24 July 2024
Bilbao Campus
Traditionally, academic training in medicine has focused on healing as its objective, which has meant that, in many cases, professionals lack the clinical and personal tools to deal with situations in which it is not possible to cure the patient.
This lack of training in palliative medicine usually leads to three types of attitudes on the part of health professionals: abandonment of the patient beyond the minimum care, self-sufficiency by minimising the need for specific care, and fear of the problem.
These three attitudes can cause the person at the end of life and his or her family to suffer from lack of comprehensive care, lack of home support, shortage of continuing care. However, all this can be avoided with the knowledge and skills acquired during academic training.
Hence the launch of the 1st Edition of the course ‘Towards a palliative culture to care for people’ whose aim is to provide an approach to the Palliative Culture in order to improve or avoid these problems and improve the care of the patient and their family environment.
Enrolment: from 29 August to 25 September at 12:00
Fee: 300 euros
More information: fcontinua.salud@deusto.es