05 December 2024
Bilbao Campus
The 59th edition of the Durangoko Azoka/Basque Book and Record Fair will be held from December 5 to 8, 2024 at the Landako Gunea venue in Durango. Under this year's motto, “Hartzea ematea da” - “To receive is to give”, it is emphasized that the reception of culture is, in turn, a way of contributing to society.
The University of Deusto, as every year, has its own stand, where its main publications of Basque language books and its novelties, such as “Herri-politiken eraldaketa errazteko artea”, by Miren Larrea or “Covid-19aren gizarte eragina eta pertsona migratuen egoera Euskadin (2020-2021 aldia)”, by Encarnación La Spina, will be exhibited.