Deusto and Rural Kutxa promote international internships for medical students

The two institutions renew their collaboration to support young talent and family businesses in Gipuzkoa.

Mónica Zuazaga y Juan José Etxeberria

29 January 2025

Bilbao Campus

The University of Deusto and Rural Kutxa have formalized a collaboration agreement that aims to enhance the international mobility of young university students and their employability, in addition to attracting young talent to family businesses in Gipuzkoa. The agreement was signed by Mónica Zuazaga, territorial manager of Rural Kutxa, and Juan José Etxeberria, rector of Deusto.

300 hours of internships

The agreement will allow medical students to carry out international internships in non-EU countries, with a special focus on Latin America. This international mobility program, aimed at around 40 students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, includes 300 hours of curricular internships to be carried out between March and May in the 4th year and a grant of up to 1,000 euros per student.  

Through this internship experience, the University of Deusto seeks to provide medical students with a broader perspective of their work, acquiring fundamental skills for the performance of their future professional work, such as teamwork, solidarity and attention to diversity, among others.

Family Business Immersion Program (PIEF)

This agreement also includes support for the Family Business Immersion Program (PIEF), which is part of the Family Business Chair of the Antonio Aranzabal Foundation and Deusto Business School. Its objective is to attract young talent to family businesses in Gipuzkoa and increase their visibility among university students, to show them an interesting alternative for training and future quality employment. In this way, it aims to retain both well-established business projects and talent, thus avoiding the flight of prepared young people and interesting projects.

The Program consists of three phases: training sessions given by experts; presentations of family business projects in Gipuzkoa; and an individual practical immersion of 150 hours on average per student in family businesses in the Territory. In order to facilitate the development of this Program, a budget of up to 25,000 Euros will be available. During the third edition, held last year, 15 companies and 17 students from the Donostia campus of Deusto Business School participated.

With this collaboration, Rural Kutxa claims itself as a local and close financial institution, strongly committed to the sustainable progress of the territory, thanks to the different initiatives developed from its Social Action in areas such as Health, Education, Entrepreneurship or Environment.

29/01/2025 - Deusto y Rural Kutxa impulsan las prácticas internacionales del alumnado de Medicina