01 October 2024
Bilbao Campus
The University of Deusto is focused on offering quality teaching that incorporates a solid training in values. To this end, it offers the Human Formation in Values Module, a set of subjects that more than 3,700 undergraduate students take each year. Among these subjects are those of Learning and Service, carried out in collaboration with numerous social entities, which allows students to actively participate in their programs and projects.
The contribution of these organizations is key to the university project centered on the comprehensive training of students, aimed at social transformation and the construction of a fairer and more inclusive society. In recognition of this collaboration, the University has carried out an institutional act in the Bilbao campus where agreements were signed that frame the relationship between the entities and Deusto.
Among the participating entities are the Association Against Cancer in Bizkaia, Caritas Bizkaia, Beata Maria Josefa Shelter Center, ITAKA Escolapios Vitoria and Bilbao, Ignacio Ellacuría Social Center, Conde de Aresti Foundation, Aspaldiko Third Age Foundation, Down Syndrome Foundation, Ulertuz, Fidias Foundation, Socio-educational Intervention Team, Gorabide, Bakuva, Avifes, Ahida, Argia and ASASAM.
The event will also take place on the Donostia campus on Thursday, October 3, at 3:30 p.m., at the Vice-Rector's Office. On this occasion, agreements will be signed with Matia Fundazioa, San Juan de Dios, Caritas, San Rafael, Ume Alaia, Atzegi, Loiolaetxea, Aspace, Cruz Roja Iruz and SOS Racismo.
These agreements reflect the commitment of all of them to offer students an experience of social participation, linked to their studies, which allows them to develop attitudes and values in order to achieve a comprehensive training as competent professionals committed to social reality. In this sense, through this cooperation, future graduates are integrated into the activities of the organizations, acquiring an enriching experience of high formative value.