Deusto, present at the 59th Durangoko Azoka, the most important Basque book and record fair in the Basque Country

Stand de Deusto

05 December 2024

Bilbao Campus

The 59th edition of the Durangoko Azoka/Basque Book and Record Fair will be held from December 5 to 8, 2024 at the Landako Gunea venue in Durango. Under this year's motto, “Hartzea ematea da” - “To receive is to give”, it is emphasized that the reception of culture is, in turn, a way of contributing to society.

The University of Deusto, as every year, has its own stand, where its main publications of Basque language books and its novelties, such as “Herri-politiken eraldaketa errazteko artea”, by Miren Larrea or “Covid-19aren gizarte eragina eta pertsona migratuen egoera Euskadin (2020-2021 aldia)”, by Encarnación La Spina, will be exhibited.

More information.