Subject areas
Faculty of Engineering
Gobierno Vasco A
The DEUSTEK2 group has worked in the field of Ambient Intelligence since 2003 when the SmartLab research lab was set up to research hardware and software technologies to enable intelligent instrumentation in buildings. This work was strengthened in 2007 when a second research lab was set up, devoted to application of Aml principles to key areas such as transport. The result of this was ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). In short, as part of the AmI discipline, DEUSTEK members working in the aforementioned laboratories (around 25 people) carry out activities in the following research topics:
a. Middleware for the integration of heterogeneous sensory and actuation elements
b. Embedded intelligence in devices and environment servers
c. Intelligent instrumentation of home or industrial care environments
d. More natural and intelligent context-sensitive interaction (modelled using semantic technologies) and mediated by mobile between user and environment.
e. Design and prototyping of more natural and intelligent context-sensitive devices or objects.
Design and deployment of more reactive and assistive intelligent environments (AAL - Ambient Assisted Living) responsive to users and their specific needs and capabilities conveyed through the mobile device
g. Intelligent monitoring and action of the environment supported by wireless sensor networks and indoor localisation systems.
h. Development of wireless communication architectures for surface transport (rail and road), enabling vehicles and their occupants to communicate with their environment, i.e. other vehicles, road infrastructure or control centres.
i. i. Design and deployment of new generation intelligent transport services towards more comfortable, safer and more efficient transport.
Research areas
- Ubiquitous Computing applied to the generation of smarter, more sustainable and healthier communities of people, objects and spaces.
- Remote experimentation and computational thinking for educational communities and their environment.
- Disruptive technologies of hybrid computational intelligence and distributed and decentralised computing aimed at solving societal challenges.
* Team recognised by the Basque Government