Professor Juan Francisco López Paz talks about integral health in people for a healthier and more sustainable world

Conferencia de Pedro Fabro

11 March 2025

Bilbao Campus

On February 18, the Pedro Fabro Association of Retired Persons of the University of Deusto held the fifth talk in the Integral Health cycle, given by Professor Juan Francisco López Paz on the subject of “Analysis of integral health in people for a healthier and more sustainable world: challenges and opportunities in the current context”.

He explained that the history of integral health goes back to the Romans and Greeks up to the present day: from something magical and religious to advances in science and an ideal of wellbeing and health. It is in the 21st century when social and environmental dimensions, lifestyles and health systems are integrated. In his opinion, integral health encompasses the aspects of mind, body, spirit and community, since “it is more than the absence of disease”. And he values the restoration of health, promotion of resilience and prevention.

In this sense, he considers that its main characteristic is that it is holistic and is composed of prevention, personalized care, interdisciplinarity, active participation, community focus, mental and emotional health and long-term care. This means working to meet life's challenges and enjoying interpersonal relationships, one of the keys to improving overall health.

For Professor López Paz, integral health is made up of several factors:

● Physical health: sleeping well, maintaining a healthy diet, proper hydration and physical activity.

● Mental health: communicating, resting, positive attitude towards life, decreasing stress, reserving time for oneself, asking for help and accepting the way we think, feel and act.

● Social health: the ability to adapt and self-manage in the face of environmental changes and challenges through smiling, a positive attitude, thinking before acting, being optimistic, and listening to others with attention, respect and consideration.

● Spiritual health: meaning and purpose in living and faith in oneself, others and a higher being.

He added that a harmony, the desire for hope, peace, serenity, gratitude and developing meditation is recommended.

The lecturer quoted Amador and Valenzuela who in the book “The Dynamics of the Consumer Society (2010)” indicate the importance of quality of life and not becoming obsessed with consumption and work.

Professor López Paz assures that the challenges in today's world for integral health are the impact of the pandemic, inequality, mental health and emotional wellbeing, and chronic diseases. And finally, he pointed out as opportunities to promote integral health: advances in technology, greater awareness of mental health, health promotion and prevention, individual and community empowerment or an intersectoral and collaborative approach.

The speaker also pointed out the strategies for addressing integral health today: public health, public policies, education, innovation and research. And finally, he closed his speech by mentioning different programs and initiatives on integral health in the company, the community, education and governments.