11 December 2024
Bilbao Campus
Marina Díaz, professor of International Relations and member of the Ethics Applied to Social Reality Research Team (EARS), participated in the international congress “First Academic Dialogue between scholars from the cultural sphere of Noruz and the Ibero-American world” held in Tehran (Iran) on December 8 and 9.
Organized by the Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran and the Autonomous University of Madrid, the congress was attended by academics and students from a wide variety of backgrounds (Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Iran, India, Portugal and Spain, among others) and was made possible thanks to the efforts of professors Fernando Camacho (Autonomous University of Madrid) and Raffaele Mauriello (Allameh Tabataba'i University).
Deusto professor Marina Díaz participated in the congress remotely with the paper “Travels in Iran: identity, travel writing and popular geopolitics” in which she addressed in particular the literary production of Spanish women travelers in Iran in the contemporary period and their contribution to the definition of the idea of Iran in Spain.