa de intervención grupal con hijos/as de padres/madres divorciados /
Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Merino Ramos, Laura; Martínez Pampliega, Ana
Journal number: 63 / Start page: 113 / End page: 122 / Date: 2017
Egokitzen Infantil: Análisis de la eficacia de un programa de intervención grupal con hijos/as de padres/madres divorciados. / CUADERNOS DE PSIQUIATRÍA Y PSICOTERAPIA DEL NIÑO Y DEL ADOLESCENTE
Merino Ramos, Laura; Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Martínez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 1575-5967 / Journal number: 63 / Start page: 113 / End page: 122 / Date: 2017
Assessment of the quality of infertile couple relationships using the circumplex model / Medicina Reproductiva y Embriología Clínica
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Martín, Sagrario; Navarro Aresti, Lucia
ISBNAR: 2340-9320 / Journal number: 3 / Start page: 75 / End page: 84 / Date: 2016
Tiempos de cambio: generando puentes entre la familia y la escuela / La Revue du Redif
Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Sanz Vazquez, Mireya; Aperribai Unamuno, Leire; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNAR: 2070-9021 / Journal number: 8 / Start page: 38 / End page: 52 / Date: 2016
Protecting Children After a Divorce: Efficacy of Egokitzen. An Intervention Program for Parents on Children's Adjustment. / Journal of Child and Family Studies
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Aguado Rodriguez, Veronica; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Merino Ramos, Laura; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso
ISBNAR: 1062-1024 / Journal number: 24 / Start page: 3782 / End page: 3792 / Date: 2016
Actas del XI Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación
Santamaría García, Txemi
ISBNLM: 978-84-1170-366-6 / Date: 2023
Familia y entorno: Implicación de la familia en el entorno escolar
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Galindez Nafarrate, Edurne
ISBNLM: 84-271-2568-2. / Date: 2021
Programa EGOKITZEN. Manual de intervención posdivorcio para madres y padres
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Sanz Vázquez, Mireia; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Merino Ramos, Laura; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso
ISBNLM: 978-84-368-4444-3 / Date: 2021
El cuidado emocional del bebé y su familia.
Gordo Cenizo, Leire; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso
ISBNLM: 978-84-120719-5-5 / Date: 2020
Egokitzen: Guía para profesionales en contexto judicial
Sanz, Mireia; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Cormenzana, Susana; Iriarte, Leire; Osma, Miguel; Martínez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNLM: 978-84-616-9804-2 / Date: 2016
EGOKITZEN-infantil: Programa de intervención post-divorcio psicoeducativa con hijos/as de 8 a 12 años
Merino Ramos, Laura; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Sanz Vazquez, Mireya; Martínez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNLM: 978-84-608-905-7 / Date: 2016
Familias migrantes reagrupadas e integración. Claves para la intervención psicosocial para profesionales
Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNLM: 978-84-16982-14-1 / Volume: 1 / Date: 2016
Construyendo relaciones con familias adoptivas. Hablando sobre orígenes
Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Urrutia Carretero, Edurne; Sanz Vázquez, Mireia; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Ochoa De Alda Martínez De Apellaniz, Iñigo; Martinez Pampliega, Ana
ISBNLM: 978-84-616-9805-9 / Date: 2016
Chapters of Books
Custodia, coparentalidad y bienestar de los/as hijos/as. / En Mª C. García (ed.), Intervención multidisciplinar para la protección de los menores en situación de riesgo y desamparo en los procesos de ruptura. Madrid: Editorial Jurídica Sepin, S.L.
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Herrero Lazaro, Marta; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Merino Ramos, Laura; Sanz, Mireya; Álvarez, Irati
ISBNCO: 9788418247484 / Date: 2020
Programa de intervención Postdivorcio Egokitzen / En M. Vallejo y M. P. Antón (2019). Estudio multidisciplinar sobre interferencias parentales. Madrid: Dykinson.
Martinez Pampliega, Ana; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire Itxaso; Sanz, Mireya; Cormenzana Redondo, Susana; Merino Ramos, Laura; Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Álvarez, Irati
Start page: 189 / End page: 198 / Date: 2019
Hablando sobre los orígenes en la adopción: una propuesta de intervención para padres y madres adoptantes / Adopción en la adolescencia y juventud
Corral Gilsanz, Susana; Urrutia Carretero, Edurne; Ochoa De Alda Martínez De Apellaniz, Iñigo
Start page: 465 / End page: 485 / Date: 2017
Supervised Theses
Date: 2023
Angulo, Blanca
Date: 2022
La vivencia de los orígenes en la adopción y su abordaje desde una perspectiva sistémica
Martín Bolaños, Nerea
Date: 2022
Programa de intervención Post-divocio: Evaluación del proceso a través de la alianza terapéutica
Date: 2021
Competencia parental y desarrollo socioemocional de bebés de 0 a 3 años: función reflexiva y percepción parental de vulnerabilidad infantil
Gordo Cenizo, Leire
Date: 2020
Estudio de las relaciones parentofiliales a través del constructo Emoción Expresada en situaciones de conflicto interparental y su relación con el ajuste de los/as adolescentes
Date: 2019
El sentimiento de soledad en las personas mayores y su relación con la atribución causal y el afrontamiento. Defendida 5/2/2016
Castro Blanco, Pili
Date: 2016
Rocha Arrangoiz, Maria Fernanda
Date: 2015
Vínculo afectivo prenatal en mujeres embarazadas a través de Reproducción Asistida
Date: 2015
Tesis Doctoral: Vivencia cognitiva y emocional del conflicto interparental y su impacto en el bienestar del hijo adolescente: El papel mediador de la regulación emocional y el humor
Date: 2015