Advent and Christmas in Deusto

Among the activities, a solidarity rice was held in which €875 was raised, which will go to the SJ Emergency Service to help those affected by the dana.

Christmas at Deusto

13 December 2024

Bilbao Campus San Sebastian Campus

Christmas is just around the corner and, in preparation for this year's festivities, Deusto has organized a series of Advent events that aim to encourage reflection, faith, solidarity and community celebration. 

The activities began on Wednesday, December 11 with the Advent and Christmas Eucharist that took place in the Gothic Chapel of the Bilbao campus as well as in the Loiola Centrum of the San Sebastian campus. The event was a celebration of shared hope and was accompanied by the student choir.

11/12/2024 - Eucaristía de Adviento y Navidad

Solidarity rice: 875 euros raised

After the Eucharist, a solidarity rice in favor of the communities affected by the dana was held in the auditorium of the auditorium of the Bilbao campus and in the Forum Hall of the Donostia campus. More than 150 people participated in this day of solidarity in which they raised 875 euros that will go to the SJ Emergency Service. The day's events ended with the literary session “Christmas Stories” in the Barandiarán hall, with traditional stories set at this time of the year.

11/12/2024 - Arroz solidario

The day of the 12th opened in the cloister of the auditorium with the DECO Christmas workshop, where, between 11:00h and 15:00h, there was the opportunity to make sustainable Christmas decorations with natural elements and reused materials. Afterwards, at 18:00h, the Deusto Campus premises hosted the CineForum, where the movie “Los que se quedan / The Holdovers”, a film released in 2023, was screened.

On the other hand, Tuesday, December 17 was the last day to submit online entries to the “Se armó el Belén” contest. This initiative is an invitation to express your creativity by setting up a Nativity Scene, decorating your own or shared space or sharing your Christmas greetings.

The Advent activities will end on Wednesday 18 at 11:00h in the cloister of the auditorium of Bilbao and in the Forum Hall of Donostia, with a dynamic of “Secret Santa” for the University staff. Participants will receive a small gift worth 10 euros from another colleague and can sign up here before December 10.