Professor Natalia Ojeda, winner of the Radio Bilbao Award for Excellence in Research

Natalia Ojeda (la cuarta por la derecha) junto a responsables de Deusto y Cadena Ser

11 March 2025

Bilbao Campus

Professor Natalia Ojeda, president of the International Neuropsychological Society (INS), has been distinguished with the Radio Bilbao Award for Excellence in Research. Cadena Ser celebrated past March 18, the presentation of these awards for excellence that recognize those who make Bilbao and Bizkaia a reference in music, business, sport, art and culture, gastronomy, Basque, humanities and communication, social impact and research.

Along with the professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Deusto, awards also was given to Zea Mays in Music, Artiach in Business, Gracia Alonso de Armiño in Sport, Miren Arzalluz in Art and Culture, Restaurante Andra Mari in Gastronomy, Santa y Real Casa de Misericordia de Bilbao in Social Impact, Unai Elorrriaga in Basque, Javier Goma, in Humanities and Communication, and the Laboral Kutxa Award given by the audience.

Natalia Ojeda

The current president of the INS, is also director of the World Neuropsychology Development Committee. In addition, in 2022, she became a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Basque Country, becoming the first psychologist and second woman to do so. Professional career